Some Playoff Nuggets From Last Night

January 16th, 2024

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

It’s hard to believe since it seems like yesterday that the Bucs dug themselves out of The Lost Decade. But would you believe the Bucs have one of the best NFL postseason records this century?

After beating Philadelphia last night 32-9, the Bucs are now 9-6 (.600) since 2000, per the Bucs’ media relations staff. That .600 winning percentage is tied for the third-highest in the NFL in the 21st century.

It gets better.

The nine points the Bucs’ defense allowed last night tied for their second-fewest points allowed in a postseason contest in franchise history. The Bucs lost to the Rams 9-0 in the 1979 NFC Championship.

This decade, the Bucs have outscored opponents 227-163 (+64) in playoff games since the start of the 2020 season, posting the league’s largest postseason point differential in that time.

Additionally, the Bucs held the Eagles without a third-down or fourth-down conversation. That is only the fourth time in NFL playoff history that has happened since the league began tracking these stats in 1991. It is also the third time in franchise history since 1991 the Bucs have pulled off that feat.

Boy, the defense sure picked a good time to get hot. In January.

31 Responses to “Some Playoff Nuggets From Last Night”

  1. Shane Callahan Says:

    I really like this team. I’m simply a Boomer Sooner who has followed Baker here. I’ve told y’all since preseason that he is a baller who has been completely misrepresented by the media. I’m happy for y’all, and I’m happy for him. Go Bucs!!! (I’m a history teacher and coach who believes in the first amendment, but, man, I wish the haters would go to whatever websites of the teams they actually root for. (If those trolls even actually root for anybody.)

  2. ‘79 Defense Says:

    They also only allowed 9 points in their SB win against the Chiefs. Let’s not forget that one!

  3. heyjude Says:

    And the Bucs stopped the tush push!

    Go Bucs!!

  4. Frank Pillow Says:

    Todd and Dave did the one thing that I didn’t think they could do—out scheme their opposition. Best Defensive plan since SB. On O, it was still a little disjointed at times, tons of drops, but 1st time it felt like we were attacking the other team’s weaknesses! Credit where it’s due. Keep it rolling!

  5. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Bowles earned my confidence! He’s back to .500 all time as a Bucs coach, and did it the hard way. A win in Detroit and he’s a winning coach for non-putrid franchises.

  6. bratsNbeers Says:

    no more drops next week. detroit is not the wounded bird philly was

  7. Allbuccedup Says:

    Lucky to have Canales. Offense looked explosive last night.

  8. Bosch Says:

    This is what the Bucs can do when:
    1 Their corners , Dean and Davis, actually show up and earn their salary
    2 They Play a pass first offense
    3. Bowles and Canales actually come up with a game plan

    Don’t know where this has been all year but glad it emerged in the playoffs.

    One more thing. Holding an opponent to 0 for whatever on 3rd / 4th down is a greater accomplishment than a shutout IMO. I have been a Bowles hater since the Rams playoff game. But this morning I must say….well done, sir.

  9. BillyBucco Says:

    I think Baker was feeling it, but he still forced some balls downfield when there were easy check downs.
    I think Detroit will cause a bigger problem if Baker looks down field too much.
    And Im not sure Goff is as bad against the blitz as Hurts was. That was for n to watch.
    Im all giddy and proud for sure. What an epic win.
    Baker might just be a post season juggernaut when it’s all said and done.

  10. Fansince76 Says:

    It was another playoff defensive gem from Todd!
    Bowles still has it!! thank God!

  11. SufferingSince76 Says:

    The Bucs played hard in all phases of the game. When they are on, it’s a beautiful thing.

  12. BucU Says:

    Wow!! Just wow!! What a magical run our guys are on. I congratulate all the coaches for having this team prepared to rock n roll last night. Amazing win. Amazing run.
    The national media is suddenly interested in the Buccaneers again. How about that?

