Was The Bucs’ Loss More About Turnovers?

January 2nd, 2024

“Kyle, we endured this twice together. I don’t think it’ll happen again.”

Not since Tom Brady crapped the bed last season against the Bengals at The Licht House — 2 interceptions and 2 lost fumbles in a span of 10 offensive plays — have the Bucs had four turnovers in a game like they did on Sunday.

Like most of Joe’s fellow Bucs fans, Joe is trying to make sense of Tampa Bay’s ugly loss to the rival slimy Saints two days ago — at home with the playoffs on the line.

Defensive answers arrived way too late and the Bucs’ inisitence on running the ball when it wasn’t successful are puzzling factors. But could the loss be as simple as turnovers?

Rewatching the game last night, Joe was less emotional and felt more of the impact of the Bucs’ turnovers — two interceptions from Baker Mayfield and lost fumbles by running back Rachaad White and receiver Trey Palmer. Every Tampa Bay turnover was in Saints territory.

Man, talk about drive killers. Joe can’t hang those four critical mistakes on coaches.

Brady’s ugly day against the Bengals was the Bucs’ only four-turnover game last season, a home loss.

The only other four-turnover game of the Brady era was opening day of the 2021 season. Against Dallas Brady had two picks and Chris Godwin and Ronald Jones each lost fumbles, but those mighty Bucs had enough firepower to overcome.

Sunday’s mess was the Bucs’ only four-turnover game of this season.

For fun, Joe looked up how many times the Bucs had four-or-more turnovers in a game during the 2019 season, the final year of the Jameis Winston era.

Sit down for this one … it happened six times and the Bucs were 1-5 in those games.

49 Responses to “Was The Bucs’ Loss More About Turnovers?”

  1. SB~LV Says:

    The first drive by the Staints summed up the whole day for the Bucs !
    And the Saints understood that the Bucs were not there to play that game

  2. Pewter power Says:

    No they were turning the ball over because of lack of concentration. They really did think they would win by suiting up and walking out on the field. Like us they hate the saints, of all the games on their schedule this is the team they should want to bash the most. Bowles is not the guy, they didn’t quit on him but they damn sure play even they want to

  3. Red Skeleton Says:

    The turnovers were drive killers but it wasn’t the only reason we lost. 3 and outs, poor punting, poor coverage and poor coaching also contributed. With all of that said, somehow we were still in the game late.

  4. Boss Says:

    some have said it already……

    but the games I watched this year….you could see from the 1st or 2nd drive literally what the outcome would be.

    It was either turtle mode or a tough fight.

    turtle mode was crystal clear…the tough fight mode must have been lesser teams because it was not like we were lighting it up. those last few wins, at least from the stat sheet) it looked like they were finally throwing. Thank you mrs. Godwin.

    the players should all have their wives tweet about play calling lol

  5. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Even the commentators are like “why they keep running the ball there nothing there” This coaching staff sucks.

  6. orlbucfan Says:

    I’m just glad it wasn’t a shutout. Bucs played terribly. However, this has been pointed out: very seldom do they sweep the Aints. Period. Have you all forgotten that in their SB year, the Aints won the Division? That’s right. Bucs had to beat them in NOLA in the playoffs. They did so. Bucs didn’t have a home game until they arrived at the Stupid Bowl. The rest is history.

  7. ATLBucsFan Says:

    Even with the turnovers, the Bucs weren’t ready to play with the intensity the game required. That’s coaching and the HC blamed his coaches. Nice leader there.

  8. dmatt Says:

    The RWhite fumble didn’t surprise me. He has a habit of carrying the ball loosely. He had a fumble in the Philly lost n had a few close calls in other games. The coaches job is to coach him up on how to carry the football. Leonard Fournette never fumbled the ball during his 3 years with us.

  9. Beeej Says:

    That first pick at the goal line, was on 3rd down. Could look at it as more of a perfect punt

  10. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Turnovers were critical to loss, but Mayfield was pressured all game and the timing between him and receivers was thrown off most of the game.
    Maybe Goedeke’s crap talking vs Jags came back to haunt OLine because they were manhandled by Saints

  11. Bucfan Says:

    Please lose to the Panthers so the Glazers will wise up and hire a new coaching staff!!!!!!!!!

