No Preseason Patsies

May 16th, 2024

It’s now only 86 days until the Bucs put on their game uniforms and play a little real football.

What a happy evening that will be, opening day of the preseason when things start to look and feel like the annual long wait for Bucs football has ended.

This preseason should be especially fun since the Bucs are facing three good teams — at the Bengals and at the Jaguars, followed by a clash with the Dolphins in Tampa. Each club is coming off a winning record last season and, one could argue, has a legitimate franchise quarterback.

As Joe reported in March, prior to facing the Jags and Dolphins, the Bucs will practice against each team, presumably twice.

It’s great that the Bucs have real tests in August against quality clubs with quality head coaches, and more options for joint practices than last year.

In 2023, the Bucs were supposed to have two scrimmages against the Jets in New Jersey prior to their preseason game. It turned out to be only one scrimmage because the Jets canceled the second session at the last minute.

This year, the Bucs expect four scrimmage days, which represent arguably the most valuable work of the summer.

Plenty of time for the Bucs to decide if first-round pick Graham Barton can handle starting at center.

26 Responses to “No Preseason Patsies”

  1. Larrd Says:

    I am looking forward to seeing Trask play. Hopefully, Baker will play every game again but a great backup is valuable.

  2. RBUC Says:

    We will finally get some definitive looks at Kyle Trask cause I’m thinking he will play the most in preseason 🚩☠️🏈

  3. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    I will be at a Bucs v Dolphins practice for sure. Joint practices are awesome!

  4. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    I like to cheer for the Sage when he walks bye, he’s always friendly and interactive with us . Meanwhile Dr Stroud can’t get away from the fans fast enough.

  5. Boss Says:

    Trask better get mucho time since he will be the starter by week 6…bake can’t sustain fighting every play and will get leveled at some point

    that moxy is going to need some epoxy to fix

  6. Doc Says:

    Three good preseason teams means Bowles won’t play Baker. Just like last preseason when he played Baker for only a few snaps, with the starting offense, at home, against the weaker of the preseason teams. Trask got the scrubs and hardest teams. Because, you know, the “competition”.

  7. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    Who was it that called Stroud “Doctor Stroud?”

    I feel like it was Dirk.

  8. Jonny Says:

    Tua is on the same level as Baker. Not a legitimate franchise QB yet. This season will decide if he will be or not.b

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    I agree with everyone on here about developing Trask. A win for the Bucs if he develops into a solid #2.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Why would it matter……it’s the “worthless” preseason…….or is this the “other” Joe?

  11. JimBobBuc Says:

    It’s all about the joint practices since that’s about the only time to see the starters.

    In the preseason games it will be interesting to see the new kickoff rules. I don’t expect teams to show their in-season strategies but still interesting. I’m not sure I’m confident in new special team coach McGaughey as he seems passive and conservative in his presser.

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    TBBF…prolly the other Joe.

    We wait so long for football to come back…that preseason gets some of us excited…football any football is better than none.

    Bring on the preseason!

  13. Buclover1988 Says:


    Even though baker started every game for the Bucs last year…classic Baker hater talk.

  14. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Hopefully the Glazers do the right thing and open up the joint practices to the general public

  15. Dewey Selmon Says:

    TBBucsfan. Worthless preseason games are now referred to as Glorious Appetizers. Might be the new name for my Fantasy football team.

  16. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Boss Says:
    May 16th, 2024 at 11:29 am
    Trask better get mucho time since he will be the starter by week 6…bake can’t sustain fighting every play and will get leveled at some point

    that moxy is going to need some epoxy to fix
    The same jokers who made the doom and gloom “predictions” from last year and got it ALL WRONG are already running their mouths this year. Hahahaha

  17. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Ahh, preseason. Always have a soft spot in my heart for preseason for I can watch the games and not get upset about anything (except the refs. Always yell at the refs.)

    Anyway, no matter where you fall on the divide, you want Trask to play a lot and play well. Everyone wins that scenario, trust me. To wit: If you don’t want him, then that will improve trade value. If you do want him as a backup, then you will be comfortable if/when Baker goes down. If you want him to start, well, more grist for the mill. See what I mean?

  18. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


    Preseason Games

    Sat., Aug. 10: at Cincinnati Bengals @ 7 p.m.

    Sat., Aug. 17: at Jacksonville Jaguars @ 7:30 p.m.

    Fri., Aug. 26: vs. Miami Dolphins @ 7:30 p.m.
    Regular Season Games

    Home games are bolded
    Primetime games in italics

    Sept. 8: vs. Washington Commanders at 4:25 p.m.

    Sept. 15: at Detroit Lions at 1 p.m.

    Sept. 22: vs. Denver Broncos at 1 p.m.

    Sept. 29: vs. Philadelphia Eagles at 1 p.m.

    Thurs., Oct. 3: at Atlanta Falcons at 8:15 p.m.

    Oct. 13: at New Orleans Saints at 1 p.m.

    Mon., Oct. 21: vs. Baltimore Ravens at 8:15 p.m.

    Oct. 27: vs. Atlanta Falcons at 1 p.m.

    Mon., Nov. 4: at Kansas City Chiefs at 8:15 p.m.

    Nov. 10: vs. San Francisco 49ers at 1 p.m.

    Week 11: BYE WEEK

    Nov. 24: at New York Giants at 1 p.m.

    Dec. 1: at Carolina Panthers at 4:05 p.m.

    Dec. 8: vs. Las Vegas Raiders at 1 p.m.

    Dec. 15: at Los Angeles Chargers at 4:25 p.m.

    Sun., Dec. 22: at Dallas Cowboys at 8:20 p.m.

    Dec. 29: vs. Carolina Panthers at 1 p.m.

    TBD: vs. New Orleans Saints

  19. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    4 primetime games.

  20. Buchen61 Says:

    Boss… Derek Carr called and said to tell you he needs his underwear back

    Why do you come here it’s pathetically obvious you hate the bucs

  21. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Ah Boss, the closet Saints fan!

  22. Dave Pear Says:

    Baker gonna Bake. Coen will make Wolford the backup.

    Kyle will do a great job of clipboard security.

  23. NLK@boston Says:

    boston native but following bucs after brady left N.E. big mayfield fan since college days. just an opinion about Q.B. play. did anyone see the eyes on prescott and hurts in the playoffs last year when they fell behind early. DEFEAT was all i saw. you will never see mayfield display that. backup qb’s are just that, backups. trask doesn’t have the moxie or the toughness. doesn’t mean mayfield will take you to the promised land but at least he’ll give 100% effort every game. it will be on bowles defense to make them a legit contender.

  24. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Barton will dominate at Center.
    Will Bucs decide if McMillan and Irving are worthy of starting?

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Boss Says:
    May 16th, 2024 at 11:29 am
    “Trask better get mucho time since he will be the starter by week 6…bake can’t sustain fighting every play and will get leveled at some point”

    I thought the same thing last year…but I think if Baker can survive taking hits that long, the OL should begin protecting him better.

    Of course, there is the odd chance that any starting QB could get a season ending injury in any game.

    But I am hoping that doesn’t happen.

    As to last year, I was one of the naysayers. The obvious fact that there was never a real competition disgusted me…and still does.

    It’s not that I’m a Trask fan…it’s being lied to.

    With Trask, I would love for him to get a fair shot and be incredible. Because that would be awesome.

    But, it would be awesome if Mayfield took a giant leap forward too. Because he really was not impressive to me last year, except for maybe 4 regular season games and one playoff game. He has lots of room to grow.

    And that’s why, I think, he isn’t gettng the recognition some here seem to think he deserves. He’s too much of a rollercoaster.

    But now he is in a solid situation. The Bucs have put the effort into making it so. If he blows it, it’ll be the end for him…and Bowels.

    One the other hand, if Trask has to play for some reason…and IF he does a better job than Mayfield, Jason Licht will have proven he made a good choice on Trask.

  26. Andy Says:

    You people really are clueless. The starters rarely play during the preseason..the preseason is for the scrubs and bench players to get some work in..and you all can pray for Trask to’s not going to happen..Baker is the man for at least the next 3 seasons. And I saw him play in Cleveland almost all year with a bum will take a very serious injury to keep him off the field..