Jason Licht Opens Door For Graham Barton To Play Guard

May 1st, 2024

“Look, Glazer, this is what happens when you draft incredibly talented players.”

So rookie Graham Barton was proclaimed a center by Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht after Round 1 of the NFL Draft on Thursday.

Then assistant GM John Spytek threw a curveball.

He not only said beastly first-round draft pick Barton could play guard, he added that second-year guard Cody Mauch could move from right guard to left guard. Spytek even noted Mauch played left tackle in college, seemingly an implication that Mauch would be comfortable with the switch.

Ok. Things are up in the air.

Then today, Licht took his turn pressing the stir button on the roster blender.

“We think he’s going to be a hell of an interior offensive lineman,” Licht said of Barton on SiriusXM NFL Radio. “So we’re going to try him at center, and if that doesn’t work, you know, I think he’s going to be a great guard, too. But the focus right now would be at center.”

Joe has broken out in hives. A soothing trip for buffalo shrimp at Hooters is order.

When’s the last time a team drafted a guy in the first round and wasn’t sure about where to play him? Odd. Scary?

This speaks to Barton’s great versatility. And Joe supects when Licht said “if that doesn’t work,” he was talking not just about Barton at center, but about the Bucs’ other options guard.

Joe admits to being intrigued by the thought of All-World Tristan Wirfs at left tackle with beastly Barton alongside him at guard.

54 Responses to “Jason Licht Opens Door For Graham Barton To Play Guard”

  1. Bojim Says:

    Quit moving people all over

  2. HC Grover Says:

    Whaqtever….it a great pick….Fail safe.

  3. Lowest Common Denominator Says:

    Are you kidding? This is literally Licht’s MO. Elijah Klein is the first non tackle Licht has drafted since Kareem Edwards. Everyone else was a Tackle turned guard and the only major failure in that effort was with Goedeke who has proven to be a much better Right Tackle.

    Ali Marpet played 3 different positions and that seemed to work out fine. His worst year was 2017 when he played center but even then he wasn’t terrible.

    I think the main thing that will dictate what position Barton plays this year is whether or not Hainsey is viewed as better option at Center than whoever else would be the Left Guard if Barton is the Center.

  4. JimBobBuc Says:

    Carberry and Picucci need to find the best three interior guys, and do it efficiently so the OL can build continuity. Mauch allowed the most sacks last year at 7, while Hainsey had the most penalties with 9. Opeta is a good run blocker but not so good in pass pro. Barton will definitely start, but the lineup in the IOL will be interesting to monitor. Joe, watch these guys in camp!!!

  5. chark Says:

    I definately wanted barton at pick26 , but I would have liked to draft center sed van pran at 4th rnd 126 and drafted kimani vidal at rb in the 6th rnd instead of bucky in 4th

  6. pepsi Says:

    “we think hes going to be a hell of an interior player…. hes playing center… if for some reason it doesnt working out, we think hell make a good guard” – so heres a better headline for this post “Licht confirms Graham Barton will play Center.”
    Four or five different headlines would be appropriate. –Joe

  7. Tony Marks Says:

    I don’t see anything to be concerned about. Licht is just stating the obvious. If you have a versatile player and he doesn’t work out at a position then you move him. Why do people keep forgetting the dude was a center that moved to guard??? People act like its something strange moving him back to center. Noting to see here.

  8. SB~LV Says:

    Glad Jason is reading the posts here and begun the process the wisdom

  9. Hopein1hand… Says:

    One more reason to wish the Bucs drafted another day one starter for the IOL is we wouldn’t need to be in this state of limbo. The Steelers are another run first offense. They didn’t have the hog mollies to do it as successfully as is necessary to have that identity for the past few years so they drafted Troy Fautanu, Zach Frazier and Mason McCormick in 2024. What a haul! They may be starting three rookies this season but they addressed their needs and are set up to be a force of nature going forward. I’m not dissing the Bucs draft but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I love how the Steelers took advantage of the talent in this draft and would swap the Bucs for theirs in a heartbeat. I don’t like Licht being cute about addressing the IOL with a couple cast-offs and the last pick in the sixth round in addition to Barton.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I was sort of thinking TE may be a good spot for Barton……..can he catch the ball?

  11. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    A lot guards try out for centers after a few years in the NFL. No big deal to try him there early. You just never know. The bucs tried Luke Goedeke at guard and he was terrible. The next year they tried him at his college position and he was one of the better right tackles in the league.

  12. Carl Says:

    Just another busted draft from JL. No big winners but a bunch of average players. No wonder the bucs dropped in the power rankings after the draft,

  13. heyjude Says:

    I feel like I am on a tilt-a-whirl 🤣

  14. Jordan Says:

    I’d be surprised if he doesn’t end up at center, we have more competition at guard and he has experience playing center.

