Bucs Playoff Projections Take A Hit

January 1st, 2024

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

What was a high percentage for the Bucs entering yesterday’s debacle with the slimy Saints is now just about a coin flip.

Per the New York Times, the Bucs have a 56 percent shot of making the playoffs.

Naturally, others have different figures. PlayoffStatus.com has the Bucs with a much better shot at postseason football — a 75 percent chance. Over at BSPN, the four-letter has the Bucs at 70 percent.

As for the draft, the website TankAThon.com forecasts did not change the Bucs’ draft status after Sunday’s game. TankAThon still believes the Bucs make the playoffs. However, a No. 19 pick is the highest pick a playoff team can have.

If the Bucs beat the two-win Panthers at Charlotte on Sunday, the Bucs will be NFC South champs. Joe would put that likelihood at 75 percent.

43 Responses to “Bucs Playoff Projections Take A Hit”

  1. Tye Says:

    Bowels is still a BAD HC!….

    If the Bucs EVER want any chance to be a respectable team, they MUST go get a respectable, winning HC!…

  2. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    We can’t go win the game for you. It’s up to you whether you decide if you are the bigger dog or not. You need to find the details in the detail and get ready for a show down come Sunday. I can tell you this much if you think it will be handed to you well then you have already lost. Let see you coach. What are you gonna do about it?

  3. EEK Says:

    Hard to trust this team
    That game was so hard to watch
    The magic ran out on 3rd down
    If Bucs lose, yes, lots of big decisions for management

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    If the Bucs can’t beat the worst team in football, with a Division on the line, then the entire coaching staff must be let go.

  5. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    After today, do they deserve to make the playoffs?

    This team took a beating against a lessor team.

  6. dmatt Says:

    Tye, I agree,
    Bowles placed blame on players n coaches but as the leader on the team, he had ample opportunity for redemption after halftime by coming out with an aggressive up tempo offense. If the up tempo has worked several times previously with 5-6 minutes left in the game while trailing,(too little too late) then it’s a no brainer that it’ll work earlier in the game when trailing, as well as when we’re tied or leading. Bowles is the blame for losing and always has been.

  7. Since76 Says:

    I have no faith that Mayfield will play well next week or that bowles and Canales will have the team ready. This team is loaded and they don’t know how to turn the safety off.

  8. Darin Says:

    Can you beat a bad team this week? That’s your playoff percentage. Hopeful? Me neither. Deserving????? Child please says ochocinco

  9. McBucky Says:

    As long as Bowles is here, the Bucs will NEVER be anything more than mediocre, never.

  10. HC Grover Says:

    I am not buying any more hype. Fool me once. Bowles can easily blunder us out of the playoff game.

  11. Vancouver Buc Says:

    Bowels should’ve really got the boot half way through last season. It’s his mandate to keep running the damn ball up the gut on the first 2 downs.

  12. WyomingJoe Says:

    Man, you guys are nothing but quitters! Of course this team can win next week.

    Buccaneer Bonzai thinks that this team “doesn’t deserve to make the playoffs?” Stop being so foolish. Better yet, STOP WATCHING THE GAMES if you feel that way.

  13. maccafan Says:

    Mayfield took bad hit, let’s see how his ribs are for next weekend. If they can’t beat the 2-14 Panthers next week, they don’t deserve division title. This is not a great team, so I was not surprised that after 4 consecutive wins they came up short today.

  14. MelvinJunior Says:

    Amazing how ‘healthy’ this team has been and STILL with THAT schedule and in THIS Division… Are 8… And EIGHT. Like, Whaaaat Theeee….!?:/ Inexcusable. I’m not a believer that they are “LOADED” like some, but they are definitely good enough… Or, should be.

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    If the Bucs can’t beat the worst team in football, with a home playoff game on the line, and Baker playing for a new contract, then not only do they not deserve to be in the playoffs, Bowles and Baker should be given the boot before they even get on the team plane coming back to Tampa.

    There is no reason anyone should be making excuses about why that shouldn’t be the outcome if they lose.

    But hey, if they win, they’re in. If the Bucs got the Eagles, they’ve had one of the worst passing defenses in the NFL, like the Packers and Jags, so anything can happen.

    But lose vs the Panthers, clean house, starting with Bowles and Baker.

    I honestly hope that doesn’t happen since it would literally be the worst possible outcome of this season, to not make the playoffs and be drafting too late to get a QB of the future. That would be peak failure.

