Todd Bowles Does Not Have Reassuring Words About Baker Mayfield’s Condition

January 13th, 2024


Joe wasn’t left feeling very comfortable about Baker Mayfield’s health two days out from Monday night’s wild card round game against the Eagles.

Mayfield hurt his ribs in the waning moments of the loss to the slimy Saints two weeks ago. Then last week, he also hurt his ankle.

Simply put, Mayfield looked awful last week in the win over Carolina. You can’t tell Joe his throws were not screwed up because of his ribs.

Today after practice, Bowles was asked about Mayfield. Let’s just say Joe won’t be sleeping soundly tonight without the assistance of a few Bromosas.

“A couple days of rest will do him good,” Bowles said of Mayfield. “Obviously, he hasn’t been hit yet so we’re going to try to keep him clean. He’s feeling good, he’s ready to go.”

OK, that doesn’t sound too awful. But then Bowles was asked how tender Mayfield’s ribs might be and if he can take punishment and still throw effectively.

“If he gets hit, it’ll probably affect his throw,” Bowles said.

Ruh, roh.

Joe is really hoping this is a smokescreen. Either way, even if Bowles said Mayfield was good to go, watch the Eagles pound Mayfield on purpose, maybe even willing to risk a flag or two in order to render Mayfield the cripple he was against the Stinking Panthers.

126 Responses to “Todd Bowles Does Not Have Reassuring Words About Baker Mayfield’s Condition”

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    He’ll be fine Joe.

    Built in excuse though if he sucks.

  2. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Agreed 1987

    Built in excuse for Bowles to stick around.

  3. Buc1987 Says:

    You worried Jmark?

  4. Bucfan Says:

    Run, run , run & punt!

  5. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bowles knows Belicheat is looking over his shoulder in this game. I am sure hes stressed out.

  6. stpetebucfan Says:

    What a conundrum eh? Start Mayfield and wait to see if he can survive before bringing in Trask…or start Trask and hope he’s up to it and there’s no need to bring Mayfield in out of desperation.

    I’m happy either way. The 2 win…er 6.5 win…er 9 win Bucs are playing with House money now. I just hope all the Bucs play their best games and let the chips fall where they may.

  7. WyomingJoe Says:

    Of course his ribs are still hurting. Of course if he gets hit they’re probably going to hurt worse. Even if the Bucs make it to the SB, his ribs will continue to hurt.

    But a lot of QBs have played with bruised ribs and have won big games.

    I hope that he’ll be able to throw effectively. We’ll see.

  8. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Old enough to remember Bernie Kosar in the playoffs with a godawful rubber sling on his throwing hand against the Broncos. Horrible. I expect the same from Mr Hurts come Monday. Hopefully they don’t ruin his career like Art Modell did to Bernie so long ago by making him play injured

  9. WyomingJoe Says:

    I see that all the Baker Haters are out early today. As I said before, you guys are not true fans, just pr*cks posing as fans.

  10. Tb bolts Says:

    Don’t worry boys todd is just trying to bait the iggles into blitzing so that buckner can throw that patented long ball that he’s nailed all year long. Meet me by the chocolate river after the game the snozberries taste like snozberries

  11. T. McGee Says:

    Put in a healthy QB. Wofford.

  12. David Says:

    So many excuses for Baker by his fans, his OC and his coach for his poor performances in the last two important games and now in playoffs. Here are the list of excuses;
    1. Rib injury (still doubtful/verified)
    2. Ankle injury (still doubtful/verified)
    3. OC play callings
    4. Field windy condition
    5. OL.
    6. Lack of running game.
    Mr. TB,
    If he really was injured, then why did he even play against Panthers ? He threw 4 times to the blue nearly intercepted. He missed two sure TD’s to Mike E. and Palmer. He mainly handed the ball after those misses. Any of his back ups could have easily accomplished that type of performance against the worst team in NFL.

  13. Buc1987 Says:

    WyomingJoe Says: “I hope that he’ll be able to throw effectively. We’ll see.”

    Nonsense…….we’ve all seen how effective he was throwing the ball vs the Panthers.

    Expect more of the same.

  14. Weebs10 Says:

    David, if you are this delusional about Baker Mayfield I can’t imagine how strange your takes would be on political and cultural issues lol

  15. Erik The Viking Says:

    TB zero is going down with the Pirate ship!

    This will be an epic embarrassment if we get pounded by the Eagles.

    Just hope it brings the end of the diversity hire HC.

  16. Architek Says:

    Baker Mayfield is due for a letdown. He’s been on the media circuit again like he was when we had the losing streak.

    The injuries will be an excuse.

  17. Allbuccedup Says:

    Pouty face Mayfield in the flesh.

  18. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl is setting the excuses for him and his qb in case they lose to Eagles. Otherwise why are you keep playing an injured qb that can’t even throw ? Baker is really injured or he has reverted back to his trash mode.

  19. bucs31 Says:

    I wish Trask would just get traded so the Gator/Bucs fans can get over their biased hatred towards Baker for taking his spot. Face it Gator fans, the last time Trask played meaningful snaps he threw three INTs against a mediocre Sooner defense. He’s not the guy.

  20. WyomingJoe Says:

    David: I wish that I could come up with an excuse for you. You’re such a sh*thead! But you are a consistent sh*thead.

    I’m sure that some real Bucs fans would agree.

  21. NCBuc Says:

    @ Wyomingjoe….. Haven’t seen any haters out here yet. Have seen some speaking the truth. If you think people saying his ribs are a problem is hating, then you sir have never thrown a baseball, softball, or football with tender ribs. It is a problem.

  22. Buc1987 Says:

    Preach it David.

  23. NCBuc Says:

    And there goes those elementary school names again. Do you BM bois have anything to offer besides resorting to trash talk? I’ve mentioned things to you and Marks multiple times, but get no actual answers. As you like to say….. Just saying

  24. David Says:

    Buc Fans, let the drum roll begin;
    We are done to top trash Baker fan on this website;

  25. NE Fan Says:

    This is a lock for the Bucs. The Brown scrubbing his social media of all Eagles related stuff is a sign it’s more than just hos injury, the coaching staff has.lost the locker room, game over unless Bowles f’s it up like the 2021 Rams PO game.

  26. NCBuc Says:

    And there’s goes the elementary school names again because someone doesn’t like your QB. You Baker bois are a funny sort. Always want to spew stuff, but never answer actual questions and statistics given.

  27. WyomingJoe Says:

    NCBuc: There are two things I can tell you about David. The first is that he rarely tells the whole truth. And the second is that he is one of the most vile “fans” than I’ve encountered in some time. Quite frankly, I’m surprised that his asylum let’s him use the internet so frequently.

  28. Buc1987 Says:

    bucs31…no one even mentioned Trask. Just you.

  29. Kalind Says:

    If they do that Joe…they should knock hurts down and have Vita stomp and mash that bleeping hand of his. You don’t get to cheap shot my guy and not have the gun turned on you immediately after. Fair is fair afterall

  30. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 1:43 pm
    Buc Fans, let the drum roll begin;


    NO way you can keep the drums going – with all the screws loose.

  31. Marine Buc Says:

    The rib injury won’t matter.

    Baker Mayfield can’t throw longer than 12 yards regardless.

    Bucs better find a running game quick or they are in deep doo-doo…

  32. WyomingJoe Says:

    NCBuc: You’re so laughable when you talk about the “Baker Bois” not arguing honestly when confronted with cherry-picked stats. Go back to the Kyle Cult and tell them that you’re finally ready to drink their Kool-Aid.

  33. David Says:

    WyomingJoe says” first is that he rarely tells the whole truth.”

    The truth is self-evident based on facts and Baker stats he past six years that are publicly available and does not require explanation or elaboration.

    Please don’t blame the messenger.

  34. Tb bolts Says:

    Wyomingjoe after baker no shows monday: “Baker sure showed heart out there. Although he showed fire and grit playing through injury, his team just couldn’t pick up his slack for him. But DAMN does that drawn on jawline get me going every time I see it. keEp WiNnIng BaK3r”

  35. Tony marks Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 1:58 pm
    The rib injury won’t matter.

    Baker Mayfield can’t throw longer than 12 yards regardless.


    🙂 🙂 You Trakis s do like to make fools of yourself .. YOu TWICE for the day

    Go look up how many passes Baker has at 20+ and how that ranks. We’ll be here

    still laughing at you.

  36. Popcorn Mike Says:

    It is what it is. This should be a big lesson to Bowles if he is still the HC here next year or if he’s ever a HC again. To clarify, games like the one with the Saints should have been won specially at home when the entire team was healthy. If the Bucs had won that game then Mayfield could’ve rested last week and he wouldn’t have injured his ankle. Many said that shot to Mayfield ribs wasn’t dirty. I don’t know if it was dirty but, I think it was unnecessary, it was late in the game and the Saints had a pretty good lead and the Saints have been known for dirty play. Nonetheless, however things turn out, the Bucs did it to themselves Go Bucs

  37. David Says:

    Buc Fans, let the drum roll begin;
    Let me introduce you the second top trash Baker fan on this website;

    Tony marks

  38. NCBuc Says:

    I’m not in line with David. His takes are very well off the charts. My problem is that when anyone has anything negative to say about BM , we’re just fake fans. Some of us have been on this blog for many of years. We’ve gone through questionable QBs. BM is one of those QBs. I seen 87 posting and some years ago I went at him about JW. When you’ve been a team fan for so many years, you just go with your gut. I personally don’t think BM is the guy. Just my opinion. I also don’t know if we go with Trask or a rookie. Everything is up in the air as far as I’m concerned.

  39. David Says:

    Great article and questions on the stats of Baker injury. Now we know the rest of the story.

    TB/BM ear will come to end with a loss to Eagles in Tampa.

  40. Tb bolts Says:

    Wyomingmarks are just enjoying the last 48 hours of good press bakey has left. After monday it’ll be excuses and wondering what forum they’ll be migrating to next. Its the true Oklahoma sooner experience.. rolling in the wagon from one team to another. Fifth times the charm bois just make sure you pick up bakers jock straps along way for him

  41. NCBuc Says:

    Oh look at that! Right on time! Marks calling someone a Traskie when they don’t even mention him. Classic

  42. Jeff Says:

    Philly 24 Yucs 3

  43. David Says:

    NCBuc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 2:13 pm
    Oh look at that! Right on time! Marks calling someone a Traskie when they don’t even mention him. Classic

    I tell you why. The whole truth Trask is and has been a real threat to Baker and his fans after defeating him out of the training camp.

    Baker fans:
    Don’t be so concerned. There is no reason to mention Trask on your posts.Your trash qb is safe as long as Toilet Bowl is the HC.

  44. Buc4evr Says:

    Think Baker is going to ball out and Evans will get two TDs. The D will be on fire!

  45. Statguy Says:

    The defense has been good enough and the offense bad enough in the first half that you really don’t have that much to lose starting Trask with Baker available. He isn’t going to get healthier rolling him out there, we are either going to be out the playoffs or still alive with a more injured baker vs a more formidable opponent the week after

  46. Tb bolts Says:

    When tony marks says we he’s referring to the other two baker fans that never rooted for the bucs before this year. Out of his 500 comments on this site attempting to troll people and be clever I have yet to see any signs of humility or self awareness. But what do you expect from someone who rides a losing horse to the ends of the earth. Most people idolize legendary players like jordan or brady or kobe… this dude has a journeyman baker shrine lmfao

  47. Rickym Says:

    So much negativity. I am happy the Bucs are division champs. I am happy that Baker had a great season. I’m excited for a home playoff game. So much to be happy for as a Bucs fan. All the negativity must be a reflection of how sad some lives may be. I wish all of you the best. Try to enjoy the GAME.

  48. Marine Buc Says:

    As long as Baker only has to throw 12 yards or less he will be fine.

    Too bad half of those passes will be blocked by the D-line…


    No more midget QBs please.

  49. Tony marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 2:24 pm
    When tony marks says we he’s referring to the other two baker fans that never rooted for the bucs before this year


    Neediig a maths tutor should not be a source ov embarassment for you and it will impove your counting.

  50. Tony marks Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 2:32 pm
    As long as Baker only has to throw 12 yards or less he will be fine.


    Hey MB I got no problem with you repeating a claim tha the stats debunk you so obviously on. LOL I never have a probelem with you guys making fools of yourslef. You do it so welll.

  51. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tony

    No more midget QBs.

    I’m tired of seeing all the blocked weak armed passes from Baker.

    Let’s both hope our next starting QB doesn’t need a highchair at Denny’s…

  52. Tony marks Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 2:40 pm
    @ Tony

    No more midget QBs.


    Moah. We want more comedy!!

    keep it coming Brock Purdy is over here lauighing his head off

    and his head stops at the same 6 ft one

    Whats that brock? What did you say?

    oh yeah.

    yeah these traskies are top class comediais. 🙂 🙂

  53. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tony

    Do you know why Baker laughs when he runs on the football field?

    Because the grass tickles his balls…

  54. Mike Johnson Says:

    Mayfield is hurt. One week is not even half of the recovery time required for ribs or an ankle. We will see. Painkillers will help some. But Philly knows he’s hurtin. And will be comin after him. Wish Trask had more snaps. Its going to be tough for Baker out there. Good luck to him.

  55. Tony marks Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 2:56 pm
    @ Tony

    Because the grass tickles his balls…

    Thats sad . its the only job we had left for Trask ,,,and he still comes up a second stringer?

    Still you must have had the whole kidergarten rolling with that one eh?

  56. SB~LV Says:

    Either way…
    What a STUPID thing to say

  57. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tony

    Baker is so short he can’t even reach his goals.

    And BTW – there is nothing you can say about Trask that will hurt my feelings.

    Trask is 2nd string and that is fine by me bubba.

  58. Tony marks Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 3:15 pm
    @ Tony

    Baker is so short he can’t even reach his goals.


    LOL he literally just hit them to the tune of 2 million for incentives.

    Even your jokes are pointing at you laughing..lololol

  59. Since76 Says:

    He didn’t play any different against the Panthers as the saints. The saints game was over shortly after halftime. In the Panthers game the D stole the show. The offense never heard the opening whistle. Both games hurt or unhurt he didn’t do his job. No accountability under bowles. They want him on the field detrimental to the team or not. That’s great coaching.

  60. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tony

    Hey man I know a joke about Baker – it’s short and funny…

    When Baker plays a round of miniature golf guess what he calls it?


    Seriously though I understand why you are in love with Baker – because you are nuts over him…

  61. NE Fan Says:

    If Faker is 6’1 then Tyree Hill must be 5’11, and he’s NOT!

  62. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    NFL Next Gen Stats for the Bucs v Carolina game recorded that Baker Mayfield didn’t throw a pass over ten yards.

    If that happens again in this playoff game, then the Bucs will lose because even the poor secondary of the Eagles can cover 10 yards.

  63. NCBuc Says:

    I’m really starting to think Marks is a true Traskie as much as he feels the need to say his name. I mean posters don’t mention Trask and yet he keeps bringing him up. That’s quite unique

  64. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    This bad boy comes down to which defense wants this thing worse for defense wins championships.

  65. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Belle

    I agree.

    This is the major problem with Baker as your starting QB.

