“Honest” Answers Coming To The Offense

November 16th, 2023

Can the Bucs offense handle the truth?

Playcaller Dave Canales went there today and explained that his unit must be prepared for an ultimate wakeup call — good or bad.

When you line up against the defenses of the Eagles, Lions and Sunday’s opponent, the 49ers, you are going to learn exactly where you stand in your quest for greatness, Canales said with great passion in his voice.

“They tell you the truth about where you’re at, and we have to be honest and OK with that response of what that is,” Canales said. “So just calling all the boys to see this for what it is. ‘Guys, these are championship moments that we have to relish as we finish down the stretch.'”

Joe loves how Canales said he has brought championship talk into the equation of leading his players this week. The ‘one-game-at-a-time’ chatter is fine, but the reality is that Sunday is a big game for the Bucs if they are serious about making noise in the playoffs. Stand toe-to-toe with the 49ers and play your best game. It might not be enough for a “W,” but at least the team can learn a lot about itself and gain more confidence as the calendar moves into the holiday season.

Per Todd Bowels, the Bucs have dropped two “clunkers” this season.

Joe will believe the Bucs have a chance for a strong finish if they don’t drop their third deuce of the season on Sunday. No excuse to get smacked around all over the field for 60 minutes.

56 Responses to ““Honest” Answers Coming To The Offense”

  1. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Talk is cheap. Canales has to prove himself & so far he has not accomplished the job, at which he was hired.

  2. Tony marks Says:

    ““They tell you the truth about where you’re at”

    Ummm say again? You mean a four game losing streak didn’t tell you already?

  3. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Texasbucsfan Says:
    November 16th, 2023 at 1:49 pm
    Talk is cheap. Canales has to prove himself & so far he has not accomplished the job, at which he was hired.
    I’m sure you were great at every job you’ve had when you first started, but for us mere mortals, sometimes it takes a while.

  4. JK Says:

    Joe in ❌️ichigan……..many commenter on this page are highly invested in Tampa Bays failure……they’ve written checks that can only be cared with losses.

    It’s pitiful

  5. JK Says:

    *cashed* darn it

  6. zzbucs Says:

    Bucs fans should slow down.

    What was our record last year at this exact moment?

    Exactly where is today, last year we had TB12 now we have Mayfield for the price of 5mm….Last year we had, Lenny, we had Gage we had Donovan Smith we had Julio Jones, we had Leftwich, now we have Canales who has never called a play in NFL history, and we are exactly where we were last year, and serious chances to win the division, with a great difference, we payed the TB12 party this year, so next year our cap situation will be way much more comfortable….

    So guys¨…. sometimes, we can’t see the forest for the trees”

  7. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    I loved that comment from the OC. Not only will the Bucs offense learn the truth but also the entire team, as well as the coaches and front office and the Glazers.

    Knowing the truth is valuable as you can better understand what adjustments are needed going forward to create a team that CAN compete with the 49ers.

    I don’t believe very many people (if any) thought the team could go deep into the playoffs this season. We had to pay off the credit cards we used when building a championship team several years ago. Going up against San Francisco will give us a chance to see where the team really is at.

  8. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    When Canales is done coaching, he plans to be motivational speaker. Relying heavily on psychology.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    I hope Canales has had a wake up call with respect to play calling and clock management. He can’t get away with playing the 49ers like the Titans.

  10. Weebs10 Says:

    The loss to the Chiefs in the 2020 regular season was a huge building block for that special run. Win or lose I just wanna see the Bucs go toe to toe with these guys and not get pushed around.

  11. Weebs10 Says:

    JK you are so right!!

  12. ModHairKen Says:

    “Stand toe-to-toe with the 49ers and play your best game. It might not be enough for a “W,” but at least the team can learn a lot about itself and gain more confidence as the calendar moves into the holiday season.”

    That’s BS. You either win or you lose. No “moral victories.”

    If they return to Florida with anything but a W, then they are LOSERS.

    No Participation Trophies.

  13. sasquatch Says:

    Playoffs? 🤣🤣🤣

    One win against a shyte team and we’ve forgotten how bad this team is? I haven’t seen anything to indicate they’ve turned the corner on offense yet. And I haven’t seen consistency from the defense yet. The Tenn performance doesn’t really represent what they’ve been. They can’t stop a good offense.

  14. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    The clock management situation has now been corrected.
    All clocks were set back 1 hour, 2 Sundays ago.

