Walter Football: Bucs Have To Get A Franchise Quarterback

December 5th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

It seems someone isn’t hip to the current makeup of the Bucs.

Draft guru Charlie Campbell of seems to think the Bucs are an uninteresting, unimaginative, boring and, most importantly, a bad team. He’s not exactly wrong.

So Campbell sees the Bucs in terrible need of a blood transfusion. They need life pumped into them.

First, Campbell has a list of hot seat coaches he calls, “Hot Seat Tracker.” The four coaches listed above Todd Bowles on the list are all widely believed to be cleaning out their offices next month.

Campbell says in addition to coaching, to reboot the Bucs the team has to draft a franchise quarterback in a quarterback-rich draft come April.

…Mayfield is capable of some good games, but he has a backup’s skill set and is a limited starter at the pro level. This offseason, the Bucs need to find a franchise quarterback.

Campbell believes a perfect quarterback to reenergize the Bucs is LSU quarterback Jayden Daniels.

Daniels has completed 72 percent of his passes this season for 3,812 yards, 40 touchdowns and four interceptions. He has 10 rushing touchdowns as well. Daniels is a dual-threat quarterback who showed improvement as a passer throughout the 2022 season with LSU. He has a quality arm and is a dangerous runner with shocking speed. While he has plenty of room for growth, he has become more consistent with pocket-passing accuracy and reading the field. Daniels could be a dynamic passing and rushing weapon to invigorate the Tampa Bay offense.

For Joe, Daniels is an excellent quarterback but Joe doesn’t give one spit about his feet. If he is mobile, fine. If he’s a statue, fine.

What Joe is worried about first and foremost is his arm. If the guy can’t throw, it doesn’t mean jack squat if he can run unless the Bucs with a new coach plan to run a wishbone.

As for drafting a quarterback, only the rigidly prehistoric and those scared of their shadows refuse to draft a quarterback well into the 21st century.

(The Bucs once drafted a right tackle in the first round and he busted out. So Joe guesses by the scaredy-cats’ logic, the Bucs should never have drafted Tristan Wirfs.)

As for Daniels, if the Bucs are drafting at No. 10, their current draft position, Joe has no idea how Daniels is still on the board unless a sinister evildoer pulls a Laremy Tunsil.

97 Responses to “Walter Football: Bucs Have To Get A Franchise Quarterback”

  1. Conner50 Says:

    I wouldn’t mind picking Jayden Daniels in the first round if we at least started Trask first and see what he’s got

  2. Beeej Says:

    I’m perfectly happy to go with Baker and Trask again next year… We can’t control the line of scrimmage against most teams…. Brady couldn’t succeed in that scenario, I doubt a rookie will either

  3. JerkingCircleofEpileptics Says:

    Wow. What insight. Every team that is struggling needs to “get a franchise quarterback.”

  4. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Need a GM first.. one that knows how to build a team and a culture..

    And an Oline, and LB’s and corners, and RBs.. oh Hell..

    Like I said we need a GM.

  5. SteveK Says:

    We have a great GM, best in the division.

    We need a QB, and so do all the other teams in the NFCS!

    Bryce Young is garbage and they traded the moon and stars for the right to pass on cj stroud.

  6. HC Grover Says:

    Need a franchise coach first.

  7. SB~LV Says:

    Well they took 3 steps back in the draft last Sunday … against a team that has only a single win all year!
    The 2024 draft is > than the balance of the 2023 season!
    The Bucs can’t win by winning
    What a flurking MESS !
    A Chris Thomas tribute!
    A Steve Duemig tribute !
    Is anyone in the local sports media screaming from the airwaves of TAMPA!

  8. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Just so we all know there is a 50% chance any quarterback we draft stinks so bad the owners decide to fire Licht and the next HC and their replacements are misses and we re-enter a new decade of gloom.

  9. SteveK Says:

    We are still able to win the division.

    We do not tank as that creates poor culture.

    It’s hard enough to win, and it’s best played out honestly at this point.

    The falcons have good skill players and that’s it.

    The panthers have a couple defensive pieces and a gaping hole at QB from mortgaging the future for the JV-Johnny Manziel.