    He just can’t throw it very well or accurately past 12 yards… We are lucky if he is able to throw it over the D-line…

    No more midget QBs.

  66. Bucs 95 Says:

    Hes listed as questionable for the game

  67. BucaneroJim Says:

    Baker should have to split his last week incentive with McLaughlin.

  68. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Just to clarify because the gotcha police are on patrol, here’s a correction on what I previously posted.

    NFL Next Gen Stats for the Bucs v Carolina game recorded that Baker Mayfield didn’t COMPLETE a pass over ten yards.

    If that happens again in this playoff game, then the Bucs will lose because even the poor secondary of the Eagles can cover 10 yards.

  69. SteveK Says:

    Go Bucs!

    Must win for Todd and Baker.

    Crush those Eagles, and welcome back in 2024. Get your butt kicked, and goodbye!

  70. Jonzee Says:

    Baker’s biggest haters are the Buc fans that are making money off writing and posting trash Baker stories… You clowns owe Bake big NIL money for putting food on your tables… Go Baker, Go BUCS…..

  71. NCBuc Says:

    Making money on a possibly average QB. Only Baker bois can up with this stuff

  72. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I don’t think Todd Bowles needs to do anything else to set up an excuse to stay on…It’s clear Mayfield is injured. A all know that.

    The big question is whether the owners will consider that a suitable excuse, or go after a bigger name coach.

  73. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Jonzee Says
    “Baker’s biggest haters are the Buc fans that are making money off writing and posting trash Baker stories”

    Wait. Is this really a thing????

    I think AI does it cheaper, and why would anyone care about writing stories about Baker Mayfield?

    That quite the fantasy theory.

  74. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I hope we go all of the way, no matter who is the QB.

    But if bad decisions cost us that…such as putting in Baker if he isn’t capable healthwise, then Bowles should be canned.

    I do think Mayfield has earned a contract offer though. Not a big one, but an offer.

  75. m milligan Says:

    Good God, WTF is all of the above, just scanned through it.
    Are u guys fans looking for the W or just a bunch of talking shtheads.
    BM only reason we’re here, getting ready to go get the W, great to know they have all u experts behind them FO
    If BM goes down, trask will be ready to go, oh and FO

  76. Oneilbuc Says:

    Look at the Texans this is why you have to move on from Baker but even if you don’t a quarterback must be drafted in the first round. CJ Stroud is better than Baker Mayfield and he’s a rookie that went from worse to first his first season. If the bucs wants to fill up the stadium next year they must draft a quarterback in the first round.

  77. Luis Says:

    Never seen a fan base that wants the team to lose like the ones here
    Go Bucs

  78. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    m milligan

    I’m talking football using data.

    Baker Mayfield was hurt going into the game last week.

    Last week he didn’t complete a pass for over ten yards.

    Baker Mayfield got hurt worse in the game last week.

    If you can’t vertically challenge a team’s defense they will shut you down and make your offense impotent.

    That’s talking ball. It’s a major concern about this game. It’s reality.

  79. Marine Buc Says:

    @ miligrin

    We just beat Carolina 9-0 in order to make the play-offs.

    Don’t you think our defense might have had anything to do with it?

    Baker has really sucked the past two weeks…

  80. AnthonyLatimore Says:

    Guys What are you talking about Baker got hurt in that game but he will be fine he’s clutch every time a team he’s on comes down to a play or a drive I’m telling you he does his part. Not only
    That Philly is even more hurt than we are. I’ll be surprised if Bucs don’t get a big win. And honestly you’re not a Bucs fan if you want a Qb with no NFL experience to Make his First NFL Start in the Playoffs. Honestly not even a Trask Fan if you want him to start here because if he plays bad this Game is worth like 4 bad games!!!

  81. m milligan Says:

    Oneil, I recall us having the game won in Houston before Bowles let them go 75 yds for the must have TD with 45 seconds left in the game.
    What do u think about that

  82. Rod Munch Says:

    Starting with the excuses before the game even begins…

    I don’t want to hear it.

    Go win the game, or leave town. Pretty simple.

  83. m milligan Says:

    What excused Rod, haven’t been on here, scanned through and a bunch of Nay Sayers, what say u, never mind, u had us 4-13, mayfield gone by by wk.

  84. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    m Milligan

    Baker was healthy and scrambling, bootlegging, hitting short, middle and long bombs and playing great against Houston earlier in the season.

    That healthy Baker in the 8th game is now a really hurt Baker going into the 18th game.

    The circumstances in Game 18 are different than the circumstances in Game 8. Game 8 is irrelevant my discussion.

    That’s just a reality.

  85. UKBuccaneer Says:

    If a first round quarterback was a guarantee of success we’d not be discussing the draft, because WE HAVE A FIRST OVERALL QB NOW.

  86. m milligan Says:

    No Belle, BM bull for stout, ready to go get the W
    Hide and watch

  87. Rod Munch Says:

    Hopefully good Baker makes an appearance on Monday night. I hope he does, I want the Bucs to win and I want the Eagles to be embarrassed, then riot and burn down their s-hole city.

    Hopefully Baker comes through in a big game and gets the W. If he does that, then he’ll be back.

