New Fan Punching Bag Luke Goedeke

August 11th, 2023

Buccaneers right tackle Luke Goedeke blew up social media tonight, and not in a good way.

Goedeke started at right tackle, which is where he finished last season with a surprise start in Week 18.

As good as Goedeke was against Atlanta in January, he seemed equally bad tonight against the Steelers. And Goedeke wasn’t playing against top competition.

During the WFLA-TV broadcast, Buccaneers icon and game analyst Rondé Barber interestingly said the Bucs’ front office has its eye on Goedeke.

“Talking to some of the personnel guys, [Goedeke is] the one they have to get right on the offensive line,” Barber said.

Perhaps Barber meant the Bucs do not have a viable backup right tackle, or perhaps he meant Goedeke hasn’t had a good training camp.

Regardless, tonight wasn’t Goedeke’s night. And that’s ok. It’s one preseason game. For those who listened to the Ira Kaufman Podcast this week, Joe predicted the offensive line would struggle mightily tonight.

Also, Goedeke took a lot of heat for the sack of Kyle Trask in the video below. Upon further review, the tight end ran into Goedeke and the running back certainly didn’t do his job. Watch it a few times.

37 Responses to “New Fan Punching Bag Luke Goedeke”

  1. All_da_way Says:

    Feiler has started at RT before so the Bucs can fix this situation fast.

    The problem is that the Bucs FO has to admit that Goedeke is a big project that may never pan out.

  2. Leopold Stotch Says:

    It’s looking ugly.

  3. Tbbucs3 Says:

    67 is 76 in the mirror

  4. Voice of Truth Says:


    Door holder

    Pro level lunger

    Holds with both hands

    Dude is pathetic

    Mauch ain’t much better – we are screwed big time – the right side of the line is bush league

  5. Bucs Guy Says:


  6. Pewter Power Says:

    He is the weak link unless hainsey has to start then they’ll take turns torpedoing the offense

  7. Bucs Guy Says:

    Unfortunately Maunch didn’t look good either. Too many negative running plays to the right, too many sacks and too many penalties. Need to look for a veteran T on waivers, trade or FA. Even a veteran who can fill in for a year until the Bucs can draft a T next year.

  8. Austin Says:

    Wirfs, skinnier, jensen, hainsey, feiler

  9. Austin Says:

    Wirfs, stinnie, jensen, hainsey, feiler

  10. Knucknbuc Says:

    Strongest plumber on the team right here.

  11. All_da_way Says:

    Bench Goedeke and put Feiler at RT.

    This experiment is dumb.

  12. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    No improvement on the Oline = double digit losses

  13. Anonymous Says:

    he needs to be taken out to pasture, he’s the worst offensive linemen in football.

  14. Toad Bowels Says:

    Winner of the quarterback competition is the Bucs third string quarterback Rodrigo Blankenship since Goedecke and Mauch Both can’t block and Mayfield and Track are out for the season.

    Go Rodrigo go!

  15. Toad Bowels Says:

    Mauch at left guard, Goedecke at right guard and Feiler at right tackle

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Fans are generally the lowest IQ people out there, so of course they watch that play and yell about the RT. It’s what you expect from people with an IQ in the low double digits.

  17. Toad Bowels Says:

    The T-Rex Luke Goedecke his arms that are too short to play taggle or to box with God.
    Goedecke would be better as the right guard.
    March can’t handle with side switch and would be better at left guard.
    Feiler can play RT

  18. Toad Bowels Says:

    This team offense want to go anywhere with his offensive line.

  19. Destinjohnny Says:

    Nobody listens to ole Destin Johnny when I have been saying we have the worst line talent in the NFL and we will get the first pick in the draft

  20. Architek Says:


  21. TonySoprano Says:

    If we don’t see dramatic improvement from Licht’s draft picks from the last 3 years, I am ready to move on from him. I’m sick of seeing proven, big school studs being skipped over because Licht wants to be the genius in the room that find diamonds in the rough. Trask, JTS, Hall, Hainsey, Goedeke, Mauch – the amount of little-to-no-impact players he is wasting high draft picks on is really piling up and leaving this club bereft of high-end talent.

  22. Christopher Schiefen Says:

    Mauch looks way quicker (so is a tackle) and doesn’t seem to have the heft for guard.