    The saints will be competitive and I remain in awe at their juggling of salary cap. I believe they have a come to Jesus moment and can’t resign guys.

    We could have one good draft, maybe a QB? From being at the top of the division for a long time.

    We should all band together and send the Panthers a fruit basket for passing on cj stroud! If stroud was a Panther, it’d be a long ass 15 years of having the division run through Charlotte. It’s wide ass open as Arians would

  10. Boss Says:

    My bet is w/o bowels this would be a winning team. And we would have 2 more SB rings.

  11. Alanbucsfan Says:

    A rookie will accomplish media hype which is the local media’s agenda-naturally

  12. Alanbucsfan Says:


  13. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Best GM in the division?

    You mean like best deck chair on the Titanic?

  14. DS Says:

    The new formula in the nfl is have everything in place O line D line weapons them draft a qb example Philly SF

  15. Jmarkbuc Says:

    The “ Best GM in the division “

    Had had 3 winning seasons in 10 years, and those 3 were because of Brady.

    The “Best GM in the division “ was about to be run out of town before the BA Hail Mary, for being the worst GM in the league.. look it up.

    The “Best GM in the division” is responsible for this mess. It’s his job.

  16. pmarcello Says:

    Another motor mouth talking a croc o horse manure. The Bucs need help on the ofensive and defensivbe lines,linebacker ,running back and secondary. Baker gives this team a chance to win in every game. Hi receivers have dropped at least 1 TD pass in almost every game. Baker is contantly having to throw on third down while under intense pressure. You think some rookie can handle that better? Championship teams are strong in every area.This team needs a whole lot of help and QB is the least of it trouible. The coaches are playing small ball. You can see the frustration on Baker face. They are holding him back. He thows to ME becaue he is the only receiver who can get separation in 2.3 second. Baker i the best in the league under pressure and one of the fastest on the draw. so cjut out all that BS Baker bashing. I will say again if this team found a QB that could walk on water across Tampa Bay he still couldn’t put humpty together again. Tom terrific couldn’t. And the slimy talking turd trolls on this site would be the first to cal for the savior’s crucifiction.

  17. Colonel Angus Says:

    File this in the “No Sh!t” category

  18. Morgus the Magnificient Says:

    Mayfield was at the Lightning game last night. Cameras put him and his wife up on the big screen…..some applause, but Baker did not look happy. Just FYI.

  19. Fred Says:

    The Bucs season ended months ago. Nothing new to see. Total revamp is needed, but it’s the Bucs. Who knows what they won’t do.

  20. Jmarkbuc Says:

    The “Best GM in the Division” was handpicked by Lovie Smith.

    End of story.

  21. Buc4evr Says:

    There are so many holes in this team, a rookie QB would only add to the mess. At this point the Glazers need to be focusing on a new coaching staff.

  22. SufferingSince76 Says:

    It doesn’t matter who is QB as long as Bowles is head coach. Dude is a dinosaur that needs to go now.

  23. Jack Clark Says:

    Todd Bowles already has his ideal quarterback who can throw two touchdowns a game and not turn the ball over, that’s all he wants from his quarterback. Todd Bowles wants to win games by scoring less than 20 points, holding teams to single digit points, and wasting all the time off the clock by running the football. It’s PAINFULLY BORING football to watch and I hope we never hire a defensive minded coach again!

  24. Henry Says:

    Can we draft a new coaching staff

  25. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    Joe them legs you don’t care about ran for what 1100 I’m willing to bet that helps tampa decade old pathetic run game

  26. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Can we please! Find out about Trask!? I mean for cryin out loud, the only reason why Baker won the competition was cuz of Bowles. And before I hear “He’s been here for 3 years, if the Bucs saw anything he’d be playing.” I don’t believe that for a second. BA and crew clearly didn’t develop Trask or do anything worthwhile for a year.Then last year, again with Todd, I guarantee nothing happened. It wasn’t until Canales came along before Joe said Trask looked decent. Based on notes, he was beating Baker. Trask needs an actual chance.

