Bucs Near Bottom Third Of Draft Order

December 19th, 2023

Bucs GM Jason Licht.

That’s right, the Bucs are in first place, basically needing two wins to wrap up the NFC South.

For those that pine for the Bucs to draft a first-round quarterback next year — and they are out there, Joe was getting texts from them as he left the Bucs’ locker room Sunday — the chances of getting a dream quarterback are fading.

The good news is the Bucs are very much in the thick of a playoff hunt. The bad news is that diminishes the chance of a good draft slot.

Currently, Tankathon.com has the Bucs at No. 19, which is the lowest draft order a playoff team can have. Would Michael Penix or Bo Nix be there? Joe has serious doubts.

Of course, the way Baker Mayfield is playing, if he can lead the Bucs to an upset win in the first round of the playoffs, would you actually want to draft a quarterback next year?

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Tankathon.com had the Bucs picking No. 7 overall. That’s a prime spot to get a quarterback.

57 Responses to “Bucs Near Bottom Third Of Draft Order”

  1. Bucs Guy Says:

    Bo Nix? Absolutely not. He is a career back up. High completion percentage because it’s all swing passes, screens and touch passes.

  2. Fansince76 Says:

    Let’s all hope by some Christmas miracle Buc’s are picking LAST in the first round!

  3. Buc'n Enough Says:

    Here it comes:

    “From Pigs Knuckle Arkansas State: The Bucs Select…..”

  4. Elite Vita Says:



    Eloquently put. Eloquently put

  5. Since76 Says:

    We are 7-7 and picking 19. With a QB who looked like a keeper in 2 of 14 games. Football gods are cruel indeed.

  6. UGotRobbed Says:

    Give us 6 more games like the GB game BM, and we’ll believe!!

  7. BucU Says:

    If we didn’t completely blow games like the first ATL game and the Texans game we’d of already wrapped up the division. Big win in GB though. We’ll see if it was a fluke Christmas Eve against the Jags.

  8. Bbro Says:

    The Jags won’t be easy the ain’ts are playing their best football of the year right now and the pusscats got a tough D. The Bucs however has got some great confidence right now and a running game SO kick em n da arse n drive em all outta the stadiums, WIN ALL 3.

  9. Bbro Says:

    The Jags won’t be easy the ain’ts are playing their best football of the year right now and the cats got a tough D. The Bucs however has got some great confidence right now and a running game SO kick em n da arse n drive em all outta the stadiums, WIN ALL 3.

  10. Buc'n Enough Says:

    Here it comes:

    “With the 19th pick in the first round of the 2024 NFL Draft…The Tampa Bay Buccaneers select from Pigs Knuckle Arkansas State…..”

  11. doolnutts Says:

    I am more worried about our defensive-minded guru head coach. Mayfield took us down the field and won the Houston game Todd Bowles’s defense lost the game in the final seconds unable to stop the Texans from scoring. We also had a bad loss against a wounded Colts team with a back up QB allowing them 27 points.

    Even if we got some young stud QB it will be hard for him to overcome the Todd Bowles deficiencies.

  12. Bobby Says:

    As I’ve said previously, our Bucs unfortunately will get blown out if the first round of playoffs. Then we will go back to having the conversation was this worth it. Because next season options are going to he missed. The Bucs are going to miss out on what “experts” are saying one of the best QB classes in years and in next year draft. I predict we all will be singing a different tune come next April. As usual though, I hope I’m wrong about my predictions and the Bucs do very well for remaining of season.

  13. Ed Says:

    Mayfield played a fine game, far and away his best for the Bucs. The more and more you watch NFL games you are seeing teams plug in cheap quarterbacks like Andrew Lock, Browning, Mullins, Flacco, Purdy and more.

    Don’t you think if the Bucs went a different direction and cut loose all their busts and put that money into both lines, more receivers and running backs they could bring in more cheaper quarterbacks that have proven they can run a good system but have a higher grade team around them.

    This recent a spurt by the Bucs has been made with better play from cheaper players while Davis and White have been out.

    Food for thought. Sinking a ton of money into a few players is risky and the Bucs have lost that gamble before.

  14. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Sure, we can still get a QB…..we just have to cough up more draft picks to trade up.
    Makes less sense with Mayfield….the good thing about Mayfield is that he didn’t cost us a pick….not even a 7th rounder.