  12. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Those four turnovers were bad but thank goodness they weren’t sacks on those plays, huh Joe?

  13. It's Corn Says:

    They won the turnover battle in other games but still found a way to lose those too.

  14. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    One interception was better than a punt…….Saints on two yard line but complete a 3rd & long pass downfield to the TE……..killer.

    The two fumbles definitely affected our potential comeback…..long gains wiped out by fumbles….

    We lost the game because of a bad offensive gameplan……trying to run instead of immediately attacking their weak secondary.

  15. August 1976 Buc Says:

    The Saints came out and attacked, and controlled the line of scrimmage on defense and offense. They dictated the game from the beginning,, the Bucs were flat. The Saints set the tempo of the game. No mater how anyone spins it, in the media, or coaches, or fans. The Saints were ready for a street fight and the Bucs were not.

  16. Buc4evr Says:

    Agreed, runs plays were not working so Canales doubled down on stupid. Like trying to run on second and long. I really think Canales is a poor OC. Just as stubborn as Leftwich but more articulate. Either way the guy needs a HC job somewhere else. This team will never make it back to the SB with this coaching staff.

  17. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Ah, the Jameis era. Opening drive INT. Probably another INT in the next 3 drives. Early hole, then lots of passing yards hoping to make the final score look close. Fun times.

  18. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    For those claiming the Bucs were running the ball to much, this is the reality of the play calls of run v pass for the first half for each of the Bucs drives:

    1st Drive-run, pass, run, punt
    2nd Drive-pass, run, pass, run, pass, pass, run, pass, pass, pass, pass, run, pass/int
    3rd Drive-pass, run, pass, punt
    4th Drive-pass, pass, pass, punt (this was no huddle when the score was 14-0, taking no time off of the clock and allowing the Saints to have 90 seconds on the clock for the final drive of the first half where they kicked a field goal to go up
    17-0 before the half).

    Halftime losing 17-0
    4 drives
    7 runs
    15 passes
    1 interception
    3 punts

    With 17 points scored in the first half of the game by the Saints and the Bucs having scored zero points the game was over.

  19. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    I would suggest you find out what happened to our punter in this game. Possible hangover from the UGA bowl game?

  20. NE Fan Says:

    Belle, bit what about the 309 yds Baler had and the 2 td’s? He is a MVP candidate shouldn’t the Bucs won with those numbers? According to the stats he outplayed Carr. He’s going to have over 4000 yds and 30 td’s. This team should be winning with a stud like that at QB.

  21. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Three turnovers in Saints territory = 9 points, worst case. Bucs lost by 10. Still, I get the point.

  22. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    Speaking of the Bengals, lets hope for a repeat of the 1998 season finale. The Bucs needed a win to keep their faint wild card hopes alive and the Bucs won 35-0.

  23. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    For whatever reason, we play better against the Saints and Falcons in their place than at RJS. I had a bad feeling about this one just because it was at home. Strange thing, the NFL.

  24. Bigbucfan90 Says:

    If baker threw it over to Tre Palmer on that first int that was a touchdown, if Tre Palmer doesn’t fumble or white we’re in territory set up to score. I think Tampa will get it together this week and we have a possible chance to sneak a game in the playoffs if we’re playing philly they’re awful right now

  25. ElioT Says:

    Horribly coached & unprepared team
    + 32nd ranked running game
    + 32nd ranked pass defense
    + 4 Turnovers

    = LOSS

  26. ElioT Says:

    It’s funny how many people on here are thinking the Bucs could beat Philly or even have an easy game.

    As much as the Eagles are struggling right now, they would BEAT THE EVER-LOVING CRAP outta these Bucs.

  27. SB~LV Says:

    Elio !
    BINGO !
    and the coaching is superior

  28. Zoocomics Says:

    Carolina will hold their own on def. This will not be a walk in the park everyone, the difference is that their offense just isn’t good, and we will have room for error, so we will be in it from the beginning, and hopefully Shaq and Davis are back. I felt we missed their presence big-time in that last game.

  29. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    On the interception that Baker threw, first he’s rolling left.

    That is difficult for most quarterbacks. Unless it’s SpiderYBannana Gruden special where you are always throwing it to the fullback, rolling left and throwing any other pass depth is very difficult.