  88. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 4:01 pm
    NFL Next Gen Stats for the Bucs v Carolina game recorded that Baker Mayfield didn’t throw a pass over ten yards.


    one game when he was injured.

    Now go look up the stats for the amounr of passes completed 20+ this season and show me how the moron that says he can’t complate a pass over 12 yards as a on going ptoblem is right


  89. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    m Milligan

    No hiding.

    Just facts.

    An injured Baker Mayfield struggled against the worst team in the league last week.

    That happened.

    Our interior offensive line in Stinnie, Hainsey and Mauch were dominated by Burns and Brown from the Panthers.

    That happened.

    That can’t happen again this week.

    If those two things happen against a very talented team on defense regardless of their recent struggles, then that struggling defense will look dominant as they will not have to worry about blitzing, not have to worry about the deep ball and now they can sit at 7 yards for LB’s and 12 yards for safeties and play down hill.

  90. NCBuc Says:

    Problem is that if BM is still hurt and they play him then we will lose. Rib injuries are no joke. I really don’t care if it’s BM or KT. An average QB can help win this game. Using a below average QB will cost us the game. I’ll say it again…. BM is an average to below average QB. Hurt BM is definitely way below average. Pick your excuse or poison

  91. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    Baker Mayfield was hurt going into the game last week.

    Last week he didn’t complete a pass for over ten yards.

    Baker Mayfield got hurt worse in the game last week.

    Baker Mayfield is going into this game hurt worse than he was going into the game against Carolina.

    The previous games where Baker was completely healthy and spinning it for short, middle and long distance throws are completely irrelevant to this conversation because Baker is currently hurt in his ribs and his ankle.

    That past has nothing to do with the present sit rep.

    Deal in reality and stop being in denial and laughing and shaking your head and bringing up things that have nothing to do with the conditions on the field.

    If you can’t vertically challenge a team’s defense they will shut you down and make your offense impotent.

    That’s talking ball. It’s a major concern about this game. It’s reality.

  92. Oneilbuc Says:

    UK. If the Texans would have had that mindset they probably would have had Baker and they wouldn’t be winning right now or even in the playoffs. Baker Mayfield is a average quarterback at best we can do better than Baker Mayfield. And get rid of Todd Bowles as well remember the Titans done the same thing with Ryan Tanahill and they even made it to the AFC championship and they made the playoffs the next year. But when they snig Tanahill they had to let players go and now look? We ain’t winning a superbowl with Baker Mayfield and you know it to so why waste time. Baker plays bad for 3 quarters and he pad his his stats in the 4th quarter then y’all say he played good. Baker Mayfield had 3 good games this year and I don’t care about garbage yards.

  93. Georgia Redneck Says:

    NCBuc you are quite right. Mayfield has never been above average. History doesn’t lie. Bowles has never been above average as a head coach. History doesn’t lie. A change needsto be made.

  94. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 6:24 pm
    Starting with the excuses before the game even begins…

    I don’t want to hear it.


    LOL…..No one with rationality cares what you want to hear Mush. Any other player with multiple injuries being talked about we’d be talking about how to accomodate a win without the utterly dumb sports memes like “just get it done” ( Like th NFL is not subject to biology)

    Really Trask should start this game but the coaches have zero confidence in him in year three of him being in the league.

    Anyway might as well deal with reality. This is a no lose game for Baker if he Is again noticeably hobbled . Bucs lose – everyone knows a big factor was his health. BUcs win and his playng through injury and gutting out a win increases his legend

    Suck it up because furiosly posting otherwise will be about as effecitve as your whining was getting Baker benched by the bye week – a failed projection (alogn with the failed win loss projection of yours) that still has you steaming.

  95. m milligan Says:

    Yea Yea Yea, u guys suck, aren’t fans, this is our team. I’ll go with them.

  96. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony marks – Hey stupid, I didn’t say anything about Trask. I don’t want to see Trask unless the Bucs are up huge like Houston is right now.

    Stop your act where you feign outrage by making up arguments so you have something to whine about. You’re such an annoying bore.

  97. Oneilbuc Says:

    Tony. You are a Baker Mayfield fan you’re not a bucs fan this is my first time seeing you on this site this year. Ain’t no excuses for Baker Mayfield because Hurts is also hurt. Your boy Baker Mayfield is a average to below average quarterback and I can promise you we ain’t winning a superbowl with Baker Mayfield. If the bucs bring him back it will be a losing season next year and you and his fans base will try to blame everyone else but him just like you did this year. Again the Texans is showing you why you shouldn’t stick with medaicory they have a brighter future than us real bucs fans . We know Todd Bowles and Baker Mayfield ain’t winning nothing. And plus Baker Mayfield ain’t filling up no stadium because his fan base lives in Cleveland and Oklahoma!! If Glazers bring Baker Mayfield back that stadium will remain empty with bucs fans. It will be a nice vacation for our opponents !!

  98. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 6:57 pm
    -Tony Marks
    The previous games where Baker was completely healthy and spinning it for short, middle and long distance throws are completely irrelevant to this conversation

    actually if you could read at a high school level that was PRECISELY the discussion and claim being made – that Baker has an ongoing issue completing passes over 12 yards – not limited to when he is injured.

