
December 31st, 2023

Explains mood of locker room.

There was a pall over the Bucs’ locker room this afternoon. The team had one of its worst losses in a while.

The gameplans on both sides of the ball stunk. Even Bucs coach Todd Bowles said that without being prodded. He also scolded the effort of the club. His club.

Bucs players knew they dropped the ball. They had the NFC South title in their hands but because they played maybe their worst game of the year, it’s do-or-die next week at the Stinking Panthers.

“It’s tough to say without [watching tape],” Bucs center Robert Hainsey said when Joe asked him what happened to the Bucs’ offense. “We have to go back, we have to watch it. Obviously, we have to execute better.”

Joe asked Hainsey what the mood of the locker room is, his teammates. Anger? Frustration? Rage? Disappointment? Apathy? Hainsey selected “frustration.”

“Yeah, ‘frustration’ is a good word for it,” Hainsey said. “When you know you can [secure a division title] and don’t play up to your standard, that is never a good feeling.

“We have to go to the drawing board. We have to prepare to win this week. With one week left, we still have a chance to do what we wanted to do and that is the most important.”

The Bucs have one more shot to win the division. That’s it. Shat the bed in Charlotte and it’s Tulum time. Win and the Bucs host a playoff game.

What will the Bucs choose to do? Pack it in and go somewhere warm sipping on fruity drinks with island women, or rise up and stomp out the Stinking Panthers?

To paraphrase the late great Vin Scully, the Bucs “are running out of tomorrows.”

96 Responses to “Frustration”

  1. Weebs10 Says:

    Just throw the ball to Godwin and Mike early and get this offense into rhythm. Maybe get White the ball in some space too. Then and only the do you start mixing the run and play action in. Why is this so hard for this coaching staff to figure out?

  2. Usfbuc Says:

    This final regular season game is going to determine a lot for our offseason. If I’m the GM I am watching effort and anyone who isn’t playing like it’s their last game ever is gone. If the team comes out flat and looks unprepared and without a solid game plan then the coaches are gone.

  3. HC Grover Says:

    They will win and back in to the playoffs for 1 home game. Then head for the tropics. Bowzo and Co, will be Baaaack next year for a replay of this year.

  4. I remember 21 Says:

    Almost like the team came out with no fire in their bellies. I wonder who might influence such a thing 🤔? We may never know.

  5. HC Grover Says:

    We have to run up the score big time against the sad sack Panters to get the Playoff game hype going….I am never again falling for the hype like I did for this disaster.

  6. StormyInFl Says:

    “Why is this so hard for this coaching staff to figure out?”

    Because Bowles is stuck in the past. The league has passed this guy by.

    Any additional years with him are a waste of time. He’s incompetent.

  7. rickym Says:

    I posted earlier this morning how the Bucs had a cushion going into the Saints game but the Saints would be playing for their lives. The Bucs failure to match the Saints desperation and intensity was their downfall today. The team did not seem nearly as motivated as the fan base was for this game. Anyone who believes the Panthers game will be easy wil be in for a shock. Players for the Panthers are playing for jobs next season. Their livelyhood is on the line. Bucs are a better team than the Panthers but without desperation and intensity the Bucs could be watching the playoffs from the sofa this season.

  8. pancake block Says:

    can we put to rest that one and done idea with Canales, calling those first and second down runs behind the center ( who’s already on his backside) like hes got Jerrome Bettis or Christian Okoye in his backfield

  9. realistic-optimistic Says:

    What’s frustrating is that Hainsey has gotten 2 full seasons as a starter. He’s always getting pushed around.

  10. BucsLife Says:

    Like I keep the Panthers have nothing to lose and everything to gain !! Bryce Young and the boys should have beaten us at home a couple of weeks ago and this team is known to choke and play to their competition. The Saints win next week and we lose, but atleast that NFC has a better chance of winning a playoff game. Then it’s time for the Glazers to fire Licht, Bowel Movement and the entire staff. Hard working Buc fans got robbed not just today at RayJay, but all season and they should refund us

  11. QBKilla Says:

    Hainsey is a nice guy but he’s not starting caliber. I hope we draft a Guard and a Center.

  12. dbbuc711 Says:

    They should know how bad it was without watching the tape. It was horrendous. Sick and tired of hearing “we have to watch the tape”

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    Anyone asking how it happens, first of all this is classic Buccaneers MO. Secondly, the head coach’s name is Todd Bowles. Ray Charles could see this game coming. I knew it was coming, I knew Bowles wouldn’t let Canales keep his foot on the gas and by the time he took the cuffs off it was too late. Although interestingly with the Saints playing two Delp safeties to guard against the long pass, Baker shredded them.

    But Todd will come out against the Panthers exactly like he did today.

    8-9, and Todd will be running a few car dealerships in Naples.

  14. Citrus County Says:

    Fire Bowles NOW !

  15. mark2001 Says:

    I wonder if they heard they might be hosting the Eagles in the first round of the playoffs? Little chance of that being a being a blowout.,

  16. Pewter power Says:

    Yes frustration about sums up this season. You didn’t play to your standard Hainsey really? 4 games against nobody’s and you seem to forget the standard. The 4 game win streak in December and 3-1 in September. Other than that the standard is about how you played today

  17. Bucs Guy Says:

    Hc Grover and Stormyin FL are correct. Don’t want another year of mediocrity with Bowles.

    DE, LB or S, C and power RB in rds 1-4. TE and CB in 6th and 7th. Re-sign Evans, LVD, McLaughlin, Winfield and Wirfs to a long-term deal. New HC will have to make the call on Baker. Look for G and S maybe, WR and TE in FA.

  18. Larrd Says:

    They need to win at least one playoff game for Bowles to stay, I hope. Too many times!

  19. QBKilla Says:

    If we lose next week, The Glazers will have a big decision to make.

  20. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    I figure this was the loss they needed going into the playoffs. Sometimes a timely kick in the butt jars you out of complacency and they sure looked complacent today. And yeah, they’re going to the playoffs. Carolina can’t wait to clean out their lockers and go home. Looking like they’ll have to kick some Iggle butt first round and i have full confidence they will

  21. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    That’s the problem with Bowles and this coaching staff. You have a chance to clinch at home in front of your fans and you shat all over the place. Anyone who thinks the Bucs will win next week is in for a rude awakening. Bowles and Canales don’t know how to close the deal. I guess D. White and Rashad White went back to normal. This defense sucks!

  22. dmatt Says:

    Will someone please explain the reason when we’re trailing behind in games we wait till 5- 6 minutes left in the fourth quarter to start pushing the ball down the field with the passing game, which is our strength. What does Bowles have against the up tempo offense. It works n works consistently but we wait too late in the game to use it. I don’t understand his logic. Poor coaching!!

  23. No Confidence from the first poll Says:

    So how do the majority of people who voted for confidence in Toddy in the week 17 poll feel today. Todd is and always will be too stubborn and refuse to modify HIS gameplan because he does not see the issue as HIS coaching. Teams emulate their coach and HE is not tough nor decisive and cannot change on the fly to the game going on in front of him. The Bucs are average in a very poor division which equals to first round loss at best and watching others make runs into the playoffs. (not to mention a less than draft position)

  24. Saskbucs Says:

    QBKilla- if the Bucs lose next week the Glazers decision is super easy. Should be anyway. Send Bowles packing. If you are referring to Mayfield or Evans or both… those decisions are tougher but prolly up to JL and he will have some time to figure it out.

  25. ModHairKen Says:

    Stupid Dave Canales: stop with your stupid WR screens when behind 20 and your stupid runs. We get it. You want to be consistent and true to your beliefs.

    YOU BLEW IT TODAY, you stupid moron. We don’t have time for this.

  26. Since76 Says:

    The offense struggled today because the QB was awful. The play caller was awful and the head coach didn’t have the team ready to play. Other than that it was a great game plan.

  27. unbelievable Says:

    I’ll tell you exactly what happened. Bowles deployed more of his cover no one defense, and Dave Canales failed us with worst offensive game plan possible.