  27. SteveK Says:

    Licht has a Super Bowl, and built the roster that enticed both Arians and Brady to join.

    Whats the question?

    We also are paying out the dead cap for our Super Bowl this year- worth it on so many levels.

    May I ask why you want to blow it up Jmarkbuc? Are you a Jameis Winston homer with a bone to pick or something lol?

    Could you imagine if Licht traded: two 1’s, two 2’s and Mike Evans, just to draft Bryce Young over CJ Stroud? That is blasphemy.

    No way JV Johnny Football makes it to year three.

  28. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Daniels is another run around QB who will occasionally make a nice throw. Jayden Daniels, meet Justin Fields.

  29. Conner50 Says:

    Build up the trenches in the draft this year and get Trask another physical WR and RB for next year. Oh and new head coach first things first, and OC

  30. Allbuccedup Says:

    If we get an offensive minded head coach then definitely draft a QB with the first pick. But if Bowles is still here forget it he will sitting on the bench with Trask and we will have another retread as QB.

  31. geno711 Says:

    I don’t watch a ton of college football but have watched some recently. This class of college quarterbacks coming out this year are way overrated.

    I am personally glad that Williams and Maye will go in the top 5. That means other better players will be available.

    Worst case scenario would be the Bucs drafting someone like J.J. McCarthy in the later portion of the 1st round. Talk about overreach.

  32. doolnutts Says:

    Jmarkbuc — You are completely delusional…. Fire Licht for who? Who drafts better? Whose signed FA’s like Brady? Who pulled coaches out of retirement like BA? Only a loser focuses on the losses. We were a really bad team before Licht got here things take time and I like what we have so far.

    There might not be a better GM at drafting in the entire league than JL. So I would LOVEEEE to know who you are going to replace him with?

  33. Nprbuc Says:

    Getting rid of Bowles is equivalent to an extra pick or two in the draft. Guys currently sitting on the bench will be given a chance to play. Who knows what we currently have? JJ Russell certainly opened some eyes when allowed to play! Same with Ya Ya who had to wait half the season. Who else is lurking on the pine?
    With the King of Stubborness gone we will at least have a chance to see.

  34. Allbuccedup Says:

    doolnutts-you are completely delusional….Brady is the only reason this team turned around then your superstar GM then put a buffon as head coach.

  35. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Jameis Winston?

    Clearly you can’t read.? Winston is another boneheaded Bud Licht pick.

  36. All_da_way Says:

    I am with the others.

    Keep building the trenches so a drafted QB on a rookie five year deal can maximize their potential or a vet QB can walk into an ideal situation (eg Brad Johnson, Tom Brady).

  37. UKBuccaneer Says:

    If I was one of the Joe’s I’d be getting pretty peeved at the persistent out-of-
    context comments about Trask beating mayfield in training camp.

  38. Jmarkbuc Says:

    3 winning years in 10.. and those because Brady took us as his second ( or third ) choice.

    Would you keep your job with that kind of losing percentage?

    Delusional? Please. I didn’t draft Aguayo.

  39. Onetrickpony Says:

    Franchise quarterback?
    We need a franchise coach , first.

  40. Since76 Says:

    We need atleast a quality QB. The bucs failed identifying or developing Trask so I don’t know if I would want licht drafting a QB. Look for a decent starting QB. Licht failed drafting a QB already don’t let him do it again. All we need is an average veteran QB and we can win. Mayfield is not it.

  41. Craig Says:

    I have seen QBs who practice great but fail in games and I have seen QBs who can’t practice worth a darn, but can play a lights out game.

    The Bucs might have a franchise QB, but they want to hide him, so we may never know if he is a C.J. Stroud or a Bryce Young until he is gone.

  42. NEOhiobuc Says:

    Just because the talking heads are saying it’s a QB rich draft. Doesn’t mean any of these QBs are golden. It just means there are a lot of chances to pick a crap QB. The current Bucs roster needs upgrades middle of the field both sides of the ball. A quality center or ILB or two.