    Sorry I can’t do english tutoring online for you guys – no time


    That’s talking ball. It’s a major concern about this game. It’s reality.


    Sayng something is so doesn’ make it so . It doesn’t work that way when you aren’t high.

    A) Baker was llimping in the last game but was already putting weight on the foot later. its will have over a weak to be brtter (not healed) so on the ankle claimig its the same is nonsense.

    B) Baker has reported he took no hits on the ribs and the ribs were not reinjured last SUnday. Claiming a week later he is going to be just as bad after two weeks from his injury is not how medicine works

    So you are DEMONSTRABLY wrong on both counts. You aren’t talking ball . You are talking out of your arse.

    Incidentally this is why Bowles said he can’t take a hit or it will affect his throwing motion if it is he is – He’s indicating in his opinion its NOT affecting his throwing motion now. See Belle? It comes back to that reading thing again

    Now that said I am all for Trask getting in there but the coaching staff is obviously not onboard and they see a whole lot more of the QBs than either you or I do.

  99. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 7:15 pm
    Tony marks – Hey stupid, I didn’t say anything about Trask.


    I never said you did true nitwit. I mentiond what could accomodate a win if Qb1 is injured. Thats normally where QB2 comes in

    Look it up. Its been awhile since you could notice but guess who QB2 is – Kyle Trask

    Now go in the corner and do your hoemwok for school on Monday. You must be done making a fool of yourself – again

  100. NCBuc Says:

    All I had to read was Marks saying winning increases his legend. You sir really don’t have a clue. Notice how I don’t need to call you elementary school names to get my point across? Lol #Bakerbois

  101. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Am I worried? About Bowles being HC next year?

    Pretty much.

    Time for the Bud Licht show to draw to a close.

  102. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tony

    I agree.

    Trask gives the Bucs a better chance to win over the wee-man QB.

  103. Tony marks Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 7:56 pm
    @ Tony

    I agree.

    Trask gives the Bucs a better chance to win over the wee-man QB.

    For some reason brock purdy still thinks thats funny. He is chuckling up a storm and by up I mean no higher than 6 foot one.

    Just like Baker.

    but yeah if Baker can’t throw due to injury we have no choice but to go with 30% completion Trask

    and then WOlford. In fact it wouldn’t shock me and I would get the logic if we went to Wolford direct.

  104. HC Grover Says:

    Simple. If Bakefield is hurt let Trask win the game.

  105. Tony marks Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 7:21 pm
    Tony. You are a Baker Mayfield fan you’re not a bucs fan this is my first time seeing you on this site this year.

    Who gives a rip? Not anyone with common sense. I’ve uttetrly debunked this stupidity that who posts first on this blog is the true bucs fan

    its moronic so morons run with it. Meanwhile there have been and are buc fans for decades who never ever will post here.

    The rest of your post was repetiive drivel so no need to debunk again.

  106. Tony marks Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 8:19 pm
    Simple. If Bakefield is hurt let Trask win the game


    or at least give it a good try and FINALLY earn a paycheck

    IF he gets to 33% completion thats gravy.

  107. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    You’re hilarious.

    Keep posting.

    A guy who doesn’t capitalize sentences, doesn’t understand that English is a proper pronoun and needs to be capitalized, confuses it’s (it is = it’s for you Tony, not its) for it will, can’t spell Sunday, limping, better, and who regularly doesn’t end sentences with a punctuation mark is questioning other’s proficiency with reading English (you capitalize English Tony).

    I’m not gullible about when players and coaches tell me that the guy who was injured in the game is okay.

    I didn’t believe Jon Cooper and Ben Bishop and the Lightning when they told me that the lower body injury that Ben Bishop suffered in the Stanley Cup Finals that caused him to miss Game 3 was completely fine when he returned for Game 4.

    Turns out that that lower body injury of Bishop’s was a torn groin that needed to be surgically repaired after the Finals.

    Guess what, I don’t believe Bowles or Baker.

    You addressed my post. I have nothing to do with any other poster.

    I stated facts. In the Carolina game Baker was hurt going into the game with a rib injury. During the game he sustained a lower body injury that had him limping for the remainder of the game.

    That’s without dispute.

    I stated the fact that in the Carolina game Baker didn’t complete a pass for over 10 yards.

    I never talked about completions over 12 yards, but for some oddball reason you stated that I did.

    It was Baker having zero completions over 10 yards for the entire Carolina game.

    That’s a huge problem.

    You apparently disagree.

    SMH 🤦‍♂️

  108. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    You suffer from mental errcti!e dysfunction.

    Please take a mental blue pill, and if you have a mental erect!on for more than 4 hours everyone on this blog will be thankful.

  109. MadMax Says:


    and if Trask has to come in, he’s all about it and ready.

    He’s been hidden for a reason, get that through your thick skulls! Its just a matter of which Trask we will see.

  110. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    Brian Burns and Derrick Brown are 300 pound plus defensive lineman.

    Both guys sacked and took Baker to the ground.

    Baker was immobile as he hurt his lower body in the game and the horrific offensive line play of Stinnie, Hainsey and Mauch caused him to be sacked 3 times and hit 6 times.

    But sure, he’s okay.

    For the Carolina game last week the Bucs reported Baker’s injury as only ribs.