    It was literally the football equivalent of slamming your head into a wall over and over and thinking one of these times my head is going to break through.

    Canales game plan today was a fireable offense IMO, just like Leftwich vs Pittsubrug last year. Canales gets lower than an F today.

    The Bucs trail by one score with only one timeout left. Better use it wisely.

    Cmon Joe- haven’t you paid attention? Bowles will put that timeout in his pocket to save for redemption at the Clown Fair.

  28. unbelievable Says:

    The offense failed today because their coordinator failed and then doubled down in his failed idea.

    Simple as that.

  29. BucU Says:

    Unbelievable per usual you covered all the bases.
    What a disgusting performance with so much on the line.

  30. Bobby Says:

    Just beyond upset. The Bucs got me to believe and actually think the team is capable of doing something in the playoffs and that the team finally turned a corner. Nope, the team got punched in mouth. Again the team does not handle national spotlight attention well at all. And I don’t want to pay attention to that week to week league stuff people keep saying nationally. A playoff entry is just not enough for me. And Im right back to where I was weeks ago. Bowles should not be kept. Fool me once shame on you, foo me… you know the rest of that. Just so frustrating this game was. Canales and Bowles and Larry Foote and Tom Moore and etc, got out coached by Allen and the Saints. Goodnight

  31. Bobby Says:

    This team has how many players and coaches SB rings on. They get paid alot of money. Figure this out start replacing people Glazers.

  32. Destinjohnny Says:

    Boys got hit with a dose of rat Poison last week

  33. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Watched the first quarter and couldn’t watch anymore. You could tell the Bucs were flat. Thought the Bucs were over the hump. I am at a loss for words when you’re at home and could have won your division and they couldn’t score until the 4th quarter! Big let down. Hope this will be a eye opener for this team

  34. faspro Says:

    The Saints are the better team, played with heart; they deserve to go the playoffs… Bucs are lucky they’re gettin’ paid. There’s no excuse for the bucs not playing with heart today, none.

  35. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Reading a lot of comments and basically it comes down to it’s Todd B’s fault and if not him Dave C. Only exception is Baker, he can take some blame.

    How about the other 52 grown men? It shouldn’t take a coach to make you care, it’s not high school anymore.

  36. DoooshLaRue Says:

    11 Responses to “Make The Call!”

    DoooshLaRue Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 7:35 am
    A win and in scenario at home against a division rival.
    Tons of Baker and Evans hype all week.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  37. unbelievable Says:

    @Drunk Bucs Fan –

    Oh I agree the players all failed too. No doubt. But when your game plan is effed from the start, players get hung out to dry too. The defense looking gutless in the first half should have surprised no one. The offense however was downright offensive and defining the word ‘stupidity’ with their approach.

  38. Irish Laughter Says:

    Ok, it happens. The Bucs need to take a deep breath and remind themselves that they are in control of what happens next. The Ravens are the only team that is playing championship football right now. Everyone is running 2nd place including the Bucs. We are more than capable of getting hot and playing winning football. 8-8, 9-8 who gives a crap as long as we make the playoffs. Then anything can happen. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  39. Dreambig Says:

    Can we get a few more articals this week on how Canales is a prime candidate for a head coaching job, because those are never premature.

  40. BucsLife Says:

    I will bet anyone $200 ( up to 5 people on here ) that the Bucs lose or don’t cover in Carolina.. I will expect the points the Panthers get, but will exchange emails and will put my money where my mouth is. The main reason I don’t want my team to win is because Bowles and this staff need to go. If we would have down what the Texans have done look how bright our future would look. A star at QB for the next 10 years isn’t too shabby., let me know if there’s any takers

  41. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    They played down to the Blowles standard and that’s why they lost. All year long the OL has proven its just too weak to hold up to the point of attack to constantly run up the middle a and that Raschida Whitev is to weak and to slow to be the main runner. Edmonds is smaller but a more physical runner and should be #1. Blowles knows they can’t play zone but continues to call it, White is a better receiver but throws no screens. Everything we needed to do the Taints did it and we still didn’t do it. This coaching staff is so stubborn and hard headed the fact once again they didn’t make our 2 best receivers the focus of the offense and wouldn’t scheme them more plays had been happening all year. Forget getting the balls to the back ups, they’re back ups for reason. To watch Palmer fumble the ball after hitting the ground absolute sucked because we got to watch their TE make a finger top grab feet over head air tumble and hold onto the ball. To watch the defense give up so many 3rd and longs and then fall for the fullback blast up the middle on 3rd long really hurt. These guys always fall for the most basic “trick” plays. Remember the Colts game and the 2020 zjameis td in playoffs? Suckers!

