Inside Ke’Shawn Vaughn’s Strange Night

August 13th, 2023

It was a bizarre 2023 debut for running back Ke’Shawn Vaughn.

Joe hasn’t seen such a strange performance line in a long time.

After three carries on the opening drive, Vaughn had 3 carries for 9 yards. The Bucs tried to run on fourth down but were called for a false start and punted instead. Ok, not a good start for Vaughn, but certainly nothing to cry about.

Then came Vaughn’s next carry on the Bucs’ second drive. He looked good scampering for 12 yards and moving the pile at the end of the run. But it was called back for a formation penalty. Good run. Bad luck.

Then the bottom dropped out for Vaughn.

His next run on that series was a one-yard loss courtesy of Steelers linebacker Kwon Alexander.

Vaughn sat the next series in favor of Chase Edmonds. But he returned for Baker Mayfield’s fourth and final series. Vaughn ran on 1st-and-20 for -1 yards. Then it was no gain on third down and a -3 yard run on 4th-and-1, a play in which the Steelers had a jailbreak into the Tampa Bay backfield.

And there’s Vaughn’s night — officially 7 carries for 4 yards.

Ugly stuff, but Joe can’t say the film was as gruesome as the numbers.

34 Responses to “Inside Ke’Shawn Vaughn’s Strange Night”

  1. Kgh4life Says:

    Overall the Bucs had 44 rushing yards called back due to penalties. A couple of those penalties in my opinion where tik tak calls.

  2. Pewter Power Says:

    Not sure how that constitutes a strange night. Playing against starters the line sucked and he’s not that dynamic plus best run called back. He won’t be back next year and Tucker may end up eating into his snaps anyway

  3. AKicknTheBucNuts Says:

    How much of this is Dave Canales fault?

    Saw a lot of useless run plays up the middle for no gain.

    Did he do his job calling plays?

  4. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Is this the Joe that’s always talking about breaking tackles? How many tackles did he break?

    I’d rather talk about Sean Tucker and the run(s?) he had called back, he has more upside, IMHO.

  5. Buc4evr Says:

    Worst O line in the NFL and a TE that can’t block. Before the Bucs evaluate the running backs they better fix the disgraceful effort on the O line. An O line that was blown up all night on running plays.

  6. Pryda…sec147 Says:

    Cut Vaughn bring in Dalvin cook and stfu

  7. Cobraboy Says:

    1st PS game.

    Honestly, who cares?

  8. RuKa Says:

    Vaughn did nothing in 2 years, and now is showing exactly the same: 3rd year, still looks like the same guy we saw (?) the last 2 years. So, where is the big surprise?
    A 3rd round pick that in 2 years is incapable of contributing, even as part-timer, is what? At least a wasted pick… like most of the RBs Tampa has drafted in the last few years.
    So, nothing to see here, same old s**t… let’s move on please

  9. Wild Bill Says:

    There ain’t a back that could be successful running behind a line that could not block. Bucs o line was beat down repeatedly. I never looked closely at who was in the game at o line. Really stopped paying much attention after the first few possessions. No joy in bucsville that night.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    The only difference between Canales & Leftwich in that game was Canales’ better use of the English language.

  11. TonySoprano Says:

    Vaughn is and always has been a wasted draft pick. A 3rd RB should be an immediate starter if not a good 3rd down back. This guy has giving us absolutely nothing. He isn’t fast, strong, elusive, can’t catch, can’t pass block. Yet another miss for Licht. Can we at least now stop calling this guy Sneak? Nicknames should be reserved for actual game changers, much less starters.

  12. kgh4life Says:


    You forgot more play action.

  13. Stu lynch Says:

    Is it my imagination or were the starters sitting yesterday or am I just as dumb as all the comments before this comment

  14. Stanglassman Says:

    The Stats make it appear much worse than it was. Take away the penalities and it wasn’t that bad. The long run called back on Luke was completely unnecessary, the runner was passed him before he held. The Bucs definitely need to clean up the penalties, I’m not making excuses.

  15. Defense Rules Says:

    Buc4evr … ‘Before the Bucs evaluate the running backs they better fix the disgraceful effort on the O line.’

    No question in my mind that a rushing attack has to start in the trenches. Have seen many average RBs do very well when running behind a quality OLine. Have also seen a lot of excellent RBs do diddly when running behind a crummy OLine. A solid rushing attack has to be a full TEAM effort.

    That 1st series bothered me too Joe. The odds of this team getting a 1st down with 3 straight runs aren’t good. And the odds of making even a short 4th down (say 4th-and-1) rushing don’t seem to be that good either (we were 0-for-2 Friday night). But still, I think Canales was just experimenting, hoping to find out early-on how well this group can run-block. Now he knows.

  16. Defense Rules Says:

    Buc4evr … ‘Before the Bucs evaluate the running backs they better fix the disgraceful effort on the O line.’

