Discouraging Bucs Offensive Line Play

August 11th, 2023

Needs work.

There was just over five minutes remaining in the third quarter of the Bucs first preseason game Friday night. And the sights on the field were concerning.

Three possible Bucs starters on the line were still on the field with the second-team offense facing Pittsburgh scrubs — many of whom will deliver a platter of fajitas to your table next month at a suburban Applebees near you.

Robert Hainsey, Cody Mauch and Luke Goedeke were not mauling these future Amazon delivery drivers.

When the Bucs needed just a yard for a first down, naturally the Bucs ran the ball. To the right side. To nowhere. These three Bucs got little to no push when Pittsburgh — historically a physical team — knew the run was coming.

Joe doesn’t want to go crazy here. It’s the first preseason game. Goedeke is inexperienced at right tackle in the NFL, save for one start last year. Blocking NFL defensive ends is a bit more challenging than a child playing for Toledo.

Mauch? He’s a rookie. He gets a pass.

Hainsey? He has a full season as a starter under his belt at center. He should have played much better against Steelers’ camp meat.

Even though the Bucs played on a Friday night, the right side of the Bucs’ offensive line doesn’t appear ready for primetime.

46 Responses to “Discouraging Bucs Offensive Line Play”

  1. All_da_way Says:

    Bucs OL played like crud tonight.

    Mauch receives a pass as he is a rookie and looks like he has some fight in him.

  2. JR Says:

    only a fool, would think that the oline would be good this year. so it was expected

  3. kgh4life Says:

    I called it. Before training camp started i predicted Goedeke would not hold on to the starting job. He was getting schooled by 2nd and 3rd stringers. I doubt Goedeke can improve, he’s not an NFL player.

  4. PSL Bob Says:

    The only good thing to say is that things will improve. I’m glad they kept the 3 starters in most of the game. A lot of film to watch and adjustments will be made. You learn from your mistakes.

  5. Austin Says:

    Throw money at taylor Lewan and lure him outta retirement

  6. HC Grover Says:

    Good thing Bowles got rid of Mason and Smith…..Bowles Curse.

  7. firethecannons Says:

    yeah keep em in so they get some practice caause they need it the run game remains very bad

  8. Pewter Power Says:

    Doesn’t matter if we have the first overall pick next year, with this o line they’ll get the running backs and quarterbacks killed. The o line was the most disappointing group tonight. Wait all of 2023 to see what I saw last year🤮

  9. Duane Says:

    Hainsey is outmatched at center. He seems a bit small. He is likely an ok guard, but not strong enough on the inside. He should never end up on his back on short yardage plays. Need a bigger body snapping the ball.

  10. JayBuc Says:

    Thanks a lot Licht for drafting Godeke and naming Bowles as your head coach.

  11. All_da_way Says:

    Bench Goedeke and most of the OL issues can be fixed.

  12. Bucs Guy Says:

    Wanted a T in the 1st rd this past draft. Oh well. Need to look for a T on waivers/cut, FA or trade.

  13. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This is going to be a bottom 5 o-line just like last year….cant blame Leftwhich now when the offense looks about the same…..the only thing that could save us is Bakers pocket mobility.

  14. Bucs Guy Says:

    Highlights of tonight? Defense in the 2nd half and special teams (didn’t look awful). I don’t expect ST to be #1 in the NFL, but they looked like they could be at least middle of the pack. That would be significantly better than the past few years.

  15. Bucs Guy Says:

    Need to draft a C next year also. Jensen is not going to be around.

  16. Oxycondomns Says:

    The theme of last season was brady throwing ball away to avoid being sacked.
    What additions did bucs make to improve the oline?

  17. Kgh4life Says:

    Licht gotta stop drafting these small olinemen. Not all of them will turn out like Marpet.

  18. BucsFan81 Says:

    Kinda makes you wonder why they traded Shaq Mason for peanuts. He was at least serviceable. Way better than the scrubs that performed out there tonight.

  19. Knucknbuc Says:

    luke is going to get absolutely DOGWALKED by defenses this year. Please let Brandon Walton play rat. I know goedeke is tight with Tristian but his buddy is trash.

  20. CTBucs Says:

    What’s Kenyatta Walker up to? Swap out that nameplate and take back that #67. Goedeke is pitiful

  21. TonySoprano Says:

    Jason Licht drafts as if he has an unlimited amount of picks, just foolish swings and misses time after time. At some point the Glazers have to hold him accountable for these seemingly foe awful drafts the last few years. No GM should be allowed this many misses in the 1st and 2nd rounds.

  22. BuxfaninTX Says:

    I’m waiting for the obligatory “fire the coach” post……

  23. geno711 Says:

    Article misses to point out about 7 penalties against the offensive line as well.


    Hated also Canales offense having two of the same illegal formations in the 1st quarter a receiver covering another receiver.

  24. Toad Bowels Says:

    It was an ass whipping. Bucs need a new RG and a new RT.

    Need Feiler to move to RT
    Need Goedecke tiny arms to move to RG
    Need Mauch, Stinnie and Leveritt to fight it out for LG
    Need ko Kieft in the lineup as a blocking TE to help out the RT

  25. Destinjohnny Says:

    What is the definition of insanity???
    Having the guy who created the problem with bad drafting fix it.

  26. Michael Says:

    I have to say I was very disappointment in the OL tonight.

