Seamless Transition For Baker Mayfield

September 17th, 2023

A near perfect preseason was meaningless.

A very solid Week 1 start in hostile territory was very nice.

But now it’s official. Baker Mayfield is a comfortable, efficient and effective quarterback in a system that is perhaps perfectly suited for him.

After today’s beatdown of the Bears, Mayfield is now 47-of-68 this season (69.1 percent completion rate) for 490 yards and 3 touchdowns — with zero interceptions. And he’s taken advantage of running angles.

This is the best season start of Mayfield’s career. Joe doesn’t believe in NFL coincidences.

It sure looks like the Bucs have at least an average NFL starting QB, and Mayfield might be a little better than that. That’s no backhanded compliment from Joe. The Saints are paying top dollar for an average to above average quarterback; they’re hard to find.

What makes this Bucs start so exciting for Joe is that the offensive line is still gelling and new playcaller Dave Canales is only beginning to figure out what he has on his roster, and what works best for his QB and talent.

No Bucs fan alive could have asked for a better start from Mayfield. He’s thrived. He’s avoided costly mistakes. And he’s won over the locker room.

Dare Joe say he’s won over a lot of fans, too.

Bring on Philadelphia!

83 Responses to “Seamless Transition For Baker Mayfield”

  1. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    The Dude Abides

  2. gotbbucs Says:

    He’s got a pair of brass balls, I’ll give him that much.

  3. ATLBuc Says:

    He’s won me over! I love ❤️ Baker Mayfield!!!

  4. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    I’m a huge fan of everything we currently have going on… Even Todd Bowles seems like a really good/borderline great HC at the moment! Who’da thunk it?!??

    Great start to the season. Great looking passion from everyone. LF keep it Going!

  5. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    He’s winning me over, for sure! Better than tanking and ending up with a bum like Zach Wilson or Justin Fields

  6. 757Buc’em Says:

    Big up’s to Bake

  7. TDTB2023 Says:

    Steady Eddie, baby!!!!
    Keep chopping that wood Bucs!

  8. NE Fan Says:

    The perfect storm for both Mayfield & Canalas, play 2 of the worst teams in the league to cut your teeth. Oh, there is nothing wrong with that, the last two of the last three seasons you got Dallas. The next game will prove whether or not this leopard has changed it spots.

  9. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Baker is playing awesome proving all the doubters wrong…..looking like Drew Brees out there.

  10. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Baker >>>> 2022 Brady + Trask.

  11. Miller5252 Says:

    They’re doing it the right way too…. As a balanced team! When every part of the team is making an impact that’s how you become a team that can compete and win against anyone. Philly will be a great test on Ronde night!

  12. Boss Says:

    Hats off to bake. feel a little bad for Trask, but I like winning more!

    Lets see what he has in a shootout before I jump on the wagon, but I am trying the kool aid.

  13. go dawgs Says:

    Cant say enough about how impressed ive been with Baker since he first got here. He’s making plays all over the field. Ultimate gamer!

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    Anyone still pining for #2 needs to get a blanket, a pacifier and a poster of #2.

  15. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    3 biggest reasons the Bucs won:

    1) Mike Evans
    2) Bucs defense
    3) The Bears

  16. Jack Clark Says:

    Baker Mayfield not turning the ball over and Todd Bowels going for it on fourth down? What alternate reality is this ?!

  17. Tye Says:

    Start Worrying about the Eagles Tuesday….

    Today and tomorrow we celebrate this win… And undefeated so far…
    Good balance in both sides of the ball… Hope for a good season ahead!

  18. Boss Says:

    I watched the whole game and no drops by ME.

    WTF is going on man?

  19. NE Fan Says:

    Relax girls, there are 3 good teams in the conference and you’re playing in the worst division in the league. Drink that Koolaid, grape is the best.

  20. ModHairKen Says:

    It’s been a while since a Tampa QB broke a sack and picked up yards. The OL penalties today were drive killers in the past. Mayfield overcame them.

  21. Dre Bucsfan! Says:

    Hats off to Baker and the BUCS as a team in general! But let’s not jump the gun lol we’ve played two of the worst teams in the league, Next week will be the true test of where we stand in the league! GREAT WIN TEAM WIN TODAY LFG

  22. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Hell yeah go Bucs

  23. DungyDance Says:

    0 INT’s is really remarkable. At the beginning of the season it smelled like Jameis 2.0 to me. So far it’ been a huge pleasant surprise.

    The Beagles will be a big challenge, but we’re rising a wave right now.


  24. Timbucs2 Says:

    He’s lucky the Bears DB dropped an easy pick on the 2nd play, but he shook that off and played so well the rest of the day. Look what happens when Big Mike catches those darts!

