Todd Bowles: Mike Evans Hasn’t Slowed Down

November 24th, 2023

Not that old.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles was in a holiday mood on Thanksgiving Eve.

The head coach often stands behind a self-imposed shield when he’s at a podium taking questions. For some reason, Bowles must think it’s unprofessional to allow his personality to show. So he hides it with a stoic, Tom Landry or Spock-like front.

Trust Joe, Bowles is not the wooden figure he displays for the Fourth Estate.

So Wednesday, as will happen rarely, Bowles’ personality slipped out. Just a little.

There was a lot of receivers talk at One Buc Palace on Wednesday, some about Mike Evans. The greatest Bucs receiver in franchise history is middle-aged by NFL standards. He’s 30.

Some may say Evans is an NFL old man by now. Bowles didn’t want to hear anything about it.

“It’s not a good question to ask someone that just turned 60,” Bowles said as he busted out laughing, breaking his ceramic mask. “No, I haven’t seen any drop off in Mike.

“Thirty is a good age for him. I think he’s in his prime right now. I haven’t seen any drop off.”

Yes, Bowles turned 60 last week and is just a few years away from possibly collecting Social Security. He has two sons playing major college football. The rocking chair isn’t far away. Being 30 is just a glimmer of memories.

So as you are watching the Bucs play the Colts, irked that you have cleaned out all the Thanksgiving leftovers and feeling bitter about Evans not getting enough targets in the first half, it’s not because Evans has turned into an NFL old man.

10 Responses to “Todd Bowles: Mike Evans Hasn’t Slowed Down”

  1. SufferingSince76 Says:

    So why aren’t you using him as much as possible?

  2. BucsFanSince76 Says:

    What a privilege it is to watch ME13 ply his trade in a Bucs uniform for his entire career thus far and a hall of fame one it likely will be. Praying that Mike does not leave Tampa , but the reality is likely down to praying he does not land on a team in our division. Thanks Mike.

  3. D-Rok Says:

    Which begs the question: Exactly WHY isn’t Mike getting enuff targets?

  4. BradyGronk Fan Says:

    I thought for sure ME would have an all around best season when Brady came over. They were close with his best catch % and TDs, but not quite as occasionally they weren’t on the same page and Brady preferred Godwin.

    Mayfield prefers ME over Godwin. ME is on pace for slightly more targets with Mayfield over Brady at 8.2 targets per game. If ME gets more targets say 10, Mayfield throws more accurate deep balls (it’s supposedly one of his upside), and ME takes a break from his past and for once just catch everything thrown his way,.. ME will be up there in the top 5 with the super elites. 1500 yards, 65% catch rate, and 15TDs.

  5. BradyGronk Fan Says:

    For ME and Brady in 2022, other than a more than usual bad case of the drops, it seemed their chemistry finally improved but most games Brady simply did not have time to launch the ball to ME as the OL was so bad. Don’t know why the Bucs didn’t do all they could to shore up the OL for a 45yo QB. If they did that and brought in a better head coach, an offensive head coach, they would have been a playof threat. A SB appearance would not have been out of the question.

  6. BradyGronk Fan Says:

    What makes ME a great player over other WRs is his deep ball skills. He is elite in tracking the ball, has a great catch radius, and can get open deep. Elite deep ball WRs are rare, probably no more than 10 in the league. He is currently top 5 in catches over 40 yards and over 20 yards.

    He isn’t anything special in mid to short routes, other than a big catch radius. However, there are a lot of those type of receivers. They are a dime a dozen.

  7. Marine Buc Says:

    Too many dropped passes this season.

    Do better Mike – it would be nice to keep you in Tampa.

  8. Duane in Sanford Says:

    One of the Greatest Bucs of all time. Produces consistently each season. Only misses a game a season. Utilized as a decoy for many years. Plays with an edge. I dont have an issue with the drops. If he did catch those drops he would likely be the GOAT for receivers.

  9. orlbucfan Says:

    First Bucs offensive player to be voted into the HOF. He has a SB ring now which he richly deserves along with LVD and WillG. ME13 stuck it out with the usual sh1t Bucs ring of musical chairs with HCs, etc. He could have split in his 2nd season. He didn’t. Got the Miami-Jets game on right now. Jets’ home unis suck along with the Dolphins’ new logo. Who dreams this crap up?

  10. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    I have never seen a team not get the ball regularly to its best receiver like the Bucs do Evans. In his best year Godwin was never better than Evans. Cajones refusal to get the ball to ME13 early and often hinges on sacrilege. For every drop he makes 20 catches. I would rather see him drop a pass than a 3rd or 4th stringer. He is our star and best receiver and should be treated as such. Not even our fastest yet our only true deep threat