“We Can’t Work Any Harder”

November 27th, 2023

Postgame chatter.

Todd Bowles threw a couple of thought-provoking comments out there yesterday afternoon following his team’s sad loss to the Colts.

First, Bowles said, “We can’t work any harder.” Joe can’t remember a coach ever saying that.

Joe wonders whether the chief of the Buccaneers’ business operations ever walks up to Team Glazer and says, “Yes, revenue is down, but we can’t work any harder trying to sell tickets and sponsorships.”

Hmmm, “can’t work any harder?” Joe gets that Bowles was talking about how mental mistakes are killing the Bucs and that their hard work in practice on fixing those issues isn’t translating to games. But Joe thinks a head coach saying a team has maxed out its effort is a very dangerous comment.

Second, Bowles said, “it feels like we’re 10 games out and we’re one game out” of first place.

That take makes sense, considering the Bucs have lost six of their last seven games. Feeling like losers is normal. But Joe believes some losing teams might be so unified and confident that they feel better than their record, as in they still have a winning mentality.

It seems Bowles was saying the Bucs don’t have that collective mindset.

Tough times for the head coach who knows his clock is ticking.

63 Responses to ““We Can’t Work Any Harder””

  1. Weebs10 Says:

    If we can’t work harder (I highly doubt that), we better start working smarter.

  2. Matt Says:

    Good bye Todd. Better luck in college if you want to be a head coach.

  3. BucsBeast Says:

    He’s done. They’ll ride him out until the end of the season. Higher the draft pick with the talent on the roster, the more appealing of a job it will be.
    I’m hoping for Jim Harbaugh.

  4. PC Says:

    Bryce Young breakout game next week. Young will look like Purdy against Bowles declining defense. For a defensive “guru”, name me a player he has coached the last three years who is getting better.. He’s an old school, play it safe, stubborn coach with a scheme that puts no fear in opposing offensive coordinators. When you play not to lose, this is what you get – NFL purgatory.

  5. SB~LV Says:

    It’s about results
    Maybe you are not working on the right thing
    Defense gives up big plays
    All year

  6. HC Grover Says:

    Stick Bozo wit a fork. He is done.

  7. Davenport Says:

    Is anyone shocked?
    The guy is delusional and not worth a drop of cyber ink.

    Tune him out, like the players do, and let’s talk about 2024.

  8. DusthtyRhothdes Says:

    The offense that scores barely 19 points/ week can work harder, how about that 10 yard to the Goal offense, that is doo doo. How about your miserable special teams coach or the bad OL coach or the equally Horrible Secondary coach. The entire coaching staff and players need to work harder

  9. HC Grover Says:

    Under this staff we went from first to worst. What a Clown Show.

  10. Georgia Redneck Says:

    His history was known before he was made Head Coach. He gladly accepted another with a losing known history which is exactly playing out. Baker Mayfield. Both need to go.

  11. BucsFan81 Says:

    Bye Bye Bowles and rest of the staff. We need a complete rebuild of coaches. HC options need to be on the table. One guy I would like to hear more about is Eagles offensive Coordinator. That offense seems to be very good. We need an offensive minded HC

  12. SB~LV Says:

    Joe could post a Bowles article from this time last year and the comments would be the same

  13. Jack Clark Says:

    “We Can’t Work Any Harder”

    Work SMARTER not HARDER. They have plenty of room to work smarter 😂. Either (A) our coaches are not doing a good enough job of teaching our players what to do in every possible situation or (B) our players are too mentally incompetent to do what our coaches have taught them to do

  14. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    “He” can’t work any harder, or smarter for that matter. Baker just came out and called out his team as whole for not wanting bad enough. So obviously someone can work harder in bakers eyes and I’m more inclined to believe the guy who is fighting for his career

  15. DFWBUC Says:

    Delusional! Can’t see he has lost the team.

  16. SlyPirate Says:

    Just get Mike is 1K. 150 in the next game would be great.

  17. Kansas95Bucs Says:

    Man WTF is Arians doing?!?! Ain’t his job to supervise the team?!?! FYI: TANKING IS A LOSER MENTALITY!!

  18. SB~LV Says:

    Is the word
    We are a year later in this discussion

  19. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    Fire this loser. He didn’t even feel like finishing the work at the end of the game yesterday

  20. Realfan Says:

    Stinking Panthers just fired HC, Frank Reich.

  21. Bucs since 76 Says:

    Bowles record as a head coach is 36 – 56 over six seasons. It’s insane to think he will become a winning head coach. He should have never been hired in the first place. The Panthers just fired their head coach what are we waiting on.

  22. SB~LV Says:

    Please sell the team or at least controlling interest

  23. Mike Johnson Says:

    Its ok Todd. We understand. But our Bucs will work harder and more effective next year after your departure.

