Devin White Addresses Trade Request, Says He Got “A Little Bit Selfish”

August 7th, 2023

Devin White no longer wants out from the Buccaneers roster, he explained today after practice.

White didn’t hesitate — or issue a denial — when asked why he asked for a trade from the team late last winter.

He wanted to be recognized as a forever Buccaneer and still does.

“You know, I just wanted to be the guy here for a long time,” White said. “Actually, really just sitting down with Coach Bowles and [general manager] Jason Licht, just understanding their plan for me and what they got in play and just coming up with something with those guys to see how I could be better, moving forward I think we all came to a good agreement and that’s why I’m here just focusing on the season now.”

What that agreement is, White didn’t say. But it probably goes something like ‘play like a Pro Bowler and you’ll get a fat, five-year deal.’

White said he has no regrets asking for a trade and it was more than just a money grab.

“I don’t think it’s just about being paid; it’s just about being a guy who was drafted here and doing a lot for this program,” White said. “I just want to be the long-term guy. You know, I just want to be a guy like Lavonte [David]; he’s been here forever. I wanted to be that next guy. And we just didn’t make it happen when I wanted it to. And that’s where I kind of get a little bit selfish. Even knowing I still had the fifth-year option and that was the thing in play.”

White went on to say he loves playing for the Tampa Bay coaching staff, playing in Tampa and appreciates Bucs fans.

It’s now obvious the Bucs and White are not working on a new deal and will let the season play out.

How White is tied to Todd Bowles’ uncertain Bucs future is unclear.

(For those who missed it, White told Joe last week about how he dedicated more of his life to football this offseason.)

32 Responses to “Devin White Addresses Trade Request, Says He Got “A Little Bit Selfish””

  1. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I feel a little better about this situation right now, maybe he learned a lesson?
    Maybe not though.
    We shall see.

  2. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Forgiven. Now get out there, be a team player and earn your big payday.

  3. Beej Says:

    They probably promised top 5 money or something if he kills it this year

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I’m glad he admitted it. Still not a fan of his yet. His play and tackling ability has gotten worse year over year since the SB. Hope he has matured and puts it behind him for a good year this upcoming season and they re-evaluate in the offseason.

  5. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Lavante probably talked to him as well.

  6. Tarheel Buc Says:

    A load of PR speak for what we all already knew. Dude wanted a fat long term deal, management said nobody wants to give up assets and salary cap to make that happen. Less of a growth in maturity through reflection and more a growth of maturity through a reality check. Lets hope that chip on his shoulder makes him smarter and motivated, and hopefully not desperate.

    If this season does become the complete wash that the media says it will be, then it will be important for him not to check out and go through the motions like last year if he really wants that big contract.

  7. ATLBuc Says:

    It takes a big person to admit when they were wrong. I appreciate that DW. Now go out there and play like you did in the playoffs during our last superbowl season

  8. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    We all made silly mistakes as young 20something year olds let’s get it

  9. Mike C Says:

    Hopefully he can keep his head out of his a$$ this year.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    DW45 eating a bite of humble pie…….good!!!

  11. Casual Observer Says:

    Joe – One of your best short commentaries. Extremely important for the chemistry of the team. Nice confession Devin. Eating a bit of humble pie for the team. Well done.

  12. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Nice feel good story on White… TRADE HIM!

  13. ModHairKen Says:

    That’s refreshing. He’s redeemed himself. I cannot understand (because I have not been through it) but I can appreciate what these guys go through knowing they have to make these first five years of their careers count and if they do, they will be affluent forever, but if they get hurt, they might miss that chance.

    Play well, Mr. White. Get that contract.

  14. View from 132 Says:

    He needs to get much better in coverage. Dude is trying to be a thumper from another era. David is here so long because of playing in space and tackling. I hope he improves. That LB lineage is strong here.

  15. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    These things happen in this biz. Fans forget that Derrick Brooks once held out. No biggie, it’s part of the business and long forgotten.

  16. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    That was the best presser DW ever had, seems sincere.

    I was at practice this morning and it was the most boring one I’ve ever been to. The catch Tompkins made was awesome but that was it. It was nice to see ME13 running wide open across the field a few times instead of all 9 routes into double coverage though. Wolford is really short, Mayfield is short and Trask is boring. We have to win with no turnovers, the least penalties and being a top 5 defense. But, the division sucks so who knows? GO BUCS

  17. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Joseph C Simmons Says:
    August 7th, 2023 at 11:53 am
    These things happen in this biz. Fans forget that Derrick Brooks once held out. No biggie, it’s part of the business and long forgotten

    Yeah, DB55 held out, but I don’t recall him being a little biotch about it.