  42. David Says:

    Are we done comparing The Trash Baker to the GOAT you trash Baker fans ?
    Here we go the top five trash Baker fans, Tony Marks, Rod Munch, blaming, HC/DC, OC, the stadium genetars and so on for the trash qb, Baker with his miserable performance today. As I anticipated on my posting for the past few days and warned the Bucs fans.

    I have been abused verbally by these trash Baker fans that involved using words to assault, dominate, ridicule, manipulate, or degrade my posts.

    Baker was defeated badly by another trash qb. 44 yards and 20-0 at the half. 20-0 with 7 minutes left in the game followed by trash stats recovering as Saints in preventive mode. Most of Trash Baker stats have been late in garbage times all season long.

  43. David Says:

    Even the stadium genitors were ready to go home and started eraly clean up by the beginning of the third quarters. Do not blame them Baker Trash Fans. Blame your trash QB.

  44. Citrus County Says:

    To slightly modify a line from the movie Prizzi’s honor; Charlie Charlie Charlie, he gotta go.

  45. Citrus County Says:

    Can’t you guys spell J-A-N-I-T-O-R ?

  46. chark Says:

    why did camarda do short kickoff ,,was he told to do this?

  47. ElioT Says:

    I hope they lose next week and the Saints win the division.

    These Bucs deserve to watch the playoffs.

    3-1 start = Mirage

    4-0 streak = Mirage

    This team has been hot garbage for half the season.

  48. mrd Says:

    This team is displaying the same quitting character as the one that quit on Brady last year.

  49. KSBucs Says:

    Not a Bucs fan so not that much emotion involved. Been following the team all season because of a big wager on the Bucs to win the division. Extremely nervous and considering hedging my wager.

    It is not nearly as much gloom and doom as everyone on this site feels. As everyone could see the Bucs were flat as a pancake. It happens in the NFL. They are coming off a few big wins in a row and it is impossible to stay completely amped week after week. Also their backs were not against the wall like with the Saints. Could the Bucs lose next week? Sure. We have seen plenty of times a horrible team plays out of their mind the last week and beats a team with everything to play for. It happened a couple of years ago with Jacksonville and Indy.

    NFL can be so unpredictable that it wouldn’t surprise me if both New Orleans and Tampa Bay lose. Bucs still win the division.

  50. Citrus County Says:

    And another – articals ? Dreambig: It is spelled article.

  51. PanhandleBuc Says:

    Greg Olson was miffed, we were all miffed as to why we continued to run into a brick wall, get behind on the down and distance and then punt after a failed 3rd and long…but our wonderful coaching staff was too stupid or blind to see!!!! ANOTHER mid use of our weapons, specifically CG until it was too late! The Saints had several injuries yet we failed to expose and capitalize on that! This coaching staff is TRASH!!!!

  52. Popcorn Mike Says:

    As I’ve read in this article, I am with several other Bucs fans, many on the team had a bad game not just 1 or 2 players Mayfield made bad throws and decisions, White fumbled, not sure if it was all Canales or Mayfield changing plays in the 1st quarter with the run run stuff when it was not working and the defense had plenty issues too. At 1 point of the game the defense couldn’t stop a paper jet So after today my hopes for the Bucs playoff bid and at least winning 1 playoff game went from 10 to 4

  53. David Says:

    Baker fans your HC, and trash qb are 1-6 against team with the wining records this season as it was mentioned on national TV. Do you know what that means ? It shows the negative perceptions of national audience and experts of these two clowns even if they limp into the playoffs.

