Interesting “Leaders” Comment From Todd Bowles

May 12th, 2024

Vita Vea

Devin White isn’t going to like this.

So who were the leaders of the Buccaneers last year?

Well, Bucs players selected eight captains: Tristan Wirfs, Baker Mayfield, Mike Evans, Lavonte David, Devin White, Chris Godwin and Vita Vea and Antoine Winfield, Jr.

That’s a lot of captains, but is it possible only four were legitimate? That sounds harsh. However, consider what Todd Bowles told The Rich Eisen Show last week.

Bowles was asked about Mayfield, Evans, David and Winfield getting close to becoming free agents in March. The head coach admitted it was scary.

“You have a chance to not only lose all your leaders, but lose all your playmakers as well,” he told Eisen. ” … I feel a lot better now.”

Joe found it interesting that Bowles said referenced fear of losing “all your leaders” when he still had Godwin, Vea and Wirfs on the roster, and White officially hadn’t yet left the team for Philadelphia.

Considering how Bowles measures his words carefully, Joe thinks that was somewhat telling.

Perhaps Bowles has two tiers of Bucs leaders in his mind with The Big 4 playing a much more important role.

20 Responses to “Interesting “Leaders” Comment From Todd Bowles”

  1. SB~LV Says:

    DW was so full of himself and insecure playing the role of cheerleader that the team just filled in his name.
    I can still see the back of his jersey chasing down a player making a big gain that was DW responsibility…
    He gone….

  2. stpetebucfan Says:

    Well clearly if the Bucs were going to have just four captains this year those would be the guys.

    And all 4 are PERFECT for the role! Baker has already made friends with his OL and WR’s and even defensive players. QB has got to be captain. That was one of JW’s biggest flaws. He is a child in a man’s body. Let’s all eat some W’s shall we?

    ME is the superstar on this team. He has seniority. He has massive cred. He has to be a Captain…there’s two on Offense.

    On D it’s just as obviousl LVD like ME13 has paid his dues and is ready to assume some serious leadership skills. Given that he plans a life in the Ministry after football he’s now embracing speaking and leading. He’s perfect for the role.

    And Winfield is now the best player on the D and has been for a couple of seasons now. He has passion! Remember in his youthful exuberance in the SB how he taunted Tyreek Hill after breaking up a deep pass late in the game.
    He flashed the same sign to Cheetah as Hill had done to the Bucs when he humiliated the Bucs running wild. It was sweet revenge!

    Winfield may be my favorite Bucs player but there are so many I hate to single one out…but if I HAD to I’d go with Winfield. The guys is simply a freaking “baller”!

  3. Bobby Says:

    Think you are over analyzing this comment.

  4. Mark A Swygert Says:

    It’s mother’s day and you know what is really a mother? The l-oo-oong freakin’ wait until real football season.

  5. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Bowles could have said “most” of our leaders. He did not. A bit telling perhaps.

  6. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Hey Devin – you see how LVD and Winfield tackle – do that!!

    Nah coach, I good.


  7. SenileSenior Says:

    Each of these leaders lead by example with the exception of DW. Some are more naturally vocal than others. For example Vea strikes me as a “aw shucks” kind of guy.

  8. BucsFan Says:

    Slow news day

  9. J Says:

    DW is gone, let’s move on.

  10. CleanHouse Says:

    Milking it Joe

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Good Grief. We are in Feetball Doldrums. Nothing relevant.

  12. Larrd Says:

    So long Tristan. You are just not a Bowles Tier One Leader!

  13. Toad Bowels Says:

    It will be interesting to see how Devin White does this year with the Eagles.

    A). If he has much improved year then perhaps it’s because of the way he is being used by the Eagles versus the way he was used by the Bucs.

    B) If ihis play ends up being about the same or worse for the Eagles as it was for the Bucs last year then his overall game is declining ning and the Bucs were right to not sign him to a long-term deal.

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    J … ‘DW is gone, let’s move on’.

    Thank you J. Devin White dealt with a lot last year, and odds are that a change of scenery will be the best prescription. The story from now on is KJ Britt.

  15. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘That’s a lot of captains, but is it possible only four were legitimate?’

    Eight probably is a tad excessive, but probably not by much Joe. Tend to think that 3 captains on defense is about right: 1 in the Secondary, 1 in the LB corps, and 1 in the DLine. In our case last year, that’d be Winfield, LVD & Vea best qualified. On offense 3 captains also sounds about right: 1 at QB, 1 in the WR/TE corps, and 1 in the OLine. I’d guess that Mayfield, Evans & Wirfs would be the 3 front-runners there. Kinda surprised that S/Ts weren’t represented among the captains.

  16. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Diva just didn’t finish focus. Thats why he broke double v’s ankle a few years back. They get close to making big play and close their eyes. I think John lynch did that too from time to time. That’s why he knocked out his brother in law once. I mean no way John lynch would intentionally knock out his brother in law, as no way diva would intentionally break double V’s ankle. Finish focus.

  17. JimBobBuc Says:

    I’d like to see more vocal leadership in the huddle and on the sideline. More energy or passion on the field, especially by our leaders. On the sideline the only guy up and talking is Baker, the rest of the team is sitting on the bench not talking much.

  18. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Lynch close his eyes?

    Dude you’re on crack.

  19. ChiBuc Says:

    Bobby Says:
    May 12th, 2024 at 12:52 pm
    Think you are over analyzing this comment
    I agree, regardless if you were referring to Joe or stpetebucfan. Both seem to have dedicated equal column space to the topic

  20. unbelievable Says:

    ^ Yup, way over analyzing the comment from Bowles.

    Those 4 guys are definitely leaders, but not the only leaders.