Antoine Winfield A “Complete And Total Force”

November 24th, 2023


There are a lot of things wrong with the Bucs.

Yeah, Joe knows the “You’re negative” crowd will scream. Guess what? If you don’t want Joe to be negative, maybe the Bucs shouldn’t give Joe so much firewood to be negative.

Joe wants this team to win, win a Super Bowl. And right now it’s a far cry from that, highlighted by a record of 4-6. Now that’s negative.

One thing positive in the shockingly depressing Bucs secondary is the play of Antoine Winfield. The guy is just all over the field. Just in last week’s game alone, Winfield set a Bucs franchise record with 16 tackles. The dude is on fire.

World famous columnist, the Sage of Tampa Bay sports, Ira Kaufman, has stated Winfield is playing at a Pro Bowl level.

You know who agrees? Conor Orr of Orr marvels at Winfield and documents how rare it is for a safety to be linebacker-line in run defense but play lockdown pass defense like a corner.

It’s worth celebrating when your team may have the best player at a single position, which is a testament not only to the player, but also the personnel team and the coaching staff. Winfield is such a physically dominant player in the secondary. One of my favorite moments of this year came against the Eagles on an inside handoff to Kenneth Gainwell. Nothing fancy, but when I rewound the tape, I was stunned to see that Winfield, starting well behind the linebackers, beat Devin White to the ball despite the fact that Gainwell was running right into White’s gap. Winfield’s eagerness to assist in the run puts him right up there with Jabrill Peppers in terms of best pure run-defending members of the secondary. But when you add in Winfield’s coverage stats, which include a career-best in opposing QB completion percentage and opposing QB rating, you have a complete and total force. If the Buccaneers can reach the postseason, he’s a player I’m most concerned about due to his singular ability to change the game. We haven’t even gotten to his pass-rushing abilities yet.

Think about how bad the Bucs’ pass defense would be without Winfield. Imagine how many more losses the Bucs might have if the Bucs didn’t have Winfield stopping the run, or his perfectly-time blitzes?

Joe would argue the Bucs defense would be absolutely lost without Winfield. And the Minnesota product reinforces that belief more and more each week.

5 Responses to “Antoine Winfield A “Complete And Total Force””

  1. Drunkinybor Says:

    Anybody else want to hear our O.C. talk about how amazing rainy depressing suicidal Seattle is. How good ole Pete is so great. We have a Superbowl winning ex head coach in the building. Did rainy, hazy, high and lazy to ask B.B. his thoughts on offense and his philosophy. Todd went so far limp wristed left we got happy thoughts and wet dreams as reality and wet (ahem) I don’t care what happens the rest of the season. This is a done deal. Bye Todd. He would be a fantastic addition as a assistant coach on the defensive side of the ball for Johnny Lynch and the 9ers. He has zero business.running the Bucs. WtF are the Glazers.doing with this B.S. coaching

  2. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Poor Winfield.
    A bright beacon surrounded by two black holes.
    Must get lonely on an island with little to no help from either corner.
    Perhaps his dad can come out of retirement?
    Or maybe put jts out there. Just sayin…

  3. D-Rok Says:

    Winfield Sr needs to coach this secondary, because he’s obviously been coaching up his son. Where are the fathers of Dean and Davis? They don’t have any stud NFL fathers, so they have been listening to Bucs coaches, and apparently that’s a problem, Houston.

  4. NutterBuccer Says:

    Davis and Dean both got paid and shut it down. No excuse to why they are so bad. Been in the same system entire careers yet they continue to struggle with concepts and execution per Bowles. Which is ridiculous. I can’t see Davis being here next year can’t pay two corners 15/13 million per year to get hurt and have 0 int.

  5. orlbucfan Says:

    Ira ain’t world famous. And the fire Bowles crap is getting stale. Winfield is a great FB player, no doubt about it. So, are quite a few dudes on the offense if their coach would FINALLY get on the same page with them. Nope, no Stupid Bowl this year, joes. That’s life in the NFL.