  18. Tony Says:


    Maybe they can see if Brooks wants to come back & play again & they can trade Devin.😀

  19. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Glad he admitted it (a little selfish), now the Bucs and White can move on.

  20. Crickett Baker Says:

    Thanks for the article. I hope he shows up. I haven’t heard about him doing much in practice.

  21. unbelievable Says:

    Good for the young man to recognize this. Let’s not forget, hes still pretty young. Heck, I was still doing way dumber things at that age…

    Hopefully he balls TF out this year, and earns himself a well-deserved long-term contract with the Bucs. Lavonte is a great mentor and example

  22. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    Get Live 45 aka Devin White says;
    “I don’t think it’s just about being paid…..”

    It’s all about getting paid. Why would you demand a trade then?

  23. TampaTim Says:

    He admitted he was being selfish; he knows like everyone else the current cap situation.

    Brady is off the books next year, the cap will increase and there will be money to spend. In the meantime, man up and play.

    If he plays like he did last year, there will be no new contract.

  24. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    He kicked up a fuss over 5th year option, got some guarantees from Licht and is happy now. So depending on production this year they resign Evans/Wirfs/White or watch one of the 3 walk. TW is young and dominant, Evans is dominant but hitting 30, bad news for a WR with young talent breathing down your neck. White is young and decent but nothing special. LBs and RBs dont get paid. Unless he turns into Dick Butkus or Mike Singletary…byebye

  25. Pickgrin Says:

    Even if White has his best season in 2023 – he’s not worth a whole lot more than he’s making this year $11.7M – an amount he was obviously unhappy with…..

    As it is leading into this year – White is being overpaid at $11.7M.

    Too many holes in his game to be paid like a top LB.

    White is a liability in pass coverage. Flat out. He is not a sure tackler, gets caught out of position way too often and gets taken out of plays by blockers way too often… other than that – how was the car ride Mrs. Kennedy?

  26. Sombrero surfer Says:

    Tell us something we don’t know. Trade him for a bucket of icehouse

  27. Duane Says:

    Idiots still calling for White to be “traded” – nobody is going to trade for someone without a contract beyond this season, either the Bucs, or another team. The Bucs piciked up his 5th year option, and after that he is free to stay or go.

    Also, does this mean that Joe finally has to retire his silly namecalling of White – i.e., calling him “disgruntled”. White was never disgruntled with the Bucs, he never complained about his coaches, teammates, or management. In a moment of weakness he posted on social media that if the Bucs aren’t going to pay him like a top linebacker, he wanted a trade.

    People in public roles need to stay the heck off social media – it only gets them in trouble, especially 20 somethings who don’t really have much of a feel over how their posts can put them in hot water. Even the GOAT occasionally posted stuff on social media that he later had to explain away, or he simply got crapped on for writing it.

    Just play the games, talk with your friends, teammates, and coaches, and let your agent do all the negotiating in private, not public.

  28. kyle Says:

    i heard the interview on wdae this am. I was very proud of devin for being honest to the fans. Everyone makes mistakes and I can imagine being a little selfish and greedy myself if I had 100 million coming in the next year or two.

    He should have a clean slate with the fanbase. Lets go 45!

  29. Kidfloflo Says:

    U don’t get rid of a guy in a make it or break it year! Let him prove to the brass his worth and in the interim we should get a highly motivated dude with a chip on his shoulder and stellar play! If not well then we cut him and hope the rooks are ready to fill the void

  30. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    Lol. He says he wants to be the guy here for a long time… But he wanted to be traded? That is absolute nonsense. If he was a good LB I would cut him some slack, but the advanced stats, and the tape, say he’s an uber athletic bum. Undisciplined, can’t cover, can’t tackle…. Trade him while he has any value at all and plug in the rookie Dennis who looks like he could actually ball.

  31. BK Says:

    Whenever they say, “it’s not about getting paid”, they’re liars.

  32. garro Says:

    OK diva cats out of the bag. we got your number. You can back track all you want. Now shut up and play ball.

    Go Bucs!