Physicality Was Missing

December 31st, 2023

Joe was expecting to see — and hear — a bunch of bone-crunching, physical play from the Bucs today.

After all, the division was on the line against Tampa Bay’s arch rival.

On top of that, it was a gorgeous day for football. Joe would have thought everyone wearing red would have been fired up to hit somebody.

It didn’t happen.

The Bucs lost the line of scrimmage in the run game they love so much. (The Bucs have the lowest yards per carry in the NFL.)

And Tampa Bay didn’t get nearly enough pressure on Derek Carr, who was a comfortable 24-32 for 197 yards with 2 touchdowns. On the lone Bucs sacks, Carr ran out of bounds for no reason. He wasn’t even hit.

Joe also saw unaggressive decisions late in the game from Antoine Winfield Jr. and Joe Tryon-Shoyinka. (Joe is being very kind.).

Of course, the playcalling by offense coordinator Dave Canales wasn’t looking to drive a dagger through the Saints, either, until it was too late. And whaddaya know, the Bucs found huge chunks of yards when they finally pressed the ball downfield.

The Bucs looked too soft too often today. Joe has to put that on Todd Bowles and a lack of leadership within the ranks.

Losing and having a bad day happens, but a visible lack of hunger early at home with the division on the line is a disturbing look.

Asked what went wrong after the game, Chris Godwin pointed toward a lack of physicality, and gave the Saints credit. “We gotta look ourselves in the mirror,” Godwin told the Buccaneers Radio Network after the game.

58 Responses to “Physicality Was Missing”

  1. Leighroy Says:

    Safe is death, on offense. Axiom proven again today.

  2. Bucs 95 Says:

    We still hold the division lead i guess thats a bright side

  3. HC Grover Says:

    No. Brain in HC/DC was missing. Brain in OC was also missing. That is a no brainer.

  4. Bucs 95 Says:

    And i bet our game next week gets flexed too 4 instead and the saints play the falcons at 1 that way whoever wins that game all eyes on us too see if we choke the division away ……..

  5. HC Grover Says:

    They played Plan 9 all day with the expected results.

  6. ElioT Says:

    Winfield is the leader of the worst secondary in the NFL.

    Is he worth $25M?

  7. Buccingator Says:

    We were dominated and more importantly not prepared for this game and they were!! This is why Todd is not an elite coach!! The effort is on him for not having the team prepared

  8. UGotRobbed Says:

    What a surprise! Lol The more things change, the more they stay the same! It’s a Bucs life!

  9. PSLBucfan Says:

    The may win the division, but they will get owned in the playoffs. I am conflicted. Do I want them to go to the playoffs and get smoked or loose to the Panthers and watch Bowels go?

  10. D-dub bucs fan srq Says:

    There is no bright side to this game that team put on a pathetic display of physicality game plan and emotion it wasn’t even funny I turned it off after the halftime kept looking back at the score and then finally they open up the damn offense and start throwing the ball in the 4th quarter look what happened oh my God we got touchdown then we got another touchdown but of course by then it was way too late

  11. godlovesbucs Says:

    Winfield is not the DC or coach. A soft bend but don’t break d will be just that even with ballers.

  12. BucsLife Says:

    Just wait till next week when the Panthers beat the Bucs.. It’s funny that fans think they are going to go on the road and win

  13. AMI_Chris Says:

    This team is what we thought they were: a .500 team, at best…probably only because they are in a weak division. If they make the playoffs, it would be a shocker if they won a game. Losing to the Panthers would be a fitting end for them. Glad I will be out of the country next Sunday.

  14. BuccaneersRN Says:

    Have to draft O-Line and EDGE. Pack your bags it’s time for the 2024 Draft mocks. Bowles and Canales MUST GO! Licht is on thin ice 🧊 last chance

  15. Jack Clark Says:

    But but but I thought Baker Mayfield was so great and amazing because he played 2 good weeks of football our of 17 😂😂😂😂😂😂 🤡 START KYLE TRASK NOW!

  16. Mike C Says:

    Joe Tryon had our most Physical play on defense today……………… I don’t think anything else needs to be said smh.

  17. Gipper Says:

    This team was not ready to play. Big game at home and the defense soft and offense deliberately bottled up by strange play calling.

  18. gp Says:

    There was a LOT missing today. Most notably, game prep. Nobody expected the Saint to be competitive because the ‘coach’ dismissed the Saints and didn’t prepare his team for what the Saints might bring. Joe wrote a story about Bowles being “unconcerned” about the Saints motivation. Obviously, he didn’t instill any “motivation” in his own team.
    I’ve missed the past couple of confidence polls for Todd. I would have voted no confidence. He’ll have to take us deep into the playoffs just to get me up to little confidence.

  19. Buc4evr Says:

    Canales is kind of stupid and was unable to adjust in light of the fact that the Oline was struggling. Instead he was content on trying to run on second and long. If this team makes the playoffs, they will get run over. Dline and Oline are very weak. Stinnie and Hainsey were an embarrassment today. JTS and Hall are who we thought they were. What was going on with Camara today?