    Resign Baker ? No reassign him and the toilet bowl to the another city’s public works where they belong.

  54. Weebs10 Says:

    “Genitors” I’m howling with laughter

  55. toad bowels Says:

    Canales doth sucketh today. Not my fault as the defense played lights out (other than falling behind 23-0 early).


    Toad Bowels

  56. Rod Munch Says:

    To the people claiming Canales was the issue today… what exactly is he supposed to do when his QB is complete trash, holding the ball forever, missing guys who are wide open and checking it down on 3rd and long?

    When you have a QB playing as God awful as Baker was playing, why do you think giving him the ball more is the answer?

    Just because some jackball on TV said something doesn’t make it true. These same idiots on TV are the reason that all the morons in here said White was awful, a bust, and the worst RB in football for three quarters of the season.

    Stop listening to the idiots on TV and watch the game yourselves.

  57. KSBucs Says:

    A lot to be concerned about next week.

    Carolina’s defense is actually pretty good. Unbelievably they are 3rd in the league in yards allowed per game. Their offense is dead last in yards gained though.

    Their weakness on defense is against the run but the Bucs can’t exploit that. They have one of the worst run offenses in the league.

    Have a feeling that Bowles will try to pass after what happened this week and it will not turn out well. Carolina is 3rd in the league in passing yards allowed per game.

  58. BucsFan81 Says:

    Win or lose against the kitty cats I still want Bowles and Canales gone. No one believes this team in winning a playoff game and the coaching has sucked most of the year. I have a feeling that the owners will give this coaching staff a pass do to the salary cap restraints and we will be watching a repeat of this garbage next year.

  59. Bucs13 Says:

    Last year when we had a chance to clinch the playoffs and rest our players the final game Brady came up big time against the Panthers…at home

  60. Tucker Says:

    I did watch the game munch canales was terrible and baker wasn’t any better both can be true.

  61. Beeej Says:

    Saints suffocated us in every phase of the game, and we had no answer

  62. gotbbucs Says:

    -4 turnover differential. That’s the game.

  63. Tucker Says:

    With the injuries the saints had the bucs should have locked it up fairly easily but the bucs are not a good team. Fans happy with winning this division more power to you I’m not and expect more from this team and am just over the same excuses week in and week out time to move on to something different someone not coaching scared and outdated week to week

  64. Citrus County Says:

    It has been said of Todd Bowles that one of his admirable qualities is his constant and unwavering calm demeanor. If I had been head coach of this team today my demeanor would not have been calm and unwavering. Where is the passion Mr. Bowles ? Your job is on the line and the teams future is on the line and you show no passion when you witness a performance such as that. Would Bowden, Bryant, Dooley, Shula, Landry, Lombardi and many others not have been P’oed by todays performance ?

  65. Citrus County Says:

    It has been said of Todd Bowles that one of his admirable qualities is his constant and unwavering calm demeanor. If I had been head coach of this team today my demeanor would not have been calm and unwavering. Where is the passion Mr. Bowles ? Your job is on the line and the teams future is on the line and you show no passion when you witness a performance such as that. Would Bowden, Bryant, Dooley, Shula, Landry, Lombardi and many others not have been P’oed by todays performance ?

  66. Bnasty25 Says:

    Way too many angry Bucs fans are way too salty.. Some plays that ruined the game if you make it’s a different outcome… Miscommunication with Mike and Mayfield, White fumble, Palmer fumble, and the INT trying to hit palmer. Looking back this should’ve been way worse. Why Hill caught that TD instead of having him locked in is mind blowing considering he gets the ball or touches majority of the time he’s in.

    Based off the first drive I knew this would be rough. Run and efficient quick passes killed us all year and after this game it’s time to not complain and prepare the last week against Carolina. We still control our own destiny.

    Oh why are we running zone and soft D all year long and not being aggressive? Is it me or does blitz man work way better than the blitz zone? Wait … I get running the ball but yet again it’s up the middle down by 20… No creativity. Looked like they were thinking we could beat them with a crap game and crap gameplan..Regardless we lost even though they have a ton of talent to win any week

    Lastly I think we need White at OLB and said this when he wanted the $. I think he’d be a hell of a olb… Better than JTS at least….