    Regardless, it’s normal for them to be able to be cross trained at both. Roster limitations mean you can really only have 7-8 lineman active during a game, and one of those is going to be a swing tackle.

  15. Tucker Says:

    If nothing else he could probably take a hand off and fall forward a yard for a first down right?

  16. stpetebucfan Says:

    I get that in a perfect world an OL has position continuity and guys get to know and trust the man on either side of them.

    Going all in for the last SB, Jensen’s untimely injury, left the Bucs in a bind. No money, and having to rebuild. I think JL has done a masterful job!!! If it takes another year or two to get the same five guys in the same positions for the foreseeable future so be it.

    Barton can play ANY of the interior 3 spots, he’s incredibly smart, and he’s got the perfect personality, a hard working dude who is simply honed in on success wherever they plug him in. He’s also a good teammate calling at YaYa for the tough game he had against his new teammate.

    If people must worry here’s a reality check. Like most teams the Bucs are only a couple of key injuries away from being a poor team…having said that I think JL has also done great job rebuilding depth…dang I can’t even last two sentences in attempting to create a negative post. Yep. #teampositive

  17. Cobraboy Says:

    Sounds like musical chairs …

  18. Bobby M. Says:

    Wirfs next to Barton is intriguing….those two would be a force. Guessing they want to see what they have in the other rookie as well.

  19. BillyBucco Says:

    Why would you Claim where a guy is going to start in May?
    You want competition every year and NOTHING should be HANDED to anyone. Not even Wirfs. Of course Wirfs will continue to earn it.
    All we know is Barton will EARN a spot. Will Mauch, Will Hainsey?
    Who cares as long as the put the best 5 out there, which they will obviously do.

  20. BucsFan81 Says:

    This is just press talk from Bucs officials. No one really knows where anyone is playing until we get to training camp. They will figure it out and if its not working they will make the proper adjustments to get the best 5 out there.

  21. HC Grover Says:


  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Oh God… it’s the Ali Marpet reasoning, it’s the moving Wirfs to left tackle reasoning. Try the player at the more valuable and harder to play position, then move them back if they don’t succeed.

    Licht knows what he’s doing when it comes to offensive lineman – what else needs to be done to prove he knows more than anyone here about the position. I’ll trust him to get it right, one way or another.

  23. Gipper Says:

    Will repeat that Browns are very deep along the O line and have Luke Wypler a 2nd year pro and former Ohio State Center. Might be able to bring this guy into camp cheaply and see if he might work out. Think he is 6’3” 310 who played on some very good OSU teams.

  24. Durango 95 Says:

    I’m shocked!


    Dude belongs at guard just put him there and stop with this silly Kabuki Dance.

  25. Anthony Says:

    @JoeBucsFan Can you please help me understand the chatter about Graham Barton being such a physical presence the bucs need? From what I see, hes not much different from Hainsey. 6′-5″ verus 6′-4″. 313 lbs versus 306. Arm are 32″ each. A 2% increase in mass is some how so much more imposing? Where am I tangled up on this perception? I’ll “hang up” and listen lol.
    First, Hainsey is one of those guys that works hard to keep on weight. Sort of artificially inflated. Not a fair description, but some offensive lineman are like that. Ali Marpet was one example who pulled it off successfully, but it also affected his health. Second, Barton is 21 years old. He’ll still be adding man weight and strength on a bigger frame. Look at Wirfs, he was 320 at the Combine and now plays at 360. –Joe

  26. Anon Says:

    Liked the pick, but…

    The initial disconnect between Licht and Spytek combined with a continued wishywashyness on what exactly the plan even is for a first round pick is a bit concerning.

    Makes it sound like they didn’t expect to draft him or just don’t run a tight ship.

  27. Rod Munch Says:

    Gipper Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 5:51 pm
    Will repeat that Browns are


    So Tampa will become the most boring and uninteresting team in football that never wins anything – and our rivers will become so polluted they’ll catch on fire?

    The Bucs literally won a SB a few years ago by being the best passing team in the NFL.

    Now, under Bowles, they’re undoing all of that because his middle school football coach in 1970 told him you win by running the ball.

    Should be fun.

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    Licht has picked only one other offensive lineman in the 1st round … future first ballot HOFer Tristan Wirfs.

    I think he knows what he’s doing.

    So calm down armchair morons and sit this one out. There are other positions where Licht has been more hit and miss, but offensive line isn’t one of them.

