Chris Braswell Has Caught Graham Barton’s Eye

May 12th, 2024

Bucs new center (?) talks new OLB.

So yesterday, for reasons he detailed in the practice notes, was the first rookie minicamp practice Joe witnessed this spring.

A guy who to Joe’s naked eye looked like a man among boys was second-round draft pick Chris Braswell. Joe didn’t see him make any splash plays. A big reason for this is that defenders cannot hit.

But one thing that jumped out at Joe was how easily Braswell shed a block. The outside linebacker from Alabama was lined up just to the outside shoulder of a tackle.

At the snap, Braswell stiff-armed the guy fully out of the play, shed the block and chased the ball. Joe thought for a brief moment he heard Braswell yell at the tackle, “Child, please!” (Joe’s joking here with that last sentence.)

Of course, Braswell could have been making all sorts of minor plays that went over Joe’s head. That seemed to be the case to hear first-round pick Graham Barton talk about Braswell.

Barton seems to be an even-keeled kind of guy. But when he was asked who on the opposite side of the ball has stuck out, Barton began to get excited talking about the rookie outside linebacker.

“Braswell,” Barton said. “I’ve seen him make a lot of plays. He’s been really impressive. Great athlete. Excited to watch him. Glad he’s on our team.”

Outside of maybe a pick-six or a pass rush, it will be hard for Braswell to jump out only because its underwear football. There isn’t any hitting.

When the pads come on this summer, Joe will be eager to see how Braswell does.

20 Responses to “Chris Braswell Has Caught Graham Barton’s Eye”

  1. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Zero chance Jill Tryon starts over this guy.

  2. RBUC Says:

    Finally!!!! They drafted a REAL football player. They don’t come from the PAC 12 so plzzz don’t let this kid get dinged up in the preseason

  3. NJbucs23 Says:

    Another thumper added to the roster. Love it !

  4. Just Saying Says:

    I believe he is going to be a great player and will make it obvious that JTS isn’t

  5. ChiBuc Says:

    Dang, why y’all need a villian in EVERY story? It is OK to acknowledge a player without trashing another. JTS truly lives in your heads

  6. Oviedo Jim Says:

    Man among boys based on looks I guess. Rookies udfa no hitting doesn’t make him anyone. Let’s wait until at least preseason. As my Sicilian freind Miguel would say, ,”no more bs, please “

  7. SB~LV Says:

    The roster is much improved on both sides.

  8. All_da_way Says:

    JTS lacks the aggression to be a starter. Braswell is the anti JTS as he is known as being a very aggressive player.

  9. NJbucs23 Says:

    JTS can play his role as a rotational player. He doesn’t have to start or need to start. It’s on coaching staff to use him the proper way. They need to use his athleticism.

  10. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


    I agree 100%.

    The competition might just bring the best out of JTS too. And, he could take steps during the off season that raise his game.

    Fans tend to write off players too quickly. They do not consider development.

    Some players take longer to click, but when they do, they really do. Sometimes all it takes is a team believing in them long enough. Or sometimes they will never be starting material, but can still contribute in a big way.

    A prime example of this is William Gholston…who is a mainstay of the team.

  11. BucVoyager Says:

    JTS is not a villain. he’s on the good side. It’s just that he’s Bullwinkle and we need Rocky.

  12. stpetebucfan Says:

    Let’s be honest BAMA is as close to an NFL franchise as you can get. They have a rabid fan base and tradition out the wazoo. They can…or used to be able to attract the best athletes in the land.

    Not as bad as what the Bear did at Bama and Woody Hayes did at OSU. Before the 90 scholarship limit those two would recruit guys they knew they wouldn’t use but didn’t wish to play against to keep them from their competitors.

    Saban didn’t have quite that advantage but BAMA was not like the rest. Other would rise up to challenge but year in and year out Bama is at the top of the list of schools to send guys to the NFL.

    Braswell was obviously well coached and he would have never been invited to Tuscaloosa to begin with if he didn’t have tremendous physical ability.

    I’m looking for big things out of him.

  13. J Says:

    I’ll trust Barton over the Joes.

  14. teacherman1983 Says:

    Keep drafting SEC players.

    I’ve been saying it since 2009!

  15. Saskbucs Says:

    Braswell seems to really want to be the guy opposing his will out there. I know he isn’t the biggest, but sounds like he has power and a nasty stiff/long arm. I will temper my expectations until the real football starts in August/September but this seems like another terrific draft class.

  16. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Braswell is my favorite pick this year. I have a good feeling about him

  17. JimBobBuc Says:

    Might be interesting to see Braswell vs Barton in rookie camp

  18. Daniel Dream Says:

    BucVoyager- I think you’re trying to make an analogy but it’s not working because Bullwinkle J. Moose led the NCAA in passing and rushing touchdowns while he led Wossamattu U to a national championship in 1969! I can attest to this as I watched an entire animated documentary about it when I was a child. Rocky was the star reciever but it was Bullwinkle who was the world-beater QB and won the Heisman too that season, If I’m not mistaken. You gotta go far back in the Way Back Machine to see replays of that improbable history…

  19. Daniel Dream Says:

    If Braswell can rush the passer and make tackles as well as advertised, he’ll be a he’ll of a player in Bowles defense. I’m very optimistic, with him, and this entire draft, and direction of the team while we’re at it. Now, I’m not betting the house because I’m not a wagering man (I prefer experiencing reality over speculation about it) but I’m enthused about the player, the draft and the team. Only time will tell the whole story, but it seems like it will be a good one, and that’s as far as I will speculate.

  20. Hodad Says:

    Braswell from Bama, Smith from Georgia. Plug, and play starters day one.