  67. Rod Munch Says:

    Tucker – Sure, not saying Canales had the game of life, but since you’re reasonable enough to say that Baker did in fact play like trash – what should Canales have done differently? The Saints didn’t have to do much to stop the pass, as Baker took care of that for them – so if you’re Canales, what is the answer if the QB is having a horrific day?

    Watching the game I didn’t see much of a difference in play calling from last week, the only difference was in the results.

    Personally, if I’m Canales, I’m featuring Evans today, and throwing him the ball 20 times – but that’s what I’d do every week. Who knows, maybe that is what Canales was doing, and Baker messed it up.

    But if you’re QB is having that bad of a day, there isn’t much you can do as an OC.

  68. Bnasty25 Says:

    Looking forward to next week and hope coaching brings their A game… Not trying to complain but bad execution and bad play calling makes the best teams lose. Let’s rally and host another home playoff game

  69. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker Bois… I’m going to give you a tip on how to handle today if you want anyone who is undecided on Baker to join your cult.

    You say Baker played like trash today, but you believe he can pull it together next week, and he’ll get the team in the playoffs, and if he does that, then he should be back next year.

    If you did that, then you wouldn’t be widely mocked and ridiculed.

  70. David Says:

    Baker trash fans stop blaming the Toilet Bowl and OC. They represent your trash qb. There will be no trash Baker in Tampa without those two. You Baker fans get the hell out of this website. You are trash as Baker himself. You are not the Bucs fans if you blame everyone else except your trash qb. Baker was 20-0 for 3.5 qtr. with 44 yards at the half. Watch Baker will play with his injured shoulder and ribs next week. Why ? That is what Baker does he is so scared of the back up qb’s to replace him and shine.


  71. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    I can’t make a judgement of the play calling when the effort and execution was that bad. What good is calling a great play that picks up 60yrds if the guy just fumbled it’s? What was the old quote about football isn’t just Xs and Os it’s about the Johnnys and Joes or something

  72. Defense Rules Says:

    Hainsey … “It’s tough to say without [watching tape]. We have to go back, we have to watch it. Obviously, we have to execute better.”

    Uhhh, don’t really have to watch the tape to figure this one out Robert. Bucs lost the Turnover Battle 4-0. Bucs lost the TOP Battle by over 13 minutes (36:38 Saints on 70 plays to 23:22 Bucs on 50 plays). Bucs lost the 3rd/4th Down Battle by a bunch (Saints were 8-for-18; Bucs were 3-for-9). Bucs’ offense didn’t do diddly for most of the game and our defense couldn’t stop anyone for most of the game. It was a TOTAL TEAM LOSS.

    Players & coaches just need to call it like it is: they shit the bed. Had a great opportunity to extend their 4-game winning streak & hopefully finish the season on a high, but instead they whimped out. Their only goal right now better be to get this one out of their heads and light up the Panthers in their house next Sunday. Anything less will probably get a lot of people fired.

  73. Defense Rules Says:

    Hainsey … “It’s tough to say without [watching tape]. We have to go back, we have to watch it. Obviously, we have to execute better.”

    Uhhh, don’t really have to watch the tape to figure this one out Robert. Bucs lost the Turnover Battle 4-0. Bucs lost the TOP Battle by over 13 minutes (36:38 Saints on 70 plays to 23:22 Bucs on 50 plays). Bucs lost the 3rd/4th Down Battle by a bunch (Saints were 8-for-18; Bucs were 3-for-9). Bucs’ offense didn’t do diddly for most of the game and our defense couldn’t stop anyone for most of the game. It was a TOTAL TEAM LOSS.

    Players & coaches just need to call it like it is: they shat the bed. Had a great opportunity to extend their 4-game winning streak & hopefully finish the season on a high, but instead they whimped out. Their only goal right now better be to get this one out of their heads and light up the Panthers in their house next Sunday. Anything less will probably get a lot of people fired.