  29. BillyBucco Says:

    Rod Munch
    That’s a stretch.
    It’s not like they let ME walk in FAVOR of running the ball LMAO
    What a Diva.
    They obviously have to run the ball better.
    That thought must have been a reminiscing after a strong joint.

  30. Capt.Tim Says:

    Im still of the opinion that Jason Licht once again did his small school magic.
    Elijah Klein is build like a prototype Center.
    Hes a stocky WIIIIDE body.

    The night of the draft, I commented that it was Weird that the Bucs called Barton a “Center” instead of the Normal “interior offensive linemen”
    I think this was a diversion.
    I think Licht may believe Klein can be our Center.
    That would be a fantastic move.

  31. gotbbucs Says:

    I like having that competition across the board for those three interior positions.
    I really don’t think Mauch is guaranteed anything either.

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 6:14 pm
    Im still of the opinion that Jason Licht once again did his small school magic.
    Elijah Klein is build like a prototype Center.


    Plus Klein became the favorite of every real man in America when he said the thing he hates most in life is people blocking traffic in the passing lane.

    As for the player, as a small school guy, he’ll take at least a year to put on NFL strength, but reading interviews from him – he sounds like a guy who is going to go full bore as hard as he can do it. He also has the guard fireplug build.

    Still, he’s a 6th rounder, so even making the team would be a win for Licht, but I like what I read about the kid. However with that stubby build, he’d be much better suited as an NFL guard, but we’ll see.

  33. unbelievable Says:

    My level of concern over this?


  34. Hodad Says:

    Barton center, Mauch LG, Wirfs LT, Klein RG, Goedeke RT. That’s the starting lineup opening day, barring injuries.

  35. Anthony Says:

    @JoeBucsFan Can you please help me understand the chatter about Graham Barton being such a physical presence the bucs need? From what I see, hes not much different from Hainsey. 6′-5″ verus 6′-4″. 313 lbs versus 306. Arm are 32″ each. A 2% increase in mass is some how so much more imposing? Where am I tangled up on this perception? I’ll “hang up” and listen lol.
    First, Hainsey is one of those guys that works hard to keep on weight. Sort of artificially inflated. Not a fair description, but some offensive lineman are like that. Ali Marpet was one example who pulled it off successfully, but it also affected his health. Second, Barton is 21 years old. He’ll still be adding man weight and strength on a bigger frame. Look at Wirfs, he was 320 at the Combine and now plays at 360. –Joe

    @JoeBucsFan – Thanks for the thoughts. I see where you are coming from. At face value, presently, they’re are similar sizes and weight yet spoken about like they are greatly different ie – “How is Baker going to see over Barton?!” while they are nearly the same height.
    I suppose the overall assessment point is the artificial weight you mentioned.

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    Anthony Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 5:57 pm
    @JoeBucsFan Can you please help me understand the chatter about Graham Barton being such a physical presence the bucs need? From what I see, hes not much different from Hainsey. 6′-5″ verus 6′-4″. 313 lbs versus 306.


    I read the same thing, and on paper it sounded a bit concerning — then I saw him. My goodness, just look at his neck and build – that guy looks like he could easily put on 30-40 lbs if wanted to.

  37. 2023 Surprised the Hell out of me Says:

    All this chatter is more for the players, to believe they all have to compete and be the best they can be…. wherever they put them.

  38. NJbucs23 Says:

    LT – Wirfs
    LG – Barton
    C- Mauch
    RG- Opeta / Klein
    RT – Godeke

  39. Admiral Redbeard Says:

    Licht should have drafted a LG or C in the 3rd. Didn’t really need a WR or a DB with either of the picks. There were still many good WR’s and DB’s (and RB’s) at and after our second 3rd rounder. I don’t think Klein will see the field this year, so he fills no holes, and we had two on the IOL.

  40. Noles Says:

    JL – has drafted better O Lineman than any Bucs GM. I trust his OL judgement for sure. Should we not

  41. unbelievable Says:

    ^ 10000% This.

    If there is one position group I trust Licht with most when it comes to drafting, it’s definitely offensive line.

    So far, Hainsey is the only o-lineman drafted within the first 4 rounds of Licht’s entire tenure, that hasn’t worked out. (Still too early to tell for sure with Mauch and Goedeke but both seem headed in the right direction).

    They also talked about Mauch as a center when they drafted him I think. THe 6th rounder Klein is a wildcard as well, though the scouting report says his pass protection is no good.

  42. BUCman Says:

    You are reading too much into this statement. They clearly expect to play him at Center and that is what Jason is still saying in this statement. Basically Jason is just saying if by some small chance he doesn’t work at Center then the worst case scenario would be him playing guard.