  43. Ed Says:

    Bowles wouldn’t know what to do with a better quarterback. Mobility is important, just watch all of the throws that quarterbacks make when moving forward and throwing on the run. It is part of the success of so many quarterbacks.

    There is no way to defend the middle of the field if the defense sees a quarterback running forward, they react and come up to make a play but the ball is gone and a crossing or outlet receiver catches the ball in wide open space.

    The reason you don’t see it with Mayfield is when he runs and attempts to throw he has no accuracy. The guys in college do it every week.

    Please change coaches and QB’s.

  44. CChead Says:

    Bucs need to draft a new QB and change coaching staff. You can’t do one without the other and expect to win. Jake Browning a career backup behind a not so good Bengals oline looked great with the right coaching and offensive philosophy. Gotta have both to be a contender. Unfortunately the Bucs have neither. Go Bucs!

  45. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The occult of Trask does not approve this message.

  46. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    If we lose Sunday, i would let Bowles go immediately just to have control of who is playing. I’d start trask the rest of the way and decide what we need. Honestly outside of Caleb, everyone else is a question mark. To me if you’re going to go QB, you sell the farm, but that’s what Carolina did this year….

  47. Conner50 Says:

    BA’s Red Pen says … The occult of Trask does not approve this message.

    So we’re cult members cause we want our second round pick to start before we enter the draft… lmao you’re a moron. Mayfield is ok but he’s not long term solution. Trask could or could very well not be but why pick a guy so high to not ever play him. Should not comment anymore your football IQ is too low

  48. Joe in Michigan Says:

    What we know about Trask:

    1) He was the backup to the backup for 2 years, the backup being Blaine Gabbert

    2) He’s the backup to the guy that Trask fans say is TERRIBLE

    What SHOULD that tell you about Trask?

  49. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    look over the league, see how many bench warmers QB’s who’s team had no faith in, have finally got their shot and look good. Lets start with last nights game. If Bucs lose to the Falcons they need to insert Trask for real time evaluation before throwing a 2nd round pic in the dumpster.

  50. Bucs since 76 Says:

    It’s simple we need to pick a QB in the first round because we can’t afford to sign a quality free agent QB. Also, we must start Trask to find out if he is any good or not. If Bowles was the head coach of the 49ers Purdy would still be on the bench waiting for his chance. Mayfield is just a good backup that 3 teams let walk before we signed him. However, Bowles will not bench him until we are out of the playoffs.

  51. Hammerhead Says:

    Doesn’t tell us much about Trask only that the coaching staff failed at evaluating or developing a qb that the Buc brain trust felt was worthy of a second round pick. We don’t know what we have in Trask because he’s never been given a chance to show us as a starter in a real game situation. Shame on the Bucs for not at least seeing how he handles himself and the team in a full game scenario.
    So just throw him on the trash heap and go out and spend a first round pick that more than likely will be a bust. Right? Makes a lot of sense.

  52. realistic-optimistic Says:

    For those saying a rookie QB would suck behind this OL. Who is really expecting a rookie QB to be the savior as a rookie? That kind of shortsighted thinking is why this franchise is perpetually lost in the woods. You need to pair a rookie QB with a quality offensive HC and let them marinate together. If it comes together fast (like Stroud), great! But more likely, it will take a couple years to determine if the combo is worthwhile.

    Here’s the trick. If that HC/QB combo is not panning out after 3 seasons, try again! New QB, new HC. Repeat until it works.

  53. Bucs Guy Says:

    Assuming Daniels is the #3 QB, for the Bucs to move from 11 to 5 in the first rd (ahead of NYG, NYJ and Vegas), Bucs need to trade its 1st and 2nd rd picks this year or 1st rd picks this year and next. Bucs have too many needs. The best strategy is to lose and move up in the draft. Teams drafting 4 through 8 have 4 wins and teams drafting 9-12 have 5 wins. Realistically, I see the Bucs only winning 1 or 2 of its final 5 games. Draft order right now:
    1 Bears
    2 Pats
    3 Cardinals
    4 Washington
    5 Bears
    6 Giants
    7 Titans
    8 Jets
    9 Saints
    10 Raiders
    11 Bucs
    12 Chargers

  54. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    People read the stat line and don’t watch the game film and realize that 4-6 of Mayfield’s incompletions are drops, 1 was a reversed DPI, 3 were incorrectly run routes (obvious from watching the ALL22), Godwin is injured and blew his other two routes failing to get any separation. Palmer still can’t run a clean break. Bad penalties erasing first downs.