  15. Mike Says:

    Play smart football and don’t turn the ball over on offense. Avoid stupid, drive killing penalties. And don’t waste time trying to run the football. That’s what I would hope to see this Sunday from the Bucs on offense.

  16. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Sunday is a big game for the Bucs if they are serious about making noise in the playoffs.’

    One week ago most Bucs’ fans were worried about finishing 4-13 or thereabouts, and after 1 win over the reeling Titans we’re worried about being ‘serious about making noise in the playoffs’?

    I believe that it’s important to see progress, but this team has been up-and-down all season. Particularly the offense. I’m not interested in ‘championship talk’. Only interested in ‘championship play’.

  17. Colonel Angus Says:

    NFL is a week to week sport. I’d like to see the Bucs finish much like the Lions and Jags did last year. Lions were 1-6 and finished 8-2 down the stretch. Jags were 3-7 and went 6-1 to finish the season. Both carried that momentum into this year.

  18. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I don’t think this team has been up and down. They have been pretty steady, until last Sunday.

    Bucs looked like a different team against the Titans. Before that, they had 2 good quarters against the Saints. All the rest, pretty lackluster.

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    The 9ers are not a damaged Ti-Tans team.

  20. adam from ny Says:

    yeah the game is huge…it’s a hugeroonie…

    how you play in this one can rub off on the final 7 in a softer schedule…

    a blowout could cause a team to fold up…

    and going 2 games under .500 means it’s a long road just to get back to .500

    if somehow, someway we leave there at 5-5 the theme song down the stretch should be “we ready”
    (the song with the middle school kids chanting and dancing in their locker room – classic sh!t)

  21. adam from ny Says:

    we have a shot
    a long shot

  22. adam from ny Says:

    also the 9ers are probably better than their current record…

    the 3 game losing streak is really an anomaly for them…

    i swear they could possibly win like another 5 in a row, then drop one, then win a few more going into the playoffs ready to roll…

    they’re that good…

    i see them winning 12-13 games this year…so dropping 1 or maybe 2 more games…

    we have a shot…and if we win the game after last years blowout, i swear it’s almost like we’re back in business…

    if the 9ers win it’s a decent win for them…

    if we win, it’s that big signature win we have yet to grasp all year…

    all 3 top tier teams we’ve played so far beat us good…yeah we really need one big win – it can potentially cause them boys to level up down the stretch

  23. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Colonel Angus Says:
    NFL is a week to week sport. I’d like to see the Bucs finish much like the Lions and Jags did last year. Lions were 1-6 and finished 8-2 down the stretch. Jags were 3-7 and went 6-1 to finish the season. Both carried that momentum into this year.
    If the Bucs can finish strong like that it could save many jobs on the coaching staff including Bowles.

    At the end of the season the Glazer’s will want to know that the team is heading in the right direction. Back in 1996 the team started out 1-8 in Coach Tony Dungy’s first year but finished the last 7 games with a 5-2 record. Even though the overall record for the season was 6-10 it was clear that the team WAS heading in the right direction.

  24. HC Grover Says:

    Oh Noooo another clunker.

  25. adam from ny Says:


    detroit even tho starting 1-6 last year was a very tough out in all those early games…i was following their progress…they almost squeaked out a bunch of those losses, but didn’t…then they turned the corner and it was on…and now look at them…go figure

    i didn’t see the jacksonville thing really happening…and was hoping it would remain a complete mess…and somehow some way lawrence would hit the market and we snatch him up as our qb for the next 10 years – yeah that was just a fantasy

  26. Capt.Tim Says:

    Canales I like.
    But we need to fix the Oline

    That will open up the running game, and in turn the offense

  27. Rod Munch Says:




  28. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    @adam from ny

    It would have been nice to have gotten Lawrence as QB but given the recent emergence of some young QBs in the league and others (like Geno Smith) doing well, and so many good ones coming out of the 2024 draft, I believe there will be some good ones on the free agent market over the next year or so.

    I believe Baker would do much better if we had a legitimate running game but IF he is not the answer there will be other options available for next season. I doubt that the Bucs will pass judgment on Baker though until the end of the season.

  29. SBucs Says:

    Talk is cheap, loses are expensive.

  30. Cobraboy Says:

    I suspect *some* won’t like the “honest answers” served up on the Left Coast.

  31. T. McGee Says:

    I hate this loserville talk from fans and coaches. Where are the Super Bowl rings of the Eagles, 49ers and Lions? Not historically, but right now – the players on the field?

    Eagles? LOST to Mahomes.
    49ers? LOST to Mahomes.
    Lions? Won a playoff game years ago or whatever.