  15. Beeej Says:

    Still remember the class of ’83: Marino, Jim Kelly, Elway.

    ALSO: Blackledge, Ken O’Brian, Tony Eason

  16. Bobby Says:

    Joe your final comments in this article where your aspiring for Baker and the Bucs to win an upset win in first round. That’s the problem with us here and in Tampa folks. This Joe writing has been a Bucs fan probably since 80s and remembers all that horribleness during that time. To my larger point is Bucs fans who aspire to winning a wildcard game because they know that’s this roster and coaching staff’s ceiling. I aspire what Brady showed us it’s Super Bowl or bust every season. Have a good day folks

  17. Davenport Says:

    After seeing the Glazers playing fan boy on Sunday, I’ve given up all hope of Bowles being fired.

    That said, 19 is a slot to get a premium corner .. and we need one badly.

    If there’s a run of them before 19, we can get the best center in the draft and walk away with a day one starter

  18. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    Not says,
    “…we have to hope BM can get us past Dallas, Philly or ? Don’t see it…”

    Drew Lock did it in Philly. Don’t see any reason Mayfield can’t. Any given Sunday…

  19. Buc Prophet Says:

    After playing their way away from drafting a QB, the Bucs will sign Baker to a 3 year deal where Baker will be injured for at least half of that 3 year contract. Leaving the Bucs in mediocrity for those 3 seasons.

  20. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    I can never understand the loser mentality of we need to suck so we can get better. Sure, tear it all down, have a crappy 20 years and then maybe Caleb Williams will want to grant us with the last three years of his career. It worked last time.

    The only way to create a winning culture is by winning.

  21. Beeej Says:

    Most NFL QB’s (including Baker) can beat teams like SF if they aren’t hounded by the pass rush before they even finish their drop back

  22. BucsFanSince76 Says:

    Playoff experience is invaluable for rookies and we have a lot of rooks seeing the field. Consistently being a playoff team helps in signing quality free agents as they do not want to sign into a wasteland. Your brand and your merch sales increase as well as the Glazers getting a few more mill from a home playoff game. Lastly , every team wants to play in the last game of the year. Bucs are playing their best ball of the year and if Bucs can continue to minimize penalties and turnovers they can compete well in the playoffs. GO BUCS!!!!!!!

  23. Conner50 Says:

    Bo Nix is garbage don’t know why any Tampa fan would want him smh

  24. Buc4evr Says:

    The way Baker is playing, there are so many other more urgent issues than drafting a first round QB. How about a big DT, CB, LB or a OLB/DE that can actually put pressure on the QB ? The defense is totally depleted at this point and I don’t see White being re-signed.

  25. garro Says:

    Are you just putting this news out there for the ignorant fans who do not undersatnd how the draft works Joe? Cuz its darn annoying for those who do.

    Go Bucs!

  26. Buddha Says:

    Quit dreaming of elite COLLEGE qbs. Not happening. Don’t want it. Don’t need it. Football is the ultimate team sport. Get a center, another guard, a safety, and a cornerback, and a pass rusher. It’s a sport of attrition. Things change every year and throughout the year. Right now, we could probably beat Philly and Detroit. Just win baby!

  27. zzbucs Says:

    Sooner or later some Bucs fans should understand that Bowles is much better than most think, I am not saying he is Bill Parcells, but this roster is not as talented as everybody thinks, and we still are much in the hunt.

    You can notice that most of the players are playing to win and playing for him, and that is something to take under consideration too.

    If we get into playoffs I would. stay with him and with Baker, if not is a different story……

    Still a lot of Football to be played.

    We werent the worst, and we are not the best.

  28. teacherman777 Says:

    Bo Nix is not a franchise QB.

    And no Bucs QB will ever named Penix

    Sorry. Too weird.

    Stick with Baker. 5 year deal. Cheap. Guaranteed.

    Build the best defense and the best offensive line in the NFL.

    Mike Evans has 3 year more years as a number 1.

    Chris Godwin has 6 more years as a number 1 receiver.

    Dave Moore is much better than Palmer at this point. By the way.

    Dave Moore should replace Palmer as our number 3 WR.

    I digress.

    Baker for 5 more. He’s the perfect Bucs QB.

  29. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Of course, the way Baker Mayfield is playing, if he can lead the Bucs to an upset win in the first round of the playoffs, would you actually want to draft a quarterback next year?” – Joe

    We’ve seen situations like this before. The Bucs thought they finally found their guy in one year, only to discover the following year that it was a fluke.