    That’s 10 passes right there that can be discounted by execution errors that account for the low completion percentage, and about two TDS (to Evan’s no less)

    That’s to not even mention the rain which caused the INT and 3-4 of those drops.

    QB is a dependent position, and the offense has these issues every week.

  55. Obvious Says:

    So by a some logic here, Bowles is the best judge of who should be the lead qb???

    Well clearly to you people, Bowles is an undisputed genius. A head coach who really knows what’s best..

    I didn’t realize Bowles had so many fans that has that kind of undying faith in his judgment.


  56. Bucsfanman Says:

    This is so tiring! The logic is just fascinating. QB is just one of many areas that need to be addressed, and frankly, it shouldn’t even be near the top of the list.

    We have a decade-long problem running the ball, we can’t pressure opposing QBs, we can’t cover WRs but lets draft a rookie QB or start Trask! That solves all of our problems! Got it.

  57. J Ghotier Says:

    I’m taking Penix over every other QB in this Draft. Arm is elite. Both w/ zip and accuracy. Ultra competitor too and you can tell how much the game means to him. The only thing that worries me w/ him is the 2 serious knee injuries and career longevity due to such.

    Caleb William’s current game and the way he played at USC doesn’t translate all that well to the NFL and it’s not sustainable and longevity concerns there too.

    I like Maye, but he hasn’t done a great sell job. Just not completely sold, but the arm talent is there.

    Penix as a passer is tremendous. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I take Penix over Williams, Maye, Daniels and Nix!

  58. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Agree about Penix, @J Ghotier. Give me a great passer with acceptible running skills. Guys that are runners first have short careers. Penix passes the eyeball test for me.

  59. Dan the Bucs fan Says:

    We have a franchise Qb we just can’t run the ball. We also don’t have speed on the field at receiver. Baker is killing it with the hand we dealt him. Put better peices around Baker and watch what happens.

  60. WyomingJoe Says:

    Watch more All-22 Before Commenting had it right. Mayfield had a number of passes dropped and some of the pass routes (especially Palmers) were badly run. Why hasn’t one of the Joes been commenting on those facts? I have an opinion on that, but I’ll save it for another time. Secondly, Charlie Campbell is a hack with an opinion. He’s all over the place. FIX THE O-LINE and watch how successful Baker can be. Of course, many of the Haters on this site, especially those belonging to the Cult of Kyle, would disagree. But the “backup” QBs who played last night are perfect examples of how important the O-Line is. They had a LOT of time to throw. KEEP ON WINNING GAMES BAKER because you’re driving your Haters crazy.

  61. UKBuccaneer Says:

    danang Says:
    December 5th, 2023 at 11:15 am
    UKBuccaneer Says: “If I was one of the Joe’s I’d be getting pretty peeved at the persistent out-of-context comments about Trask beating mayfield in training camp.”

    How are the comments out of context? They are 100% accurate. You just can’t handle that Joe said that.

    Search the JBF Archives and you will find an article dated August 13, 2023 – which was 2 days after the first preseason game – where Joe plainly stated that “Trask outplayed Mayfield in training camp.”

    It is what it is. Deal with it.


    I’d go and read other articles from the same day, discussing preseason performance.

    Do bring us back your findings….

  62. WyomingJoe Says:

    Talk to Jets front office about who the better QB in Training Camp. They chose Mayfield, who they said had the ELITE ARM. Whatever Joe said that Trask won the competition was simply being politically correct because they need the Haters to fuel the anger on this site. That’s just my opinion…

  63. Chad Says:

    It’s funny how people think that college qbs can just come into the nfl right away and produce as if it’s common, cj stroud is an outlier lol. Keep baker a couple more years and draft a qb if one falls to you. There are other positions that need fixed first. Oline needs help, secondary needs help. Just sign baker to a 2 year 20 million deal and they will be fine

  64. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Predictably, here come the reality-deniers. He’s elite, guys. Did you hear me, he’s elite. Guys, come on, he’s elite. Why isn’t anybody listing, he’s elite. Did you know he once threw a 70 yard pass? Also, almost forgot, he’s elite. Everybody else is screwing up except him. Why won’t you all listen to me. [stomps away]

  65. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Oh look. August 13th 2023 on Jbf:

    “ So it sure looks like we fans got a taste of the Baker Mayfield era in Tampa Bay.

    Mayfield completed eight of nine passes for 63 yards and a beautiful touchdown pass to Trey Palmer in the back of the end zone.

    Trask, while getting jostled, mocked and robbed by the Pittsburgh pass rush led by future airport baggage handlers and short-order cooks, did not fare as well, despite playing with the same front line and weapons as Mayfield. He was 6 of 10 for 99 yards and a pick with three sacks.”

  66. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Chad Says:

    It’s funny how people think that college qbs can just come into the nfl right away and produce as if it’s common, cj stroud is an outlier lol. Keep baker a couple more years and draft a qb if one falls to you. There are other positions that need fixed first. Oline needs help, secondary needs help. Just sign baker to a 2 year 20 million deal and they will be fine


    This is the correct take.

    Without a running game and o-line, no QB is going to succeed, least of all a rookie.

  67. Winny Testaverde Says:

    That crazy Hairlip Campbell went from a Bucs also ran distant “competitor” of JBF to Walter Football. Good on him.

    Baker is unfortunately a tweener of sorts…size and ability wise. His play is frenetic albeit effective at times. I appreciate the Wyoming fan as a former Montana resident myself…but I hate to say Baker is mediocre at best. I wish things were different…I’ve been rooting for him. Getting his pocket picked by his Dad & brother no less has made him extra “desperate” it appears…and he’s pressing.

  68. JD Still Says:

    Wyoming Joe: The Jets might have very well said that , but in the game, that was supposed to be the head to head match up between Mayfield and Trask , Mayfield was held out, it appears the powers that be did not want it seen how Mayfield would perform against Trask , and not only did they hold Mayfield out , they held much of the first team out , in what appears to be an attempt to sabotage Trask’s start , but Kyle still beat the Jets ! I know if I were the Jets and were beat by who was obviously the better quarterback , I would say Mayfield was better just in the hopes of keeping Trask off the field and it worked to the Bucs season long disadvantage.

  69. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Tonya Marks in 3,2,1….

  70. Conner50 Says:

    Wyoming Joe
    Your football IQ is next to nothing, keep winning games baker lmao dudes 5-7. Bet you’d suck his dick if he let you huh

  71. ChrisBuc23 Says:

    Couldn’t agree more‼️ Baker is not the answer. He is in consistent and can’t throw the deep ball. But yes, a new coach and qb along with running back and oline and DLine help will help get us going in the right direction.

  72. Tye Says:

    Bucs HAVE to get a winning HC or all other efforts are moot

  73. Big Ed Says:

    To all you supposed fans of the Bucs, who want to start Trask !Remember in Colts game, with 1st and goal at 1 yard line, Mayfield attempted a qb sneak,
    injured ankle- offsides colts- ball placed at 1/2 yard line, 1st and goal !
    Enter Trask, throws pass into hands of colts player in end zone, which, lucky
    for Bucs, he dropped- couldn’t put it into end zone in 4 tries, including a
    false start! Had to settle for field goal ! Give me Baker Mayfield any day !
    True fans support their team ! Go Bucs !

  74. gotbbucs Says:

    JJ McCarthy will be the best QB to come out of this draft.

  75. Buc1987 Says:

    Jmarkbuc for GM!