  25. Dan Says:

    Baker sucks, he will fall apart next week against a real team not the 2 cupcake teams he has played so far,all you fat ugly boyson here on Bakers jock cracks me up


    Baker you’re the man proof to the world you’re an **** ****

  27. BucsBeast Says:

    Bake is definitely a nice change of pace this season so far. If Brady was here, I honestly don’t know if we would be 2-0. I’m by no means saying Baker is better then Brady, but Bake definitely brings a mobility component and what seems to be a better connection with team mates.

  28. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    I might be wrong in my judgement on Mayfield. Keep proving me wrong big guy! Go Bucs! Defense is solid lock down. Live the heart in this team.

  29. Mike C Says:

    Your Team sucks NE, keep h8ing

  30. Bwilson Says:

    The vikings aren’t one of the worst teams in the league like previously mentioned. Two quality wins in the extremely hard to win in NFL. Baker is balling and it’s fun to watch. He’s going to do great things this year.


    Make that a Derriere kicker

  32. SarasotaMJM Says:


    ‘Get the F**K off this web site you pice of Sh*t!

  33. NE Fan Says:

    So are you fans ready to move Baker and his wife into Raymond James so he can start those stupid commercials again?

  34. David Says:

    Why are you quoting on the behalf of the fans after a win over a lousy team ? What sources are you extracting these information from that Baker now is beloved Bucs Qb by the fans?

    Please do not get too excited about Baker. Do you really think this is a different Baker who just defeated two 0-2 teams with the Bucs defense wining turnover ratios ? This game should have been a blow out win against a team with12 losses in a row with a lousy Justin F. Bears can’t wait to dump him. It took a last minuet INT. by Justin F. for the Bucs to seal their victory where it should have been a blow out win.

    This is Baker who has gone through more OC and teams than any qb’s in the last 5 years.
    The defense won both games. However they are not going to play as good in every games and the offense has to score more than 20 points per game to defeat the good teams.

  35. gp Says:

    Baker >>>> 2022 Brady + Trask.

    Baker doesn’t have to be better than, as good as, or even comparable to Brady.
    He just needs to be the best that he can be (and protect the football) and he can succeed with the right system and surrounding talent.

    That said, we’re not there yet. Way too early to say winner or loser.
    It’s a long season.

  36. NE Fan Says:

    Facts Mike C, Facts. I can’t think of one AFC team the Bucs could beat except Houston. Yes, including the Patiorts! Maybe Indy.

  37. HC Grover Says:

    Cant wait to see the Philthie game.

  38. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Don’t get too high after the first two weeks, and don’t get too low after the next two. It’s a good start, but the competition so far is questionable.

  39. Baking with Canales Says:

    Eagle Pot Pie coming son to the Licht House!!!!

  40. Baking with Canales Says:


  41. Oneilbuc Says:

    Good job Baker Mayfield!! But our defense I’m loving it!!

  42. Oneilbuc Says:

    NEfakefan. You said you wouldn’t come back on here if the bucs went 2-0 ? Go back to New England Brady is gone!!

  43. stpetebucfan Says:

    “The next game will prove whether or not this leopard has changed it spots.”

    Why? Because YOU say so NE troll? Again LMAO.

    The real question is which are you rooting for to happen. The Bucs beat Philly and N.O. and go into the break undefeated or that FINALLY Baker can have a bad game and make your so far moronic posts justified.

    IE Which is more important to you. The Bucs or your ego and personal FEELINGS?

  44. Buc king Says:

    I don’t like how the offense took their foot off the gas in the 4th.
    10 point lead doesn’t mean grind the clock..
    Oline is super suspect..
    Didn’t like how we didn’t aur it out more against a injured secondary with back ups everywhere.
    I thinks offense needs to find more weapons in the new recievers..

    Defense played well..
    Dline looked good..secondary was decent..

    Eagles are the real test next week

  45. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The “Tom Brady” effect expired at the end of the 2021 season…..

    The team culture and chemistry is so much better than it was all throughout 2022. Players are actually playing with effort and energy….Baker has reenergized a locker room that was completely dead all last year.

    This is the “Baker Mayfield” effect now.

  46. Duane Says:

    Why are there so many Buc-hating trolls here at JBF? Is there a dinner bell that rings here for all you low-life, no life human failures that brings you here?

    It takes a special kind of loser to troll team based fan sites. What, did your mothers reject you at birth?

  47. RTG_Bucs Says:

    Gotta say I was one that wanted Trask. Mostly because we invested a 2nd round pick in him but I can see the Mayfield is the better option. This is the NFL and if they can get someone better than you then they will, no one is guaranteed a job.

    I was wrong and I’m firmly on the Baker train!!

    Maybe he can do a commercial from the stadium and incorporate firing the cannons in it!! 😂

  48. NE Fan Says:

    stp@ Go back and read my posts, sure a few shots at Mayfield but I have defended him more than most. The guy can play but when it goes bad it ain’t pretty. I never claimed I wanted the Bucs to lose, it’s a talented team with poor leadership that will undoubtedly hinder the teams success. Very similar to the Bill’s, more talented but McDermott just doesn’t know how to win. If I were a Bucs fan that would frustrate me most. Yes Mike C it is time for Belichick to go but he can win games with far less talent.

  49. stpetebucfan Says:


    I hear you loud an clear. Perhaps you’re on to something about their mamas.

    One guy says Don’ttellmeit’sraining. I suspect that’s a play on the old saying
    “Don’t p!ss down my back and tell me it’s raining”.

    Well I wouldn’t wish to P!SS down his back…from the way he posts I suspect somebody has already P!SSED in his Wheaties. I feel sorry for him.

  50. NE Fan Says:

    Again, am I the ONLY one to see the PUNTER won this game???

  51. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Great, efficient smart game.

    He extends plays.

    Pleasantly surprised. Only 2 games but nice,

  52. Baking with Canales Says:

    NE Fan… what are you doing here?

    You know you are not forced to be here since Brady is no longer playing here.

    Go have a beer dude.

  53. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey joes: is NE Fan just some sort of convenient algorithm on here to get clicks? Seriously, how about getting more genuine human Bucs fans? 2-0 deserves it.

  54. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    If Baker can play like Brad Johnson our first Super Bowl year something tells me this defense wants to prove a point that they won the Bucs last Superbowl and they are out to get their credit. Go Bucs!

  55. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Baker is playing with heart. And coach Bowles is coaching for his career. It’s a heady mix. Tougher challenges ahead, starting next week, but I love what I’ve seen so far.

  56. NE Fan Says:

    oralsuc@ stop crying about the refs, go back and read the game thread, the same fair weather fans blowing smoke up the Bucs arse are the same miserable people making the negative comments near games end. Comical, at least I’m consistent. Ya Oral, I work for Joe to get him more clicks. Good cop, bad cop. Moron!

  57. Bucsfan13 Says:

    We beat the Bears 38-3 in 2021…That Bears defense was at least serviceable. We’ve faced the two worse defenses in the league

  58. GiveMeHed Says:

    You will learn to drink Baker’s essence. You will become one with baker as he enters you and you squeel with glee under the sheets. You will face forward and bite your pillow with a moan that cannot be replicated. Baker then wins again.

  59. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe – can you start a poll to see if certain posters here should get run (NE Fan, Dan, oneil)? If they get a 75% or greater score – run them.

    All in favor?

  60. MsChemicalEngineer Says:

    I’ve been a Baker fan since he was in college, and I’m glad that he’s being used the right way finally. Keep it up Baker, keep that huge chip on your shoulder!!!

  61. NE Fan Says:

    74 Bucs@ no need to poll, when the Bucs beat the Eagles (who are NOT the team of last season) I will vanish from this site. Now Oneilsuckyall, he’s a different story, I would vote out on that poll.

  62. GiveMeHed Says:

    Mayfield Haters:

    Face your headboard, clench your pillow with your teeth and feel the girth of the throbbing win that overtakes your senses. Grunt, then grunt again and then drift off into sleep and a desire for mod next week.

  63. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker has played great so far.

    But Fitz had a remarkable start to 2018.

    Point being guys normally revert to who they are after a while, so lets see where Baker is after the Buffalo game before people start worry about if we give him a 7 year deal, or go 8 years.

    But he’s been great so far, and unlike Fitz, this looks a lot more sustainable. But we need a lot more snaps.

  64. Joe Says:

    Face your headboard, clench your pillow with your teeth and feel the girth of the throbbing win that overtakes your senses. Grunt, then grunt again and then drift off into sleep and a desire for mod next week.

    Are you suggesting Mayfield haters are now taking his success up their backsides? LOL

  65. stpetebucfan Says:

    NE FAN posted like a true wimp! IF the Bucs beat the Eagles you’ve already dumped on yourself! You’ve already front loaded your EXCUSE…”Eagles (who are NOT the team of last season)”

    Do you know how to use Google to save yourself the embarrassment?

    As the Eagles prepare for the 2023 season, expectations are high. And they should be. A year after getting all the way to the Super Bowl, the Eagles still have a strong roster, a proven head coach and the best quarterback in the NFC.Sep 6, 2023.

    The Eagles have won BOTH of their games this season!! They are undefeated,
    The Pats…oh that’s right WINLESS!!! No wonder you have such a bromance with Brady because the Pats can’t win without him!

  66. Eric Says:

    keep stacking wins, they all count no matter who the opponent is.