    But win vs the Panthers, and you’re a division winner and get a home playoff game.

  16. Popcorn Mike Says:

    For me what’s so frustrating is the Bucs starts to play their best ball all year and I am thinking we are own our way to a winning team next year for sure and then, the team go back to their old tactics, bad play by Mayfield, turnovers, penalties and bad defensive play. Makes me start to think again, Can the Bucs win with Mayfield at QB and Bowles at HC

  17. Elite Vita Says:

    Why isn’t anybody talking about the scenario if Baker is unable to play vs the Panthers due to injury? If Trask must play you will have a back up playing with virtually no game experience! Bucs haven’t given him a chance to gain that game time experience all year. Trask in this type of situation could I guess become quite the hero….we shall see.

  18. Seattle Buc is back in TB Says:

    Why still soft coversge on passing downs. Why are DBs on the outside 3 yards past the sticks?

  19. jd Says:

    This is what we went through with Raheem Morris and some what with Bruce Arians that made Brady mad couple years ago >>>that every game was not taking seriously. Giving the team extra day off coming back on Tuesday hope everyone will be on same page, Really? Saints had 9-10 days to prepare. They need to be wired up 24/7 with 19 rookies and second year players making this 53 man roster. Shame on them if they don’t. I hope they don’t let this opportunity go way side. This young group needs leadership with attitude. I do admire Bowles for his knowledge of coaching but not for his knowledge of delegating and directing.

  20. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Wyomingjoe you think Bucs deserve to be in the playoffs? Nobody deserves anything. Your entitlement attitude is what is wrong with people these days. You have to go out and earn the pay day or the win nothing is just handed to you and that’s the way it should be. Bucs didn’t want the win today or they would have. Home game on a 4 game win streak to take the division against a less talented team and they shat the bed. Everyone is to blame even our QB. No one gets a pass for how bad our team played. Bowles and canales get the most. Terrible game plan and no adjustments made on offense till the last 5 min of the game is ridiculous.

  21. Tb bolts Says:

    Unless Baker plays through injury and gives the ball away. That probably isn’t taken into account with that 75%. So say we lose and Trask never got his shot. Guess what Trask will still be here next year and many other will not. Bowels could’ve just let the kid try. 7 game losing streak seems like a good opportunity no? But hey we sure showed them Traskites eh. No way this team goes much further.

  22. MadMax Says:

    Im done until this bozo blowlz is gone…TF you thinking LICHT? Nice way to ruin the season dipsht!!

    Kitties will win and then we’ll be forced to clean house!

  23. MadMax Says:

    And blame Baker all you want baker haters, its not all on him….watch that sack where Goedeke gave up on the play and watched it happen like “duh, i stopped you, youre supposed to stay down”

    F Goedeke and Hainsey….C and RT or else… any QB we draft WILL NOT have a chance!!!!

  24. steele Says:

    Nothing you saw today was a surprise. Bowels is Bowels. Rah Rah Canales is Rah Rah Canales. Baker is Baker. This team reverted to its true natural consistently inconsistent state, after a few “slightly up” games and lucky circumstances. Many of us predicted an ugly .500 type season from the git go, and that is what it is. Bowels is not a leader who can get a team cohesive. Poor playcalling, individual and collective failures.

    The luxury of a bad division, and they still can’t get over. Made the Aints and loser Carr look godly. If they can’t take out the worthless Panthers, who were smashed 26-0 by the Jags…if they can’t take out an offense led by Bryce freaking Young…the long-awaited rebuild of the dumpster fire must ensue.

    But not even. I think they have had too much Kool-Aid from the “greatness” balloon of the last couple of weeks. For all we know, Bowles, Canales and Baker, and everything that isn’t right, is going to be be cemented into place for a long-term deal, and we will be right back here again, watching mediocrity.

  25. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    If Bucs lose next week, I would fire Bowles but seeing as it was projected that the Bucs would only win a handful (2-5) of games this season, the Glazers could say 8-9 is better than expected so keep him. Also if Bucs lose, Mayfield will not get as much money from the Bucs. So rumors of Sean Payton wanting him as a replacement for Wilson would likely happen and Payton would push to pay Mayfield more than the Bucs would to keep him with a 8-9 record. Glazers may let Baker leave and weirdly try to get Wilson in hopes that would fill the seats. My understanding is russel will get waived and a team will just have to pay league minimum for a veteran ($870k) and broncos pay the other $35+ million. I wouldn’t do that as Wilson is too old and too expensive the following year.