  76. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    This is from data collected by the PFF tribe (Vegas and Daily Fantasy rely on their data extensively):

    Mike Evans- 61 Receptions, 103 Targets, 68 Catchable, 7 Drops, Catch % 89

    Chris Godwin- 53 Receptions, 85 Targets, 56 Catchable, 3 Drops, Catch % 95

    Trey Palmer- 27 Receptions, 48 Targets, 31 Catchable, 4 Drops, Catch % 87

    Tompkins- 15 Receptions, 22 Targets, 15 Catchable, 0 Drops, Catch % 100

    Cade Otton- 38 Receptions, 50 Targets, 40 Catchable, 2 Drops, Catch % 95

    That’s 16 drops out of 210 catchable balls. WR1-WR4 & TE1 have an average catch % of 94%.

    The drops complaint by Baker proponents is a myth.

  77. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Some of these new qbs likely have greater upside than Baker. I just dont see them doing much better with such a bad run game and developing Oline. I dont think we pay those linemen not named Wirfs or Jensen, more than a couple million each. CG isnt right, and may have lost a step. Pairing a Nabers or Harrison with Evans can get you somewhere. Drafting a starting Center would help the run game. You likely have enough draft capital to find a running back as well. This team is bad, and has plenty of holes. Its a lot of draft capital to move up for a qb. Thats not on brand with Licht. He is likely going to let the draft come to him at whatever that postion is. I wouldnt mind Daniels, but just remember he isnt playing for a title because his defense gave up too many big plays as well.

  78. Havenbuc Says:

    Agreed. The worst deep ball thrower in the league per PFF isn’t good enough. Anybody with a working brain knew that though.

  79. UKBuccaneer Says:

    danang Says:
    December 5th, 2023 at 11:45 am

    Here you go, both after the first preseason game:

    “More Bucs Observations From Friday Night
    August 13th, 2023
    For Trask to get the QB1 gig, Joe believes, he had to out-practice/play Mayfield by a lot. He outplayed Mayfield a little in training camp.”

    “Did A Tide Turn For Baker Mayfield?
    August 15th, 2023
    Until the Bucs faced the Steelers to open the worthless preseason, Joe thought he had a pretty good read on the summer quarterback play of veteran Baker Mayfield and upstart Kyle Trask. Trask was out-practicing Mayfield. Not by a lot, but a little.”


    You’re still selectively editing the quotes, why is that?

    Is it because the full quote is: “ Trask was out-practicing Mayfield. Not by a lot, but a little. Not enough to be knighted the Bucs starter if the two were competing based solely on their play.

    Then Mayfield goes out and plays well against the Steelers. Trask? He struggled more than he made plays.”

  80. bj smith Says:

    Didn’t we spend the better part of 2010s tanking with lovie /shiano to get to the number one pick.
    Look at the past 10 Super Bowl champions they were not number one picks. Look at all the top five picks lately that are just floundering with terrible teams. You need to build the team up around your strengths. We are talented young defensive team that can dominate with a ball control offense. The Bucs are a couple players shy of having an excellent pressure defense. I would concentrate on that in the draft.

    A franchise quarterback yes and we may have one on a roster now. Talent arm talent and experience wins championships not stats.

  81. Duane in Sanford Says:

    This team has missed Ryan Jensen for two seasons. Hes presence, his attitude , and his skill was a huge effect on the offense. Is there another one out there? Would it break the bank to bring that type of player here next season? Its just a waste of time to argue the viability between Baker Mayfield and Kyle Trask. All sides lose in that conversation.

  82. Hammerhead Says:

    I guess the only thing left to do is chalk up the Trask pick as being as big a second round bust pick as Roberto Aguayo in 2016. Never added one positive thing to this team…….although we’ll probably never know.

  83. DBS Says:

    danang. You have a worse record than Mayfield and the Bucs. Lost every name this year. Once again it does not matter what Joe may have said or may not have said. You keep repeating the same old dribble. He is not the HC. He is not on the staff. His las name is not Glazer. The only way Trask is grtting on the field is the way he did.. And if Mayfield produced what he did you would have said every thid was Mayfields fault for not scoring the TD.

  84. Conner50 Says:

    Start Trask mayfield ain’t it

  85. Beeej Says:

    Mayfield now # THIRTEEN QB in the league

  86. Beeej Says:

    Not very different from Mahomes, I might add

  87. Beeej Says:

    Well he was 13 last night, now he’s back to 14

  88. Sacker58 Says:

    Trask is a sack waiting g to happen.