    Bucs? Mahomes didn’t score a TD.

    How about the 49ers hype train can see the reality of where it is when they face a Super Bowl defense?

  32. Defense Rules Says:

    Beer Whisperer … ‘I don’t think this team has been up and down. They have been pretty steady, until last Sunday.’

    Sounds like you view them as being steady in terms of being ‘lackluster’ against all teams except the Titans & Saints. IMO the defense that played the Falcons & Texans & blew both games in the last minute was not very ‘steady’ (it flat out stunk). And the offense that played the Eagles & Lions wasn’t lackluster; they just stunk too. I believe that we have enough talent (if we stay healthy) to win the NFC South, but we’ve played erratically at times & that bit us in the arse.

    After San Fran though, Bucs have 7 games against opponents with a combined 25-41 record (only 1, Jacksonville, has a winning record thus far). Bucs SHOULD be in the hunt in every one of those games. No reason we can’t go at least 5-2 in that stretch, which’d give us a 9-8 record IF we lose to San Fran this weekend (not convinced yet that we will). That MIGHT be good enough to get us into the playoffs, although I have trouble seeing the Bucs making any real noise should they get in. Stranger things have happened though.

  33. Voice of Truth Says:

    They can’t handle the truth!!!!!

    I had to Joe 🤪

  34. Sheen Says:

    Love how Joe regularly misspells Bowles.

    I’m sure it’s accidental. 😉

  35. HC Grover Says:

    Hope Bowels does not drop another clunker.

  36. RagingBrisket Says:

    That aas whoopin is coming this weekend. No question about it. Brace yourselves…

  37. D Cone Says:

    If the passing is going to remain below 50% inside the 20 and inside the 10 why not flip a coin once in the Red Zone. Heads you continue the drive. Tails you kick a field goal on 1st down and not waste the time and energy.Might get one more drive where you can hit a big one for a TD. Might also eliminate some of the letdown of Failing in the Red Zone again. Tampa can brag that it leading the league in completions in parts of the field where they can ‘take what the defense gives’.
    Gets a bit harder when the Defense stop giving.

  38. unbelievable Says:

    Oh yeah, there’s our motivational speaker- er, I mean offensive coordinator!

  39. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Eagles, falcons,Texans and lions games were all clunkers. This team needs a signature win not just to hang tough with the 49ers. I doubt that will happen bc Bucs get pushed around by physical teams, Bowles is not aggressive and Canales does not know yet how to call a good game. Bucs need to play and coach aggressive to have a chance, few penalties and rush the QB.

  40. Rod Munch Says:

    Pelsbuc61 Says:
    November 16th, 2023 at 9:16 pm
    Eagles, falcons,Texans and lions games were all clunkers. This team needs a signature win not just to hang tough with the 49ers.


    This is very true. If we’re supposed to take this team seriously at all, and talk about the playoffs, they need to win this game. It would change the entire course of the season if they did, and make people take them seriously.

    If the Bucs just go out west and get blown out like they usually do, and the team moves to 2-6 over the last 8, why would anyone be talking about anything other than the draft.

    But win this game, and man, the entire mood will change.

    So it’s a huge game, it’s time for Bowles to show what he’s made of!

    Which means they’ll lose 31-3.

  41. Mike Johnson Says:

    We will know exactly what our Offense has and what it is capable of come Sunday, The 49ers play great Defense guys. You earn every yard. I still don’t know why Licht did not go after that new DE they acquired from Washington.

  42. Tony Marks Says:

    unbelievable Says:

    Oh yeah, there’s our motivational speaker- er, I mean offensive coordinator!


    lol….When I listen to Canales I can’t pick whether, if he left the NFL, his next gig would be a guidance counselor, a politician or a chirpy Mr Rogers.

  43. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Well they need to ask him why does he run the ball up the gut atleast 12 times a game when we can’t even crack 3 yards per yard! Plus where is his imagination in calling a game. Seems like he’s using “A Guide to NFL Offensive Play Calling for Dummies”

  44. Rod Munch Says:

    I disagree on the hate for Canales. I actually think he’s done a good job, within the limits of what he has control over, of mixing things up. For the first time in many years, I can’t sit at home and tell you with 98% confidence of what the next play is going to be. To me, that’s pretty remarkable.

    The issue however is that he’s still a stooge for Bowles and has to do what he’s being told to do, and that’s why he’s forcing the run when it’s not there.