  20. unbelievable Says:

    Unbelievable’s 5 Biggest Culprits for Todays Loss:

    #1 – Dave Canales

    #2 – Todd Bowles

    #3 – Offensive and defensive lines

    #4 – Baker Mayfield

    #5 – The entire secondary, including Antoine Winfield who probably just destroyed his chance at getting DPOY

  21. Zzbucs Says:

    On this site an article was made suggesting a HC position por Canales, several so called experts said Bowles for Coach of the year and also Mayfield should be signed for 30 mm.


    We are not the best we are no the worst…
    We are are a 50% team, but fans and “experts”get excited and say stupid things.

  22. ModHairKen Says:

    Bad game plan. Bad preparation. Bad motivation. Coupled with lazy, careless players. Lousy route running. Half effort pass rushing.

    Godwin is right: they need to look in the mirror.

    No, Winfield is not worth $25m. Don’t overpay for an undersized S. Don’t overpay for a MLB with a weak head. Pay Wirfs and Evans. Offer Mayfield a mid-tier QB offer. If he leaves, so be it. Ditto with Winfield.

    Dean, Davis, Hainsey. Leave. Just leave.

  23. MarkV Says:

    Can’t be on Bowles Joe…refer to your latest confidence polls. lol I think you hit it on the head with your comment about lack of leadership, and I fear that’s what we’ll have as long as this head coach stays in place. How many games have we lost the last 2 years because of seemingly horrible preparation and game planning…not to mention others that were lost by the defensive coach mentality of play not to lose. Today was a BIG disappointment

  24. BucfaninMi Says:

    F! These losers! No heart, no guts, just suck. This team WILL LOSE TO CAROLINA!! Put your money on it! No play offs! Never. lifetime losers enjoy losing I’m out.

  25. Chris O Says:

    Embarrassing. Of they make the playoffs they’re getting smashed in the first round.

  26. unbelievable Says:

    @gp- yup, our boneheaded stubborn brain dead head coach gave the entire team an extra day off this week because he read his own press clippings.

  27. ModHairKen Says:

    Stinnie. Palmer. Awful.

  28. Craig Says:

    It looked like Hot Toddie was so confident he didn’t have the team practice this week.

    I thought some of the early games were bad. I was wrong, this one was the worst, no fight in that dog.

  29. Td Says:

    Another terrible effort by a traffic cone of a coach. Open the team up win a few games , then the important game , he goes back to his 60 minutes of pure trash. It’s almost makes you want to see them lose to get rid of this failure. This team was soft from the opening kickoff today.

  30. unbelievable Says:

    @ModHairKen – I agree. Wirfs and Evans are absolute musts… if Evans even wants to be here anymore.

  31. Bucfan Says:

    Go Panthers! Get Bowels fired & improve our draft slot.

  32. Astralturf Says:

    I hate to be like I’m trying to be an armchair mathematician on a sports forum, but 5-game winning streaks are quite rare. The Broncos did it with 8 years in between streaks. Lack of physicality might show up a lot of times that a 5 streak is interrupted LOL …just sayin’

  33. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I’m still waiting for someone to explain why Todd Bowles is a Coach of the Year candidate. Anyone?

  34. Boss Says:

    I just can’t get past the irony of everyone calling to keep toilet bowl and saying baker is better than Brady and all of us not buying it we’re called crazy.

    Oh, I’ll say it again. Let mike walk!

  35. Bosch Says:

    Get back on the hot toilet seat Bowels movement.

  36. August 1976 Buc Says:

    They came out flat???????? How in the world could they play like that??????
    And just idiotic offense.
    All the good feeling, and talk that they could do some in the playoffs looks like a cruel joke right now.
    How do you come out flat in the biggest game of the year, and at home??????????

  37. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles defensive philosophy only works when the offense is carrying the team, that doesn’t happen and we get exposed. For all that’s been invested in this defense, it’s been a complete waste of resources. It’s boom or bust for Bowles….he’s going to have to get to the playoffs and win to save his job. At home, division on the line and fans are booing the product on the field. Guessing the Glaziers noticed.

  38. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    The team looked just like Bowles today: flat with no energy to be found. Saints wanted it more, with much less to play for. How can Bowles not get this team fired up?!? Absolutely pathetic. The win streak was a mirage, mostly bad teams and came close to losing to both Panthers and Falcons. This is what you get with Bowles. I still believe Canales can figure it out with more experience, and Baker still looks good enough to be the guy… but no matter, what Bowles needs to go.

  39. Trask To The Future Says:


    Sorry, but many of us “told you so” about Baker’s FOOLS GOLD stats this season.

    Baker had many games this year where we barely threw for 100 yards.

    TODAY? He and 45 yards passing in the first half. LOLZ.


  40. Rafterman61 Says:

    The only good thing about this game the Bucs didn’t get totally humiliated by getting shut out at home!

  41. Trask To The Future Says:

    *Barely threw for 100 yards in the 1st half I meant.

    Baker had the same type of game today. Couldn’t do much when the game is on the line in the first half then racks up garbage time stats when the game is already over.

  42. rrsrq Says:

    Somehow they forgot that it was the pass that opened up the run the past few weeks. They negated Godwin and Evans in the first half, not the Saints. Saints didn’t play great, they just outplayed and out coaches the Bucs

  43. dmatt Says:

    Mike C,
    The runner was literally on the ground when JTS hit him.

    I hope he’s let go after the season. I’ve seen too many of his highlights where he just runs in place. OT have no respect for him. He can never get to the qb. Please enough of Bowles, he has to go. This is not seventies football. With the talent we have on offense, I can envision head coach of Lions, Rams, Eagles, Ravens, Chiefs, Dolphins, n a few others lighting the scoreboard up each week.

  44. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Bucs lacked physicality in the trenches and mental acuity that cost too many mistakes. Bucs have to win next week and a playoff to justify Bowles staying and Mayfield getting a good contract. A win today would have saved both. Baker may have cracked to broken ribs. If broken then the Trask cult will get their wish.

  45. HC Grover Says:

    Odds are we win the division and get clobbered in the 1st playoff game. This will stick us with Bowles next year. Uggggh! Not happy about it.

  46. BucaneroJim Says:

    After the first kick off to the Saints and then on the first down against the Saints and Carr, the Bucs defense looked complacent and passive waiting for the first snap. Right then, I suspected we would lose the game. It was like some guys had stumbled in from a Corona beer, sit in your lounger chair on Clearwater beach commercial.

  47. Trashpicker77 Says:

    Guys on the field are all professional fb players. Best of the best.Put them in a situation to lose and they will lose! Coaches suck and refuse to play to our strengths. How many targets to 13 and 14 before the 4 th qtr? How about the number of plays out of the hurry up offense? How many targets to 1 ? How many runs were planned outside the tackles? On and on. The most important thing for Bowles is to make sure he has a pocket full of timeouts. Gotta believe those timeouts are gift certificates to Berns at the end of the year. He needs to go, like yesterday. What coach can’t get a team ready to win a division? What coach is so totally blind to what is happening before his very eyes? Coach of the Year? If Bucs win the SB this year it would be in spite of their coach, not because of him. There must be a landfill someplace looking for a guy to run the scales. Fire him tomorrow!

  48. D-Rok Says:


  49. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    X-rays negative so Mayfield likely plays next week.

  50. RBUC Says:

    When are people gonna look at this team personnel wise and see them for who they are? THEY ARE SMALL & SKINNY LOOKING ALL ACROSS THE DEFENSE! It takes 4 or 5 guys to tackle most running backs!! I’m sorry Canalas PLZ STOP designing offensive plays for Deven Thompkins he’s too small and lacks football speed! I know he had a bad fumble today but Palmer has to be used more. Rachaad White is not only a SOFT A$$ runner but I think he don’t care about winning and plays scared

  51. Mike C Says:

    Dmatt, I know, more of a shot at the defense as a whole smh

  52. MikeH Says:

    DCs make poor HCs. Bucs, Jets, and Panthers are good examples.

  53. MikeH Says:

    Add Commodores to the list.

  54. Mark hardt Says:

    Yea simple. 1. Futile commitment to the run. 2. Way too late on the no huddle offense. Start when two scores down regardless of the Quarter. 3. One interception was an under throw. The other a tip. Both fumblez were bad. Still if you had started the no huddle after going down by 14 you might have won. Baker operates best at pace. I would do two random no huddles every half regardless of the score.

  55. Ray Says:

    I have never rooted against the Bucs. But next week, I hope they lose. This coaching staff has proven beyond a doubt they are not up to the task. This game should have been tough, but winnable. Today, there was zero effort. Our best outcome is a brand new head coach and staff. I am fine with Baker and all the players and maybe even keep Canales. Don’t have a vote and if the house is cleaned don’t care. But we need a hard reset.

  56. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    What really sucks about this loss is that Cornales and Blowels will not change a thing about their non game plan, playing not to win. Even if we win next week I hope the Glazers see the future fire them and let Baker walk. He is so painful to watch because he is so twitchy and jittery in the pocket and constantly doubting the pass he needs to make with his arm pumps. When he’s stable and confident he is what he showed on those big passes. I want a qb who is confident all of the time not fearful of the pass rush.

  57. Les Says:

    They should all be ashamed .what a let down after a nice run . Coaching ! All of them ! Saints even had major players out and they kicked the buc’s ass !! Please fire this head coach ! Learn how to call plays because you suck at it .even the announcers were saying when your down by 20 why are you running in the middle to nowhere !! Banging your head against the wall as they stated . By now you should have plays to get away from the rush ! Just awful coaching .

  58. matthew a veal Says:

    With 10 rookies and a few more young guys we are vulnerable to error. you can make a few but if you make too many then you get a swirlon and they compound and you lose games you should win.
    i thought we would come back in the end but the fumbles by young guys/rookies did us in. it reminded of the rams game when we had brady. Although brady only needed guys that didn’t make errors because he was a difference maker, he couldn’t overcome compound errors that much better than Mayfield.
    the anti-Bowles argument is that he isn’t enough of @$$hole to will a lower error rate out of his players. Bowles is probably saying his 10 rookies plus more cap room, we will get better as they age, but some coaches never get that error rate low enough. we’ll see. My gators have an even bigger question regarding errors.