Fifteen Teams Are 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7

January 2nd, 2024

“Look, Mr. Glazer, there are many reasons I see a glass half-full.”

It’s easy to want to launch furniture at the state of the Buccaneers following that groin-stomp of a loss Sunday to the slimy Saints. The Bucs looked lifeless for too much of that huge game.

Where is the team headed? In Week 17, they didn’t look well coached or super hungry.

At 8-8, the Bucs are what their record says they are: a rather typical NFL team. In fact, 15 teams currently have a record of 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7.

Joe thinks maybe six clubs appear to have what it takes to win a Super Bowl. The rest are chasing success.

The Bucs look destined to beat the brutal, two-win Panthers on Sunday. A 9-8 finish would put the Bucs in the playoffs as NFC South champs and they’d likely have a top-14 record in the 32-team NFL. That’s nothing to cry about.

Still, it all feels nauseating following the Bucs’ weak showing against the Saints (8-8), like the Bucs haven’t progressed since their 3-1 start. That loss really shook Joe and a lot of fans.

Joe wonders how Team Glazer views what happened as it relates to evaluating head coach Todd Bowles. Team Glazer members are serious fans, not just owners. They had to be shaken, too.

Regardless, the 2023 Bucs are a typical NFL team, but one with a lot more contributing rookies and young players than most.

62 Responses to “Fifteen Teams Are 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7”

  1. Tye Says:

    In the history of football: has there EVER been one of the worst HC such as Bowels is and years later proved to be a winning HC?

    TB will ALWAYS be a detriment to winning and keeping him as HC another season is actions screaming to fans and players that winning is not important!

  2. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Fan is short for fanatic, and boy, do we ever have some fanatical mental coelenterates here.

  3. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    @Tye: Take your Thorazine, son.

  4. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I have been fooled by Bowles for the last time! After this Saints debacle, nope, he needs to go. Short of winning the Superbowl, I’m done. I have no doubt he is at least somewhat responsible for BL’s atrocious offense and definitely has his hands in the cookie jar with Canales.

    Also the whole, I’m the head coach, but it is not really my fault schtick with him is stale. Take some accountability! BA brought a culture of winning and I do not want that to leave. It seems to be slipping and it needs to stop.

  5. Mike C Says:

    Not to mention the Bucs cap situation.

  6. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Bi-polar Bucs fan here. Been a Bucs fan since 76. My AOL email name reflects that. I like most of our current players, except serial loafers White and JTS. I even like Baker even though he will never win the SB. At least he tries. I have a lot of disgust and anger after games like the one we just lost, but always come back around and root for the Bucs. My issue is with Bowles. Just don’t have any faith in him as a HC. If we play the Panthers the same way we played the Aints I won’t care if we lose and will go do something else by halftime, all the while periodically checking the score on my phone. If we are playing well I will sweat and cheer from my couch.

  7. Boss Says:

    The problem is they are doing the same thing they did last year.

    oh, and the results are the same. A stacked team (thank you licht) which underperforms…and gameplans…well there aren’t any. nor are there any in game adjustments. bowels could literally not be there and I think the team would do better.

  8. Buc1987 Says:

    Lose this game and Bowles is going to be launched!

  9. 1#bucsfan Says:

    It’s one thing if we lost a close game or we played good and still lost but man that was a terrible loss. That’s on coaches. Especially the offensive game plan. We had success airing it out then back to running the ball into a brick wall even down 3 scores. Ridiculous that’s what pisses me off. This all falls on coaches. Get your players ready. It falls on players to cause we have enough vets and SB players that they should have stepped in. Turnovers deff didn’t help.

  10. Mike C Says:

    Rusty Shackleford Says:
    January 2nd, 2024 at 12:27 pm

    Fan is short for fanatic, and boy, do we ever have some fanatical mental coelenterates here.

    How big of a Tool are you?

  11. Steven007 Says:

    Tye, the most obvious comp for what you’re looking for is none other than Bill belichick who is 36 – 44 with the browns before going to the Patriots. Please don’t get me wrong, neither I nor anyone else thinks Bowles is comparable, but there is a comp for what you stated.

  12. Mike Johnson Says:

    If we win on Sunday, we will be one game better than Last year with Brady. Which means we are a..middle of the pack team. Not bad but not good either. Unless you bring in a dynamic guy who can win immediately, we are going thru the same growing pains with a new coaching regime that we have now. So, pick your poison. What HC is available who can come in here and win immediately?

