Hyper-Productive Cam Gill

September 18th, 2023

Joe imagines fourth-year Bucs outside linebacker Cam Gill often leaves One Buc Palace wondering what would happen if he got to play more often.

Gill logged his third career sack yesterday in about 140 defensive snaps, including the postseason. His half-sack in the Super Bowl was the subject of a historically funny in-game story.

Gill played just three snaps yestersday.

Hardcore Bucs fans might remember Dakoda Watson, a Bucs seventh-round draft pick in 2010. Gill sometimes reminds Joe of Watson, who had a 10-year NFL career as a special teamer and a bottom-of-the-roster sack artist.

Poor Gill just can’t get playing time among the current super-deep corps of Bucs edge rushers.

Joe noted starter Joe Tryon-Shoyinka even had his snaps slashed yesterday to a total of just 28 (53 percent) while Todd Bowles was more committed to using a committee approach.

The Bucs’ defensive line depth is extraordinary, and if Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett can regain his form, the Bucs’ pass rush should be as productive as it was last season and more consistent.

27 Responses to “Hyper-Productive Cam Gill”

  1. Lt. Dan Says:

    Ok – off topic but this needs to be pointed out. Please don’t confuse Lt. Dan with regular old commentor, plain Dan. Plain Dan is negative, glass always empty, and not really a Bucs fan evidently. Lt. Dan is a glass always half full, upbeat Bucs loving dude and is very handsome. Sorry – it had to be said.

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    If any QB holds on to the ball for 5 seconds in the pocket it better be a sack.

  3. SlyPirate Says:

    Gill injured his foot last year and had to have surgery. He was out for most of the season. In truth, with so many new OLB, he’s lucky to have a job.

    Loving the rotation! JTS sacks, Gill sacks, Vea sacks, Shaq pick six. Keeping guys fresh is deadly. We may see more hurry up offense by future teams to thwart our rotation.

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    The oppressive heat probably had something to do with the rotation as well.

  5. HC Grover Says:

    Looking good. We need to sweep NFC South. Starting with Stanks and Falcons. That puts us at 8 wins.

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Gill…..always productive….Bucs have best depth at OLB

  7. Cobraboy Says:

    So frustrating last season to see the DL/OLB’s wear down toward the end of games.

    Deep is good. Hat tip to Jason Licht.

  8. Coburn Says:

    Always been a fan of his game and how he makes the most of his very limited opportunities..I’m sure he would struggle against the run, but he’s a solid pass rush specialist

  9. PSL Bob Says:

    SkyPirate, exactly my thoughts.

  10. BA’s Red Pen Says:


  11. Buccos Says:

    Cam Gill produces. He needs to be put in the rotation. JTS had the best game of his career, which isn’t saying much but it’s still good

  12. Defense Rules Says:

    SlyPirate … ‘Keeping guys fresh is deadly. We may see more hurry up offense by future teams to thwart our rotation.’

    Excellent point, and I suspect that’s exactly what Eagles will be doing (they seem to run a lot of hurry-up anyways). Hopefully the Bucs’ offense can reciprocate because the Eagles’ DLinemen substitute a lot it looks like from their snap counts in the first 2 games (their 4 DTs are only averaging around 50% snaps each).

  13. Lord Cornelius Says:

    It’s crazy we haven’t even unleashed a 100% Kancey yet lol

  14. 02,20,2022 Says:

    @Sly: Don’t forget YaYa (.5 sack yest) had a monster hit as well, he needs to eat too. We’ve yet to add Watts to the mix. Edge rush is the least of our worries.

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    With the heat index slowly rising due to climate change, it’s imperative we have fresh players we can rotate. I’m thankful the MNF game is a night (duh) one. Hope the good guys can prevail. Watch out for the refs. Bucs had better be ready for them, too.

  16. Fred McNeil Says:

    If it gets too hot it’s climate change. If it gets too cold it’s climate change. If it rains until much it’s climate change. If it doesn’t rain enough it’s climate change. 7 million illegals cross the southern border because climate change. Give it a rest already.

  17. stpetebucfan Says:


    This is a sports blog. Given your obvious scientific ignorance I suggest you try posting about the Bucs and see if you can stop exposing your lack of real knowledge.

    Politics and consipiracy theories belong in the trash here at JBF

  18. Thistledown Says:

    lol remember An Inconvenient Truth telling us Tampa and Miami would be under water in 20 years? When did that movie come out again… oh, yeah 20 years ago and whaddya know! the coastline hasn’t made any dramatic changes.

    The climate changing is a real thing, because of course it is, the climate changes all of the time. There are periods of cooling, then periods of heating, then back to cooling – it doesn’t just happen on Earth, but throughout the entire solar system.

    But “Climate Change”, the ridiculous narrative pushed by Globalist Elites like John Kerry or Al Gore? Absolute complete fiction. It was created decades ago by Globalists and has been pushed to various degrees ever since. It’s a scam, a lie, BS.

    And the only “scientists” who stand behind such ridiculousness are only doing so because their funding and paycheck literally relies on them backing whatever mainstream society is pushing.

  19. Mark Plant City Says:

    Fred great climate change analysis. Employees morale will not improve until we really see climate change.

  20. unbelievable Says:

    lol stpetebucfan with the mic drop!

  21. Brandon Jeff Says:

    Better be careful around people when the truth comes out. It’ll be like Neo when they thought he was going to pop!

  22. Beej Says:

    So how much warmer has it gotten?

  23. Eckwood Says:

    1. Masks Stop the spread of Covid…….. 2. Covid virus shot ( it’s not a vaccine dumb arses) stops you from getting Covid ………. Follow The Science !!!

    1. Wrong
    2. Wrong
    3. Turn off CNN , back to Football 🍺🍺

  24. garro Says:

    If our front 4 can look that dominant by all means keep the “committee” in session!

    Go Bucs!

  25. Ed Says:

    Can’t you all agree its too damn hot in the sun to sit on the east side of the stadium at a 1PM start in Sept. when there are no clouds in the sky. When I used to sit on that side, a cloud was a wonderful thing to blow across the field.

  26. JimBobBuc Says:

    The strategy around heat management will be interesting on Monday. Will both offenses run hurry up to prevent substitutions? Will the fans get loud to hinder Eagles’ hurry-up offense communications? We should have the edge in dealing with the heat, how else do we wear down the Eagles? WR screens? RB screens? Run it straight down their throats?

  27. lambchop Says:

    Cam Gill would be a starter on a lot of teams. The guy makes plays. He should get more snaps, period. Forget practice and let him cook.