Chris Godwin Addresses His Wife’s Social Media Posts Blasting Todd Bowles

December 7th, 2023

Receiver Chris Godwin.

Less than 24 hours after Mariah Godwin took to Instagram to call her husband’s head coach a liar, Chris Godwin met the local pen and mic club to discuss his side of the story.

Godwin admitted frustration with how he has been used in the Bucs offense. It’s not from a selfish perspective, he said, but he believes his involvement in the offense brings not just value to the team, but most important Godwin believes being more involved can help the Bucs win games.

Godwin explained he has no hangup with anyone with the Bucs nor does he believe Todd Bowles has issues with him. Bowles claimed Godwin didn’t play much because he was nicked up and subbed for more than usual on Sunday.

However, Godwin took 84 percent of the offensive snaps. This seemed to ignite Mariah Godwin’s frustrations, which she shared on Instagram.

“I don’t think Coach Bowles had any malice in what he was saying,” Godwin said.

When asked point blank if he discussed with his wife what she was going to post on Instagram, which obviously gave both Bowles and the organization a very public black eye, Godwin said, “I think we talked about it after the fact.”

Godwin emphasized he believes he is an asset and if used properly.

“I don’t know if ‘disrespected’ is the right term,” Godwin said. “I think it is tough. … I want to be as available as I can. You want to contribute. That didn’t happen [Sunday] … like I had hoped.

“It’s things that you can live and learn from at the end of the day. I was still there. I was able to contribute in some capacity.”

He sure did, in the run game.

It was Godwin’s 19-yard score on an end around that proved to be the difference in a 21-18 win. The Bucs average 19.4 points a game, 10th worst in the NFL.

Godwin had a grand total of three targets and zero catches.

“Anybody that would leave a game with zero catches I don’t know if they would be too pleased with that,” Godwin said. “I think that is just the competitor in me.”

Earlier today Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales stated over and over he is to blame for not getting Godwin more involved (he’s stated this before).

In fact, Canales said he had a one-on-one meeting with Godwin in an effort to get him the ball more. Asked if he was satisfied with his sitdown with Canales, Godwin said he was.

“One hundred percent,” Godwin said. “I think, we had a really, really good talk. It was very productive. I think we see eye-to-eye on it.

“At the end of the day, it will be a lot better for the team. I feel comfortable with it. Now it’s a matter of putting the work in it and execute on it.”

Asked if moving from slot where he played most of the past three years and had his greatest success to outside this fall was the culprit, Godwin wouldn’t go there.

Godwin said he didn’t think the issue is so much him moving from slot to outside; it’s more about new offense. He said the scheme is “way different.”

“I’m just looking to be as productive as I can for the team,” Godwin said. “I think when I am being productive it adds tremendous value to the team.

“And I think it makes life easier on Mike. Like easier on Rachaad, Cade. I think it all plays a big role in the big picture.”

Let’s be real: Canales, at least publicly, has said more than once that he needs to get the ball to Godwin more. So too has Bowles.

Godwin said his wife’s anti-Bowles social media posts were just his wife being his biggest supporter and defending him and having his back. “It came from a place of love. … that’s my dawg.”

Time to turn the talk into reality. Joe believes Sunday’s critical game at Atlanta would be a nice start.

46 Responses to “Chris Godwin Addresses His Wife’s Social Media Posts Blasting Todd Bowles”

  1. BuxfaninTX Says:

    This coaching staff is so 1970s… 3 yards per run and a pass on 3rd down.
    I’m starting to feel like Byron Leftwich fell on the sword for Todd Bowles’s antiquated way of thinking about modern offenses

  2. BUCNNOLE Says:


  3. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Shake N Bake. He’s the one choosing where to go with the ball. Now….it was raining, BUT ME13 got 12 targets to CG14 3. But that, to me, is not on Canales or Bowles, it’s on Shake N Bake. Guess he’s saying, “if you’re not 1st (ME13), you’re last (CG14).”

    Go Bucs!!

  4. SB~LV Says:

    We heard it loud and clear
    The wheels are coming off!
    This is what failing flailing franchises do in their dying days

  5. bucs107 Says:

    Oh ok
    Nothing wife made a huge deal out of nothing
    Coach never question his ethic

  6. Tony Marks Says:

    BUCNNOLE Says:
    December 7th, 2023 at 4:30 pm


    Officially some of the worst “fans” in the NFL – actively cheering for your own team to get swept

    Keep up the fair weather fan behavior. Florida has three NFL teams. empty seats make a compelling case after awhile for relocation

  7. HC Grover Says:

    No Bowles Malice…He is just a Box o Rocks.

  8. HC Grover Says:

    Tony just think….some Buc fans rather lose than keep on having Bowles as coach.

