“Unexcused And We’ll Deal With It”

June 11th, 2024

Missing person at Bucs mandatory mincamp today. (A Rock Riley photo)

Without a quarterback competition, perhaps the most interesting happening at a Day 1 minicamp is taking attendance.

Why? Because it’s mandatory under players union rules.

The Bucs launched their three-day minicamp today and edge rusher Randy Gregory didn’t show up. A cynic might say, ‘That’s ok. The Bucs’ edge rush hasn’t showed up in two years,’ but that wouldn’t be very nice.

Regardless, Gregory, who was signed as a free agent in April, wasn’t there.

“Unexcused and we’ll deal with it,” head coach Todd Bowles told assembled media after practice.

Joe hopes Gregory is ok and today’s absence has nothing to do with Gregory’s history of addiction problems.

Also, Joe secretly hopes this absence might spark the power brokers at One Buc Palace to ponder how disgruntled Jets edge rusher Haasan Reddick might be available again.

51 Responses to ““Unexcused And We’ll Deal With It””

  1. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    You want ANOTHER disgruntled edge rusher?

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    The guy just isn’t worth it. Cut him and find another Vet. It’s not like Gregory is any good. At this point in his career even JTS is probably better.

  3. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Eh. Cut your losses now. Chop him. Let guys like watts and Ramirez compete and take the reps.

  4. Cobraboy Says:

    Isn’t he tied up in a lawsuit against the NFL or something?

    I mean, the dude was on thin ice to begin with.

    No word from Gregory?


  5. infomeplease Says:

    That surely is a sign of things to come. Can’t give him the benefit of the doubt yet We know so little of him.

  6. Pickgrin Says:

    “Gregory’s history of addiction problems”

    You say that like you envision Randy holed up in the corner of a seedy motel clutching a crack pipe….

    C’mon now – dude smokes weed – not heroin….

  7. Dude Says:

    Saw some clips of practice, we need somebody to get Sterling Shepard a better number (00?) cause 25 as a WR just looks….odd,

    Oh and Vita Vea looks like he’s in the greatest shape of his life, not just career

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘Joe secretly hopes this absence might spark the power brokers at One Buc Palace to ponder how disgruntled Jets edge rusher Haasan Reddick might be available again.’

    Why? So we can have TWO disgruntled edge rushers not show up? No thanks, Reddick’s the Jets’ problem.

  9. Christopher Schiefen Says:

    Addiction? To pot? Are you addicted to beer?

  10. Irishmist Says:

    I have no problem with tokers if it doesn’t affect their work. With this guy, it does. Send him packing.

  11. Scott Says:

    I was gonna come to camp ….

  12. SlyPirate Says:

    How to lose millions by Randy Gregory …
    1. Underperform Year after Year
    2. Get repeatedly suspended for drug use
    3. Sue a team for your drug use
    4. Don’t show to mandatory camp

  13. Fred McNeil Says:

    Honestly, I kind of doubted he’d make the team anyway.

  14. Tony Says:

    What? Randy Gregory getting in his own way to damage his career. Who would’ve thought? 🙄

  15. heyjude Says:

    Very disappointed. Bowles said they will deal with it. Haason Reddick and Aaron Rodgers missed their mini-camp today too. It must be a trend.

  16. Kgh4life Says:

    I’m not really surprised, in his press conference Randy’s demeanor was just off, it seems like a guy who’s priorities were other than football. Too bad because I thought he would be effective in a rotation.

  17. Crickett Baker Says:

    One thing is for sure. MaryJane is a mind-altering substance, any way you imbibe it. ME’s for certain ensue. Gregory and SPBFan have me thinking. Logan looked too laid back in his interview. Devin White did some (to me) really bad things that seemed unfocused. I never appreciated the hiring of Gregory in the first place with all of the young guys we have who are looking up to vets. He is actually suing a TEAM. GOODBYE!

  18. Boss Says:

    weed is a gateway drug and leads many to the hard stuff. who’s to say he’s not holed up in a hotel room with a neele in his arm

  19. rrsrq Says:

    How has his attendance been at voluntary workouts?

  20. Fred McNeil Says:

    I looked him up. Last four years he had 11, 15, 11, and 12.5 sacks. Not bad, not bad. He is due to make $14.5 million. He was traded to the Jets for a conditional 2026 2nd round pick if he plays about 2/3 of the Jets snaps and/or gets 10+ sacks or something like that. The Eagles get a 2026 3rd rounder otherwise. He wants $28-30 million to play this year. He turns 30 in September. Considering the egg in the Jets face maybe, just maybe we get him for a 4th or 5th rounder. Do we have $25 million plus to sign a 30-year-old? I don’t think so, Joe.

  21. Fred McNeil Says:

    Talking about Redick.

  22. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Dude Says:
    June 11th, 2024 at 1:09 pm

    Oh and Vita Vea looks like he’s in the greatest shape of his life, not just career.

