Difficult Is Simple For Chris Godwin

September 10th, 2023

Big-time catch to seal win.

There were three players that Joe thought really balled out in training camp.

Mike Evans simply was practicing above the rim. He may have had the best camp of his career.

Antoine Winfield was all over the field making plays. He looked like the Pro Bowler from two seasons ago.

And whenever Bucs receiver Chris Godwin made a play, Joe thought, “What knee?”

Of course, last year Godwin was slightly slowed by a knee injury suffered in December 2021 against the slimy Saints. Today, Godwin made a critical catch to help secure a Bucs win over the Vikings.

It was the first play after the two-minute warning. The Bucs were holding a 20-17 lead. Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield dropped back and threw to the right

The throw led Godwin too much and he had to be careful. He was near the right sideline. Godwin stretched out as much as he could and pulled the ball in, and then as his momentum was taking him out of bounds, Godwin somehow got two feet in.

Joe thought surely the play was going to be challenged. From where Joe was sitting in the press box, the opposite side of the field, Joe could not tell if Godwin got two feet in or not.

(Joe kept thinking to himself, “Snap the ball, snap the ball, snap the ball” to prevent a review.)

Godwin’s catch gave the Bucs a first down and after that, it was Victory Formation to end the game!

Godwin’s response to Joe about the play was so Godwin. The guy is so humble. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “It was a simple ‘out’ play.”

What? Joe told him, “That play may have been simple but your catch was anything but simple. You had to stretch out for the ball and then get your feet in. Tell us about that catch.”

Godwin again, responded like, Hey, it’s my job. No big deal.

“I guess it could be considered a tough catch. We work on that throughout the year,” Godwin said. “We work on executing when the time is big. “

Then humble Godwin added there were a lot of big plays made by his teammates. And without those, his big play likely never happens.

That’s what kind of a person Godwin is. He trivializes his accomplishments and talks up his teammates.

The Bucs are so fortunate to have a guy who balls out like Godwin but possesses none of the diva-like qualities of most guys who play at his high level.

20 Responses to “Difficult Is Simple For Chris Godwin”

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    What an awesome and clutch catch he made late in the 4th.

    That’s why you get paid the big bucks in the NFL.

    Mike Evans had a solid game but dropped a wide open slant pass that probably could have been a TD… This is starting to be a disturbing trend with Mike Evans.

    Wide receivers who make top dollar in the NFL don’t drop those wide open passes like that.

    Just saying…

  2. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That was fantastic awareness and body control to stop his momentum while securing the catch. Not Baker’s best accuracy but great anticipation on the throw to not give the defender a chance!! LFG

  3. David Says:

    Bakers run for first down, and Godwin‘s cats… Absolutely clutch.

    ***When they started the victory formation, though, I kept yelling in my head for him not to snap the ball until there was 1 second left, because it was going to be close whether they gave the ball back or not! LoL

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    The WRs were stellar. Yea, there will be drops. They bigger plays made the difference. The Godwin catch was clutch. At one point, 7-8 receiver had caught 16 completions. Great use of all resources. And how about Sean Tucker?

  5. Buc50 Says:

    I was watching Kancey early in the game and he was a difference maker. There was a noticeable drop off in the pass rush when he left the game.

  6. SB Says:

    I Totally agree with Buc 50

  7. Rod Munch Says:

    Clutch catch by Godwin. Not a good throw by Mayfield (he had a good second half, but that pass was off the mark a bit), but hey, you don’t have to have all good throws with Evans and Godwin.

  8. Infomeplease Says:

    It’s a great feeling when things go your way!! CG14 deserves ever dollar his contract pays him! I’m so glad he’s on our team!

  9. dmatt Says:

    So I guess Joe is implying that we are so fortunate to have a guy who balls out like Godwin but possesses none of the diva-like qualities of most guys who play at his high level, such as a Justin Jefferson, huh. What a class act after the game. I guess being the first game of the season JJ decided to remain on the bench solo n sob like a spoiled brat vs going out to show sportsmanship with opposing team. Well, 2 catches for 12 yards in the second half would do that to the fake wannabe GOATS.

  10. Joe Says:

    What a class act after the game. I guess being the first game of the season JJ decided to remain on the bench solo n sob like a spoiled brat vs going out to show sportsmanship with opposing team.

    Joe didn’t see that. First Joe is hearing about this.

  11. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    It looks like Sean Tucker will be/should be RB1 pretty soon.

  12. Frank Pillow Says:

    14 is so clutch

  13. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    MarineBuc is right. Foe all the accolades given to Evans, he drops passes at clutch time a lot. Godwin is more reliable and he proved it today.

  14. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I’m digging what I’m seeing for an opener. Looks like we got us a capable football team. Go Bucs!

  15. Thomas Edrington Says:

    No. 14 is why they don’t have to break the bank for Mike Evans!!!!!

  16. go dawgs Says:

    great game bucs! i apologize for doubting

  17. DS Says:

    Evans had horrible body language, damn Kancey looked explosive!!

  18. Buddha Says:

    No challenge was possible because the Vikings were out of timeouts.

  19. SOEbuc Says:

    I remember Brady saying he’s the best hands he played with.

  20. unbelievable Says:

    Godwin has had a number of “ice the game” type catches over the last few years.

    Great hands. Great player. Great person.