    Remember, we have the most dysfunctional fan base in the league. This leads to the delusion that Baker played poorly today.

  67. Old School Bucs Says:

    That was a beat down? 😂 OK if you say so.

  68. NE Fan Says:

    stp@ I am not down playing the win at if if the Bucs pull that off. All I was saying is they lost some talent and both NE & Minn scored points on them. That’s what the Bucs will need to do and I don’t see it. FYI not sure what you meant in a previous thread about Brady playing against Miami, I didn’t post that. If the Bucs beat Philly they have the potential to be a strong contender in the NFC.

  69. SarasotaMJM Says:


    I gues she told me , LMAO CLOWN

    I guess you didn’t graduate kindergarten, you can’t spell or construct an intelligent sentence, as I said stay off this web site, ASS*ole!

  70. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Joe….when is it too early to talk about signing Baker Mayfield to a 6 year, $200 million contract?

    Just wanted to know?

  71. David Jones Says:

    This has a good chance of turning into the Cinderella story of the decade!!!

  72. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Baker gave Cleveland hope again. His enthusiasm is contagious. If the run game continues to improve, Baker will be everything Tampa could imagine.

  73. BAKERSBucs Says:

    It’s all negative hay remember u guys oh they r going 3&14or4&13 they suck Trask is better then ba ker is a loser I can say thank goodness u r not running this team cause we wud b 0&17 if u jokers had anything to do with it

  74. Citrus County Says:

    I naively thought I could offer my opinions and observations in an intelligently thought out and well written way and make some sort of contribution even if it was just my speculation, wild as it may have seemed. I now realize that few commenters` on this excellent website could offer reasoned rebuttals or agreement. For every one lucid, thoughtful comment there are classless remarks by a dozen clowns and morons. It’s just not worth my time or effort. Lesson learned.

    The two Joes here do a great job and JBF is my favorite and go to site. Keep up the good work and GO BUCS !

  75. Oneilbuc Says:

    Look I give Baker Mayfield his credit but some of y’all act like he’s throwing for 400 yards with 3 touchdowns and no picks . He threw 1 touchdown pass today he’s playing good enough to help the team win. But let’s be honest this is a defense lead team like it should be. Again I still believe Kyle Trask is better and I also believe Baker Mayfield was gifted the starting job because of his popularity not because he earned it. But at the same time he’s not throwing the game away and that’s playing good enough to win. And at least I hope we win to many games that we can’t draft Caleb Williams in the first round or any other quarterback in the first round. And I at least hope to make the playoffs!!

  76. stpetebucfan Says:

    “he’s playing good enough to help the team win.”

    Isn’t winning the name of the game. Was Phil Simms a great QB? Trent Dilfer?
    Joe Theismann? Jim McMahon? Russell Wilson?

    They all won SB’s with the common denominator being great D’s.

    As D.R. usually suggests complimentary football is the way to win. A good offense combined with a great defense can generally get the job done.

  77. Oneilbuc Says:

    Russell Wilson should not be in the same name with those quarterbacks you just named. The Seahawks had Lynch and that defense before Wilson got their and they couldn’t even make the playoffs. So I agree with you on the Baker Mayfield stuff but these people acting like he’s playing like Patrick Mahomes!! I’m rooting for him but I call it like I see it we ran the ball over 30 times which helps any quarterback.

  78. Ed Says:

    It’s about the “W” ‘s that’s all. Play great defense and protect the ball but please get a stronger running back

  79. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Win is a Win. Don’t engage with NE Troll, she is cramping this weekend.

  80. Got the Moxie Says:

    To Dan, Dave & the rest of the Baker haters:

    It’s really obvious that all of you should get together and create your own page and call yourselves The Colin CowTurd Brigade! LOL!LOL!

    Baker has things that y’all girls will never have or be able to get:
    1. Moxie & character
    2. A real wife instead of those rubber blow up dolls y’all go home to every day.

    Finally, make sure y’all use a bit of carmex on your lips so that Colin CowTurd’s manhood doesn’t rub your lips raw as you show CowTurd your gratitude.

    LOL! LOL!

  81. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Citrus County Says:
    “For every one lucid, thoughtful comment there are classless remarks by a dozen clowns and morons. It’s just not worth my time or effort.”

    Don’t let it get you down. What’s happening has all been foretold. Be assured that after this matrix has been burned down, a better world will emerge!

    Until then, GO BUCS!!

  82. Big Jim Extraordinaire Says:

    As Big Jim still predicts, 6 and 1 rolling in to November, no one is a better Faker than Baker

  83. Mike C Says:

    Hunters Crack pipe…….. after the matrix burns down? Wtf are you talking about? And does the sun revolve around the 🌎 in your world?