Philly Man, Family Man

May 1st, 2024

Bucs rookie cornerback Tykee Smith, a third-round draft pick.

Buccaneers rookie cornerback Tykee Smith is an intense and motivated dude.

That was the theme of a Draft Dreams series feature on Smith produced by NBC10 news in Philadelphia.

Smith is a West Philadelphia guy and intensely proud of his hometown. A Philadelphia Phillies logo is tattoed on his left shoulder, as well as the city’s famous Love Park sign.

Per the NBC feature, Smith is the first in his family to graduate college. The sociology major also yearns to be a role model in his rough hometown neighborhood, as well as on the field for Tampa Bay.

“Not having many role models come from out of there, so I want to be the first to kind of break that generational curse in my family and show my younger siblings and my family members that it’s definitely possible and there’s a better way,” Smith said.

Smith also talked about being driven to provide for his mother and his 2 year old daughter.

It was rare to hear in the era of coached-up-by-agents draft prospects, but Smith spoke openly before the draft about wanting to play for the Eagles. Joe didn’t hold that against Smith. Joe appreciates the hometown love.

Now Smith has what’s hopefully a new city to love and embrace, Tampa, where he’ll get a home game to welcome the hated Eagles in 2024.

31 Responses to “Philly Man, Family Man”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Well I’m glad he didn’t sent to live with auntie and uncle in Bel Air.

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Like him even more. Philly is a cesspool of destruction drugs and death. Way to overcome.

  3. Derek Says:

    Why are all these young dudes single dads?

  4. Jmarkbuc Says:


    I assume bc they don’t want to put a ring on it.

    I believe the term is Baby Daddy.

  5. HC Grover Says:


  6. HC Grover Says:

    It’s a family affair.

  7. NJbucs23 Says:

    Hell yeah! Philly / south jersey all day long !!

    I have a customer whose son is a grad assistant coach on the Georgia bulldogs. Their whole house is decked in Georgia gear. I’m gonna speak to her next week and ask for a detailed scouting report on him.

    We’re different up here in the northeast !
    Go Bucs !!

  8. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Just watched 5 youtube vids of Gene Deckerhoff calling 2023 games HOW IN THE HELL IS DEAN AND DAVIS EVER ON THIS TEAM SO MANY DROPPED INTS AND GETTING BURNT. They both suck one down and one to go

  9. Stanglassman Says:

    Philly is one of the greatest American cities. I don’t know anyone who has spent any time there who thinks otherwise. The last time someone was trashing another great city was Chicago. I asked him why he thought it was so bad. He said he had never been but Fox News told him it was bad. Lol.

  10. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    Congratulations Derek,

    Dumbest comment of the day.

  11. Buccos Says:

    I was in Philly one time and I ran into Allen Iverson in a high end sports apparel store. He was on his cell phone the whole time and he was just pointing at different things he liked and his manager/assistant was just grabbing these very expensive leather jackets and piling them up on the counter. I was the only customer in the store. I asked his manager if I could ask for AI’s autograph. He told me no , that he doesn’t like to sign autographs. He made st have spent $20-30k in about 5 minutes. Later on I heard that he declared bankruptcy. Dumbass

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    Uh oh – the Phillies tattoo might indicate he likes baseball. We know that can be a problem. He’s probably gonna turn out to be injury prone too.

  13. Dadgumit Says:

    Ok. Really? A philthydelphia tattoo. Cut him right now!

  14. garro Says:

    Not something he should brag about to an old Bucs fan Joe…

    I think Sapp would still have a problem too.

    Go Bucs!

  15. TomBucsFan Says:

    Stanglassman Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 9:26 pm
    Philly is one of the greatest American cities. I don’t know anyone who has spent any time there who thinks otherwise. The last time someone was trashing another great city was Chicago. I asked him why he thought it was so bad. He said he had never been but Fox News told him it was bad. Lol.


    Take a drive around Kensington and keep talking about how great the city is.

  16. Bucben61 Says:

    Stanglassman says:

    He said he had never been but Fox News told him it was bad. Lol.

    This is a buccaneers NFL football site…keep your political views to yourself

  17. Bucben61 Says:

    And isn’t Chicago the murder capital of the world

  18. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Phuck Philly….but welcome Tykee….

  19. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Stanglassman you’re out of touch.

  20. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Louisville Kentucky has the highest murder rate in 2023. Look it up MAGA clowns.

  21. BakerFan Says:

    Stanglassman Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 9:26 pm
    Philly is one of the greatest American cities.


    Philly is not even America anymore. Kensington is a zombie wasteland. Just watch a youtube on it, don’t go there unless you have no value for your life.

  22. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Philadelphia is ok if you like Revolutionary War era history, Museums, Italian and Chinese Markets, Cheesesteaks….and the Mummers Parade

  23. Bucben61 Says:

    This is for Stanglassman who I like to refer to as dip sh*t

    Louisville had 150 homicides last year and Chicago had 617

    Typical loud mouthed libtard

  24. Ugotrobbed Says:

    One “area” does not a whole city make!

  25. Richard Says:

    Chill out Bucben.

  26. unbelievable Says:

    Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders!

    I’m also surprised some of you even leave your house with how scared you must be from all the Faux News stories. Ya’ll do realize that Kensington is just one part of a very large city? Philly isn’t my favorite place by any means, but there’s plenty of cool parts and a ton to do.

  27. unbelievable Says:

    Poor Bucben doesn’t understand what “murder rate” means lol

  28. Stanglassman Says:

    Nope just someone who has actually been to Philly. Just because there is some part of the city that is ‘bad’ doesn’t mean the city it’s a sh!t hole. Image of someone judged Tampa by its worst neighborhood? I never brought up politics. ‘I saw it on YouTube’ is classic. Was that supposed to make you sound learned? Calling a great American city a hellhole is patriotic and defending it is political and un-American. Strange times we are living in.

  29. BucsFan55 Says:

    Stanglassman Says:
    May 2nd, 2024 at 9:19 pm
    Nope just someone who has actually been to Philly. Just because there is some part of the city that is ‘bad’ doesn’t mean the city it’s a sh!t hole. Image of someone judged Tampa by its worst neighborhood? I never brought up politics. ‘I saw it on YouTube’ is classic. Was that supposed to make you sound learned? Calling a great American city a hellhole is patriotic and defending it is political and un-American. Strange times we are living in.

    Move there and live in it then. Keep telling us how great it is.

  30. Bucben61 Says:

    Philly is like most big urban areas in the states. Full of bleeding heart liberals.
    Why do you only trash fox news…CNN,CBS,abc,NBC and the rest are just as bad if not worse. I’ll say it again…this is a buccaneers football site…leave your politics out of it.

  31. westernbuc Says:

    He sounds driven. Nothing in the article indicates his marital status but so what? Kids are great motivation. If he’s providing for his daughter and treats her mom good then he’s doing his job.