Bucs-Stinking Panthers Kickoff Set

December 31st, 2023

Kickoff time released.

The NFL annually waits until the end of Sunday night of Week 17 to release the Week 18 schedule, so the league knows what games will have playoff implications.

The goal is to play games with playoff implications in each broadcast window from 1 p.m. to midnight on the final Sunday of the regular season. And the NFL doesn’t want to create meaningless games by playing certain games at different times.

So last night in the final minutes of the Packers’ blowout of the Vikings, the NFL knew which teams and which games will matter next Sunday. The Bucs will face the Stinking Panthers at 1 p.m. and the Bucs road game will be broadcast on FOX (WTVT-TV Channel 13 locally).

If the Bucs win, then they are the NFC South champs. If the Bucs lose, well, it will be very ugly.

Adjust your weekend schedule and Big Storm Brewing purchases, accordingly.

26 Responses to “Bucs-Stinking Panthers Kickoff Set”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    TX Joe I was wondering. Happy New Year!

  2. Buddha Says:

    Can Buccaneers lose to Carolina and still make playoffs?

  3. Bucs 95 Says:

    We aint losing too them negative nancys no way no how

  4. Jeff Says:

    Yucs will lose. Mark the tape. 17-13.

  5. MegaFailure Says:

    no Buddha

  6. Bucs Guy Says:

    Doubtful. Depends on tie breakers and Seahawks, Packers losing. Too early to know

  7. ElioT Says:

    Carolina is going to whoop the Bucs’ ***!

  8. Bosch Says:

    The Panthers have checked out. The Bucs have had their overconfidence cured. They will win this one. But the playoff game that follows? Look out!

    But as long as the bowel movement is flushed, that is all that matters.

  9. Usfbuc Says:

    @Buddha – not completely sure but I believe we now have to win to get in. If we lose and the Saints win they would have a better record than us. If we lose and the Saints lose then the Falcons would have a better division record than us and all three teams regular season record would be 8-9.

  10. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    God what a complete let down by all Bucs! It’s a damn shame!

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    Buddha Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 11:32 pm
    Can Buccaneers lose to Carolina and still make playoffs?


    I used the ESPN Playoff Machine, which is by far the best way to test things – and I couldn’t come up with a single for the Bucs to lose and still get in. Maybe there’s some magic formula where a bunch of teams tie or something, but even trying out a bunch of those, the Bucs always end up losing all the tie breakers and missing out.

    Also, if the Bucs lose both these games to end the season, including against the worst team in football, they legit have no business getting in.

    So in all realistic aspects, if they lose, they’re done.

    But if they win, they’re in.

    Doesn’t get much more simple than that.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    I can’t believe the NFL didn’t bump the Bucs winning the NFC South to prime-time. Man, some teams get no respect.

  13. BucsBeast Says:

    I absolutely hate the way Bolwes coaches. Wouldn’t mind the loss if he walks the plank.
    Let’s be honest! This team can’t hang in the playoffs anyway.

  14. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Too bad Mcvey wasn’t our coach, that guy knows what he’s doing. At this point Raheem Morris could come back as our coach and do a lot better than Bowles.

  15. RagingBrisket Says:

    So wait, are we still worried that the Falcons ownership will swoop in and poach Mayfield and Canales? I swear I read that somewhere….

  16. godlovesbucs Says:

    If bucs lose the winner of falcons saints go to the playoffs. No possible way in without winning. If we lose and they tie saints go in.

  17. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    • Little Confidence

  18. Hail2dabucs Says:

    Why the heck does anyone wanna see this sorry arse team beat the worst team in the worst division to make the playoffs , just to get abused and embarrassed in said playoffs. No thanks ! They shat the bed weeks and weeks ago with just winning enough to keep bowls and mayfields jobs . Should be hiring a new coach & drafting high but no , now we have at least another year of this crap

  19. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I don’t understand how a team can have the division title right in front of them and come out and lay an egg like the Bucs did. It’s not as if the Saints are the 49’ers of Eagles or even Lions. To come out and not have any fight in you says a lot about the players but even more about the coaches. Hopefully the Glazers don’t get seduced by a win against the lowly Panthers and think we have the coach who will bring us the next Super Bowl. Does anyone really think that Todd Bowles is the man who will motivate this team and turn them into Super Bowl Champs?

  20. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Lakeland Steve

    Piss poor coaching, and a GM who is a total poser.

  21. rrsrq Says:

    What if the Saints and Falcons tie 😂😂

  22. Confido75 Says:

    The best cure for this team is for them to choke against CAR. Limping into the playoffs again is not progress. Bowles needs to go, period! Licht should be put on the hot seat after the season ends. His draft strategy is too high risk and the result is a lot of failed picks. This has resulted in a roster with limited depth and starters that should have never seen the field. Also, too many guys have not panned out that Licht drafted. The Glazers are not interested in spending a lot of money year over year on free agent players to make up for draft failures. Licht needs to self evaluate and evaluate his FO staff to make sure he has the right folks helping him make the right decisions.

  23. Willie Jackson Says:

    Saints vs falcons on cbs? Now that’s funny

  24. Rod Munch Says:

    rrsrq Says:
    January 1st, 2024 at 7:55 am
    What if the Saints and Falcons tie 😂😂


    Assuming you mean the Bucs lose, in that case the Saints are in.

  25. orlbucfan Says:

    Proud Buc or whatever you are, are you outta your tree? Raheem Morris wanted to be the Bucs D coach, not the HC. The owners gave him a stark choice: HC or see ya. They were too busy blowing $$ on Manchester United. So, their NFL team was like whatever. Go look it up. I know we get a lot of whoppers on here, but the beyond stupid is amazing.

  26. Jeff Quinn Says:

    The Panthers already secured their spot and traded it to the bears, they definitely coming with their A game to play spoiler. They are not a terrible team despite their record. They been tanking on purpose, but have no reason to this coming Sunday.