    You need elite arm talent like Mahomes or Favre to pull off throws other than dumping it off to a back. That’s not a knock on Baker. Athleticism and arm talent like Favre’s or Mahomes is rare and special.

    Baker threw from the 44 yard line and was intercepted on the 2. To put it where it needed to go for Palmer as you suggested Baker needs to throw it 50 yards plus in the air rolling left.

    The play design was bad.

    Baker should have checked it down to Otten or run. Those were the only two options that he’s physically capable of doing successfully on that play.

    Again, the play design was atrocious.

  30. Robbie Says:

    I can’t wait for yall to finally figure out we have a great qb, and it’s NOT Baker Mayfield!!!

  31. BrianBucs Says:

    The Bucs were just not ready or prepared to play against the Saints.
    The game plans on both sides of the ball were terrible.
    Everything that contributed to this horrible loss goes right to coaching.
    With this coaching situation as it stands right now, the Bucs will never be any better than just mediocre

  32. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    I rewatched the first game with saints this season. We won the turnover battle and our plan was better. This game was lost because of playing poorly across the board (baker, white, Oline, defense), losing turnover battle and bad coaching. Also let’s be honest, the Bucs just have an issue beating the saints in our own house.

  33. Joe Says:

    I can’t wait for yall to finally figure out we have a great qb, and it’s NOT Baker Mayfield!!!

    Someone Bucs are going to draft in April?

  34. Rusty Shackleford Says:

    @ Admin: I like JJ McCarthy and Michael Pennix, although I think both will shoot up the boards and be long gone before the Bucs pick. That said, the Bucs need a dominant speed edge rusher, a corner, help on the offensive line, and a third receiver. IMO, take Jared Verse if he is still there around 19.

  35. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Robbie Says:
    I can’t wait for yall to finally figure out we have a great qb, and it’s NOT Baker Mayfield!!!


    A free agent? A draft pick? Or the guy who couldn’t beat Mayfield out after being watched by the team for 3 years?

  36. D Cone Says:

    Saints pass Defense is one of the best. Saints Run Defense is one of the worse.
    Coming out of the half down 17-0 and a first half passing attack that was something you would expect from Mac Jones it made sense to run the ball.

    When they switched to the run Bucs were moving the ball. Score and it’s a 10 point game with a ton of time left. White’s fumble was punched out from behind just like the Philly game. Great Vision going forward but not great awareness.

    Joe is correct in you can’t blame it on coaching. Job 1 is protect the ball. been that way since OTA’s

    Bowles didn’t throw 3 bad passes resulting in picks and a fumble. Canales wasn’t carrying the ball that got punched out or step out the back of the end zone.

    Carolina is better against the pass than the run just like the Saints.

    Should the Bucs try to trick um and come out throwing on first down?

    Bucs started most of their drives with passes and the majority were incompletions but complain about running the ball and not how awful the pass game was.

    Might be Andy Dalton this week and Bucs might not be able to count on Panthers not scoring any points.

    If the Bucs can’t run the ball for 1 simple yard like on their first drive against one of the league’s worst then they won’t beat Philly or Dallas on their worst day and maybe not the Panthers if they have one of their best.

  37. PSL Bob Says:

    You only get so many offensive drives during a game. Coughing up the ball eliminates the possibility of scoring on a drive. I know I’m stating the obvious. But when you do that 4 times in a game, unless you have a stellar defense (which the Bucs don’t), your opponent has an excellent chance of out scoring you.

  38. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Tre Palmer will turn into a decent 3rd WR. We need help on the Dline Oline and secondary and LB. Need an actually RB. I love what white can do in the passing game but he needs a mate who has good vision behind the LOS. Bring baker back for another season before long term deal. That works better for Bucs. We we still have a lot of dead money this year. Got big names to sign in 13 31 78 and 54. I would chose all of them over baker. Nothing against him but even 13 at his age is a huge need. Let him walk and baker or another QB will do a lot and I mean a lot worse. Gotta keep the play makers

  39. Defense Rules Says:

    EllioT … ‘Horribly coached & unprepared team
    + 32nd ranked running game
    + 32nd ranked pass defense
    + 4 Turnovers’

    And yet I keep reading on this site & others how TALENTED this Bucs team is. Does abundant offensive TALENT earn a team the worst-ranked running game? Does abundant defense TALENT get you the worst ranked pass defense? Do truly talented players cough up the ball 4 times in a game?