  24. NE Fan Says:

    Well Frank Reich just got fired, apparently he wasn’t working hard enough. I think Bowles means he WON’T work harder. Great line for his resume next season. This guy is brutal, at least Belichick at 2-9 is saying we need to prepare better, work harder and execute better. He throws himself in the mix as well. Bowles is clearly not a HC, though BA didn’t work that hard either. Joke!!!

  25. CChead Says:

    If Bowles loses the next 2 games vs Panthers and Falcons, and I think he will. Glazers will fire him 2 weeks from today. Nice guy, but he just can’t get the job done as a head coach. Go Bucs!

  26. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Panthers will ball out for new (interim) HC this Sunday.

  27. BucU Says:

    Think it’s bad now? Wait till Bozo loses to the 1-10 Panthers Sunday.

  28. Kgh4life Says:

    It’s same problems plaguing this team every week: penalties, missed assignments, turnovers at inopportune times, and no urgency. This is the result of bad coaching by Bowls.

  29. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Could they work smarter?

  30. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Hard work don’t bother me…. I can watch it, all day.

  31. headstoskywayaftergame Says:

    The Ceiling ! Bruce really effed us !

  32. Boomer Says:

    Where is Bruce Arians?

  33. realistic-optimistic Says:


    Bowles has been working on [Solution A], and it’s just not translating to success on the field. In his mind, they can’t work on [Solution A] any harder. They’re already maxing out their effort with [Solution A].

    Maybe try [Solution B]? Cannot believe he said they “can’t work any harder.” Utterly ridiculous.

  34. Morgus the Magnificient Says:

    Hey Todd, how about SMARTER? That’s on you!

  35. adam from ny Says:

    so yeah i had this girlfriend…

    she said, do me harder…do me faster…

    i tried, i swear i tried…

    she b!tched and moaned…

    one outta two ain’t bad 🙂

    then i said:

    “i can’t work any harder”

    so she fired me (dumped me)…

    meanwhile the whole time i knew i coulda put dat azz to sleep, but i took the freedom and relished in it…


    meaning of the story:

    when bowles is canned, he has a 3 year payed vacation of gazillions…maybe he really doesn’t want to work any harder

  36. adam from ny Says:

    can’t bowles be like avis and try harder


  37. Davenport Says:

    Why are guys talking about Arians?
    He’s long gone & has no role with this team.

  38. tbc 1 Says:

    4th down and inches and we let them fire up a pass play-run defense what?????

  39. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:


  40. NE Fan Says:

    Davenport@ Why bring up BA? Easy answer, he prolonged his retirement long enough that Licht & Glazers had no choice but to hire Bowles, pretty much last guy standing. BA knew exactly what he was doing to secure his boy a job. Shat, he most likely had a contingency Leftnut had to stay on as well and who knows who else.

  41. Joe Says:

    Davenport@ Why bring up BA? Easy answer, he prolonged his retirement long enough that Licht & Glazers had no choice but to hire Bowles, pretty much last guy standing. BA knew exactly what he was doing to secure his boy a job. Shat, he most likely had a contingency Leftnut had to stay on as well and who knows who else.

    It was a package deal when Arians was hired. Joe can’t complain about that. The Bucs got a Super Bowl out of it. So the Bucs came out ahead.

  42. Craig Says:

    If you can’t work any harder you have to go back to the basics or do something drastic.

    I’ll lean toward the drastic, bench D. White.

    He got his hand on almost every big play yesterday and did not tackle a one of them. His angles have gone back to ridiculous and his one handed tackling technique beats any attempt to teach him basic techniques.

    Going back to basics is a lost cause with him.

  43. Bucsfanman Says:

    Tell me this team doesn’t miss Arians! The culture of winning has left the building.

  44. NE Fan Says:

    So Joe, in 2019 when BA was hired his deal was I will sign Tom Brady get you a SB as long as when I retire you make Bowels the HC? BA who went 7-9 in 2019? I am confused how BA’s quitting on this team allows him to negotiate TB’s future? Please enlighten me how this went down?

  45. Dlavid Says:

    Sounds like some players need to be benched ! Even if a lesser talent takes the field … send the message coach ! Bowles is toast !

  46. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I suggest Bowles watch the games if he thinks the Bucs can’t work any harder…Did Bowles see when Devin White decided not to tackle Minshew? He could’ve tried harder and ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING! Both these clowns should be let go immediately, White for either being terrible or working with the gamblers, and Bowles for supporting him.

  47. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    @NE Fan, Brady saw the Patriots were crumbling and he went to the most SB ready team out there. Gotta have that supporting cast or you end up going 8-9 and getting a$$-blasted in the playoffs

  48. stpetebucfan Says:


    “Tell me this team doesn’t miss Arians! The culture of winning has left the building.”

    EXACTLY!!! Jim Harbaugh…winner of 70% of his NFL games coaching and 70% of his college games while coaching…set records at Michigan as a QB and lasted 14 years in the NFL at the most important position on the team…even making one Pro Bowl. His players would run through fire for him!

