Russell Gage Returns

July 30th, 2023

The daily Russell Gage report has a happier tone today.

Gage, the Bucs’ talented 27-year-old receiver, was back on the field practicing this morning, his first time since hurting his leg (Bucs didn’t give specifics) nearly three months ago.

After practice, Todd Bowles quipped about how Gage looked a little rusty, but that doesn’t matter. August is upon Bucs fans and it seems Gage is healthy and ready to roll.

How sweet it would be if the Bucs could start the season with Gage, Mike Evans and Chris Godwin at full strength. That wasn’t the case last season for Tom Brady.

On Gage’s heels is veteran David Moore, the signee from the Seahawks. Not only does he know the new offense playcaller Dave Canales brought from Seattle, but he had a couple of touchdowns today and has stayed healthy.

17 Responses to “Russell Gage Returns”

  1. Bobby Says:

    Russell Gage, is a bust of a free agent signing for Bucs. Hope he enjoyed the pay checks he got from Bucs. His next contract and next team will be significantly less and his duration will be significantly less than with Bucs. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is out if the league after 2 seasons from now due to injuries and not being able to stay healthy. Give his contract money to Devin White!! At least Devin White is playing and hardly misses practice and game reps. Add Gags salary with Devin White’s 11.5 mil this season then we would have a happy Devin White and a dominant Devin White season this year. Why pay Gage for another injury riddled season!?? Waste if our limited salary cap money.

  2. Bobby Says:

    Yes I called him “Gags” instead of Gage. Him being regularly unavailable to play due to injuries bring’s that “Gag feeling” to myself and fellow Bucs fans.

  3. Go Bucs Says:

    Can’t wait for him to be back. He is good when he can play

  4. Salary Cap Hell Says:

    If he was cut tomorrow, No one would pick him up….

    He’s always injured what else is there to talk about…

  5. Defense Rules Says:

    Bobby … ‘Russell Gage, is a bust of a free agent signing for Bucs.’

    Unfair statement, unless your definition of ‘bust’ relates solely to money. Yes Gage was injured much of last season (not his fault any more than it was Jensen’s fault that he was injured before the season started), but Gage still gave us 13 games … 51 receptions (72.9%) for 426 yards, 5 TDs receiving (2nd on the team) plus 31 first downs & 529 snaps. That’s pretty decent productivity for someone who some are classifying as a ‘bust’.

    Compare his stats with the GROUP (1) Julio Jones (who cost us $6 mil), (2) Perriman ($1.27 mil), (3) Rudolph ($2 mil) & (4) Brate ($4 mil) … $13.27 mil for last year. TOGETHER they averaged 10 games and had a TOTAL of 56 catches (averaging 53.3%) for 611 yards, 4 TDs receiving, and 28 first downs.

    Based on that comparison, Gage was more productive & less expensive than the FOUR OF THEM. He’s also the only 1 of the 5 still standing with the Bucs. IF he can stay relatively healthy this season, Russell could very well end up being our leading scorer.

  6. Power Of Pewter Says:

    Didn’t Gage take a pay cut to stay with the Bucs? That’s a noble move fans should appreciate. I hope he stays healthy and has a good season. He could be a valuable #3 and depth.

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Good points, DR…….sometimes fans (and Joe) don’t look closely at players…..

    Their disappointment with Gage’s injuries cloud their judgement about the player’s contributions & abilities

  8. Bojim Says:

    Rather have Cancey back.

  9. Infomeplease Says:

    I don’t know how good Gage is. Last year l believe he was injured most every game, and played at less than reasonable health in most if not every game he suited up for. He didn’t have a history of injuries until he became a Buc. So there is some sort of hope he can get healthy and be productive in this new offense. We’ll see how that goes. He is versatile and can play slot so if he can get healthy he may make a very good 3 or 4 receiver. We’ll see how that goes!

  10. Reality BucFan Says:

    Return to what… Since we’ve signed Him He has done nothing to keep a spot on the team he is just as productive as our Rookie and actually Thompkins is better….. Let’s discuss

  11. Jeff Says:

    This guy. I bet he plays less than 3 games this year.

  12. Buster Says:

    Gage will be average sub par at best. Again Baker Mayfield. Running game has to be solid if not better than the receivers. Baker has a solid attitude. Dude wants to battle. It’s just talent and the NFC south which Baker will get a reoccurring beating if he’s lucky. Worried about Atlanta…alot

  13. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Unreliable China doll.

  14. BillyBucco Says:

    Wow way too many people have written him off.
    Go watch his highlights again.
    Dude is a great #3 or 4 to have.
    He isn’t taking anyones roster spot yet.
    I’ll reserve judgement until I see him at full speed again.

  15. garro Says:

    Lots of folks weighing in on Gage who haven done their homework.
    He played injured most of the year and still managed some decent stats.
    Just not what was expected for the price tag. Add in all the other crap from our offense last year and it amazes me that evans got his 1,000.

    What does concern me is a hamstring in OTAs. That lasted for months.

    Go Bucs!

  16. BucU Says:

    Gage has made many fans since he’s been here. He’s a worthless observer from the sidelines. The Bucs put out a video over tbe wknd showing the new “cooling” seats players can come and cool down in between sessions. We’ll guess who was the first Buc I saw lounging on the cooling seats while everybody else was practicing? I like him even less after seeing that.

  17. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Ditto to what DR said. He should have added “mic drop” at the end.

    Gage is not “injury prone” or a “bust”. The guy put up good numbers while playing through injuries, in a new system with a new QB to get in sync with. If it was CG or ME13 they’d be calling him “gutsy” not a bust.