  13. Boss Says:

    “What HC is available who can come in here and win immediately?”

    I’ll take Cartman yelling “respect my authoritay” at this point.

  14. BucsBeast Says:

    The game has changed and Bolwes has been left behind.
    His Defense is TRASH!

  15. Bobby M. Says:

    Eagles thought the Cardinals would be a walk in the park….there are ZERO gimmies in the NFL. Every roster is capable of beating another on any given day depending on who executes consistently. Last week looked like the players knew Bowles was going to deviate from what was working and simply weren’t interested. The game plan reverted back to what we did losing 6 of 7 games….Bowles can’t help himself. He’s fascinated with controlling the clock instead of putting the petal to the metal to get points on the board….Why? Because his focus is to protect his defense/job security. His next gig won’t be another HC opportunity, he’ll be a defensive coordinator at best. Got to keep that defense looking serviceable.

  16. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Steven007, you beat me to it.

    Funny thing is I feel the same way, that it’s crazy to think TB will be the next BB. But I would put the odds about the same as people saying BB would be the next Don Shula after he was fired in Cleveland

  17. Chris Says:

    A better head coach and the Bucs would be 11-5 right now. We should’ve beaten the Falcons, Texans and Saints.

  18. Beeej Says:

    I hear Matt Patricia is probably going to be available

  19. BucU Says:

    We have a HC who has no idea how to run an offense nor does he care to.
    He’s supposed to be a defensive wizard yet we’re last in the league in pass defense. Glazer’s need to make some important decisions in the offseason.

  20. Bill in Seminole Says:

    I’m pleasantly surprised we’re 8-8 at this point in time. At the beginning of the season, having gone 9-8 last year with Tom Brady, I thought we’d be 5-12, or 6-11 best case. Now we can win the division with a win this week against arguably the worst team in the NFL.

    Then again, how many times has a team with a poor record come in and beat us badly.

  21. SED14 Says:

    As a longtime season ticket holder, diehard Bucs fan and Saints hater, I’ve really tried to get on the Sleepy Todd support bus the past two excruciating seasons, but after Sunday’s complete embarrassment at home, I’m finally done with him and his constant excuse making, loser mentality BS.

    He’s massively UNINSPIRING and consistently UNPREPARED and OUT-COACHED on a weekly basis. He is a totally weak and unaccountable leader who lacks the tactical acumen and initiative to make any meaningful in game adjustments until it’s usually too late.

    We will never be anything more than a .500 team with Sleepy Todd and his listless, gutless, uninspiring, deer in the headlights, zero weak leadership at our helm. I’m sorry but backing into the playoffs, only to be curb stomped by Dallas last year and probably Philly this year isn’t good enough.

    Please Glazer familly, don’t make us have to watch Zero Leadership Todd for another mediocre season stand emotionless on the sideline with the same uninspiring comatose look on his face while our team melts down in front of him with zero adjustments or any sense of urgency. Sorry Todd it’s time to go no matter what happens Sunday.

  22. BrianBucs Says:

    So in other words fellow Bucs fans, welcome to mediocrity.
    Is this really what the Glazers want or will settle for?

  23. Mark hardt Says:

    The top six are the exceptions. Pete Rozelle planned it this way with equally shared TV money and a salary cap. This is a parity league by design. It is supposed to keep all fans engaged as long as possible. As far as the tank to rebuild crowd be careful what you ask for. Freeman and Winston were the tank and draft high QBs. How did that work out? An aging Brady and a still young Baker was the FA QB route. How did that work out? Even if they lose to the Patheticers Baker will have the same record as Brady did last year. If you were GM which plan would you choose?

  24. Bobby Says:

    Todd Monken

  25. Bobby Says:

    Think if Todd Monken came here as HC. Would Dirk Koetter come out of retirement and be the Bucs OC? Let’s not forget Dirk’s offense was not the problem. It was the lack of running game and the defense. But Dirk’s passing game was aggressive and adaptive with in-game adjustments. Which Todd Boeles and Dave Canales seem to lack the ability to make offensive in-adjustments to ganeplaning and play calling. Todd Monken is doing a great job with Lamar Jackson and the Ravens this season. Glazers should seriously consider getting him as HC before another team does.