    With that said, once Stinnie came in, the run game has seemed to improve, and while I expect a disaster this week vs the 49ers, I think they can actually start having some decent production through the 2nd half of the year as Cody gets better, and hopefully Stinnie keeps on starting.

  45. unbelievable Says:

    Less runs behind Hainsey and the guards. More screens and bootlegs.

    The offense starts with Mike and Chris.

    Throw on 1st, run on 2nd.

    Stop putting yourself in 3rd and long.

    Give Baker some easy completions to start, preferably with him outside the pocket so they don’t all get batted down.

  46. unbelievable Says:

    Oh and for the love of god, chip Bosa and Young on every single play

  47. Tony marks Says:

    Definitely unbelievable Says:

    Give Baker some easy completions to start, preferably with him outside the pocket so they don’t all get batted down.

    IF thats the case better get used to both sides on Sunday rolling Qbs out since the stats show Purdy has about the same number of batted passes.as Baker and just wait till we play the jags because Lawrence has more.

    Its so common for so many starters Kyle might even start rolling from one side of his derrière to the other during games – to see if it helps getting him off the pine.

    Here hoping he at least gets another kneel down at the end .

  48. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Tony Marks it’s pretty pathetic that you troll the comments on this site every article just to protect Baker Mayfield from anyone that has any thing negative to say about him. I’m starting to worry about bakers safety, stalking is a serious mental disorder.

  49. Seattle Buc Says:

    Canales sounds like a cheerleader.

  50. Brandon Says:

    For a while, I thought posters were attempting to be funny by misspelling BOWLES as BOWELS. Now I see Joe doing it. I’m pretty sure it’s a low IQ thing. We truly have the dumbest fans in America. Sad to see their stupidity rubbing off and infecting others.

  51. bucsfan2520 Says:

    I like this team and the coaching staff. We are not a championship team right now but that does not mean we need to tank for a high draft pick that has a high likelihood of being a miss. We are competitive in a building year. Reading through this site is a reminder as to why our home games are filled with away team fans. You show up when its great and disappear when its anything less than.

  52. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    I disagree with those who say there are no “moral victories”. Just as I belive there can be “soul-crushing defeats”. If the Bucs come out of SF with a loss but are competitive and lose because of a couple of mistakes or missed opportunities, those things can be addressed in the film room and worked on. “We were this close…” or as the late Dennis Green said “They are who we thought they were and we let them off the hook!”.

    You get physically dominated, your butts handed to you on a sh*t-stained platter and it can have a lasting effect on your confidence, whether you’re a professional athlete or not.

    Football is a game full of emotion, momentum, confidence (or lack of) so if the Bucs don’t get embarrassed they can come away with a loss but also a sense of “We can play with these guys. We just have to fix a few things”.

    Our o-line won’t out-muscle their D-line. Their offense is far more diverse and versatile than ours. We have a lot of talent on both sides of the ball but our guys are like a bunch of hi-performance parts we bought for our car and just slapped them on the engine willy-nilly hoping something will work. The 49ers offense, now that Deebo and LT Trent Williams are back (they were out during the losing streak plus they added Chase Young on D) their O is a well-oiled machine compared to ours.

    While we may be slightly behind them talent-wise, we don’t win this game mano-a-mano. It’s going to take some really good coaching, game planning and in-game adjustments and a lot of guts to “do whatever it takes to win”. Be creative. Take calculated risks. Attack mode for 60 minutes. Or just hope to get lucky and the 49ers beat themselves.

    I want to see the attitude that Mayfield showed in college when his Sooners beat Ohio and he planted the Oklahoma flag at midfield on Ohio’s logo after the game. D move but it had to feel great.

  53. BakerBucs Says:

    lose 31to ,3 was t that the jags score last week against 9ers last week this week 11 not week 10 & BAKER has better stats than Lawrence this season so so to all u baker naters I think baker can dink & dunk more than 3 points & purdy is not flawless as his 3 loses in a row 1 shy of our 4 loses in row so I hope bucs looked at video of 9ers loses so we promote purdy weakness & counter with baker hopefully vea takes care of business

  54. BakerBucs Says:

    rod munchkin glad to c u join the bucs positive team welcome aboard I was worried about that for quite awhile

  55. Seattle Buc Says:


    Joe likes to use puns. Hence his “Per Todd BOWELS, the Bucs have DROPPED two “CLUNKERS” this season.” Yeah, I know, middle school humor.

  56. orlbucfan Says:

    I know this is hard for a lot of the frauds on here to handle, but I hope the Bucs pull off the upset. Mebbe THAT will get rid of some of the fake fans. One can hope.