    Examples: Fitzmagic. King. Sims.

    Perhaps the best example it Fitzmagic. He was planning to retire when the Bucs called. Veteran on last gasp. Had a good year. Got contract. Bombed after that. Great guy. Really Funny. Bad investment.

    I am buying in on Mayfield for the rest of the season. People may not believe this, but I was never actually a hater. I was a doubter…but I paid close attention, hoping Mayfield would somehow prove me wrong.

    Well, he has his faults and I don’t really need to list them all…but…it’s time I listed some positives:

    Moxy. Really most of the season, I could care less about this. Brady was the kind of QB who just got things done, and dragged the team along. He was all business. We put up with years of Moxy with Winston. It never amounted to much…and I’m saying this as a former fan of Winston.

    But, at this point, Mayfield has shown that he just…never gives up. If anything, he thrives in higher pressure situations.

    Accuracy. Yes, he has his share of bad throws…but when the pressure is on, he usually becomes very accurate. I would love to see better deep ball accuracy, but it is what it is.

    Lack of turnovers. I really expected more turnovers, and he’s had a couple, but not nearly as many as I thought he would have.

    So…I could list more, but I’m off topic.

    Even with me bought in the rest of this season, that doesn’t mean I am totally sold in that he is the future we need…yet.

    Even if he wins out (which would be awesome), I still have my doubts. Unless he wins us a ring (in which case he would command huge money but deserve it), I would still be cautious. Fitzmagic. King. Etc.

    So…I believe we should draft a QB…but depending on the results of this year, it may not have to be a first rounder.

    So what about Trask?

    I still would like for him to get a fair chance. I feel he was better than Mayfield in the fake QB competition. But…there are no sure things with him at this point.

    Even so, it makes no sense for us to put all our eggs in one basket. Having an extra option can’t be a bad thing. Let Trask compete for the backup role. One injury away and all of that.

  30. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Buddha Says
    “Quit dreaming of elite COLLEGE qbs. Not happening. Don’t want it. Don’t need it.”

    A very old school and outdated viewpoint…and part of the reason for the Quarterback Curse in Tampa.

    Still, there was a time I felt the same way. But things are different now.

    While the draft is always a gamble, in the past decade, we have witnessed a resurgence of quality QBs come out of drafts.

    As always, picking the right one matters, but the first round has done well the past few years.

    No idea how long that will last.

  31. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If not qb in round 1, I’d have to vot RB or center.

  32. Bucnjim Says:

    Two words for the suck for draft picks crowd:

  33. stpetebucfan Says:

    8 rookies played last week. If Licht can duplicate that haul this season then the Bucs will be ready to seriously challenge again.

    Let Licht go full tilt maximazation of draft capital and get the best talent available.
    If that means trading down so be it. Just get the best talent available!

    Baker can at minimum serve as a bridge, he’s earned that. So plan on next year for the right deal and see if Baker can back it up and if he’s got enough juice to win a SB. If he’s not the real deal after next season there is always time to draft a QB.

    In fact the Bucs should draft a QB this year, just not high up, look for the next Purdy/Brady/Brad Johnson……

  34. Bobby Says:

    Bucnjim, in response to your Winston and Marriota. Manning taken Number 1, Andrew Luck taken number 1, Patrick Mahomes taken number 7, and so many more qbs. Now you got Brady in the 6th. But that never happen. CJ Stroud was taken number 2 overall this year. So sucking for draft picks works gives you the chance to get an elite quarterback like Joe Burrow out there. You don’t get one unless you suck one for picks next season. Teams have been doing this for decades. The Patriots are and have been in full tank mode all this season. They are going to get Drake Maye or somebody like that next season. And maybe he works out maybe he doesn’t. But the surest way to even try to take a chance a draft one those 13 year Quarterbacks like Mahomes is by tanking. So there, Lets Go Bucs

  35. orlbucfan Says:

    We’ve got 3 games left, so, so what with the draft! We could use a fullback, center, some more secondary help, and edge rusher according to all the “geniuses” on here. I actually agree. I am not sweating the QB. I’m focused on the remaining games and 10-7. That’s what a F-A-N does. Go Bucs!!

