“I’m Rooting Like Hell For Him”

December 24th, 2023

Bucs GM Jason Licht.

Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht had a pump-the-brakes message on Baker Mayfield today.

Yes, it came before the glorious blowout win against the Jaguars.

On the team’s radio network, iconic play-by-play man Gene Deckerhoff gently asked Licht about Mayfield’s future with the team.

“He’s had some really good games here so far this year,” Licht said after praising Mayfield as a leader and teammate and all-around Buccaneer. “We want to see it continue. There’s a long three games left.”

“…I’m rooting like hell for him,” Licht added.

Joe greatly appreciated Licht’s restraint there. As Joe has written many times, Mayfield has to close the season strong for Joe to be on board with locking Mayfield down with a long-term contract.

And like Licht, Joe is rooting like hell for Mayfield. He’s done everything the Bucs have asked of him … with two games to go.

25 Responses to ““I’m Rooting Like Hell For Him””

  1. An Erection for Sacks Says:

    Licht’s choice of who should be this year’s QB couldn’t have been much better.

    Can we all agree on this?

  2. Wagonwheel50 Says:

    Agree ten-fold. @Joes are on fire tonight, like our Bucs. 1 more tho. It will be quite the story to tell down the road if the Bucs can make some noise in the postseason (if we get there). What an interesting and strange season this has become.

  3. Tony marks Says:

    Oh come on Joe.. Up the writing

    Theres no restraint in that . absolutely no GM is going to bark out they want a one year signed QB back definitely in order to give his agent leverage and announce to the other Gms you value him highly enough to start a bidding war.

    Yout article on not earning a multi year contract earleir today is aging poorly already – no need to double down and make it worse..

  4. Leighroy Says:

    I mean, what else was the guy gunna say? “I don’t care if he poops the bed for the next 3 games, we’ve already decided to guarantee his next 5 years.” Gimme a break. GM-speak.

  5. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    He earned consideration but has 3 more games to prove he deserves one. Hasn’t played well enough all season to in order to nail one down yet. He has earned keeping the starting spot and I hope he earns a new multi year contract because I’m a Bucs fan so I want what’s best for the Bucs and if he’s it I’m all for it not like these Basket fanbois who only want Baker

  6. ModHairKen Says:

    Licht, you done messed up. You should’ve at least had Baker on a two-year contract. You didn’t renegotiate with Evans when you could’ve and should’ve. You didn’t sign McLaughlin long enough. Now you’ve gotta pay all these people.

    Don’t act like you’re still trying to decide whether you’re bringing back Baker. Everyone knows you are. You’re in a terrible negotiating position, as you should be, because you did not have any confidence in your decisions. You didn’t think think that Baker was going to do well and you thought Evans was on his last legs. Otherwise, you would’ve locked Baker down to at least a two-year deal and you would’ve renegotiate with Evans. Oops.

    But don’t try to play Billy BA now. That train left the station. You’re gonna be paying these guys. Just have a laugh and start crunching the numbers.

  7. Tony marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 24th, 2023 at 9:17 pm
    He earned consideration but has 3 more games to prove he deserves one. Hasn’t played well enough all season to in order to nail one down yet


    I fixed your post for you below so it reflects what you really meant.

    “Waaah waaah waaah I was worng but I cant admit it. I am salty now and hope my etam loses ino rder to save the egg on my face…waaah waaah waah”

    You can thank me later.

  8. MadMax Says:

    Mr Licht, just like i told you go after Brady, and you did….and just like i told you to go after Baker, and you did. I dont know where this comes from but it does…

  9. Tony marks Says:

    ModHairKen Says:
    December 24th, 2023 at 9:28 pm
    Licht, you done messed up. You should’ve at least had Baker on a two-year contract.

    I seriously doubt Bakr’s agent would have recommended a two year contract at at anywhere near the price. MY bet is the one year contract was the one thing that was very mutual

  10. Gipper Says:

    Hope all Baker detractors get Trask or a rookie 1st rounder next year. Pittsburgh would be foolish not to lock Baker up for 5 years for mega millions. Baker vs Browns for next 5 years would be better than any Super Bowl. Pittsburgh offense has been a mess since Rothlesberger retired.