  23. MelvinJunior Says:

    Dude has absolutely ZERO business even being out there, period. He can’t play. Can’t even back-up without about tripping all over himself… He’s a MAJOR blackhole. A total mismatch… Just gets completely, dominated and manhandled on every play. He doesn’t stand a CHANCE. Seriously, it’s a struggle for him to just hold his own literally, on EVERY play. Another HORRIBLE (wasted) Draft-Pick. You just CAN’T take a chance like THAT at a major top position of need… If, anything then, TRADE TF UPPPP. I’d MUCH rather do THAT, than to just reach like that, while only hoping to get LUCKY… And, we NEVER do that either, by trading-up, etc. Hell, we NEVER make any moves/do anything (productive) EVER, in the draft. We just HOPE to get lucky. Been a loooong time since I can remember going into/having a draft with an actual PLAN, or strategy. EVER. And, that better change and change QUICK too, bc we should have LOTS of (good) Picks to play with soon in the very near future!!!!

  24. Dave Pear Says:

    Melvin,LOL dude! I’ve felt that way about this guy for a while but you voiced it perfectly and I’m new here. Thanks for the entertaining rant. Mostly accurate.

  25. DS Says:

    Call Jeremy Trueblood

  26. Drunkinybor Says:

    Yeah but he got destroyed on a simple juke. He got juked out of his underwear. That’s the one that freaked me out

  27. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Poor play design to have the TE lined to the right of the RT try to race behind the RT toward the center to block WHILE the RT has a DE speed rushing. Either the TE has to punch 1st to allow the RT to get there or put him in motion toward the QB pre-snap to get the HELL outta the way of the RT.

    The rest of Goedecke’s issues were perhaps on him but not this play.

  28. Obvious Says:

    Man, watching that little bit has me almost tickled. It’s actually funny to watch him. HE’S HIS OWN BLOOPERS SERIES! Comic Relief… (Now that I’m reaching the point of passing by denial AND the sick feeling that is)

  29. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    2 conclusions:

    1. LG pick gets any GM fired
    2. Moving an All-World Right Tackle to Left Tackle to accommodate this incompetent excuse of a football player really gets a GM fired and kills his career for horrifically poor judgment.

  30. Steelers fan Says:

    Looks like a Trask bomb of a td if the pass rush dont get home.

    Then were talking about a whole other QB in comand.

  31. 757Buc’em Says:

    I pray this stops Jason from drafting “just give’em a chance O-linemen”. He’s only hit on one and only will. Luke is trash Cody is a walking flag. Just throw the line away and have Tristian throw it out

  32. Joe in Michigan Says:

    DS Says:
    August 12th, 2023 at 12:27 am
    Call Jeremy Trueblood

  33. Craig Says:

    Same punching bag as last season. Of course he was playing next to a true rookie and was probably trying to help him out.

    Goedecke looks the part, has decent foot and hand work.

    Maybe he is just trying too hard and has lost the fun part of getting the crud beat out of himself.

    Hope it comes together soon, though.

  34. Odessa Bebe Says:

    Who was the writer boosting up Goedeke the other day? He wouldn’t even be better at FB as a lead blocker. He’s either injured or just flat out sucks. One of the two or both. At this time I will not state that he has a closet full of rolling papers.

  35. Mike Johnson Says:

    Dude was geting beat like a drum.

  36. Nybuccguy Says:

    Goedeke can’t play tackle or on the left side. His only hope is at RG.

    Mauch at LG, Goedeke at RG, Feller at RT

  37. garro Says:

    Looked to me like niether of the sacks on Goedeke were completely on him.
    First I have been watching and or playing football for a long time and I heve never seen or heard of a tight end running a pick on his tackle for the DE. I don’t know what the play was supposed to be but i’m pretty sure that was a bust by the TE.

    The second looked like a bust as well The ball was supposed to come out quick to the TE as the first read and he wasn’t even looking at the QB. They threw everything at Trask BTW.

    The line looked pitiful as a whole and Trask did not help them. Note to Trask the best way to beat a pass rush is to get in to the right play and get the ball out fast. See Tom Brady tape from last season for more info.

    They did however get some push going in the run game. BTW I did see an awesome block from Otten. Goedeke’s holding call was BS. Some of the other calls were too. WRs not knowing how to line up is always a major sign of poor coaching. Are they running refs in practice Joe?