  36. First Last Says:

    I’m calling it right now, screenshot this post for when my prediction comes through. Whether the cowgirls or the eagles come to Tampa, it will be their final destination. The bucs will go on to beat Philly, then I believe they will play the cowgirls next (or whoever), after that, it’ll probably be a game against the 49ers. Now we saw how the bucs fared the first time, they were two dropped tuddies from winning. I say a couple blitz’s gets Brock Purdy shook to the core and well before you know it the bucs win. But wait, what about the AFC, well that is where the Bucs meet the one and only BROWNS. The ultimate revenge superbowl!!! Turns out Joe Flacco is a secret agent for Roger Goddell and tanks the game so that the Browns can be the laughing stock of the world for not only scamming Berkshire Hathaway (smh Jimmy Haslam) but for also paying Gropper Cleveland 250m guaranteed and ruining the QB market. There is also the off chance that Baker remembers playing them at practice every day and just decimates them with a nice touch of Flacco throwing like 4 picks. It would be the perfect story. The council of NFL owners has spoken.

  37. Conner50 Says:

    Licht should draft the best defensive lineman left on the board or best center with the first pick.

  38. Tony Says:

    They might have to wait until like the 2nd round to consider a C because I don’t think Van Pran or any of them will sneak into the 1st round. They might have to go secondary or D line 1st round instead. Depending on what they decide to do with Baker. I’d give him another chance next year because the OL hasn’t been much help so of course he’s gonna be running around back there.

  39. Lakeland Steve Says:

    How many years in a row before Brady were we talking about the draft this time of year because the Bucs were out of it, just playing out the season. This is awesome, in the thick of the playoff race at the best time of the year. Win, lose or draw this is the best time of year to be winning games and talking about the playoffs and another Division Championship. I am proud to be a Bucs fan and follow a team that plays hard, doesn’t quit and has heart. Go Bucs!

  40. Pryda…sec147 Says:

    Best qb in this draft will come round 2/3 bet

  41. Gipper Says:

    David, BelleGlade, Conner,

    To bad if you don’t get Michael Penix or Caleb Williams. Just package up a bunch of future Tampa #1’s for next 3 years and get Bryce Young as your MVP QB. Few know NFL quarterbacking like you guys do. Hope Bruce Arians agrees with you. Baker on to Pittsburgh where you can bash him for the next 12 years.

  42. Citrus County Says:

    We don’t need a QB. We don’t need a backup QB. Licht will most likely draft another prospect and possibly dangle Trask for something in return but ONLY if the price is right. Brock Purdy and Tom Brady are perfect evidence that we should NOT gamble on another high draft pick potential bust QB. I think (hope) the Glazers have learned that lesson. I laid out in a long and detailed post sometime back why we have all the ingredients for stability and a run of success. That success doesn’t HAVE to include a SB. True Bucs fans want the SB’s but will be quite content with 6-8 (or more) years of winning seasons, playoff games and a few NFC South titles. This franchise has NEVER had stability. DON’T MESS IT UP GLAZER FAMILY. STABILITY means happy fans and $$$$ in your pocket.

  43. Brandon Says:

    Awwwww, poor naïve fans think you can only get a good QB in the top 5…. I’m sorry, the number of excellent QBs that were drafted in the top five now pales in comparison to excellent QBs drafted outside the first round. Russell Wilson (3rd), Prescott (4th), Purdy (7th), Cousins (4th), Hurts (2nd), have put the top FIVE QBs to shame this season. Makes you wonder if maybe there’s lots of talented QBs all over the draft but maybe the talent around them, their coaching, and maturity play just as much if not more of a role in them developing into an excellent QB over their pre-draft hype.

  44. Brandon Says:

    Citrus County Says:
    December 19th, 2023 at 11:26 am
    We don’t need a QB. We don’t need a backup QB. Licht will most likely draft another prospect and possibly dangle Trask for something in return but ONLY if the price is right. Brock Purdy and Tom Brady are perfect evidence that we should NOT gamble on another high draft pick potential bust QB. I think (hope) the Glazers have learned that lesson. I laid out in a long and detailed post sometime back why we have all the ingredients for stability and a run of success. That success doesn’t HAVE to include a SB. True Bucs fans want the SB’s but will be quite content with 6-8 (or more) years of winning seasons, playoff games and a few NFC South titles. This franchise has NEVER had stability. DON’T MESS IT UP GLAZER FAMILY. STABILITY means happy fans and $$$$ in your pocket.