  74. David Says:

    LOL. How the trash Baker fans are posting after their boy played as he was in deep coma today missing open receivers with three Int’s and garbage late scoring.

    Bucs fans, here are the top three trash Baker fans posting all season on Baker and bash anyone dare to post negative comments on their trash boy no matter how he performs on the field;

    Capt Tim., Rod Munch, Tony Marks.

  75. Tucker Says:

    @munch he can start off by realizing the running up the middle doesn’t work with the center and guards they have and quit depending on baker to pull something out of his ass on third down too many times not to sound like a baker defender but that guy was harassed all day by some piss poor oline play. I’m not a fan that is pointing at one thing as being the problem because it all looked like hot garbage the pass rush was Mia with all the injuries the Saints had they should have been in carrs face all day. The whole team looked flat.

  76. Rod Munch Says:

    Tucker – The Bucs only ran the ball 15 times today (14 if you remove the knee before halftime), and they gave the ball almost exclusively to Baker before the half, and after the half (not counting take a knee), and in those two series, when the team had to get something going if they wanted to get back into the game, Baker went 0-4 with a sack. The only other play in those two key series was White with a run up the middle, for 4 yards, which was by far the most successful outcome of those two key series.

  77. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    You lost because you got beat! Run over in the trenches. You made an excuse and excuses are for losers! You failed and don’t ever explain to me again why you suck! Beat your man in the trench!

  78. David Says:

    Warning Bucs fans; As per his post game press conference he will be with injury next week no matter what as he did in destroying Cleveland season at the time playing with fractured shoulder;

    Here is what he says;

    “It’ll get easier throughout the week. The first few days are always the worst,” Mayfield said of the prospect of having to play next week with sore ribs. “I’ve had a few broken ribs here and there and obviously — like I said — nothing showed to that extent as of right now. So yeah, I’ll be able to deal with it and go from there.”

    What is he scared of ? Trask to win the divsion ?????

  79. David Says:

    The offense with Trash Baker was held off the scoreboard until midway through the fourth quarter and turned the ball over four times.
    Baker will play with sore ribs and that is a recipe for disaster.
    Prepare Trask for next week game before it’s too late.

  80. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Well, at least the ridiculous hype train can end. This team is not a playoff team despite that mirage 4 game winning streak. Clean house from Licht down.

  81. Rocket79 Says:

    Saints were very aggressive at the point of attack; they came to play, we didn’t and it was very obvious on the sidelines (no one was particularly upset at their performance). Canales never adjusted. No tight end screens, no running back screens. Refusing to run outside the tackles. No play calling to exploit mismatches. Hainsey’s comment was pathetic. After that performance, the only response should have been “angry.” Keep the offensive tackles – replace the interior three. Mayfield audibles from one run to a different run. I don’t think Ive ever seen Mayfield audible from a run to a pass. Not enough motion, lack of creativity and inventiveness.

  82. RGA Says:

    Less than 50 yards of offense in the first half is a travesty. This is a common occurrence with Mayfield at the helm.

  83. Pewter&red Says:

    After re watching every game this year there is a couple things that stand out. We win when we use Godwin. When we use Godwin there is far less runs up the middle to nowhere. Baker played terrible today. He missed open guys multiple times. He had maybe his worst game as a buc today, couldnt have come at a worse time. Overall he has way outplayed his contract and can’t be blamed for most of the problems. Will you ever win a super bowl with baker, possibly if he plays on a cheap contract with a loaded team, but he doesn’t have the consistency of a super bowl quarterback yet, maybe another year or 2 in the same system would benefit him. But the big problem is Bowles is tied to baker and Bowles has to go, it’s no coincidence that now his seat cooled off it was right back to run it up the middle again. I have a very hard tone believing . Dave looked at last year’s team and said I wanna do the same thing

  84. Rod Munch Says:

    Rocket79 Says:
    December 31st, 2023 at 11:06 pm
    Saints were very aggressive at the point of attack


    Teams do that when they don’t think the QB is going to hurt them – or at least they’re willing to take their chances. If Baker could have made some plays when it mattered, they’d have backed off – but since Baker couldn’t make any plays, they just kept bringing it.