  43. Alstott to Canton Says:

    Wirfs and Barton on the left side together sounds good to me if he don’t pan out too well at center. I think he will do just fine at center though. They could try Mauch at center tbh, he could probably do well at that position. Either way I trust the process and trust Licht with his big ugly picks. When the season starts I could see LT Wirfs LG Opeta C Barton RG Mauch RT Gedoeke

  44. Tony Marks Says:

    BUCman Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 9:10 pm
    You are reading too much into this statement

    They all are bored after the draft. No position is penciled in except for those starters who did well last year. Especially new free agents or rookies aren’t handed anything. So all this talk over Licht stating the obvious is just fan boredom and a nothing burger.

  45. Capt.Tim Says:

    Admiral Redbeard.,
    Aye. Thats the way I saw it. Id rather have picked an Interior O linemen, or a Edge rusher- than a backup Safety and backup RB.
    We need starters at DE ,and Either Center or Left Guard.
    Needing a Starter is more important than a backup.

    You draft depth in rounds (5), 6,and 7.
    Yes, I know we didnt have a 5th round pick

  46. Lowest Common Denominator Says:


    One differencebetween Hainsey and Barton is that Barton has a natural bigger frame and more solid physique that can easily support another 15-20 pounds of muscle/bulk.

    And the primary difference is that Barton is an absolute freakazoid of an athlete with an ras (relative athletic score) of a 9.99. where as Hainsey is a good not great athlete with an ras of 8.08.

  47. MelvinJunior Says:

    I agree. Should’ve taken advantage of a real strong OL-class this season instead of the UGA ‘Nickle/Safety’ – there was just too much ‘talent’ there to have missed-out on like that. I’m good with WR there… Way too much ‘upside’ to pass up at least taking a shot on. He was their #1/1A WR with Odunze. Can’t pass that up. Could be HUGE. Mike & Chris have LOTS of wear and tear… They can’t play forever.

  48. MelvinJunior Says:

    If we had traded up just a tad for Linderbaum (like I wanted) in ‘22, instead of trading back and selecting Hall and Otten… We’d be sitting REAL pretty right now, with an O-Line of “Wirfs-Linderbaum-Barton” anchoring away, for the next DECADE+. Shew, now wouldn’t THAT had been something!!!! Would’ve been A LOT of fun.

  49. lambchopp Says:

    We don’t know where he’ll play because he’s VERSATILE. It’s a good problem to have. He’s a stud, so it doesn’t matter. The great thing is if option A doesn’t work, option B will. But, I’m pretty certain he’ll be better than Hainsey at least. Hainsey is too light in the ash to play center. Guy needs to beef up in the weight room.

  50. lambchopp Says:

    The bigger issue is drafting a G in the first round, but if Graham becomes a start and forget G and we have a 1,000 yard rusher, is anyone going to cry that Graham was drafted in the 1st Rd? I doubt it. But, the bigger need is at C, so hopefully he plays lights out there.

  51. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    What’s the fear? He was a tackle in college and they like him as an interior guy better. So they’re going to try him out at guard or center and see where he fits best. They did that with Ali Marpet and it worked. I trust Licht to handle this.

  52. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    May 1st, 2024 at 7:44 pm
    ^ 10000% This.

    If there is one position group I trust Licht with most when it comes to drafting, it’s definitely offensive line.

    So far, Hainsey is the only o-lineman drafted within the first 4 rounds of Licht’s entire tenure, that hasn’t worked out.


    What are you talking about? He’s been a solid NFL starting center for two years – that’s a really good hit for a 3rd round tackle.

    The fact that Bowles is a moron and wants to take a team, and an offensive line, that was built to pass block, and turn them into a run first dullard offense, that’s on the dumb head coach, not on the GM or even the player.

    Hainsey, as a pass blocker, is a good center – just the coach is an idiot and refuses to play to the strength of his team.

  53. unbelievable Says:

    ^ He’s okay as a pass blocker. Average at best though.

    Think about how much pressure has come right up the middle the past 2 season he’s been starting. I’m not saying he’s a bust by any means. He bas been serviceable. But clearly the team wants more than just serviceable.

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    Right, but a serviceable starter is very much not a miss of a player for a late 3rd rounder – that’s a hit.

    Licht, so far, really hasn’t had a single miss on the offensive line.

    The closest thing to a miss he had was his 2014 5th rounder Kadeem Edwards
    – but even he played for 3 years in the NFL – and for a 5th rounder to even make the team it’s generally considered a win. Also, if memory serves me right, he actually looked OK but got injured – but it was a while ago so maybe I’m mixing him up with someone else.