  49. unbelievable Says:

    Good defensive coordinator.

    Terrible head coach.

    See ya around, Todd.

    My only worry with him leaving is how it will affect the development of guys like Winfield, Kancey, Diaby, etc. But then again, after seeing how much the entire rest of the defense is struggling, it’s a gamble I’m willing to take.

  50. NE Fan Says:

    Buckeye@ you need the right coaching, most if the cast was either injured or gone 2021 yet they should have returned. The 2022 8-9 was Bowles trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, the team was built to score not sit on their hands so the D doesn’t burn out? The 9th loss is Atlanta and that’s on Bowles sitting starters and how did his philosophy workout with his rested D against Dallas??? Bowles is.not and has not been a good coach.

  51. SBucs Says:

    Tick tock tick tock Todd, the party is over.

  52. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    @NEFan, Bowles is a good DC. The skillset to be a good HC is different. Doesn’t change the fact Brady ditched the Pats when he saw the core getting older and years of low draft picks catching up with them. Bucs had a strong OLine, top shelf receivers and a top 5 defense. Thats why he slid in. When they had a ton of injuries on the OLine last year they were cooked and he couldn’t wait to retire before he got exposed as avery good but not elite QB.

  53. NE Fan Says:

    Buckeye@ the Pat’s went 12-4 in 2019. Brady wanted 2 years at $25MM per season matching Drew Brees. Belichick offered 1yr for $14MM, Brady called their bluff. He had NO intentions to leave NE, Belichick forced him out the door and Belichick has paid the price ever since. Was Brady’s best option to get to SB Tampa? Yes if he could convince a few studs to join him, which he did and the result paid dividends. Brady did NOT leave NE because the sky was falling, he’s won with worse.

  54. BOAT Says:

    Todd Bowles’ career coaching record:

    38-58 (.396)

    Look at that amazing sub .400 winning percentage. Just incredible.

    Many Jets fans consider him to be the worst head coach the Jets ever had.

    Bowles cost the Bucks another Superbowl, with his blunder at the end of the playoff game against the Rams, ruined Brady’s last season, and now has the Bucs going down the drain, just like he destroyed the Jets.

    Why has he not been fired yet?

  55. BOAT Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 1:57 pm
    Buckeye@ the Pat’s went 12-4 in 2019. Brady wanted 2 years at $25MM per season matching Drew Brees. Belichick offered 1yr for $14MM, Brady called their bluff. He had NO intentions to leave NE, Belichick forced him out the door and Belichick has paid the price ever since. Was Brady’s best option to get to SB Tampa? Yes if he could convince a few studs to join him, which he did and the result paid dividends. Brady did NOT leave NE because the sky was falling, he’s won with worse.


    I actually read a long article that claimed Belichick only offered Brady one year at a salary of $12 million, and also refused to commit to a serious upgrade of the team’s skill positions, which were the worst in the NFL. The article implied that it was basically intentionally pushing Brady right out the door, knowing his offer was an absolute insult to Brady, and that Brady would be hurt by it and would then want to leave.

  56. BOAT Says:

    Buckeyebuckchuck Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 1:46 pm
    @NEFan, Bowles is a good DC. The skillset to be a good HC is different. Doesn’t change the fact Brady ditched the Pats when he saw the core getting older and years of low draft picks catching up with them. Bucs had a strong OLine, top shelf receivers and a top 5 defense. Thats why he slid in. When they had a ton of injuries on the OLine last year they were cooked and he couldn’t wait to retire before he got exposed as avery good but not elite QB.


    Brady haters are absolutely ridiculous. This post is absurd.

  57. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Everyone always s says he’s a good/great DC..

    But is he? His tenure here hasn’t produced some awesome defense.

    I don’t remember if his NY and AZ defenses were generational or anything.

    He’s clearly not an HC, by any stretch.

    Ben Johnson for HC.

  58. NE Fan Says:

    Buckeye@ The Bucs went 7-9 in 2019, not exactly the cream if the crop.

  59. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    There ya have it folks. That comment says it all as far as I’m concerned. Show the man the door please.

  60. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Enough of this nonsense. Just can him and that awful GM as soon as possible.

  61. infomeplease Says:

    First, Bowles said, “We can’t work any harder.”. Second, Shyt Can His Ash!!!

  62. Tom Says:

    Maybe not. BUT YOU CAN WORK SMARTER!!! Whatever you are doing does not work! Absolutely an insane comment from a coach unwilling to get out of the 90’s. FIRE TODD BOWLES!!!

  63. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Sunday against the Panthers….Bucs score a TD on their first possession. The fans are so excited because we scored in the first quarter. Bowels changed to a prevent defense the rest of the game. The offense tried to run out the clock with 3 runs and a punt the rest of the game. As long as we don’t have any turnovers, we’re good. Carolina scores on the last two possessions and we lose 10-7.