    People saying the Bucs weren’t ready to play… I hate the cliche stuff. Mayfield sucked today, and that’s why the Bucs got blown out. He gave the team no chance to win this game. Even if the defense played a great A+ game, short of getting multiple scores by themselves, the team didn’t have a chance to overcome how badly Baker was playing.

    Conversely, the last two weeks, Baker played great.

    But today, with the playoffs on the line, and possibly a huge big new contract on the line, Baker blew it, feel flat on his face, looked like the guy who has been a complete bust.

  85. Bnasty25 Says:

    Am I the only one that sees this as a total team failure from the top to bottom? No pressure on a third string Rt? Yes Mayfield had a bad game so did everyone else? How about how the defense opened up the game with what an 8 minute drive ending in a TD? Two other turnovers happened when we were trying to come back. Mike ran back to the middle instead of the huge gain, Mayfield under threw palmer way to much and the White fumble was costly.Team sport overall but the o play calling was bad especially with no tempo or diversity. Kudos to NO for making us vanilla and I hate saying that. Even one of the best punters in the league had a terrible game. Mayfield wasn’t his best but this Bucs hate for him is sad. Support your team or find a new one!!!

  86. Mark hardt Says:

    I never liked winning the coin toss and deferring. Last week they went first and scored. It set the tone. Today they scored first and the Bucs were chasing all game.

  87. Mark hardt Says:

    Yea simple. 1. Futile commitment to the run. 2. Way too late on the no huddle offense. Start when two scores down regardless of the Quarter. 3. One interception was an under throw. The other a tip. Both fumblez were bad. Still if you had started the no huddle after going down by 14 you might have won. Baker operates best at pace. I would do two random no huddles every half regardless of the score.

  88. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    This was a team loss. Just like having a team win. Not one thing or person to blame. Not fun but it’s over and can’t be changed. Let’s go win next week.

    David….yes. Baker had a bad day but he will bounce back next week. You, on the other hand, have a bad brain. No bouncing back from that. I feel sorry for you.

    Rod Munch……I generally enjoy your posts. But you’re kind of a hypocrite. You have 3 posts here. Two being nasty about Mayfield and one defending him. I guess that’s so you will always be able to say, “I told you so!”

  89. Buccos Says:

    We missed Shaq Barrett. It is embarrassing watching JTS flail around out there like a schoolgirl

  90. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs’n’Bucks – When did I defend Mayfield for the way he played today? If I did, I assure you that was a typo.

  91. Stanglassman Says:

    The last JBF article I read he was writing about how much they were going to run up the score on the Saints. I knew then we were in trouble. Bucs players buy the hype as quickly as too many of the fans/media. The Bucs were just not that good. They were playing better but nothing to get cocky about. The Saints came in and out hustled them and bullied the Bucs around on both sides of the ball. Total embarrassment.

  92. tbc 1 Says:

    Bakers faults
    1-white fumbles
    2-palmer fumbles
    3-o-line lets defenders sack or disrupt him
    4-defense is defenseless
    5-After the game they interviewed 3 buccs in the locker room and all said we were not up to play this game-WHAT!!!???

  93. rrsrq Says:

    How many false starts does Hainsey have (at center none the less) or whatever they call when the center moves or does something with the ball before anyone else

  94. KSBucs Says:

    Bucs open as 5.5 favorites. Line seems fishy to me. Too many points. They want Carolina money. Bucs in a blowout.

  95. orlbucfan Says:

    This next game will be a win, but don’t start with the blowout BS. Who paid attention to the Jax-NC lowlights yesterday? Panthers are mentally quitting. However, not all their players have quit. The Bucs were humbled and humiliated yesterday. Plus, Canales screwed up again. Citrus Co., I am disappointed with you. You’ve joined the fire-Bowles loser brigade. I haven’t. He and greenhorn Canales need to come back next season. This musical coach8ng circus will not help the Bucs. I know that for a fact!

  96. orlbucfan Says:
