Devin White Says His Game Today Showed He Is Healthy

December 24th, 2023

What problem?

So was Devin White healthy last week and didn’t want to play or was he not healthy and couldn’t play. Bucs fans may never know for sure.

But as White demonstrated tonight at The Licht House, he was healthy and boy did he play.

White was asked about his performance after the game. In so many words, he said this is the result when he is 100 percent.

“That’s just what a healthy Devin White [does],” White said. “Go out there and make plays and get to the ball and find the ball.

“Ao I am excited [Bucs teammates] held it down while I was out. But I am more excited to get back out there making those plays with them and celebrating when they make those plays.”

White had a half-sack, was robbed of another with a dastardly, disgusting roughing call and somehow Trevor Lawrence escaped White’s clutches for another would-be sack.

White added two quarterback hits, two passes defended and a pick.

Joe likes to say that winning is the greatest perfume. Whatever ills or problems there are, they seem to vanish when a team is winning.

The Bucs are on a four-game winning streak as Christmas comes. They are playing their best ball of the season. The only thing people are thinking about now, both inside and outside of One Buc Palace, is the game White had in a blowout Bucs win over the Jags.

Problems with White last week? What problems?

17 Responses to “Devin White Says His Game Today Showed He Is Healthy”

  1. adam from ny Says:

    if DW fins out like a madman on the field these next 2 games, and the bucs go on a run in the playoffs with DW as a defensive difference maker, he just might be in line to get the ole bageroonie

  2. Leighroy Says:

    Whatever. Good, I’m glad he showed up today, anything else and the rioters would have their pitchforks out and be calling for his head while they march down Himes Blvd. Hope he doesn’t catch a hang nail over the next month!

  3. ModHairKen Says:

    Great. Happy for the win you helped earn. Keep it up. Get on a run. Make yourself indispensable.

    History of this team is that December is a bad month. More bad years than good. This team’s playoff history is also more one loss exits than getting to the NFC Championship. History of this team is that any team 1-6 recording a season means no playoffs. This team has not historically had NFL leaders in TDs. Or passing.

    Something is different this last month. And the momentum is motivating. Baker fighting for yards. WRs and TEs stretching for 1st downs. Coaches going for it on 4th. Offense making 1st downs out of 3rd and long. Evans. Godwin. Mayfield. Winfield. Growth of R. White. Moore. Lavonte David. Vea.

    This is a strange magic.

  4. Jack Clark Says:

    So Devin White and Chris Godwin are healthy now

  5. Pewter power Says:

    That’s white for you puffing his chest out. He must have been injured since week one when he disappeared. Don’t worry he’ll looked injured again soon enough

  6. BucsLife Says:

    Kinda bummed seeing him out there, but he’s playing for more than a one year contract and wants the next team to think he’s not a Diva

  7. Burt Says:

    Devin played his butt off today. Had an amazing game. He got absolutely robbed by that stupid ref.

  8. firethecannons Says:

    he had a beautiful interception, hope he brings it for the rest of the season.

  9. Austin Says:

    If he played like that all year I’d love to throw money at him

  10. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    Showcasing to reboost his stock.The market will dictate his value. He did have on of his best games ever. He needs to have the focus every game out.

  11. toad bowels Says:

    Congratulations on a great game! Why can’t this guy be our edge rusher? When used properly he s a beast!

  12. itzok Says:

    Worst roughing the passer call i’ve ever seen.

  13. unbelievable Says:

    Even if the ref on the broadcast (Gene Steratore?) was like uhhhh yea that’s a bad call.

  14. unbelievable Says:

    *Even the ref

  15. Pick6 Says:

    Now do it a few more times before telling us how awesome you are. This is still the most important and yet worst season of your career

  16. Fishing Buc Says:

    He played like DW of old, looked sharp and played hard.
    Let’s see if he can string it together, likely too little too late.

  17. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Still done with him. Imagine his attitude with some guaranteed money. It’d be terrible to sign him.