  26. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I’m not upset about the 8-8 record. I’m upset because we have no future with this HC and QB. Both are performing at peak level this year. Neither one is likely to produce better seasons than this one, based on their histories. Several other teams in the 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 category are still ascending (HOU, GB, LAR) or dealing with injured QBs (CIN, MIN, JAX). Those teams can see a better future.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    We are going to be stuck with him. Read it and weep.

  28. Jack Sparrow Says:

    give Bowles a break. During the start of the season, people are saying Bucs will be 4-13 at best with Bowles, Canales and baker. Look where the BUCS stands right now, in the brink of a NFC South Div. Champ and to the playoffs…… GO BUCS!

  29. HC Grover Says:

    The final record will be 9-9. .500 The family income stream will be just fine at this level.

  30. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Goodell wanted it like this PARITY is not good for the game

  31. aleyz2020 Says:

    Exactly on point. Shooting for mediocrity is not a very lofty goal. Almost half the league are considered in the playoff hunt and if the Bucs do manage to win the NFC South they’ll very likely be a one and done. At the end of the season everyone’s a loser but one!

  32. It's Corn Says:

    Also remember that If the Bucs were in another division, they’d have had to play much better teams than the 6 games they got against the Junk of the South.

    In that case they probably go 2-4 in the division, and end up 7-10. That’s the kind of team they feel like, 7-10.

    And that’s why so many fans aren’t happy. They are not a good football team.

  33. Bucfan Says:

    You can’t win them all but you can be competitive. When your team fights a good fight, I can accept a loss. BUT when you do not even show up – that is on the coaching staff. Time for a chang.

  34. Boss Says:

    Gruden would have won 2 more SB’s with this team!

  35. Defense Rules Says:

    Leopold Stotch … ‘BA brought a culture of winning and I do not want that to leave. It seems to be slipping and it needs to stop.’

    How about a little ‘balance’ in there Leopold. BA went 7-9 in his 1st year here. And oh ya, he wasn’t able to work his “QB Whisperer’ magic on the #1 pick of the 2015 draft, Jameis Winston. And BTW, we had some pretty decent players on that 2019 team; guys like Jensen, Marpet, Evans, Godwin, Suh, JPP, LVD, Shaq & a host of others.

    But yes, we did have a winning culture in 2020 & 2021 … largely because of the addition of guys named Brady, Gronkowski, Wirfs, Fournette, Brown, White, Winfield etc. And oh BTW some guy named Bowles oversaw a defense that improved to a #8 then #5 ranking in Points Allowed in those 2 years. Without that defense, do you really think BA would’ve gone 11-5 in 2020 or 13-4 in 2021 and won a Super Bowl?

    Beginning in 2022 we started paying the price for bringing in the high-priced talent that BA had at his disposal. Worth it IMO, but folks shouldn’t over-credit BA for those 2 years of glory. It was a total TEAM EFFORT from start to finish. We’ve got a long ways to go to develop a TEAM as talented as our 2020 & 2021 teams, but at least we’ve started the journey. This was Year 1 of a major reconstruction effort, and IMO breaking even is quite commendable. Frustrating as all git-out … but commendable nonetheless.

    Just for info, in 2022 Bucs had 69 players get playing time (1 or more snaps on game days). When the season was complete, 33 players … almost 50% … weren’t re-signed. And a lot of those were starters or key rotational guys (Brady, Gronk, Fournette, D Smith, Mason, SMB, Edwards, Neal, RNR, Hicks among others).

    In 2023 we’ve had 59 players get playing time (1 or more snaps). Of those 23 … nearly 40% … weren’t with us last year. That’s what I would consider to be a major reconstruction.

  36. CalBucsFan Says:

    Good data there Defense Rules, thank you.

  37. VOT Says:

    Parity has been the desire of the current commissioner for his entire tenure and it is gut wrenching

    The cap combined with crazy individual player salaries is making this league less entertaining every year

    I hate watching preseason level play in week 17 because almost every team has a gaping whole somewhere due to cap constraints, injuries etc

    Add in the ridiculous officiating we are watching every week…

    I dropped baseball and basketball when they became money ball basically

    The nfl is on its way too unfortunately- anyone care to wager on it?? LOL

  38. Darin Says:

    That will happen almost every year Joe. Parity. That’s why it’s super important to find the QB and HC to get you there. The rest is pretty even.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    I think it’s pretty straight forward, if the Bucs lose on Sunday, then Bowles and Baker are gone.

    If the Bucs win on Sunday, then Bowles will be back.

    To bring back Baker, you’d need him to play really well on Sunday and win, AND with a home playoff game come out and play really well AND win. If he does that, then you bring him back for a year. If he doesn’t do both of those things, then you give him the boot.

    But win on Sunday, and win a home playoff game, then you give both one more year, and you hope that maybe Baker’s two week Fitzmagic like run was a turning point in his career. Personally I think he’d have to be nuts to actually think that, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong. But pointing to his Derek Carr like numbers as a reason to say you bring him back… uh, no.

  40. HC Grover Says:

    Maybe rock concerts after the games will help.

  41. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    we are lucky to be in such a bad division

  42. Irish Laughter Says:

    They suck… its OK if we suck too. Ha ha. Typical Joe. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  43. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Boss Says:

    Gruden would have won 2 more SB’s with this team!


    His career .500 head coaching record suggests otherwise.

  44. Defense Rules Says:

    optimisticbucsfan … ‘we are lucky to be in such a bad division’.

    Aah yes, the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep the dream alive. (BTW, kudos … now I see why you chose OPTIMISTIC Bucs Fan as your handle).

  45. Mike C Says:

    Irish laugh, so….. the Bucs should win the super bowl every year? They have 32 teams in the NFL, not sure if they teach math in Ireland but that is a unreasonable expectation. Bucs Just won their second super bowl and have not been in the league for 64 years so they are ahead of schedule. Ask the Bills, Vikes, Lions, Browns ect if they would like to have the hardware this franchise has, piss off bro.

  46. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey DR, don’t get excited about Brady and his bunch including Antonio Fruitcake. All Bucs needed to win that Stupid Bowl was a QB who didn’t turn the ball over every nanosecond. Brady showed up cos he lucked into it, saw how good the Bucs were, and was politely told to kiss off by the 49ers. He strangled the salary cap. I always considered him one of these humans born with a good luck charm. He’s history. I want my team to play well Sunday and beat the Panthers by 3 like they did earlier this year. If someone would kick the rocks in Canales’ head, they have a chance.

  47. Defense Rules Says:

    UKBuccaneer … ‘His (Jon Gruden’s) career .500 head coaching record suggests otherwise.

    Never could figure out why so many folks see Chucky as an offensive guru. In his 7 years with us, the most points any of his Bucs’ teams scored was 361 points (22.6 PPG), with the lowest being 211 points (13.2 PPG). He averaged a tad less than 308 points scored per season (19.2 PPG).

    This year’s team has averaged 21.2 PPG through 16 games, with a rookie OC, new QB & a host of other ‘new’ stuff. Chucky was a showman who happened to be in the right place at the right time, and was blessed to have Monte Kiffin as his DC.

  48. Defense Rules Says:

    orlbucfan … ‘I want my team to play well Sunday and beat the Panthers by 3 like they did earlier this year. If someone would kick the rocks in Canales’ head, they have a chance.’

    Personally I’d love to beat the Panthers by 33, and if Canales goes with the offensive schemes that we used against the Packers & Jaguars we could do that. Against the Pack we ran it 12 times & attempted 18 passes (includes 3 sacks), and we were up 13-10 at the half. Against the Jags, we ran it 16 times & attempted 25 passes (includes 1 sack), and we were up 20-0 at the half. Canales called a nice mix of run-pass in the 1st half of those 2 games IMO, and it kept the Pack & Jags defenses off balance. Nice to go into the half with a lead instead of being behind too.

  49. Defense Rules Says:

    orlbucfan … BTW those were 1st half stats not full game stats. He called a more conservative game in the 2nd halfs, most likely because we were ahead & were trying to burn clock.

  50. Duane in Sanford Says:

    The sky isnt falling. The Saints always give us fits, and they were the more desperate team last week. It may have taken too much effort to dig out of the big hole in the middle of the season, but there is still enough juice for the Panthers. Taking the division will likely cause big changes in Nawlins and Hotlanta, and my dark heart will be satisfied. If you are only here for the championships, you should check in around 2040. I dont like Bowles, but hes likely coming back for another year, and this team should be better next season. LFG!