  26. MadMax Says:

    a Center, Bo Nix, then RT

  27. BuccaneersRN Says:

    Might be hard To get Penix up after New Year’s and all the partying

  28. Boss Says:

    First time I actually am rooting for a loss. Best for the team long term

  29. SufferingSince76 Says:

    WyomingJoe, you are not a Bucs fan. You didn’t show up until Baker did. Stop pretending you’re some kind of super fan.

  30. mg Says:

    Bowles showed he had high school coaching ability when he blitzed and let the Rams win that playoff game, the Bucs should have been in and won the Super Bowl.
    Moronic ownership. They are living on TB-12 money, just like New England.

  31. Boss Says:

    How many times does this coach have to make the same mistakes until this herd realizes they are not mistakes. He really believes in not altering the game plan based on the opponents.

    That’s why NE was a dynasty, they literally changed it up weekly.

  32. #99 the big fella Says:

    Unfortunately even if we win the division we will be one and done in the playoffs. Who are we going to beat?I was fooled by this winning streak. Not again will I feel good about this team until Todd Bowles is fired!

    I had a bunch of Bucs fans over for a BBQ and the game . It was embarrassing and we all think the same Bowels must go!!

  33. Bosch Says:

    Bucs have a 99% chance of defeating the Panthers and a 1% chance or winning the home play off game that follows. Hopefully, that is enough for the Glazers to flush the Bowel movement.

  34. Cottlevillebuc Says:

    Simply Bowles and the rest of the coaching staff reverted back to their roots and played not to lose rather becoming aggressive and playing to win. That thinking sunk the ship and they got their a$$ handed to them. Hopefully they have learned their lesson?

  35. Fred Says:

    Time for a clean sweep.

  36. Cobraboy Says:

    The fact there is doubt this team can beat a 2-win train wreck in their crib for the division seed AFTER laying a stinky #2 egg at HOME tells you all you need to know about Bowles & Co.

    What will casuals say if the Kitties pull off the upset? Which would not surprise me…

    The typical Todd Bowles game plan: runrunrun until we’re desperate, then have Mayfield scramble around, hoping for a miracle.

  37. Cobraboy Says:

    @Parattooper: Buc lose, and I wouldn’t allow any coach on the plane home.

    I’d have their offices packed up and system passwords deleted, the boxes at the loading dock at One Buc Palace.

  38. Mark hardt Says:

    I will be a contrarian here. Should Bowles have stepped and ordered Canales to go no huddle mid 3rd Quarter? No. Because as every parent should know if you step in and save your child they will never learn to reflect and self correct. Canales is a toddler play caller. He has learned from his mistakes. See 4 game win streak. Next week he can probably pound the ball any play action pass. But against the Eagles and Cow Girls he will have to go no huddle ear!ier..i think he will.

  39. Mr. Editor Says:

    It’s gut check time. The loss to the Saints has the team and the fan base reeling. On the down side, the Bucs’ chances of making the playoffs are seriously imperiled. On the plus side, there should be no more hype. No more talk about Mayfield Comeback POY, HCOY, Canales getting a head coaching job, etc. The game against the Panthers is a no-win situation for the Bucs. Lose and the Bucs are likely out; win and they “only” beat a 2-win team (which helps Chicago by the way).

  40. Bryan Says:

    Offense take three quarters to even wake up. Has to be the worst in NFL history on 3rd and 1. Run it up the middle for a loss everytime.

  41. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Hainsey was getting manhandled yesterday he is not strong enough to be an NFL center. Hainsey is the weak link in this OL. We need to draft a bigger stronger center. The only thing is Hainsey is really smart and he works hard he just sucks

  42. Rod Munch Says:

    Look at all the Baker Bois already making excuses for the Panthers game … this is the guy they’re telling us is a franchise QB, and with everything on the line, they have no confidence that Baker can actually play a good game and get the W.

    Says everything about the Baker Bois cult.

  43. orlbucfan Says:

    Get real. Bucs had a bad game. Even the almighty Ravens and 49ers do it. BTW, they’re the gruesome twosome I’m picking for the Stupid Bowl. Bucs won it 3 seasons ago. They have some rebuilding to do.