    Coaching Sunday … on BOTH sides of the ball AND S/Ts … was truly abysmal, but so way the players’ performance on the field. Like you said EllioT, this team was UNPREPARED. As a result, the game was effectively over by halftime with the Saints up 17-0, especially after we killed THREE drives in the 2nd half by giving the ball away via turnovers. Our 1st half consisted of 4 drives … THREE 3-and-outs-then-punt plus a nice 9-play drive that ended with an INT. That’s a sad way to start a critical game.

  40. Defense Rules Says:

    PSL Bob … ‘You only get so many offensive drives during a game. Coughing up the ball eliminates the possibility of scoring on a drive. I know I’m stating the obvious.’

    Apparently not that obvious to a lot of folks Bob. The 1st game we played the Saints this year was a relatively ‘balanced attack’ on our part … 33 runs, 33 passes, we forced 3 takeaways, and we were up 14-3 at the half. In our 2nd meeting, the Saints had a much more ‘balanced attack’ … they had 35 runs, 34 passes, they forced 4 takeaways, and they were up 17-0 at the half. Close to a mirror image, EXCEPT that the roles were reversed. Turnovers played a HUGE role in BOTH games.

  41. Mark hardt Says:

    Even still if Canales had gone no huddle in the second series of the second half given Baker,s excellence in that mode they might have won. Also for the Baker Haterz he had only rwo. Brady had four in the same game. Both fumbles were inexcusable. Two hands people. The underthrow was bad. The tipped ball was just a well timed jump.

  42. HC Grover Says:

    No it was about Bozos game planning.

  43. Buccos Says:

    During the Winston experiment 4 turnovers was a good day

  44. Irish Laughter Says:

    On every channel covering football, Tom Brady is always being compared to someone or something. Joe, let the poor man sleep. Its over. You don’t have to to be jealous of the man any move. Go Bucs.

  45. NJBUCS Says:

    Winston was the best.

  46. orlbucfan Says:

    If I didn’t know better, I would swear this is a ‘fan’ blog about a team that is 0-16. That is what it reads like including from the blog owners. Hey joes, you make more dough pushing the constant negative? Sure sounds like it.

  47. Obvious Says:

    Geez orlbucfan,

    You act like you’re brand new to the site and the temperatures that have always been the case.

    The ONLY time I’ve seen a different attitude overall and in generally across the board was in 2021. I don’t recall a feeling of a bright and confident today and tomorrow at any other time ever as wqs that time in our history..
    In 2020 a whole lot of people needed convincing…. In 2021 the masses (we) were ALL SOLD (a Solid 98%) was on the bandwagon with FULL BLOWN support. Then again, looking at our record, it was EASY to be Unanimously Cofident that we would have a Big Dog with a real and actual “probability” that not only would we win the fight in our division, but Almost CERTAINLY we would be back in the middle of the Big Show……



    You insisting on blind faith after we ALL saw that with our very own heart broken eyes as we ALL had a familiar, SINKING, SICK FEELING in our guts is asking TO MUCH!

    Don’t ask for blind faith sister. It AIN’T happening! You’re chastisement just isn’t going to work with HARDED, WELL VERSED BUCCANEER HISTORIANS! No matter what you say, we know better than we shouldn’t be concerned and have legitimate doubts.

    As they say……. It’s a Bucs Life.

    But you are an Awesome Fan for trying and I appreciate your loving blind faith.

    Someone needs to have the bliss of …..

    GO BUCS!

  48. garro Says:

    Spot on Joe! Between TOs Play calls and our usual soft zone, we got our heads handed to us. After some thought I feel like we just really need to find some more aggression in play calls on both sides of the ball and….maybe some luck on the TO front. Both fumbles were kind of freak things. White even had the ball in the correct hand. Just did not have it covered. Footballs bounce funny.

    Go Bucs!

  49. Larrd Says:

    Young team gets some attention on national TV, stubs toe. What they do next Sunday will be more telling, IMO.