  27. Seanbuc76 Says:

    They wanted a tackle in the first this year but it didn’t pan out so we took kancey… We all knew going in there would be growing pains– hopefully it’s somewhat fixed by week 1

  28. Posey99 Says:

    Nick Leverett need to get his shot at starting RT. Go back and watch him line up against Von Miller in the rams game when Wirfs was out.

  29. Bucschamp Says:

    Waive geodeke now

  30. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Brady was just old last year, right? No, the line sucked and tonight it looks even worse. You can’t tell me that we don’t have a better center and tackle on our team than that crud that was out there.

  31. Nate Says:

    The season is over please trade Mike Evans chris Godwin now while we can get some picks for the new head coach.. please other wise it will be a 5 year rebuild instead of two!

  32. Statguy Says:

    That right side is just a gap like Cody’s mouth

  33. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    We need to draft SEC linemen. They are far more ready as rookies than guys from western central state.

  34. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Even though the Bucs played on a Friday night, the right side of the Bucs’ offensive line doesn’t appear ready for primetime.’

    I totally agree with you about the right side of the Bucs’ OLine being ill-prepared Joe. That whooped us last year, and it’ll be our undoing this season unless we figure out how to fix it.

    It’s obviously fun for some to blame Bowles for things like OLine play, but reality is that he’s not out there blocking. And he’s not the one who stocked this OLine with the players who we have. Nor is he the one who draws up plays & blocking schemes, nor is he the guy who teaches these guys blocking techniques.

    Sad fact is that this year’s OLine isn’t nearly as competent as what we had in say 2020 or 2021 (D Smith, Marpet, Jensen, Cappa & Wirfs). Not even close (that group was much more physical). The best we can hope for this year is to figure out what they CAN do well, and play to those strengths.

    Certainly no OLine expert, but what I saw on way too many plays last night was guys getting manhandled at the LOS (they weren’t winning the 1-on-1s in far too many instances). That’s unacceptable, especially IF we expect to be more of a running team. Personally I thought that Baker Mayfield did a good job on a number of plays of moving outside the pocket & throwing on the run. Kyle Trask? Not so much last night, although I thought that he showed good ‘poise’ being pummeled while the pocket collapsed on several plays.

    I was disappointed that Bowles sat our starters (playing our backups against Pittsburgh’s starters just convinced me even more how weak our DEPTH is). But despite that, several guys impressed me: Baker Mayfield, Chase Edmonds, Trey Palmer & Devin Thompkins. Oh and Camarda got some nice work in (6 punts). Darby & Gill impressed me somewhat, but can’t truly say that anyone else stood out defensively. Hopefully next week we actually play our starters.

  35. Hodad Says:

    This is what happens when you give guys starting jobs that they haven’t earned. Mauch, and Geodeke were named starters during OTA’s, that’s rediculous. One is a rookie, the other a failed second year guard, tackle? He really can’t play either, don’t know what the Bucs saw in this guy. My biggest disappointment was Hainsey. He looked worse then last year, that’s hard to do. Bucs need to seriously rethink how they’re building this O line. Competition would be a good start.

  36. Fansince76 Says:

    Right side of the O line played like Arse!
    VERY CONCERNING against scrubs!

  37. jay adams Says:

    Scary part. The bucs online and run game will get better. So will the Steelers backups that were throwing around the bucs oline like rag dolls. Don’t see a miraculous progression surpassing the progression of the other teams. Low confidence in the staff

  38. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Looks like Goedeke is not an NFL Starting Tackle ?

  39. geno711 Says:

    YaYa Diaby looked good

  40. 757Buc’em Says:

    Hmmmm was it spongebobs fault 🤔

  41. EternalSon Says:

    It was cool to watch football last night.

    Everyone can grow. Coach ‘em up, coaches.

    Go Bucs!

  42. Reality BucFan Says:

    No excuses I really don’t want to Hear any Excuses… Obviously in practice they are not learning or even being Challenged…with the likes of S.barret.JST Vea none of them are testing out supposed starters on the offensive line… All the noise about we wanna make sure we stay healthy is BS… Play scared in get hurt regardless….like I said before 0-17 because there aren’t any Football players that wanna win they all got paid in now just coming to work… Shame my Bucs got bullied over in over again

  43. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    While not unexpected, the Defensive Coordinators of Bucs opponents now have it confirmed that the right side of the Bucs Oline is a gold mine for sacks. Long, long season ahead.

  44. Myron J Green Says:

    Seems To Me You Haven’t Learned Your Lesson From Last Year With The 2nd Round Pick Playing Him Out Of Position Trying To Make Him Something That He Wasn’t & Now You’re Doing The Same Thing With This Year 2nd Round Pick Playing Him r Putting Him In A Position Where He’s Going To Take Time To Adjust To , Unlike The Guy You Let Go To Cincinnati, Lighting Don’t Hit In The Same Place Twice & Your Trying For 3×

  45. PatRrrr Says:

    This was an area of obvious concern last year that was unaddressed during the draft and again during free agency. It won’t matter that the defensive shortcomings got sured up if whoever starts at QB has to submit a will before starting. Everything starts on the lines in this game and the lack of attention in this area speaks loudly of the goals of the coaching staff and management here. Maybe the Creamsicle unis should be full-time this year.

  46. garro Says:

    Agreed Joe

    Mauch gets a pass, plus I did see him giving 110% and flying around on a couple of plays. Hainsey showed up a couple of times in a bad way getting pushed back in pass pro again and once I think when they had him lined up at guard he looked lost and just not physical enough.

    Neither of Godeke’s sacks were entirely on him Joe. But he did get juked when he over set.

    Go Bucs!