  89. Rod Munch Says:

    “…Mayfield is capable of some good games, but he has a backup’s skill set and is a limited starter at the pro level. This offseason, the Bucs need to find a franchise quarterback.”


    I think saying ‘good’ is overstating it. I think Baker can be adequate for some games, but I’m not sure it ever crosses over into the good category.

    Man did the NFL screw over the Bucs with that early bye. Just think if the Bucs didn’t have that, and everyone with an IQ over 31 knew the Bucs were out of it by the week after the trade deadline – just think what the Bucs could have extorted from the Jets for him. I don’t think a 1st is off the table, the Jets were that desperate.

    As an added benefit it would mean all the Baker Bois abandon the comments here and move on to the next fanbase to harass – including telling all the Jets fan how Baker is better than Rodgers, and screaming about how Rodgers needs to go, it’s Bakers show, etc etc etc.

  90. Conner50 Says:

    Won’t know that until he plays

  91. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I’m not a Trask fan but the Bucs need to let the dude play a couple of games as a starter to see if he can play big time football or not. We drafted him in the second round for Christ sake, let’s see what he has against first stringers for a couple of games at least.

  92. Joe Says:

    If I was one of the Joe’s I’d be getting pretty peeved at the persistent out-of-
    context comments about Trask beating mayfield in training camp.

    To quote Steve Duemig, “People are going to believe what they want to believe.”

  93. Oneilbuc Says:

    I remember Baker Mayfield 9 picks to Kyle Trask 1 pick and that’s going with the starters case closed. Baker Mayfield is only starting because of his popularity and to try and sale tickets which he can’t and that’s a fact. It’s not a narrative or opinion but facts. I can’t wait until the season is over so Bowles and Faker Mayfield will be gone. Faker Mayfield will be on his 5th team in 7 years and Bowles will probably retire from the NFL.

  94. Becky Says:

    More dumb comments from men who apparently know nothing about football. Baker Mayfield is not a backup quarterback. He has been a starter on 2 college teams, and every team he has played for in the NFL . He has never had a team built to his strengths, like most of the the so- called good quarterbacks in the league. Not in Cleveland, and not anywhere else he has played. . He has taken more shit talk from know- nothings against him than any player in years, and still he holds his head up, puts his body on the line every week, and manages to keep us in games were we would have gotten our asses kicked while he finds a way to get the ball to the receiver you call a hall of famer, but who has had his share of dropped perfect passes by Baker. This team needs lots of help, but a quarterback does not change anything for the better immediately. Coaching changes would help tremendously. Better play calling would help tremendously We need running backs. We need secondary. We need offensive line. Fix those things and watch Baker win. But they won’t they will keep all the problems, draft a new QB, and continue to suck.

  95. Becky Says:

    Baker Mayfield is not a backup. He has started at 2 colleges and every team he has played for in the NFL. He has never had a team built to his strengths. Not in Cleveland, not anywhere. Nobody has a clue what he is capable of, because he has not been given any chance whatsoever to prove himself while having the tools to do it with. He has been at a disadvantage on every team and had done it without complaint. Give the guy a freaking break. Every week he puts his body on the line and keeps us in games were would have gotten our asses kicked if not for him finding a way to make things happen. You all love Mike Evans deservedly so, but he is only as good as the guy getting him the ball. Baker has made him look pretty damn good even when he is dropping passes that hit him in the numbers. Baker doesn’t need crap from fairweather fans, he needs backup. Fix the issues, like the desperate need for better coaching, better play calling, running backs, secondary, and offensive line. Address those issues and watch Baker win.

  96. MelvinJunior Says:

    These “Baker-Bltches” are mind-blogging to me… These are grownups, I suppose!? Just Unbelievable. I don’t get it… Not with ANY player, especially a Professional Fricking Athlete. It’s Unbelievable.

  97. Bucsfan79 Says:

    Baker is fine, need a franchise HC. One that’s going to be here for 10+ years and winning.