    More than likely Canales was just experimenting Friday night more than anything. I suspect that he now has a good sense of how he’ll have to change things up to generate even an average rushing attack. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see an extra lineman added on obvious rushing downs, AND greater use of Ko Kieft in a FB role AND greater use of a blocking TE to support the play. Fact is IMO that we’ve gotta get more ‘beef’ to the point of attack because our OLinemen by themselves don’t seem to be able to move the pile.

    That 1st series bothered me too Joe. The odds of this team getting a 1st down with 3 straight runs aren’t good. And the odds of making even a short 4th down (say 4th-and-1) rushing don’t seem to be that good either (we were 0-for-2 Friday night). But still, I think Canales was just experimenting, hoping to find out early-on how well this group can run-block. Now he knows.

  17. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    As we all seen last year it doesn’t matter who the qb is or when the oline can’t run block it’ll be another 18 points per game year

  18. Scott Says:

    Edmonds should start. I called that he would be a decent addition.

  19. View from 132 Says:

    Makes sense to me… they already know Vaughn well. They need to see some other guys.

  20. Toad Bowels Says:

    Me: “The Bucs are this year’s Cinderella team!”

    Everyone else: ” Yes they both have a Pumpkin for a Coach!”

  21. Craig Says:

    I think it was the line pancaking after the first quarter. The heat and humidity got to them too.

  22. PbnJ Says:

    Friday night was deeply bothersome IMO. “Good run. Bad luck”? Luck?

    That’s not luck. It’s bad preparation & bad experience.

    Preparation? Professional players might make a formation mistake once in awhile. The Bucs did so at least 3x with Bakedfield in the game. Experience? Bakedfield has 5 years or so in the NFL and nearly as much of college, if not more, and the rules concerning legal formations are essentially identical.

    After all of that pre-snap experience, his duty as the QB minimally requires him to be certain his team is lined up properly. He’s Bakedfield to me until it’s evident he can get a play in motion before the offense commits a hold or false start.

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    Actually you should remember when this last happened since it would happen to Ronnie Jones all the time his rookie season. He’d go out and have a 25-yard run called back, then a 12-yard run called back, and his line would be like 5 rushes for -1 yards, and people would be saying he’s a bust.

    Vaughn is a decent backup RB I think, which isn’t an insult. I think he can come in and fill the role of a starter for a game or two if needed and will be completely average. Which is A-OK, that’s what you want in a backup.

  24. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch: If you’re sticking up for Ronnie Jones and Vaughn, you must not care about ball security, receiving skills, and pass blocking. You know, football stuff that RB’s should be able to do.

  25. GumboIsForWinner Says:

    Solid RBs can be found like gravel on a country road so why do we keep bringing back sucky RBs every year. Vaughn is just not good. Keep trying new pieces of gravel until one works if you are never going to get a real RB.

  26. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Agreed, Gumbo.

  27. Infomeplease Says:

    Rod, Didn’t Jones get cut by KC too? He had trouble keeping his head straight! This is a physical sport that requires a strong mentality! Any doubts about your abilities and your automatically at a disadvantage. When you are, the coaches see it.

  28. DJB Says:

    Ko Kieft had more than his share of holding penalties in limited snaps last season. Not too confident in his ability to be a lead-blocking fullback.

  29. Frank Pillow Says:

    We have a bottom 10 OL without Jensen- the only reason we’re not lower is Wirfs. Lose that guy and, like what was on display on Fri, we’re basically non-functional across the board.

  30. Mcruzer Says:

    Its only strange for people that didn’t watch our running game last season.

  31. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe in Michigan Says:
    August 13th, 2023 at 2:58 pm
    Rod Munch: If you’re sticking up for Ronnie Jones and Vaughn, you must not care about ball security, receiving skills, and pass blocking.


    Remember 2020, when Ronnie carried the load until he got benched because of the kung fu flu? Also, ever heard of Adrian Peterson? How many passes was he catching a season.

    Ronnie fell off the face of the earth in 2021, but was a good productive back in 2020, when the Bucs got to the SB. And that’s what it is all about, right? Oh wait, not if you’re one the idiots calling him a bust after the 2nd preseason game of his rookie year. Those morons have to stick to their dumb opinions forever, because that’s what simple minded people do.

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    Infomeplease Says:
    August 13th, 2023 at 4:46 pm
    Rod, Didn’t Jones get cut by KC too?


    Well, remember, the reference is about a RB who had this same type of night. And we’re always talking about a backup. No idea what happened to Rojo in 2021 when he turned full flake, but the Bucs road him in the regular season to get them into the playoffs and got a ring out of it. So I’ll take that end result any day of the week, over a 3 down back who leads the Bucs to a 5-12 record.

  33. garro Says:

    Joe he did not look as good as I expected. Good news is that Edmonds and Tucker did OK.

    Go Bucs!

  34. AtlBuc Says:

    Pryda…sec147 Says:
    August 13th, 2023 at 10:30 am
    Cut Vaughn bring in Dalvin cook and stfu

    Cook signed with the Jets today