    For the Eagle’s game this week the Bucs have reported Baker’s injuries as ribs and an ankle.

    You understand Tony that 2 injuries reported by the Bucs this week are greater than 1 injury reported by the Bucs last week, right?

  111. Buchead Says:

    Dude, if you didn’t know that Bowles was making a joke, then that’s just sad – in effect he said, “of course getting hit while in the throwing motion will affect the throw”. Duh!

  112. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 8:37 pm
    Keep posting.


    LOL i will be cold day in hell when I need your permission or approval kid.

    You know someones got nothing by way of mental powere when they have to go on about captilization ib sports blog comment section -weeeeak.

    BTw – that was quite the run on sentence ( look it up) in your first paragraph. Bell glades educational system at its finest… 🙂

    Now any substantce? Oh lawdie apparently mot – he went to hockey

    Doesn’t that say it all…lolol

    That’s without dispute.

    I stated the fact that in the Carolina game Baker didn’t complete a pass for over 10 yards.


    You are finally right. It was under no dispute which means no one disagreed Baker was injured or didn’t pass for over ten yards IN THAT GAME ( as an ongoing claim its obviously wrong which was the actual covnersation you came in on but couldn’t process the eNGLISH )

    Now what was your barf that isn’t jsut disputed but asinine?

    oh yes – That he will play as banged up Monday as the last game even after two weeks have passed on his rib injury and a werk has passed on the sprain

    get it now? probably not but since you went to hockey lets go to golf

    thats par for the course for you.

  113. Tony marks Says:

    BelleGladeBuc Says:

    You understand Tony that 2 injuries reported by the Bucs this week are greater than 1 injury reported by the Bucs last week, right?


    Sure but I didn’t realize anyone was stupid enough to claim the report date is the same as the point of injury.

    You are on to something here. Its revolutionary!! if we don’t report an injury until say a week after it occurs then we will have all healthy players for the game EVEN IF THEY GET INJURED IN THE GAME.

    I could have sworn I saw Baker play wth an ankle and rib injury on sunday but according to you that counts as an additional injury in real life because the report is delayed by a day later

    You are freaking brilliant man!!. All we have to do is find a way not to do the reports at all and we will have all healthy players all season by going off the last full heathy report !!


  114. Tony marks Says:

    Buchead Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 11:53 pm
    Dude, if you didn’t know that Bowles was making a joke, then that’s just sad – in effect he said, “of course getting hit while in the throwing motion will affect the throw”. Duh!


    NOt surre the dude you are talking to is but presuming its me – you do realize you can spin a side joke and be serious at the same time right? duh

    That why Bowles said also

    “Obviously, he hasn’t been hit yet so we’re going to try to keep him clean”

    Thats bowles tellling you that hes good as long as he is not hit . Iff you can’t figure that out thats whats sad.

  115. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    I can see that you still suffer from mental erect!le dysfunction.

    The Blue Pill didn’t help you Tony? Your brain still can’t get it up. That’s a shame.

    You’ve been weighed and found wanting.

    You literally insulted my English proficiency in your post.

    I just pointed out that you make tons of English mistakes.

    You then are shocked and conveniently move the goalposts and act like you never called me names because of my poor English skills because I pointed out a lot of your English mistakes. You then say that pointing out English mistakes means that the person has nothing, and then immediately point out my English mistakes again by pointing out my run on sentences. By doing that using your logic you have nothing.

    Please take more Blue Pills.

    I stated that I don’t trust coaches and players like Baker and Bowles when they talk about injuries and provided you with an example of a multimillion dollar athlete in Ben Bishop and a multimillion dollar and multiple Stanley Cup Champion coach in Jon Cooper lying to everyone on the biggest stage of his sport.

    If you think hockey is any less of a violent sport than football with players getting injured vs football and coaches and players lying about injuries, then you continue to prove to everybody that you need to take the Blue Pill for you mental erecti!e dysfunction. Please take it for all of our sakes.

    I said Baker was hurt more going into this game against Carolina and you called me names and said that I was wrong.

    The Bucs reported on their final injury report to the NFL office that Baker Mayfield had 1 injury going into the Carolina game and that was his ribs.

    The Bucs reported on their final injury report to the NFL office that Baker Mayfield has 2 injuries going into the Eagles game this week and that is his ribs and ankle.

    By virtue of that official injury report that the Bucs gave to the NFL office it literally reports that Baker is more hurt going into this week’s game than he was going into last week’s game. You can read, right Tony?

    You understand Math, right Tony? You know that 2 is more than 1, right Tony?

    Please take the Blue Pills!!!!

    Finally, if Baker playing with more injuries this week per the NFL injury report and he produces results that he can’t complete a pass for more than 10 yards like he did last week against the Panthers then the Bucs chances of winning are greatly diminished.

  116. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    -Tony Marks

    I can see that you still suffer from mental erect!le dysfunction.

    The Blue Pill didn’t help you Tony? Your brain still can’t get it up. That’s a shame.

    You’ve been weighed and found wanting.

    You literally insulted my English proficiency in your post.

    I just pointed out that you make tons of English mistakes.

