“It Seems Like He’s Ageless”

December 27th, 2023

Masterful season.

We could be watching history these next two games. And it’s hard to believe the guy is doing this at his age.

Mike Evans continues to dominate opponents. His two touchdowns against the Jags gave Evans 13 this season, leading the NFL.

And Evans did this at 30.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles when asked about Evans today said Evans is looking like the same ol’ Mike.

“I hadn’t seen the early Mike Evans (prior to 2019) – I wasn’t around,” Bowles said. “But, the Mike Evans I’ve seen over the years, he continues to do everything day-in and day-out the way he’s been doing it.

“It seems like he’s ageless at this point with the stats he’s putting up, the numbers he’s putting up, the way he competes and the way he goes out there to play.”

Who knows if Evans will end up leading the NFL in touchdown catches in two weeks, but how cool would that be? Evans is within a career high-water mark. Two more touchdowns will mark his personal best.

Back in 2021, Evans 14 touchdown catches. Once before Evans hit 13 touchdown catches in a season — the Super Bowl-winning season of 2020.

In 2018, Evans set his career-high for a season with 1,524 yards receiving. Evans would have to go totally bonkers in the next two games to match that as he currently has 1,163 yards.

Evans only needs 158 yards receiving in the next two games to snap the 1,321-yard plateau, which is his current second-best season.

Hard to believe Evans is doing all of this at 30.

28 Responses to ““It Seems Like He’s Ageless””

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I really believe as long as he stays healthy and keeps the passion for the game he’s going for the Jerry Rice or Tim Brown kind of career in terms of longevity.

    He could easily have 15 1k seasons before it’s all over.

    Sign him Glazers! Do it.

  2. dasaazter1 Says:

    Mikes seam to have a thing for this team!!!!!!!remember the good old days Mike 2 will be hof Mike 1 should be

  3. unbelievable Says:

    I really hope he does finish the season as the receiving touchdown leader, because maybe he will FINALLY get an all-pro nod for that.

    The overall disrespect and lack of recognition for his consistent excellence over his career is egregious.

    Same for Lavonte David – who basically has had equal if not vastly better stats his entire career when compared with the Wagners, Kuechlys, Bowmans, etc., all of whom constantly get all pro and pro bowl accolades.

  4. DS Says:

    A thought came to my mind, I think this is the first time in Evans’s career where we force him the balll

  5. Kidfloflo Says:

    He beats me, straight up…pay that man, pay that man his monies….

  6. ModHairKen Says:

    Pay the man.

  7. ModHairKen Says:

    Pay the man.

  8. Jack Clark Says:

    The NFL needs to stop discriminating based on “age” because they use “age” as an excuse to not pay a player based on their production. Stay woke

  9. Duane in Sanford Says:

    I still dont understand why being 30 years old is such a stigma, or why it somehow makes ME13 damaged goods. He takes care of his body. There are tons of supplements to keep him going. This guy is STILL in his prime! He is going to be this good next season as well.

  10. 1#bucsfan Says:

    It’s not hard to believe JOE. 13 has taken good care of his body then he got on that TB12 regime which only made him better if taking care of his body. He’s deff got 2 to 3 more years of elite play before we see him lose a step and who knows maybe he goes longer. He doesn’t take too many big hits either. Just the usual pulled hammy here and there

  11. Weebs10 Says:

    Man I hope we re-sign him. Would be brutal to see him in a different uniform

  12. TBChucky Says:

    I’m sure Mike got some pointers from Brady as far as what you have to do to excel late in his career.

    I’ll be shocked if we don’t resign him..

  13. J Says:

    I expect big things out of ME in these next 2 games. He’s been on fire.

  14. Atlbuc28 Says:

    We are so fortunate to be Bucs fans while Mike has put his hall of fame career together! Could you just imagine if Gruden had a chance to coach him! Has anyone else realized that we are actually playing Grudens offense and a ton of Tampa 2 defense this year. Peeps need to research Holmgrens and Grudens coaching tree. (Mcvay, Shanahan, ect ) Just like the 49’s. Shanahan and obviously John Lynches version of the Tampa’s 2002 defense. Grudens offense took 6 or 7 games to start working. Then we were unstoppable after the guys got it… I Laff at the McVay the boy genius stuff….

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    A fact: Mike Evans was the first drafted player Jason Bowles signed after he was hired as GM in 2014. LVD was in his second year. I’m not sure when Gholston was brought on board but it was right in that time period. All 3 stuck it out with the Bucs when the team was in the usual bottom feeder position in the Division. They had plenty of $$$$ offers from other/better teams. The 3 said no. As a loyal, long time fan, I rooted for them even when I had to listen to/watch ME13 get nailed constantly for BS OPI calls. I was used to ref BS by then. I watched a highlight of LVD taking his helmet off/coming off the field after he knew the Bucs were headed for the playoffs/SB. It was at night and the stadium lights were on. His face was shiny with tears of joy. I can’t describe how I felt. I was around when we won the first SB. But this one nearly did me in, and it had zilch to do with wrinkled12.

  16. orlbucfan Says:

    Major typo from old age: Jason Licht signed. Getting old really sucks.💩

  17. J Says:

    LVD was drafted in 2012, Gholston 2013, and ME 2014.

  18. orlbucfan Says:

    Thanks J. I knew WG was brought in around that time. What a lineup.👍 And all 3 have much deserved SB rings.👏👏

  19. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Imagine if the Browns had drafted him in 2014…….nah glad they didn’t would’ve jacked his career up probably have 2000 yards and 20 tds less than he has now. Glad he’s a Buc! Doesn’t matter who our qb is he’s gonna get his stats. All Pro 1st ballot Hall of Famer

  20. Bojim Says:

    An ageless 30 year old. lol

  21. adam from ny Says:

    unless injuries occur mike is going to get 15,000 + yards for his career…

    and at the end of next season, where ever he plays, he will move up into the top 25 receivers, yardage wise, all time…

    he will be approx somewhere between #20 and #25 all time…

    and after 2 more seasons he will approx be between #12 and #20 all time…

    at that point it depends how hangry he is to challenge for the #2 spot above larry fitzgerald…

    i don’t think he ever breaks rice’s record, but if he pulls a brady and takes care of his body – and more so remains quick, you never know…

    personally i think he fins out in the top 5 receivers all time in regards to yardage…

    but if he proves to be an iron man he can be #2….

    but unseating rice is gonna be tough


    if the glazers happen toread my post, these statistical situations call for the hard fact to never ever let mike leave one buc place

  22. BradyGronk Fan Says:

    Unbelievable: Agreed. Evans should seriously be considered for the all pro if he ends up being the touchdown leader and gets another 100 to 200 yards. The feathers missing from his cap is the all pro and league leader in TDs, yards, catches, targets, or average yard per reception.

  23. unbelievable Says:

    Atlbuc28 Says:
    December 27th, 2023 at 7:16 pm
    … Peeps need to research Holmgrens and Grudens coaching tree. (Mcvay, Shanahan, ect ) Just like the 49’s. Shanahan and obviously John Lynches version of the Tampa’s 2002 defense. Grudens offense took 6 or 7 games to start working. Then we were unstoppable after the guys got it… I Laff at the McVay the boy genius stuff….

    No reason to laugh. While McVay and Kyle Shanahan both worked under Gruden, they also both worked under Mike Shanahan after that, and probably took more influence from him, based on their positions during that time.

    That Mike Shanahan-led Redskin staffs also had Mike McDaniels, Matt LeFluer and Gary Kubiak, in addition to Sean McVay and Kyle Shanahan.

    A lot of good offensive minds between them all. Another one that came from Gruden was Mike Tomlin.

    So many Mikes lol.

  24. Lightning Buc Says:

    Jerry Rice had the most yards in his career for a season (1,848) when he turned 32. He was let go by the Niners when he was 38 and had 2 more 1,000+ yards after with the Raiders. Mike Evans is no where near the end of his career. Sign the man!

  25. unbelievable Says:

    @BradyGronkfan – yes that’s been the thing with his career, despite being the most consistent WR over the last 10 seasons, each year there has always been a different WR that had more TDs or more receiving yards. And he’s played in Tampa, where you have to overachieve by 2 – 3x the norm just to get noticed.

    I feel like the fact that he had scrubs throwing to him for 60% of his career should also make it even more impressive, but I’m probably biased.

  26. Greg Says:

    The tape does not lie the man has not lost a step what so ever! His separation is as good as ever! Go Mike!

  27. garro Says:

    Yeah its very cool to see Mike playing like he is.

    We in Bucsland have never seen a weapon like him. We have had a few descent recievers but not on Mikes level and certainly not for the length of time that Mike has been here. (Hope we can afford to keep him)

    Vincent Jackson, Meshawn, Carrier, Jurevicius, House, McCardell. come to mind. Loved them all (except Meshawn) but none on Mikes level or longevity.

    Go Bucs!

  28. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    I recall Tom Brady got Mike to try hisTB12 regiment and be more consistent (year round with no off time). If true then Brady should have Mike be a spokesperson.