  13. Jwbuc94 Says:

    Thought Monte Kiffens players went out on defense last night. And thought Brady was at helm again. Last night was fun slightly fuzzy from the amount of alcohol consumed. My cousin and his ten friends are all eagles fans went to his house to watch the game and it was real quiet for 90 percent of that game. Go Bucs as sirianni would say. See ya!!! ✌️ peace sign is from Winfield jr himself

  14. itzok Says:

    So tom brady ‘s record and last nights game. Awesome beat detroit

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We will have our work cut out for us in Detroit…..all those FG need to be TDs…..we can get it done but need another great effort.

  16. Bucs33Saints14! Says:

    If the Bucs can hang 32 points on a team, they can certainly win with that defensive effort. Only the Texans scored 30+ points. Detroit (L) scored 25, SF (L) had 27 and GB (W) had 30. Certainly excited/hopeful to see how Bowles schemes for Goff and the Lions. Lastly, thank goodness for Chase hitting every opportunity. If its close in Detroit, he can nail a long kick.

  17. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Bowles has figured out how to use Kancey, YaYa, Britt, and the rest more effectively since the season started and he moved to more man-to-man. If defense can do that same pressure to Goff then our chances for another win go way up.

  18. Jack Clark Says:

    Also baker is getting much more comfortable throwing to otton, so that’s 4 receivers baker likes throwing to now, Evans, Godwin, white, and otton. Plus when Trey Palmer and baker get on sync for the deep passes our passing offense will be complete.

  19. Boss Says:

    Welp, they shut me up. Good game all around and good coaching and play calling. If they can keep this up I will happily jump back on the wagon.

  20. NE Fan Says:

    Bucs Fan should not be proud of that win, one of the most obvious thrown games in the history of the game. The Eagles players should be fined and fined BIG!!! Coach take points off the board TWICE! No face mask call on the tush push, Dean 1st series second half no PI call, no push off from Evan’s on the sideline throw and the kicker, LVD runs into Goddert and PI called on offense. Hurts looked guilty as hell post game running back to the locker room.

    All I read on this site was about dropped balls but the Eagles had double, the only difference was Eagles were on purpose. The lookout blocks and obvious missed tackles, the Eagles should be ashamed of themselves, worst unsportsmanlike behavior by Eagles players ever, their fans should be pissed and monies returned.

    I would have written these point on the game time thread but Joe does not allow me to post on game day. Censorship at it’s finest, but I guess that is expected these days.

    Bowles is the luckiest coach in the NFL, two games in a row where half the teams lockers were cleared out pregame.

  21. German Buc Says:

    There was another game – even not too long ago – when the D held to opposing team to 9 points – sweet memories 🙂

  22. Usfbuc Says:

    You aren’t being censored NE but you probably should be. It’s something about your IP address that is flagging your posts. It happens all the time to me and I have been posting here for years.

  23. Usfbuc Says:

    Most of the time when I am censored it’s when I am out and about but I never get censored when I post from home.

  24. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    I was at that Bucs game in 1979. If I remember correctly, Doug Williams had his jaw broken and the immortal Mike Rae came in to QB.

  25. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Don’t mind her she’s real sad today cuz she knows her team is back to being the doormat of the afc east and she doesn’t have any Brady balls left to gurgle

  26. Mike C Says:

    Hahahaha , NE fan is going full conspiracy theory on us lol WOW bro how the pathetic patriots have fallen, go find a life smh.

  27. Kingram Says:

    NE fan, saddest crybaby excuses I have ever heard LOL. Probably has never taken responsibility for anything in his life. There are never any missed calls in football….

  28. orlbucfan Says:

    Bowles grinning and deservedly so. What a change from his awful NY Jets experience.

  29. Mike Johnson Says:

    We had 2 games this year, That 1st Falcons game and the Texans game where we should have won hands down easily. We just could not stop anybody. These guys now are believing they can win. Detroit might be in line for a shocker.

  30. Davenport Says:

    Taking nothing away from the Bucs, but damn Philly couldn’t have looked less involved as they did last night. They were mentally checked out.

    That team, especially the defense, simply didn’t want to be there.

  31. garro Says:

    Good stuff Joe!

    All of it bodes well for our Bucs! Getting hot at the right time is a thing BTW.

    Go Bucs!