    You then are shocked and conveniently move the goalposts and act like you never called me names because of my poor English skills because I pointed out a lot of your English mistakes. You then say that pointing out English mistakes means that the person has nothing, and then immediately point out my English mistakes again by pointing out my run on sentences. By doing that using your logic you have nothing.

    Please take more Blue Pills.

    I stated that I don’t trust coaches and players like Baker and Bowles when they talk about injuries and provided you with an example of a multimillion dollar athlete in Ben Bishop and a multimillion dollar and multiple Stanley Cup Champion coach in Jon Cooper lying to everyone on the biggest stage of his sport.

    If you think hockey is any less of a violent sport than football with players getting injured vs football and coaches and players lying about injuries, then you continue to prove to everybody that you need to take the Blue Pill for you mental erecti!e dysfunction. Please take it for all of our sakes.

    I said Baker was hurt more going into this game against THE EAGLES THAN AGAINST Carolina and you called me names and said that I was wrong.

    The Bucs reported on their final injury report to the NFL office that Baker Mayfield had 1 injury going into the Carolina game and that was his ribs.

    The Bucs reported on their final injury report to the NFL office that Baker Mayfield has 2 injuries going into the Eagles game this week and that is his ribs and ankle.

    By virtue of that official injury report that the Bucs gave to the NFL office it literally reports that Baker is more hurt going into this week’s game than he was going into last week’s game. You can read, right Tony?

    You understand Math, right Tony? You know that 2 is more than 1, right Tony?

    Please take the Blue Pills!!!!

    Finally, if Baker playing with more injuries this week per the NFL injury report and he produces results that he can’t complete a pass for more than 10 yards like he did last week against the Panthers then the Bucs chances of winning are greatly diminished.

  117. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    🫳 🎤

  118. Tony Marks Says:

    Poor kid. Thought I would actually read his post further after he psychologically projecting his issue as mine.

    glad to have wasted your time writing the rest of whatever the rest of that dumpster fire was. – too bored.

  119. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks





  120. Marky Mark Says:

    For better or worse Baker is a national figure and will attract fans and haterz for non football reasons. As for Football Bakers performance this season has been one of the best in Buccaneers’ team history. Mayfield finished the year with 28 touchdowns and only 10 interceptions. His impressive touchdown to interception ratio was also accompanied by a 4,000 yard passing season, the first such season of Mayfield’s career.

  121. maccafan Says:

    Marky Mark – Baker had his best year ever for the Bucs and was paid under 10 million dollars this year even with cashing in on incentives. Most TD passes he has ever thrown in a year before was his rookie year when the threw 27. He completed a higher percentage rate of his passes this year than his career average. Like you mentioned, he threw for over 4,000 yards for the first time ever. Has Baker played well ever game; the answer is no. I would love the “haters” to tell me one NFL QB this year that has been terrific ever game. This site has posters like “David” who question his rib injury and ankle injury. Everyone with two eyes saw Baker got cheap shot to the ribs at the end of the NO game. I was at the game in Charlotte last week, I personally saw him hurt his ankle and limp off the field and the rest of the game.

  122. orlbucfan Says:

    joebucsfan survives cos of the $$clicks. For fans like me, who are surrounded by 21st century hi-tech, it’s entertainment. This game has the feel of the 1979 Bucs-Eagles playoff game. No one expected Tampa Bay to win except us diehard central FL football fans. 45 years later, we are going to be dealing with rain c/o climate change. We have a very good D and ST. We also have a better O than the one in 1979. Rumors are floating that the Eagle divas are acting up. The same went down back then. If I was a betting woman which I’m not, I would bet on the Bucs. I also would be at the game like I was 45 years ago. Go Tampa Bay!!

  123. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Here’s the truth about baker. He’s inconsistent. Has bin his whole career. He’s played some very bad games this year with the Bucs. He’s played some lights out games too. I like the grit he plays with but even before the rib and ankle injury has missed to many wide open receivers. Defenses have dropped 5 or 6 really bad passes from baker and that’s just the ones I can think of. I will say I would like to sign baker for cheap for next year. Give him 1 more shot. In year 2 of canales system I believe baker could be more consistent. Another year in the system with canales and canales himself should be better also. Add in a legit running game and 1 more reliable WR and maybe our offense as a whole would be 2x better than this years. As a QB you have to play consistent.

  124. Chris Says:

    @ m milligan, these are people that want the Bucs to lose just to get rid of Mayfield and maybe Bowles. They are literally rooting against their own team just to see one player that they hate, fail. It’s tge epitome of jealousy on an elementary school level. Full frontal lobe development never happened in these folks. I do believe that many of them are not even Bucs fans, they are Browns fans, or college football fans that hate Baker Mayfield from those days. They are taking years off of their own lives because of a guy they probably never even met.

  125. Vadertime Says:

    Rest Baker. Play Trask. Fire Bowles.

  126. Tim Says:

    Go Bucs!
    Quit all the bitching!
    These guys have given us a lot to be happy about this year. Been a Buc since their earliest days. I remember a lot of years with no hope and no post season.
    And stop complaining about our head coach. He’s a great defensive mind and for those of you fans who have been around a few years, do you remember Leeman Bennett? I’m all in with Coach Bowles.
    Go Baker and GO BUCS!