Weakness Is Bucs’ Interior O-Line?

January 13th, 2024

There’s one ex-player in the media who openly calls himself a massive Eagles and Buccaneers fan.

That’s former Philadelphia and Tampa Bay defensive tackle Beau Allen.

Allen’s Fax & The King show mostly focuses on college football, but Joe still listens sometimes. (Hey, what’s better for sleeping than college football talk after watching condensed NFL games?)

On this week’s episode, Allen weighed in on his former team and had mad love for the performances this season by right tackle Luke Goedeke and left tackle Tristan Wirfs. But Allen sees the Bucs’ interior offensive line as questionable. That’s where he envisions opportunity Monday night for the Eagles’ defensive front.

If the Bucs run up the gut like they enjoy doing fruitlessly, then Joe believes that quicly could become a wonderful confidence boost for the Eagles. That would be bad. Joe wants the Eagles thinking they suck and can’t climb out of their late-season swoon.

Again, Joe likes Allen’s perspective because he’s a Bucs fan and was on the roster when Todd Bowles arrived as defensive coordinator.

If you missed Allen’s film study of Calijah Kancey, Joe recommends it.

36 Responses to “Weakness Is Bucs’ Interior O-Line?”

  1. D-Rok Says:

    The key to this game is our interior O-line. That and turnovers.

    GO Bucs ! ! !

  2. Marine Buc Says:


    This interior O-line is the worst in the NFL.

    I like Cody Mauch and believe he will continue his development but Feiler was so good he was replaced by Stinnie by mid-season.

    Hainsey is the worst starting Center in the NFL.

    All three interior positions have graded out extremely low all season.

  3. Dom Says:

    Yeah we’ve known this all year lol. Still haven’t been able to really replace the loss of Marpet and Jensen. They would still be under contract this year

  4. Buc4evr Says:

    Tell that to Canales, he insists running up the middle knowing that Mauch and Hainsey are like revolving doors. Hope the Bucs have a different gameplan with the rain and ways to keep Baker from getting killed? Not looking forward to this game.

  5. Jack Clark Says:

    Our interior o-line is the reason why we have the worst running offense in the NFL, especially when running between the tackles.

  6. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Watch last week’s Carolina game.

    Brian Burns and Derrick Brown dominated Stinnie, Hainsey and Mauch.

    Both Burns and Brown destroyed all three and literally pancaked them onto their rear ends.

    If this happens again in this game, then the Bucs chances of winning the game will not be good.

  7. Bucs Guy Says:

    Need a LG (FA) and a C (draft).

  8. tampabuscsbro Says:

    Yes, anyone who thinks those dudes inside are good isn’t paying attention.

    It’s not as bad as some in here say it is but it it’s still below average.

  9. HC Grover Says:

    No tight end can block either.

  10. FortMyersDave Says:

    A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and on the O-line this is Hainsey. The reason why he is the starting center is 2 fold, bust Logan Hall’s most impact play as a Buc: ending Ryan Jensen’s career and then Licht unable or unwilling to find a replacement for him and stick with Hainsey who would be a back up on most other NFL rosters. Hopefully Canales does not try to run it up the gut and play into one of Philly’s strengths and one of the Bucs’ biggest weaknesses.

  11. Usfbuc Says:

    This is a good draft to pick up interior linemen

  12. JByrd Says:


  13. BucU Says:

    This entire line needs to play the game of their lives.
    You couldn’t catch the eagles at a better time.
    Play like it.

  14. MadMax Says:

    Trade down to the second and snag one of those Centers…Hainsey is doing all he can, I appreciate him, but theres an upgrade out there…

    and resign Baker…. better be friendly though, we need a lot of room to work with….and fu bakerhaters!

  15. Zoocomics Says:

    This isn’t exactly a revelation… who ever didn’t know the weakness is our interior O line must not be watching this football team. This was the biggest hurdle in Brady’s last season, and nothing has improved “drastically” since… it’s better, but we got some work to do in the offseason.

  16. MadMax Says:

    We need a 6’4 320 C….just saying…..find one to sign or draft one

  17. SB~LV Says:

    Hainsey, bless his heart, just ain’t big enough, and it isn’t his weight.
    He has maxed out but is simply not naturally big and strong enough.

  18. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Mad Max

    Sedrick Van Pran is a 6’4” 310 lb mauler out of Georgia.

    He’s the #1 center in this draft and he is the player that I am praying the Bucs are able to draft.

    That will help Baker and our run game tremendously next year and make our offense instantly better.

  19. QBKilla Says:

    Thanks Captain Obvious. Hainsey is not a starting caliber Center and Mauch needed a year on the bench. I hope we draft O-line early this year.

