Calijah Kancey Blowing Up

November 27th, 2023

Leader of NFL rookies.

The Kancey Man can!

After a game in which he vanished last week in Santa Clara, Calif., Bucs rookie defensive tackle Calijah Kancey bounced back in Indianapolis and was a force yesterday.

How about these numbers: Kancey had three tackles and two were tackles for loss. Kancey also sacked Gardner Minshew and added a quarterback hit.

He even had a pass defended.

That’s a full day. But get this: with his two tackles for loss, the rookie showed the Kancey Man can. Kancey now has eight tackles for loss through Week 12. That leads all rookies, and Kancey has only played in eight games. That’s extraordinary.

He’s averaging a tackle for loss per game. As a rookie.

Joe thinks this Kancey has been a damn fine addition.

Joe approached longtime Bucs defensive tackle Will Gholston to chat after yesterday’s game. Gholston talked to Joe but the first thing he said was, “You want to talk to me instead of Kancey?”

Gholston was only half-kidding. That’s the kind of respect Kancey has commanded in the locker room.

20 Responses to “Calijah Kancey Blowing Up”

  1. SB~LV Says:

    YES !

  2. Mike C Says:

    Bright spot in a terrible game for sure.

  3. Bucnjim Says:

    He had a very good game. Interesting stat though the secondary made 50% of ALL tackles made yesterday. Pretty sure that’s not a recipe for success!

  4. Morgus the Magnificient Says:

    Speaking of “blowing up”….why haven’t the Glazers blown up the head coaching situation yet?

  5. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Finally hit on a pass rusher

  6. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Really impressed with Kansey so far. Even his supposed weakness (size) doesn’t seem to matter. He was holding the point and playing good run defense on several plays. Get him away from Bowles before he neuters the playmaker out of him!

  7. zzbuc Says:

    This kid doesn’t look good, he is already good…..

  8. Easy The Great Says:

    The future is bright with the front four rotation… Kancey is getting better each week.

  9. Rick Says:

    Realistically, we should be thinking about which players on our current team fit in a 4-3 next year and which ones don’t.

    Kancey could be an absolute monster playing the Warren Sapp role.

  10. Jack Clark Says:

    Great draft pick by Jason Licht. Calijah Kancey and Vita Vea are our best pass rushers. YaYa Diaby is developing, hopefully JTS sorry weak as will be benched soon, and the future is looking bright for our pass rush

  11. SlyPirate Says:

    What’s crazier is he had 0s in the first half. He made half-time adjustments and did all that in the second half. Once he figures things out, he’ll be a beast.

  12. Buccos Says:

    He had a nice game. Licht finally hit on another Dlineman after Vea. It would have been a different game if not for the phantom holding call on Stinnie before the half. We were about to score and would have gone into halftime tied at 17. That horrible call changed the whole complexion of the game. That ref just ruined our season. Still we are only one game back and we play Falcons and Saints again. So actually we still control our own destiny. We would have won this game also if Lavonte David plays. Huge difference without him. Hopefully he plays for us again next year. We definitely need him

  13. BucU Says:

    So Licht is 1 for 3 the last 3 yrs. That’s pretty good in baseball.

  14. Sacker58 Says:

    Need a dominant edge rusher badly .Joe Trying Shoyinka is bad.

  15. CAbucsfan Says:

    Future Defense looks really good
    Ya Ya, Kancey, Watt, Winfield, just need a few studs via draft to build around these guys. LFG!!!

  16. Joshua porter Says:

    Going to be a nice piece for the new head coach to work with . Kancey is so fast off the ball if he gets stronger and can keep his speed he’s going to be fire.

  17. Conner50 Says:

    BucU says Licht is 1 for 3 the past 3 years.. that’s good I’m baseball

    You and everyone else can complain about Licht all you want, but he’s a pretty dang good GM. He went out and all in for our Super Bowl few years ago getting Brady and company. His first pick as the Bucs gm was Mike Evans. He’s picked Vea,Marpet,Cappa,Wirfs,Godwin,Whitehead,Edwards,Davis who’s not having a good year but has been since being in the nfl. He’s not gonna strike gold every pick. But Yaya and Kancey look like they will turn out to be solid hopefully

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    You should never expect much from a rookie DT, any production you get is a bonus, what you want to see is flashes of brilliance, and Kancey has done a lot more than that.

    Said it last week, but if Kancey and YaYa both turn out to be what they look like they’re going to be, and Cody gets stronger in the offseason and becomes a Cappa-level guard, and Palmer eventually turns into a 3rd WR, that’s a heck of a draft.

    Kancey, in particular, looks special – and YaYa isn’t too far behind him. Frankly, if you get one special player from a draft, it’s a homerun, and the Bucs might have two.

  19. Larrd Says:

    Seems like I remember Taylor and Moss running up the middle fairly successfully and the DBs having to make about 40 tackles.

    How does that figure?

  20. Tom Says: