Bucs Lose To Colts; Todd Bowles’ Seat Is Broiling

November 26th, 2023

The Buccaneers struggled in most phases of today’s 27-20 loss to Indianapolis. At least Kyle Trask threw a nice incomplete pass.

Did Todd Bowles’ team look physical, hungry and on point? Absolutely not. And what are the excuses for that? There are none.

After today’s humbling and somewhat embarrassing lost to a barely average Colts team in Indianapolis, Bowles’ Bucs are now 4-7 and losers of six of their last seven games. In simple terms, they stink.

The defense looked sluggish and the backups didn’t deliver what was needed. Heck, Vita Vea didn’t get on the stat sheet and Devin White reminds Joe of Mason Foster with bad back. Nearly everything looks difficult for the Tampa Bay offense. The special teams aren’t special. And Bowles continues to say the team is close.

It can’t continue.

Bucs coaches have been fired for less and Bowles is crusing at 80 miles per hour toward that fate unless the Bucs can deliver a heroic turnaround to this season. From 3-1 to 4-7, damn.

As usual, Team Glazer was in attendance today. Joe watched Ed Glazer and Joel Glazer conference on the field before the game, and Joe also saw Joel Glazer in deep discussion with Jason Licht. Bryan Glazer had an animated pregame chat with Licht, too.

Perhaps that was all about stock picks and whatever super rich guys talk about, but it might have been about setting up an emergency Monday meeting if the Bucs continued down the dark path Bowles has led them.

Sad day for Bucs fans.

Damning day for Bowles.

90 Responses to “Bucs Lose To Colts; Todd Bowles’ Seat Is Broiling”

  1. NJbucs23 Says:

    Well. I get real cheap tickets next week and 83 degrees. Man, the dark days are back

  2. Rod Munch Says:



  3. realistic-optimistic Says:

    No worries! It was an AFC team, so Bowles can still get into the playoffs! He has them right where he wants them.

  4. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Just…wow…I expected to lose…but Bowles’ time management sucked at the end…and then he just…gave up?

    That sent a message to the team!

  5. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Blow it all up. Time to rebuild and look towards the draft.

  6. StormyInFl Says:

    He should be fired today.

    I think Trask sucks, but at this point you tell Bowles he isn’t coming back and if he wants to finish the season, put Trask in. It’s over.

  7. Bama2k22 Says:

    At least Joe has stopped the sunshine pumping

  8. Dwe Says:

    Loss is worth it if the fire Todd boyles

  9. Ed Kerber Says:

    Time to call it. Todd needs to go. Meeting on the plane. Fired tonight. Acting Head coach on Tuesday.

  10. BigMacAttack Says:

    What a glorious day to be a Buc fan. The best coaching performance ever for a Coach who is comfortable giving up and losing.

  11. Doolnutts Says:

    Bowles was a bad hire from day 1. He was bad with the jets and he’s bad now. He’s a good DC but that’s it. I don’t even pin the loss on baker how did a Todd Bowles defense allow 27 points to a team like the colts? The worst part is this is the theme of the season

  12. Jugheadfla Says:

    Broiling?……it was lava last year but here we are still with this bowlzo

  13. Tye Says:

    Crappy job….
    No need to let him hang around… Flush Him!

  14. Zzbucs Says:

    Whats that for this defense….
    Got alergy for tackling! Specifially Devin White!!
    Hard to Watch #45

  15. Richard Dickson Says:

    His repeated failure to use his timeouts at the end of both halves should be enough to do it.

  16. Seattle Buc is back in TB Says:

    The new lost decade has begun. Its a Bucs life.

  17. marl2001 Says:

    Anyone really thinking this team could do anything by winning the division and ending up with a 20 something draft pick and retaining Bowles? Been saying it for a year and a half. I know….broken record. But was right last year and right this year.

  18. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    season over

  19. Jugheadfla Says:

    And can we stop saying he is a good DC? Where? When?………He is still the DC now and we have the worst D in the league.

  20. Craig Says:

    Best thing I can say about today’s Bucs is that they had the better looking uniforms.

  21. unbelievable Says:

    5 timeouts in his back pocket!

    In a 1 score game.

    Clueless, incompetent, stubborn and inept: The Todd Bowles Way

  22. dbbuc711 Says:

    After today his seat should be an ejector seat right into the bay.

  23. gp Says:

    Giving up with time outs on the board?
    I think broiling should be an understatement.
    Glazers should break tradition and have him clean his desk out in the parking lot!
    He should not be allowed back in the building

  24. wes Says:

    Finished. Send ’em packing. This team is toast.

  25. Faspro Says:

    Bowles is gone…

  26. Dave Pear Says:


    Fire him tonight. Let anyone else on the staff take the headset. Or tell BA that part of his consultancy is to be interim head coach. Then go to the dark side and hire Belichek when he’s fired by the Patriots, under the condition that he is a coach, not a GM.

  27. Rod Munch Says:

    Jugheadfla Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 4:04 pm
    And can we stop saying he is a good DC? Where? When?………He is still the DC now and we have the worst D in the league.


    He’s not the DC, and that’s a big part of the issue. Todd Bowles is a God-awful headcoach, but he’s a good DC. Him not being the DC is part of the issue right now, on defense and offense, since he needs to be in the defensive room 100% of the time, and not be allowed to go anywhere near the offense, ever.

  28. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Bowles and Licht need to go immediately. Burn this pathetic team to the ground and start over with a competent GM and coach.

  29. Bucco2 Says:

    Everyone knew this was coming as soon as the Bucs promoted Bowles to HC. EVERYONE! Ever person I know that watches football, Bucs fan or not called this being a bad move and nose diving a good team into the toilet. EVERY SINGLE PERSON!

  30. Fansince76 Says:

    Bowels is gone!

  31. marl2001 Says:

    So I take it that some of you guys don’t see us winning a number of games in a row and getting to the Superbowl? LOL.

  32. Jerseybuc Says:

    Almost 4 minutes left radio sitting on his timeouts like they roll over next Sunday not that I thought they were going to score if if they managed to tie it bet my life defense would of let colts get into fg range

  33. Swanee22 Says:

    Owners should put this franchise up for sale. The decision making is disastrous. You don’t let Bruce A refer his best buddy as a head coach. Knowing Bowles previous head coach record. It’s absolutely insane. Ownership had qualified coaches ready to lead this disastrous organization.

  34. adam from ny Says:

    i think the team should “db cooper” coach bowles right out the plane door exit…into the night…over water…let him sink – because he certainly can’t swim…

    i focused on his coaching the entire game…this dude’s coaching is an absolute joke…

    about 3-5 ridiculous coaching moments by him…

    remove this guy…

    this dude has cold collapsed out the new bucs culture of recent years

  35. David Says:

    Fire, Toilet Bowls and GM. It was over when we lost three at home.
    Baker now is 1-6. Bench him now. Baker scores one TD after a gift from Colts in thier own red zone. Start Trask. Baker has two near Int’s also. He has had 7 near int’s in the last two game. Toile Bowl kept then in the game allowing 20 points. FIRE THEM ALL.

  36. orlbucfan Says:

    Now, when are these coaches gonna figure out the gambling/refs factor in game planning? Canales can’t get it when his QB is hurt? Canales lost this game. He can’t call an injured QB off the field? Why not? He and the ownership lost this game. Owners? Yeah, they can’t get ref calls under control. No surprise.

  37. BucU Says:

    Thank you Buc fans for not showing up today. The game was blacked out in Orlando. That alone is a W to me.

  38. Davenport Says:

    Nothing new here. Bowles has been a loser his entire HC career. Losing is what he does.

    The best thing now is to lose out and improve draft position.

  39. BuccaneersRN Says:

    Josh Allen just sacked CJ Stroud

  40. Simeon Says:

    Wonder why glazer policy is to wait till season end. It’s just lame duck till then, at least let someone else audition and plan for next year early. Until then, it’s just Bowles working in his best interest which don’t align with the long term goals

  41. ModHairKen Says:

    They won’t fire Bowles before end of the year. This is just not the way the Glazers react. The plan to replace him is well underway.

    Remember, Arians did this to you. He quit so late that there was no choice for the blazers other than to elevate either SpongeBob or the incompetent wooden Indian Bowles.


  42. Cobraboy Says:

    I thought this team would be better coming into the season.

    One thing for sure: the Bowles and Canales experiments are failures.

    Time to start looking at a new coach and draft position.

    Maybe Licht needs some heat, too. But I suspect he will be kept…and maybe get Hoodie in Pewter. That would be weird.

  43. David Says:

    Bucs fans do not want to see any more crap posting from Baker fans. Do not post. Baker is trash. He is done. XFL is waiting for him.

  44. Cobraboy Says:

    I agree with HMK: I blame Arians for sticking fans with Bowles.

  45. Voice of Truth Says:

    Been saying it since the off season – we are going no where fast with Todd in charge

    Six wins max has been the mantra for many months now and we are watching it unfold

    Todd is the laughing stock of the league, the Panthers are looking forward to their get right game next week….

  46. Defense Rules Says:

    RayJay1122 … ‘Blow it all up. Time to rebuild and look towards the draft.’

    Sorry RayJay, but you’ve gotta have something to blow up. We got nothing. Actually we blew it up after last year (thus the 11 rookies getting significant playing time?).

    We is soooo screwed. No QB. No true RBs. No quality TEs. Probably down to 1 quality WR at the end of this season. OLine maybe 50% complete. Defense in shambles now in both the Secondary, ILBs & about 50% quality DLine, at best. No place to go but up … IF we had salary CAP and/or stockpiled draft picks to get us there. We have neither. And now, no coaching staff … they’re history after this season. Well, unless JL can save his job again by luring BA out of his 2nd retirement.

  47. orlbucfan Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 4:07 pm

    Then go to the dark side and hire Belichek when he’s fired by the Patriots,
    You are a joke. Yeah, Dave Pear. I don’t think so. It’s Belicheat, BTW. No, that won’t be coaching the Bucs. As inbred as the Glazers are, they know better.

  48. David Says:

    It was a perfect excuse for Toile Bowl to save his image by switching to Trask.
    Trask throw to Chris G. should have been a TD just coming off the bench. Chris G. dropped the sure TD.

    They would have easily won this game with Trask.

  49. mark2001 Says:

    Davenport. Not if we win the division, back into the playoffs, reward Bowles for winning the division, and draft in the 20’s. Then we can begin a decade of depression.

  50. Cobraboy Says:

    And Bowles does not have the Radio inexperience excuse.

    BTW: Is there a more overrated player in the NFL than D. White? If I could buy him for what he’s worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth…well, I could buy the Bucs from the Glazers.

  51. Bobby M. Says:

    Ownership has likely seen enough but I’ll stick with playoffs or bust for Bowles. If he some how guides us to a division championship, then he likely gets another shot. Other than that, it’s over for Bowles. IMO he’s got to get to the playoffs and win one. Another 1st rd massacre isn’t going to keep the job either.

  52. I remember 21 Says:


    Hallelujah! That’s what I’ve been saying. If a DC needs a stacked D roster to be good, he’s not a good DC. As the name says, I remember 21. Everyone says “Stafford is the best in the league against the blitz. Let’s see how much bowles blitzes him.” Jesus. Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn. Nobody trying to replicate what he does, ridiculous soft zone time and time again, NO coaching tree, guys regressing, terrible record against rookies and backups. When will the Glazers tap out from this crap?

    #FIREbowlesNOW #NOconfidence

  53. TomBucsFan Says:

    Bill Belicheck ?

  54. DungyDance Says:

    C’mon Joe. You don’t have one of those laser mic military audio monitoring devices to listen in on the Glazer conversation from afar?

  55. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Bucs are in total free fall. Just fire Bowles now.

  56. orlbucfan Says:

    BucU Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 4:11 pm
    Thank you Buc fans for not showing up today. The game was blacked out in Orlando. That alone is a W to me.
    Really? You are BucU huh? Not too educated so guess you are a troll.

  57. mark2001 Says:

    Here is the deal Bobby. You make the move before your neck is in the bear trap. You get rid of Bowles, hope we draft in the top ten and not in the 20’s, and begin a rebuild. Another year of lower level mediocrity won’t solve anything long term. If we don’t start the rebuild next year, we will be facing a decade of despair. We should have started at the end of last year. Said so then.

  58. orlbucfan Says:

    Cobraboy Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 4:11 pm
    Thank you Buc fans for not showing up today. The game was blacked out in Orlando. That alone is a W to me.
    That is so? You are a Bucs fan, huh?

  59. Buc king Says:

    Fire lovie Smith and play Trask..season over time to see what we have in him.

  60. HC Grover Says:

    Only POSITHINK can save Bozo,

  61. infomeplease Says:

    So Bowles has no faith in his best offensive player!!!!!!!!!! ME13 catches a key first down pass, ref says incomplete pass, ME 13 jumps up and indicates he caught the pass and that his team should challenge the call …Bowles fails to challenge?????????????? Ends the game with way too many timeouts??? No explanation for …none at all!!

    Coach Bowles, your players see and feel your lack of faith in them!!! How can you possibly get their best from them? If you want this team to win, you should step aside! Playing most every game to not lose is a perfect formula for loses! Good d luck as a DC with your next team!

  62. Knucknbuc Says:

    Todd I can take timouts to the next game right? Bowles

  63. BucU Says:

    Yeah that’s so. Sorry for your luck that you watched this game. Your prob not mine.

  64. Bobby M. Says:

    If the goal is losing for a draft pick, then why fire Bowles….he’s lost 7 of his last 9. He’s doing exactly what many state the objective to be. Highly doubtful there’s any magic coming at this point. Every team we face has a formula to abuse this defense. All he does is blitz…that’s it. Opponents know what’s coming and routinely move up and down the field. Unless ownership thinks Canales has HC abilities, no reason to fire Bowles….just let him continue to do what we hope for.

  65. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    I have tried so hard to stay positive for this team. I still like the players and think THEY can be winners. But I’m finally giving up on the coaching staff. The defensive scheme is so pathetic. It’s no wonder the players are only giving 1/2 effort. If, after 10 games, you still don’t change the plan, who can blame the team for giving up. I have.
    I still love the Bucs but I’m not getting excited on Sunday anymore.

  66. BIGz Says:

    What did you expect? Losing GM, HC and QB. Winning organizations have at least 2 of the three. Seriously? Look at our last few drafts, how many QUALITY players do we have? We need two QBs, LBs, O line is not fixed, one or two CBs, still no quality DE, and possibly two WRs, if ME leaves. Have to lose to get in the top five. I just don’t trust JL with a QB pick.

  67. Zman Says:

    What did you expect? Losing GM, HC and QB. Winning organizations have at least 2 of the three. Seriously? Look at our last few drafts, how many QUALITY players do we have? We need two QBs, LBs, O line is not fixed, one or two CBs, still no quality DE, and possibly two WRs, if ME leaves. Have to lose to get in the top five. I just don’t trust JL with a QB pick.

  68. Lew Land Says:

    You need a good football IQ to be a head coach.
    He doesn’t have one.

  69. BigZ Says:

    What did you expect? Losing GM, HC and QB. Winning organizations have at least 2 of the three. Seriously? Look at our last few drafts, how many QUALITY players do we have? We need two QBs, LBs, O line is not fixed, one or two CBs, still no quality DE, and possibly two WRs, if ME leaves. Have to lose to get in the top five. I just don’t trust JL with a QB pick.

  70. BigZ Says:

    Why are my post not being posted?

  71. Bucsfan951 Says:

    It’s a damn shame Todd didn’t throw that challenge flag on that Evans catch. Mike was asking for it and Todd kept it tucked away.

    If Todd hasn’t lost the players before that, he surely must have after not challenging that play.

  72. ocala Says:

    Get rid of this coach. It’s embarrassing.

  73. Jason m Says:

    Fire Bowles

  74. Lew Land Says:

    Another waste of 3 hours. Shoulda played golf in the rain.

  75. Mike Johnson Says:

    if the Glazers had a pair, they would fire Bowles right after the planes lands back in Tampa.

  76. mark2001 Says:

    Bobby. I didn’t say fire Bowles now. But I’d surely do it at the end of the year, regardless of the final season outcome. And yeah, I think I would play Trask to see if he has potential or is trash. Tell Baker if he is in the plans or not, and move forward. I wish we had done what the Packers did and are doing…rebuild with young talent and draft picks, and you don’t have to wait decades to become competitive again. I fear Todd and company are driving this team into the ground, to the point where it will be many years before we are truly competitive again.

  77. AJ Turn up Says:

    It’s absolutely criminal if the Glazers allow Bowles to finish the entire season! You clearly know what you’ll get out of Bowles. Solution: fire Bowles Monday, get an interim coach to try and salvage the moral of the players and also a coach that’s a risk taker who actually believes in his players. This will put more pressure on Canales to show whether he is the guy for the future or not. Firing Bowles early helps the Glazers to coach hunt early so they can see which direction a new coach wants the organization to run. The Bucs have enough talent just not enough creativity and belief from the coaching staff!

  78. Cobraboy Says:

    @0rlbucs: you misquoted me. I never said any such thing.

  79. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Looks like baker may have high ankle sprain. Good opportunity to start Kyle against panthers . See what he can do with a week of first team reps.

  80. Joe Says:

    It’s absolutely criminal if the Glazers allow Bowles to finish the entire season!

    Text the lawyers and call the cops. It’s not what the Glazers do. Hell, Raheem lost 10 in a row and they let him finish the season.

    This *does not mean* the Glazers haven’t begun a coaching search.

  81. Iamabuc Says:

    Yeah, Joe…but a few coaches have been fired this season for less transgressions. Bowles should walk the plank tonight, period .

  82. Darin Says:

    His seat has been broiling. He went under 500 with the best QB and assistant hc in the history of the game. We now see Brady was not only a great QB but a great coach. Bowles has been garbage not sure why you’re just catching on

  83. bigbucfan63 Says:

    Bowles should not be allowed on the plane back to Tampa. End it now.

  84. chickster Says:

    Gm should go first

  85. bigbucfan63 Says:

    Glazers and Licht just as responsible. Did very little in FA, did nothing at trade deadline, and continued to accept Bowles’ ineptitude. Is he getting a bonus based on unused timeouts and clock mismanagement? To Glazers/Licht: Stop letting the rest of the NFL to pass you by. Dump Bowles and be aggressive in turning this team around. And Devin White should be shown the door as well. Didn’t want to be here anyway, grant him his wish.

  86. OLDE pfart Says:

    Thank You CBS for not showing this carnage on tv today in Ocala…..looks like the Bucs will win the division…..FOR 1ST SELECTION IN THE DRAFT……..will a new coach be selected #1first??? It is obvious the team has lost all respect f o r the coaches there now and are just waiting to watch the Superbowl like the rest of us ( former) fans.

  87. BucsBaby75 Says:

    Just another reason why you should never give a job to a person just because of their color

  88. Mike Buckingham Says:

    Mistakes continue.
    Dropped Balls
    Sad Defense
    Horiblle Coaching.

  89. Bucs4Life Says:

    They play without emotion because their coach has no emotion at alll. PERIOD THE END! Enough of this $hit already

  90. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I know the Glazers don’t normally fire someone mid season but do you think this could be the time they buck that trend and tomorrow there is a press conference announcing his dismissal?