    Never had stability? 1997-2002, we were perennial contenders… then in 2005… we had one of our best D’s that year only to get robbed of three of the worst officiating calls/mistakes ever made against the Redskins in the playoffs. Cadillac Williams fumble (Patton was down at the spot), Arrington’s INT return (Simms forced and recovered Lavar’s fumble), and the non strip sack fumble return for a TD by Rice and Barber (it was challenged and changed to an incompletion to a sack but couldn’t count the recovery and TD because the whistle had blown). That’s nine seasons of high quality football with a defense that finished in the top 10…. 12 seasons straight. That’s stability. We would have been even better if Gruden had a better eye for talent.

  45. Tucker Says:

    I wouldn’t mind them signing baker next year and doing everything they can to get a game changing pass rusher either in the draft or free agent which would fix most things wrong with the defense.

  46. Bradley Brown Says:

    Jason Licht looks like Sheldon Cooper’s less genial uncle.

  47. Bradley Brown Says:

    After turning away from TOM BRADY to a new offensive coordinator and QB, and having to deal with massive cap issues, it’s taken less than a full season to hear people calling for the roster to be blown up and to “move on” from B.M. and the coaches. That’s so stupid.
    I’m here to say the Buccaneers would not be 7-7 with an opportunity for the division title if the team wasn’t 100% behind Todd Bowles. Isn’t that all we want at the end of a season, to be contending?
    The absolute last thing Tampa Bay should do is draft a QB in the early rounds.
    Get better people in the kitchen so Mayfield can BAKE!

  48. Conner50 Says:

    Too bad I don’t want neither Williams or penix, like you want mayfield in your closet

  49. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Licht and the scouting team have been outstanding past few years. Yeah, they whiffed on JTS and Hall. Home Runs with Wirfs and Winfield, solid triple with Goedecke and maybe White, looks like Mauch and YaYa are solid doubles looking to steal 3rd, Kancey is another one out of the park. The future is bright

  50. Mike Johnson Says:

    I actually think the players like Bowles and Canales. And I also get this strange feeling…we are going to win out. Now, the playoffs are quite a different story……

  51. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Got the perfect idea!!!

    Somebody use AI and create a pic of Jayden Daniels smoking weed or something that create a character flaw so his draft status drops down….

    Then Bucs pick him up where they are without having to trade up….

    PERFECT SCENARIO, haha 😜😜😜

  52. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:


  53. Gipper Says:


    You are a quick wit but be careful insulting me. If you want to keep that up, I am the tornado and you are the trailer park.

  54. Red Skeleton Says:

    Will have to trade up if they want a QB.

  55. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    We need to sign Baker whether we draft a QB “savior” or not. It would be foolish not to. Even if we find a gem in the draft and he beats out Mayfield for the starting role, having Baker ready just in case would have teams begging for him by next year’s trade deadline with the way QBs are dropping like flies and the overall lack of talent out there.

    Plenty of decent QBs are found in later rounds also. I’ll take a smart, traditional pocket-passer over an athletic “highlight reel guy” any day and those guys get overlooked too often but usually have the longer and better careers.

    If we’re stupid and let Mayfield walk and push all of our chips in on some draft pick like the Panthers just did, prepare for years of disappointment.

    We have other more pressing needs to fill first. We really aren’t too far away from having a complete team. A rookie QB sets us back a few years and by the time he’s ready we won’t have the pieces that we do now (like our receivers for example).

  56. BakerFan Says:

    Defending Super Bowl KC Chiefs have 3 games left and really could lose 2 of them, giving them the exact same record as Tampa if the Bucs win out. I don’t hear anyone saying get rid of Mahomes or Andy Reid. Point made is that a lot of Tampa Bay Fans SUCK. You are always looking at the glass half empty instead of half full. You can not have successful teams by having a revolving door on coaches and quarterbacks.

    You Jr. Non Paid GM’s are worth the exact amount of money you are being paid, WHICH IS ZERO. Get a life and enjoy what you have, you are not going to win the superbowl every year. You sound like spoiled brats wanting something given to them without putting in the work to earn it.

  57. Tim Says:

    A qb seriously. We have one sitting on the bench that should have been the starter in Kyle trask. People forget his senior season at florida against a al¹l pop⁰0l SEC schedule he lead the not only the SEC but the nation in passing and touchdown passes. Our qb of the future is on our roster whether its Baker who is playing well or Kyle Trask the bics are fine and only need to fill basic needs