  9. Bosch Says:

    Yep. Just what I thought. Mariah went out on her own with that post. Chris has handled this matter with class. And his damage control has threaded the needle.

  10. Mike Johnson Says:

    Check your wife Mr. Godwin. She might need the refresher course of, Fans are not drafted.

  11. Jeff Says:

    Control your woman, bro! This is your career!

  12. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I remember when women were seen, and not heard…. Life was happier.

  13. Tony Marks Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    December 7th, 2023 at 4:46 pm
    Tony just think….


    You telling me to think broke all the irony meters around the world. Lets see your repeated takes

    Bucs should break the bank and sign Brady as head coach with no coaching experience


    fans should get together and buy the bucs like you have no clue what an NFL team costs.


  14. Tony Marks Says:

    “Nothing wife made a huge deal out of nothing”

    Out of her lane BUT She definitely is not a nothing wife. When a husband calls his wife his dawg she is up there in wifey material.

  15. realistic-optimistic Says:

    This is all PR. They all met and chatted and agreed to put out the fire (for now).

  16. SlyPirate Says:


    CG’s wife had to make a public statement, calling out the coaches, to motivate the coaches to sit down with CG and discuss how to get him involved. Whoa!

    Umm … For the first 7 weeks of the season, the Bucs had the 3rd worst offense in the NFL. It never dawned on the coaches they should sit down with TB12’s favorite target, a 1000 yard/100 catch, $20M WR and figure out how to get him involved in the offense.

    Thank you, Mariah. Want a job? Bucs will be hiring soon.

  17. HC Grover Says:

    Tony…yes, that is what I think.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    Tony aprox 1.3 billion…..200,000 shares at 550 more than enough.

  19. Frank Pillow Says:

    Holy heck we can only hope management is paying attention. CG14 is one of the the best overall pure football players on this team (not just WR). Has been from the start. Only a total moron would allow this level of misuse. I don’t care how many games we win, Todd has to go.

  20. Marine Buc Says:


    Can everyone just go back to playing football now?

    This is silly and embarrassing.

  21. HC Grover Says:

    Tony Brady is the GOAT player and…He, knows how to win SB. Better than any other human on the planet.

  22. Marine Buc Says:

    First it was Devin White.

    Then it was Mike Evans.

    Now it’s Chris Godwin.

    Any other core players want to jump off this sinking ship?

    Time to clear house and unload toxic contracts. Get the salary cap right. Draft the future starting QB and get a competent offensive guru/head coach in here…


  23. HC Grover Says:

    The Packers have about 600,000 shareholders.

  24. Buc4evr Says:

    Mariah speaks the truth. The Bucs can’t handle the truth. Bowles and Canales are not using Chris correctly. They are not putting the team in the position to score. Time for the coaching staff to be fired…5 more games and they are history.

  25. HC Grover Says:

    One of the more remarkable business stories in American history, the team is kept viable by its shareholders — its unselfish fans. Even more incredible, the Packers have survived during the current era, permeated by free agency and the NFL salary cap. And, thanks in large part to Brown County’s passage of the 2000 Lambeau Field referendum, the club will remain solvent and highly competitive well into the future due to its redeveloped stadium.
    Fans have supported the team financially on several occasions, including six stock sales: 1923, 1935, 1950, 1997, 2011, and 2022.
    To protect against someone taking control of the team, the articles of incorporation prohibit any person from owning more than 200,000 shares.

  26. UKBuccaneer Says:

    The NFL do not allow fan ownership, except for the packers under grandfather rights.

  27. steele Says:

    Big difference between how Godwin was used during Arians/Brady vs. now. They are not wrong.

  28. Boss Says:

    His wife was right.

    not his fault BM can’t throw over the D line on short to medium routes.

    not that DC can’t dial up different plays

    or that the HC is an absolute, 100%, bonafide idiot

    there is only one possible reason toilet bowl has not been flushed.

  29. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    Coaches and players say the right things publicly, but behind closed doors at One Buc, I’m certain it’s a different story. The team is disconnected and undisciplined even though they do it all well in practice. They will lose Sunday and I urge the Glazers to step in and remove Bowles before things boil over.

  30. SufferingSince76 Says:

    HC Grover, what part about Brady repeatedly stating he isn’t interested in coaching do you not understand?

  31. HC Grover Says:

    Suffering make him an offer. I am not interested in selling my house. Unless I had the right offer…like your handle…LOL

  32. HC Grover Says:

    UK this is the USA…we have our ways.

  33. Conner50 Says:

    All I want for Christmas is to see Bowles get fired and take canales with him. Organization’s better off getting a new head coach that’s actually qualified for the job. They never should’ve made Todd head coach in the first place

  34. D-Rok Says:

    “Godwin said his wife’s anti-Bowles social media posts were just his wife being his biggest supporter and defending him and having his back. “It came from a place of love. … that’s my dawg.”

    Love this. It’s the epitome of what marriage should be – having each others’ backs, through good and bad.

    Will Chris ask his wife to not rant on social media again, whether she’s right or wrong? Probably.

    Her spirit of defending the person she loves (and is privvy to insider comments from Chris and others on the team) is priceless.

    I dunno man, I don’t have a problem with her comments, nor the response by Chris. Sounds like a good marriage, and that’s rare to find these days.

    Go Bucs ! ! !

  35. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I am now convinced that Bowles will not be back next season, winning or losing the next 5 games. As someone has already stated in this post, the wheels are coming off. Sunday a analyst said they had talk to Evans and Evans made a statement somewhere along these lines that his team was too talented to be 4-7 and that he wish that changes had been earlier on to correct somethings. 2 of your top players venting! Chaos at one Bucs place. Almost the same thing that happened with the Raiders

  36. Since76 Says:

    I think Godwin had a conversation with Bowles and he was probably told we will really try to get you some more targets. Problem is they have been trying. Somewhere between Canales calling in the play and the ball leaving Mayfield s hand CG is forgotten/not seen/wide open/running for nothing and so on. I don’t know what exactly was promised but after it gets sent to a helmet all promises are off.

  37. Steve Burke Says:

    ” Goodness gracious, Great balls of fire”. Reminds me of Martha Mitchell ratting out tricky Dick Nixon and his pals. Everyone of a certain age remembers how that ended up.

  38. donuts Says:

    Give him the damn ball. He is right when he says the team plays better when he is involved and the stats and Ws back that up.

  39. Falconrap Says:

    It’s funny how Canales’ comments about how you have to understand that Godwin has the hands and is an available target even when you don’t think he’s open. He also showed exasperation when talking about Godwin not getting the ball enough. If you read the tea leaves, he’s talking about the QB not trusting Godwin to get the ball. He’s also had other comments about Godwin has had times when he’s open, but, for whatever reason, the ball is going to him. These are all side comments that really nail the QB for this issue. Of course, he’s not going to come out there and say that, and he admits he’s ultimately responsible for Godwin not getting more passes, but the he can really only do so much.

  40. Pappabill Says:

    We all know what it is ..
    One wife’s hubby getting all the attention
    One wife’s hubby ain’t
    It’s called JEALOUSY

    J. E. A. L O. U. S. Y. To bad Aretha Franklin ain’t around. Might be a #1 hit in the Evans family 👪 🤔

  41. I remember 21 Says:

    @ SlyPirate

    That was my thought exactly! They act like the OC and the highest paid offensive player (cash value this year) sitting down to talk is some whole moment. Really?!? This should be a regular occurrence, especially with his lack of experience calling plays and the lack of success we’re having. What do you like Chris? What has worked for you before Chris? Chris is going to have a good, high paying job somewhere next season (hopefully here). Canales… I’m not so sure at this point. I think he went along with what bowles wanted to get the job, but at this point if I’m him, I’m going with what I want and daring bowles to stop me. Not like his reputation can get much worse.

    @ Falconrap

    I agree that is a big part of the issue. Canales can only call what he calls, Baker controls where the ball goes. Baker is what he is, so I’m not surprised, but some of these problems popped up when he was in Cleveland. He seems to just get locked on to one receiver and the others are left to rot. Didn’t Jarvis L. lead the league in catches the year OBJ’s dad was whining about his targets? I don’t know if it’s due to him not being able to get thru the full progression tree, or a chemistry thing, or a holdover from college where you usually have one great receiver and some mehs, but he just isn’t great at equally distributing the ball. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’d rather get a HC, OC, and QB that can take advantage of our two stud $20M WRs than get rid of one of them cause we don’t know how to use them both. On the bright side, Baker did say he was really worried about ending Mike’s streak, so maybe now that that’s in the bag, we’ll see some more work for Chris.

  42. CleanHouse Says:

    This all comes down to Licht, who should be fired

    The reason we won a Super Bowl is TB12, who gifted us with his presence. It was a lucky miracle for the coaches, other players and front office who all suck without the GOAT

  43. Eckwood Says:

    The contract he signed was as a slot receiver !! Enough Said !! Dumb Jock disease is alive in Well in the coaching fellowship !!

  44. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    now u have wife’s calling out the coaches
    This coaching staff will be gone

  45. Tony Marks Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    December 7th, 2023 at 5:15 pm
    Tony aprox 1.3 billion…..200,000 shares at 550 more than enough.


    LOL thats a 110 million dufus.

  46. Joshua porter Says:

    Don’t think it matters if we win or not Bowles is gone unless he wins a playoff game and that will not happen this year.