  11. Pewter power Says:

    At some point this franchise has to draft a franchise quarterback to start and finish their career here. A rookie contract allows them to keep our guys and get free agents to make difference

  12. MadMax Says:

    Baker is going nowhere….the room is already being made!!!!

  13. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I suppose at the end of the day this all depends how much the Bucs value a highly competitive accurate team leader at QB for the next ten years. When anyone sees the trajectory of this trend this doesn’t take a rocket scientist to extrapolate what they are looking at. This ain’t no run of the mill journeyman. A better comparison might be terry bradshaw. As I recall it took Bradshaw almost 5 years or so to gain excellence in the nfl…. Back in the day…. And that happened with stallworth and swan. Well, we got Godwin and Evans.

  14. Capt.Tim Says:

    Tony Marks,
    You sir, have a great understanding of Pro football.

  15. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    3 year extension at most. Baker really depends on what Mike does, if Mike leaves they need to go rebuild. If Mike returns you bring Baker back and draft a guy because Trask couldn’t beat him out. Don’t give him a big deal though like Jones and Geno got. Baker won’t find a better situation.
    Raiders no,
    Wash, Chi, Pats, NYG,ATL are all drafting someone likely in 1st.
    Steelers maybe the only threat

    Bucs would have options as a Fields suitor to leverage over him. They may even pin Jimmy G option against him.I think Baker will return but the deal will benefit Tampa.

  16. MNfrostbite Says:

    Bring back the lawn chair: Best comment here. Always considered Mayfield a throwback. He is NOT a journeyman. Hope Bucs recognize what they have here. If they don’t, somebody will nab him. Perhaps the Steelers? Comparison to Bradshaw is on the money. Wonder I didn’t think of that. Merry Christmas!

  17. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    We probably have a 3 year window to keep the band together (Evans if he stays and Godwin). The o-line is improving and we have young studs emerging on defense.

    Signing Mayfield to a 3-year.deal makes sense. I can’t speak to what he’s worth, what he’ll want or what Licht is willing to pay him but signing him doesn’t automatically stick the “franchise QB label” on him. It simply keeps a young, veteran QB on our roster who has the tools and desire.

    I agree we need to draft a “future franchise QB” but it could take 3 or 4 drafts to get lucky with one. In the meantime the team needs to stay competitive. Keeping Mayfield doesn’t mean he’ll remain the starter if we strike gold and get the next Mahomes but he’s a nice insurance policy if we don’t.

  18. maccafan Says:

    Tampa struck gold with Mayfield this year. He has thrown more TD passes this year than Brady did last year and so far, one less INT. The Bucs have won just as many games this year as they did last year with Brady. I remember the “talking heads” at ESPN/FS1 for the most part trashing him and doubting if he could be a starting QB anymore. Even if Baker reaches all of the incentives in his contract, he will make less than 10 million dollar this year. By all appearances the coaching staff and his teammates seem to really like him. Mayfield has stated that he would love to stay in Tampa, so this seems like a no-brainer for the Bucs. Give the man a 2–3-year contract and sometime in those years you can draft young QB for the future down the road.

  19. itzok Says:

    Shake n Bake, close it out and win a home playoff game, give him the contract, i’d say just don’t bid against yourself who else is signing him?

  20. tbc 1 Says:

    which other qb would have run though blockers for a first down?-none we should give him a 3 year deal

  21. Allbuccedup Says:

    Baker never gets paid Burrow, Hurts, Jackson, Herbert make more in one year than Mayfields made in his entire career. Two of these teams are not even going to the playoffs(Burrows hurt).

  22. garro Says:

    LOL Heck yeah he’s rooting for Baker!

    Mayfield is saving Jason form some major headaches in the near future.

    Go Bucs!

  23. Captain Dan Lawrence Says:

    I’m riding with Baker!!!! Go BUCS!

  24. toad bowels Says:

    McLaughlin has quietly been having a great year! Need to bring him back and sign him to a multiyear deal

  25. TampaTommyD Says:

    Baker has shown some real flashes of really good football this year. But for me as a lifelong Bucs fan it comes down to plays like that ‘never give up run’ he had going for the first down. I cant help but cheer for a guy that gives his all like that, I know it gets me riled up in the stands cheering to see more scrappy plays! 😀