  51. m milligan Says:

    So, all the BS about 500 to sub 500 teams for Buc’s W’s. Half the league.

  52. m milligan Says:

    Munch, u suke, Mayfield only reason they’ve got a chance. And I say slim chance, sht the bd last wkend, panthers owner throwing drinks at Mayfield, could be a bad wkend, fuked up so bad last wkend lost all hope…………………..

  53. ScottyMack Says:

    I wonder why so many people here think that potential NFL head coaches are going to be chomping at the bit to coach the Bucs. Virtually every known commodity for OC turned down an interview with the Bucs.

    Most here think that Mayfield sucks (although his numbers are among the top QBs in the NFL) and that we should spin the roulette wheel, hoping to find one of the extremely rare college QBs who transition to the NFL successfully or far more rare, who end up as one of the best in the league.

    Yeah, sounds like something an incoming head coach would just love to deal with [insert eye roll here].

  54. #99 the big fella Says:

    And only one team has the worst coach in the nfl .. ladies and gentlemen I present to you TODD BOWLES

  55. jd Says:

    I have a hard time understanding some of the fans… maybe I have been around for a long time. I guess with help OF all bunch of transplants >>>they cry when their team loose BUT they can not stand WHINING when Bucs under achieve. How high the expectations of everyone’s raised up. We used to be happy when we had a winning season. We should be happy we drafted 5-6 rookies can start almost on any team and we will have huge cap space next year. Very happy we are at 8 and 8 and have a chance to win the division. We have a large coaching group Glazers do not mind spending money on. I think we should enjoy the ride instead of bitching about every little bit. THIS IS MY GLASS HALF FULL SIDE…..

  56. jd Says:

    I have a hard time understanding some of the fans… maybe I have been around for a long time. I guess with help OF all bunch of transplants >>>they cry when their team loose BUT they can not stop WHINING when Bucs under achieve. How high the expectations of everyone’s raised up. We used to be happy when we had a winning season. We should be happy we drafted 5-6 rookies can start almost on any team and we will have huge cap space next year. Very happy we are at 8 and 8 and have a chance to win the division. We have a large coaching group Glazers do not mind spending money on. I think we should enjoy the ride instead of bitching about every little bit. THIS IS MY GLASS HALF FULL SIDE…..

  57. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Joe wonders how Team Glazer views what happened as it relates to evaluating head coach Todd Bowles. Team Glazer members are serious fans, not just owners. They had to be shaken, too.

    Regardless, the 2023 Bucs are a typical NFL team, but one with a lot more contributing rookies and young players than most.” – Joe

    I hope they have already decided to fire him. They fired Dungy and Gruden with 9-7 records when there were only 16 games. This is worse.

    As to the rookies and other young players, they are developing very well. Some of the coaches are doing great…just not the main coach.

    If I’m honest, I enjoyed Dungy’s defense a lot more than Bowles defense.

  58. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    jd, I feel ya, but…

    Expectations are higher because of the culture change, and that’s a good thing.

    9-8 is not a good season in today’s NFL. When it was 16 games, 9-7 was okay because it was 2 games above .500.

    The goal now is a minimum of 10-8 or the season is a bust…because we have 17 games now.

  59. Defense Rules Says:

    Bonzai … ‘The goal now is a minimum of 10-8 or the season is a bust…because we have 17 games now.’

    I know it’s early in the morning, but you’re setting the bar impossibly high for any HC.

  60. SlyPirate Says:


    Lose to the worst team with the playoffs on the line : Fired
    Win the game, win the NFCS, make the playoffs : Not Fired

    Carolina will be playing to win. They’ll be motivated to play spoiler and end the year on a high note. It won’t be easy.

  61. jd Says:

    Vegas had us winning 5.5 games this year, team won 5 out of last 6 games – going into playoff’s with 9-8 record with bunch of rookies or second year players. 10-7 and 9-8 sounds very different.

    I think Glazers are happy with what they have achieved and what they have in the house. Defensive head coaches are hard to like, unless they dominate.

  62. Daniel Z Says:

    To be fair, winning 8 or 9 games given our roster and cap situation at the end of last year, is a pretty good accomplishment. But it’s also infuriating, because this team would have 2-3 more wins if Bowles wasn’t so bad. Seriously, can anyone think of a game where the Bucs coaches weren’t out-coached by their opponents? I can’t.