“My Whole Life I’ve Been A Control Freak”

June 29th, 2023

Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield.

Joe has long written here that Baker Mayfield will do everything in his power on and off the field to win the Buccaneers’ starting quarterback job because taking charge is in his DNA.

That doesn’t make him a good QB, but it does mean he’ll approach his situation with the Bucs as if he’s the top-dog from Day 1. Joe has heard that Mayfield is proceeding respectfully in that manner.

But what happens come late July and the start of training camp? Consider that Mayfield said on a new Buccaneers.com video, “My whole life I’ve been a control freak.”

Joe found that intriguing. It reinforced to Joe that Mayfield will treat training camp as if he’s the No. 1 quarterback despite competing with Kyle Trask for the job.

That means Mayfield will try to be the “natural born leader” he is, per Todd Bowles’ comments. That means building relationships with defensive players and more.

Last year in Carolina, a credible Jeff Howe report emerged on Aug. 17 that Mayfield would be the No. 1 quarterback. So it didn’t take long for him to beat out Sam Darnold. Remember, Mayfield wasn’t traded to Carolina until July.

Daily trackers of that battle praised Mayfield for his success on deep throws and avoiding interceptions.

Joe thinks the stated “control freak” that is Mayfield will make Trask’s road more difficult. Teammates will be watching both guys very closely up on arrival to camp, and Mayfield is going to look the part and talk the talk.

Trask will have to keep up with the leadership side of things, which Bowles said is critical to winning the job. Or Trask will have to signficantly outplay Mayfield to get on the field.

24 Responses to ““My Whole Life I’ve Been A Control Freak””

  1. sasquatch Says:

    Mayfield has already won the job, barring a catastrophic streak of turning the ball over in TC and preseason games. I know they’d love Trask to prove himself capable, but it seems unlikely.

  2. Buddha Says:

    Finally Joe acknowledges that Baker was not traded until July. He had no spring practice and joined a team whose coach was on a short leash and needed a scapegoat.

  3. HC Grover Says:

    Better to be a Team Player. Maybe the control freak part has been his problems. leadership should come from the HC. Nothing wrong with planning cautious but playing smart is the key. Bowles has the cautious part but not the smart part. Avoiding ints is very important and they will need a 2 to 1 takeaway game. They will have to run more than pass and get good yards. A 5 yard per run average.

  4. Andrew Fish Says:

    leadership is great but at the end of the day you have to be able to run the offense and make plays while at the same time not turning the ball over. Mayfield is what he is. An average at best qb that will help a team be .500 and maybe dilfer a team to the super bowl with a great defense. Rather see what we have in trask and if that doesnt work draft a qb

  5. Bee Says:

    Well, he has a spring training and comfortable coach now. We’ll see how he does. And we’ll see if Trask gets as much time with the starters as Baker.

    Gonna be the an interesting training camp.

  6. sasquatch Says:

    still under m0der@tion for some insane reason…

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I’m trying to recall, why did it now work out for Mayfield in Carolina? Personality? Performance?

  8. Hodad Says:

    Even if he starts, does he finish? Trask was always at his best when the guy in front of him had to miss time. Than he never looked back. Chances of Baker making it through all 17 is probably slim and none.

  9. CrackWise Says:

    Good thing the teammates that matter experienced the JW experiment and will see right through all that RAH RAH I’m the best ever check your sheet BS.

    Besides that, Baker is supposed to be reinventing his failed career thus far. Let’s hope he comes with a different act and or our coaches actually scouted the guy they think is so great.

    I will stop pushing the facts and my opinion of Baker once it is made official and the games matter. At which point I hope I am eating crow all year long if and when he is gifted another starting job.

  10. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Joe you’re kidding yourself if you really think this is a QB competition. I know that’s what the brass has said but I for one don’t believe them. It’s bin bakers job since he signed. Bowles needs wins and he thinks he has a better chance with baker than trask.

  11. shankasorous Says:

    How much is Moxie Mayfield’s agent paying Joe?