    Weird statement, unless of course, you’ve been watching him since he was a baby.

  23. catcard202 Says:

    Randy Gregory was a terrible signing…For the life of me, I do not understand why the FO went after him instead of Bud Dupree, who later signed with the LAC for 2yr/$6M.

    Would very much have been in favor of Dupree over Gregory…At least Bud is dependable!!!

  24. Statguy Says:

    “Boss Says:
    June 11th, 2024 at 1:54 pm
    weed is a gateway drug and leads many to the hard stuff. who’s to say he’s not holed up in a hotel room with a neele in his arm”

    What are you 60? 70 years old? Lmao clown

  25. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    For Licht to constantly harp on how much attitude/leadership/character matters to him, complete head-scratcher what he was thinking signing this bum.

  26. Adamant Says:

    ….but then I got hiiigghh🎶

    Scott Says:
    June 11th, 2024 at 1:26 pm
    I was gonna come to camp….

  27. Adamant Says:

    🎶I was gonna learn the playbook too….

    ….but then I got hiigghh🎶

  28. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe

    “Haasan Reddick”

    I thought the same exact thing…

    Give the guy a new 3-year deal and hope he has at least two more solid 10-sack seasons left.

  29. JustVisiting Says:

    Disappointing. I was hoping Gregory might turn it around this year, but it’s not looking likely.

  30. Fred McNeil Says:

    That was a funny old song.

  31. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    Well, bye…

  32. Fred McNeil Says:

    I never did bother to look up Rando Gregory’s sacks till just now. I’d always just assumed he was pretty good when sober and health. His two best years were six sacks. He played 14 and twelve games those years. I saw two years he didn’t play at all. I guess those were year long suspensions. I saw nothing that would make me want to bother researching that bum any further. I’d sure hate to risk exposing a promising young stud to the waiver wire for this guys doubtful abilities and selfless attitude. Koff, koff.

  33. J Says:

    They’ve done a great job of getting rid of and acquiring high quality character athletes all offseason. Why deal with this headache. He’s got a lawsuit against the NFL that sounds utterly ridiculous. Now, he’s an excuse that’s already happened. Cut bait and run from this guy.

  34. Crunchbuc76 Says:

    All the heads angry on here. 🤣🤡🙄

  35. BucEmUp Says:

    Cut him

  36. Pewter Power Says:

    Guess Haasan Reddick is going to pop up until the trading deadline.

  37. SlyPirate Says:

    DoooshLaRue >Dude Says:

    Oh and Vita Vea looks like he’s in the greatest shape of his life, not just career.

    Weird statement, unless of course, you’ve been watching him since he was a baby.


    BABY NO BUT … Most of us have watched Vea as a HS running back. If you haven’t seen it, YouTube: “Vita Vea was a big-time running back in High School”

    OMG! IT’S AWESOME! Every play is a 50 Yard TD with 11 defenders probably getting carted off the field. So no, this isn’t the best shape VV has ever been in but I’m not complaining.

  38. BUCman Says:

    Gregory signing…..BIG MISTAKE! Did they learn nothing from the Antonio Brown fiasco?????

  39. BigMacAttack Says:

    Gerald McCoy was seen standing in front of 1BP today with his hand raised. Oh oh pick me pick me coach.

  40. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Boss Says:
    June 11th, 2024 at 1:54 pm
    weed is a gateway drug and leads many to the hard stuff. who’s to say he’s not holed up in a hotel room with a neele in his arm

    You’re either a teenager or stuck in the 1980s.

  41. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Scott Says:
    “I was gonna come to camp ….”

  42. Oddball Says:

    Didn’t see that coming.


  43. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Boss Says:
    “weed is a gateway drug”

    Public Service Announcement psychology. LOL

  44. Dave Pear Says:

    Any more on Gregory? Maybe he is overwhelmed by the defensive scheme. He’s never been accused of belonging to Mensa, and no dumbass is ever gonna decipher Todd’s Fourier Transforms Defense.

  45. unbelievable Says:

    Shocking to learn that “Boss” knows nothing about yet another subject besides football.

  46. adam from ny Says:

    well now with vita looking terrific let’s use him as a surprise fullback every now and again…

    work it into the playbook

  47. adam from ny Says:

    a warning for gregory…next f up, and goodbye…

    no 3 strike rule for him…he’s a two strike guy

  48. garro Says:

    He is at home grieviing the accidental and premature death of his favorite bong. I think the union gives Players 3 days for such things.

    Go Bucs!

  49. Jbolt Says:

    I got fired a couple of times for not showing up for work. If made the kind of money these guys get, I would damn sure get there early and stay late every day.

  50. Buc That Says:

    From AB to RG problem players don’t pan out.

  51. BillyBucco Says:

    I was gonna sue the NFL……….
    But then I got hiiiigggghhhh!!!