Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2024

Welcome to 2024!

Joe wants to sincerely wish everyone a happy, prosperous, healthy New Year!

After that nut-punch of a loss yesterday, Joe honestly doesn’t know if we will be watching the Bucs in the playoffs in two weeks or if we will ring in a new coaching staff later this month — and a new quarterback in the spring. That’s how terrible that game was yesterday.

But enough of that!

Joe has no clue what the 2024 calendar year will bring, folks. Yes, there will be good things and bad, just like life. Joe can only hope 2024 brings a good surprise or two this month and a top-shelf team this fall.

Regardless of what happens with the Bucs, please know how much Joe appreciates all of your support, even the haters who browse this here corner of the interwebs.

Without Bucs fans like all of you, every single one of you reading, this site simply would not exist. Joe thanks all of you!

So raise a glass of Big Storm Brewery beer! Let’s hope the Bucs surprise us all in a good way and that you and your family have a profitable, healthy and safe 2024!

Go Bucs!

18 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Jimbob Says:

    Happy New Year

  2. Jimbob Says:

    May the Bucs win the Super Bowl

  3. BUCS SQUAT Says:

    Happy New Year to all And to all a good night

  4. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    Sending a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year! Never forget Bucs we are 2 time Super Bowl Champs! Go Bucs!

  5. ModHairKen Says:

    Joe, I should pay you for the therapy I get from this site.

  6. Joe Says:

    Joe, I should pay you for the therapy I get from this site.

    A cold Big Storm Brewing beer or a shot or two of Coyote Ugly bourbon will suffice 🙂

  7. Faspro Says:

    Happy New Year!!

  8. MadMax Says:

    2024 is gonna be ugly…hopefully not for our Bucs, but we’re on the brink of war and a recession…just saying….

    anyways happy new years and may your year be awesome all of you, especially the Joe’s

  9. TimR Says:

    Happy New Year! @ Joe and all who read this.

  10. BuccaneersRN Says:

    Happy New GM, Head Coach, and Offensive Coordinator, goodbye Devin White and PLAN 9!

  11. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    If Tiden and Brump were to both pass away in their sleep this week then we might have a chance at a good year.

  12. Oddball Says:

    Happy New Year Joes. Wishing you guys continued success in ‘24!

  13. Usedtocould Says:

    Happy new year! Joe is the only thing consistent with the Bucs!

  14. Mike Johnson Says:

    Happy New Year to All. I probably won’t wake up until the afternoon on NY day. The Bubbly got the best of me. Had fun though…

  15. unbelievable Says:

    Happy New Year Joes!

    Hopefully the Bucs left their soft arse play and moronic game plans in 2023…

  16. SRQ Bucs Fan Says:

    Hope is not a strategy. I hope JBF wins a Pulitzer! Thank you, Joes & Ira, looking forward to another year of the ultimate Bucs coverage!

  17. unbelievable Says:

    LOL BA’s Red Pen… we could only be so lucky…

  18. orlbucfan Says:

    Whatever. Been there, done that. Hopefully a good year and may the Bucs win next Sunday. And please, no coach firings.