  12. Infomeplease Says:

    Right now the Bucs are a better team with BM as the qb starter!! Imo! Of. Course things may change down the road. KT fans, please don’t hold your breath until that happens…you will turn blue, pass out, and die first. Imo.

  13. Cobraboy Says:

    May the best Alpha Dog win…

  14. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    And then he went on to throw 6 picks and fumble 4 times in 7 games before being traded.


    Can’t pretty that up!

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Cobraboy Says
    “May the best Alpha Dog win…”

    That would be nice…but it’s unlikely. They say it’s a competition, but Baker practices with the starters and Trask practices with no-name players.

  16. Brandon Says:

    WTF would anyone think Joe is getting paid off to push Mayfield as the starter? Are football team personnel decisions and play calling suddenly decided in the media? Really really dumb take. Do better, guys.

  17. JD Still Says:

    So ,Baker Mayfield has been fired from 3 teams in two years, has had more interceptions than any other Quarterback since he entered the league , when added to his fumbles which together total over 100 and his sacks and injuries, that doesn’t speak much for experience, but he does have swagger and name recognition, which I can’t help but think that must be what the majority of his supporters are going on because it’s not production , and no , I don’t hate Mayfield , his wanting to succeed is commendable but the results just are not there , (really ,does anyone know of anyone who has been fired from three teams and magically turned into a success at his fourth stop?). Caveat Emptor!

  18. Mike S Says:

    Playing the role didn’t translate into excelling in the role. They (Baker and his agents) did the same garbage in Carolina – worked the press to manage perceptions and expectations.

    Then what happened?

    1-5, 6 TDs 6 INTs 19 sacks 187 YPG and then waived

    Of course its everyone’s fault but Baker’s.

    Panthers went 6-5 without him. They would have won the division if PJ Walker started from Game 1

    Sometimes a guy is who his numbers say he is.

    Now we’re getting the same song and dance.

    “It will be different this time! Baker’s had the full offseason with the team”

    Yeah so you’re saying that by October when he went 20-32 for 197 1 TD and 2 INTs against the 31st ranked Cardinal defense he didn’t know the playbook?

    McCaffery led the team with 9 catches for 82 yards – Captain Checkdown

    They got beat like a drum 26-16

    I’m tired of seeing this team bring in these reclamation project QBs because they refuse to develop a young QB.

  19. Stanglassman Says:

    Who are all these great young Qbs that the Bucs didn’t try and develop?
    Steve Young 37 years ago? Jason spend a 2nd round pick on Trask that’s a lot of incentive to give him every opportunity to succeed. No GM wants to admit they missed on an early round draft pick.

  20. View from 132 Says:

    I still think Trask will start. I’m not a UF fan. I don’t really care if I’m right, but he could sling it in the SEC, is a big dude, and a 2nd round pick… I just don’t see him going through another year not starting, for better or worse.

  21. Mike S Says:

    Here’s a list of QBs Bucs have drafted in the first 3 rounds:

    Kyle Trask
    Jameis Winston
    Mike Glennon
    Josh Freeman
    Chris Simms
    Shaun King
    Trent Dilfer
    Vinny Testaverde
    Steve Young
    Doug Williams

    40% Chance as it stands now that a QB drafted out of these rounds goes on to have success elsewhere.

    That likelihood could increase with Winston and Trask.

    It would be nice if Bucs could get at least one guy who can win some games for them – it would be nice to finally develop a franchise QB.

    The opportunity to do that is now.

  22. garro Says:

    More “moxie” talk….Yay.

    Go Bucs!

  23. BucU Says:

    I think Mayfield will thrive here because our O line is going to be excellent this year opening up the run game and having killer play action passing.
    I’m cautiously optimistic.
    I’m more concerned about our edge rushers on D. JTS, Logan Hall and Shaq Barrett are big question marks. They either step up big time or we’ll be a .500 team at best.

  24. Oneilbuc Says:

    I’m with you Mike but the fan base only care about what college the guy comes from. If he comes from UF than all the FSU fan are going to hope he fail. If he comes from FSU than all the UF fans are going to hope he fail . This is the problem with this city of Tampa. The bucs really need to consider moving out of Tampa because it’s more of a college town than NFL.