Chris Godwin’s Favorite Post-College Purchase

July 8th, 2023

This one surprised Joe, and it probably would most Bucs fans.

Stud receiver Chris Godwin was the 2022 Tampa Bay recipient of the annual Ed Block Courage Award, which honors NFL team role models of inspiration, sportsmanship, and courage. Each team has its own vote to pick one winner.

No surprise that Godwin won.

And in honor of that “W,” Godwin sat down for an interview with the Ed Block Courage Award Foundation.

One eye-opening nugget emerged when Godwin was asked to name his favorite purchase after making it to the NFL. Many players might say a first car or a home for their parents, or a dream vacation. Godwin? He went with Lasik surgery to correct his vision.

Godwin explained that he “kind of had like blurry vision” through most high school and just thought that was how everyone saw the world. He noted that he was committed with a scholarship to Penn State before he corrected his vision with contact lenses.

Those lenses were a challenge to keep clean while playing football, Godwin said, so he was eager to spend rookie cash to fix his eyes. Godwin said he went from about 20-70 vision to 20-20.

Classic Godwin. That story fits with why former Bucs quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick calls Godwin the most unique rookie receiver he’s ever been around.

15 Responses to “Chris Godwin’s Favorite Post-College Purchase”

  1. stpetebucfan Says:

    Bucs fans should realize what an incredible pair of WR’s the Bucs have. We have all had the pleasure of enjoying two of the most talented receivers in the league who are also among the classiest at a position full of divas and the occasional sick arsehole like AB.

    These two guys are the best tandem in terms of being unselfish and successful since Lynn Swann and John Stallworth of the old Steeler Dynasty!

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    Chris and Mike are special. Too bad they spent years with JW and will be sentenced to hell with Traskfield. Wasted talent.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    Buc4evr – They both literally have had their best seasons with Winston, and both became ALL-PRO’s under him.

  4. Buccos Says:

    All Traskfield has to do is throw it in Evans general direction, preferably up high and he will come down with it. Godwin can also snatch anything thrown near him. Two supremely talented and hard working individuals who will possibly both wear yellow blazers some day. They could even go in together

  5. Buc4evr Says:

    I get it, but they didn’t have winning seasons or playoff appearances and didn’t get the respect that they deserved.

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Buc4evr – They both were voted as ALL-PRO’s with Winston, plus Evans made the probowl 3 times with Winston, and Godwin made it once. With Brady, the only thing either of them have is one pro-bowl vote for Evans.

    While I agree their national profile increased, just because of the way Brady spread the ball around and used his WR’s, neither were the stat monsters they were with Winston – which is absolutely not a dig at anyone. While Evans had a ton of TDs with Brady, he saw his average per reception and total production drop quite a bit. With Godwin, he had more receptions, but also saw a big drop in average, and in his case, TDs as well.

    I fear for both with the two QBs the team current has. Mayfield has been terrible the last two years, and Trask hasn’t done anything to make me think he’ll play well for any period of time if given a chance. With that said, Evans still managed to get 1000 yards and 12 TDs with Glennon and McCown throwing him the ball – so as long as those QBs can get the ball in his general area, he should still get his numbers. For Godwin, he can get his numbers if they just run a bunch of slants – something stupid Leftwich refused to do for some reason.

    The biggest concern, by far, is the injury history and the fact the Bucs always end up playing games missing their starters, and if that happens this year, ooof.

  7. unbelievable Says:

    @st Pete – 100%

    Super lucky. They’re both studs. And neither is a diva.

  8. Dooley Says:

    @Rod is correct, Godwins’ only Pro Bowl and the best statistical year of his career was in 2019. So just imagine if a third of Winston’s INTs led to TDs in 2019 how many more scores Mike or Chris would’ve had. I’m going to go re-evaluate my life now agreeing with Rod 😂😂😂

  9. ir8oldman Says:

    It all starts at the O-Line. Give ANYONE of the current Bucs QB’s the necessary time, the stud recivers we have (Present and up and coming) will be gaining chunk yards.. especially if they get the play-action going.

    Why not win more than 4 or 5? The annual pre-season optimism bug has me saying at least 9.

  10. BucU Says:

    Chris and Tristan Wirfs. I feel blessed they’re on my team.

  11. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Hats off to Jason Licht for his high character draft picks……so many WRs are divas and head cases…….beating spouses, drugs, wrecking cars….or half-naked jumping jacks during a game……

    None of this BS from Mike & Chris….

  12. Cobraboy Says:

    I had to wear contacts all through my football career. Hard lenses, soft lenses did not exist.

    Lights were problematic, as was dust and dirt.


    I played one game where a snowflake hit me in the eye right as the ball was snapped for a punt. Froze the lens for a second. Very Weird.

    LASIK at 50 was a god send.

  13. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    As usual, I agree with Rod Munch. Both Evans and Godwin did great with Winston.
    In fact, both Winston and Mayfield are prone to throwing Interceptions, but Winston has much more Firepower.
    I would have much rather seen the return of Winston to Tampa vs Mayfield.

  14. Slimy Toadface Says:

    Rod Munch hehehe…. Munch on this…..

  15. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Rod Munch “With Brady, the only thing either of them have is one pro-bowl vote for Evans”

    And a Super Bowl ring and 2 division titles aren’t bad either