  20. David Says:

    You can remove the ? In the headline. Everyone should know that they need a center and a guard. It is the reason they can’t run the ball for more than 2 1/2 yards per carry. It is the reason I’m glad they have Baker because he’s mobile.

    The biggest weakness on offense.
    Defense biggest issue is a consistent 4 man pass rush, but what else is new

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    Duh. This has been obvious all a season. And Goedonkey sucks too. Otherwise they’re great.

  22. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It’s poor run blocking by the Oline….and it always has been….no back has been able to run behind this line….Not Lenny, Not Rachaad, Not Sneak, Not Tucker or Edmonds…….
    We need to bite the bullet and draft a G/C in round 1……a top-tier TE in round 2 and a bruiser RB in 3…

    Time to spend on the offense….5 of 7 of our last top picks were defense.

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    Right on TBBF. Even if Mr “run the ball” Bowles is selling insurance in the Islands by draft time.

  24. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    The Bucs need a workhorse back like Wiscon’s 6’2”, 245 lb, 4.4 forty running back in Braelon Allen who is #34 on Bruce Feldman’s Freak List. Think Derrick Henry or Bo Jackson or Jim Brown.

    If the Bucs can draft Braelon Allen at RB and the #1 center in Sedrick Van Pran is a 6’4” 310 lb mauler out of Georgia then Baker and the Bucs offense will be DANGEROUS next year.

  25. BrianBucs Says:

    The problem that the Bucs have had with their interior O-Lines is that Jason Licht keeps drafting college offensive tackles to come here and play guard or center.
    Each member of the Bucs present starting O-Line played tackle in college.
    How about drafting guards to play guard and centers to play center?

  26. garro Says:

    I really don’t think the run blocking in the middle is the issue Joe.

    I think we have bigger problems with the pass blocking. Add to that Bakers propensity of late to hold the ball and double clutch while not having the wheels due to the ankle injury and it could spell disaster.

    I look for Canales to hit some quick passes early to help slow those interior guys down.

    Go Bucs!

  27. Bnasty25 Says:

    Man after looking at the weather I wish this was going to be a good weather game… I feel like this might be the same result as week 3? Our defense needs to show up and be lights out. If we can keep them within 20 we have a shot and interior o line needs the best game of the year (which it’s the playoffs so should be) heavy play action and feeding Godwin will get us the win IMO. Chemistry seems off with Baker and Godwin to some degree? He doesn’t look for him to often?

  28. MadMax Says:

    @Belle….yep we’ll get there, Jason knows how. And I like that guy too….

  29. Onetrickpony Says:

    How about drafting guards to play guard and centers to play center?

    That’s too practical ,of an idea.we would rather , “roll the dice”

  30. Larrd Says:

    Big game Monday night! Go Bucs!

  31. Hodad Says:

    There’s a lot of love for Mauch, how he’s going to keep developing, and be good. Truth is he isn’t good right now. He’s a small school tackle thrown into the NFL at a position he never played. God forbid Licht draft a guard from Georgia. Mauch got rag dolled more then once last week, and has not played good consistant football all season. Hainsey isn’t much better. It won’t get better when they move Mauch to center, like they did Marpet, and waste another year.

  32. Front Four Says:

    Where you been, Joe. Been saying this since training camp.

  33. Brandon Says:

    I don’t think there’s a person that’s seen this team play that doesn’t know the IOL isn’t good. And yes, that includes Mauch… yes. He COULD get better, but honestly, he’s a 24 year old rookie. He isn’t going to grow as much as a 21-22 year old player. He’ll get a little bigger and stronger but there’s quite a bit you guys in Bucland don’t know.

  34. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs won the Stupid Bowl (their second) 4 years ago, and this site is howling like it’s the 1980s all over again. GIVE ME A FRIGGING BREAK! Sure, the inside OLine is weak, but Canales has got a bunch of players to compensate for it. Is he smart enough to SEE that????? All this nonsense about him being considered for a HC has had me screeching with laughter for days. How about a classic Cardiac Bucs win MN? Hey Joe, you better look at the ref factor in this one, too.

  35. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Hainsey get a lot of hate from y’all like he’s Donovan smith. Dude isn’t a road grader but he’s good in pass protection and hasn’t missed a game in 2 seasons. Again he’s no road grader but they’re much worse C out there and some of y’all marine buc are calling him the worst in the league. Just not to tru.

  36. unbelievable Says:

    But Allen sees the Bucs’ interior offensive line as questionable. That’s where he envisions opportunity Monday night for the Eagles’ defensive front.

    I mean… duh??? Anyone with an IQ above room temp can see this.