Bucs Roster Gets Ugly Ranking

July 4th, 2023

Man oh man, the statheads really hate Bucs quarterbacks.

No, Joe is not referring to the PFF tribe or BSPN’s Numbers Guys, either.

Last week, Joe brought word that BSPN’s Numbers Guys, Mike Clay, a spreadsheeter, and Seth Walder, a guy who never met a number he didn’t like, were so down on Kyler Traskfield that they ranked the Bucs roster at No. 27, sixth-worst in the NFL.

It wasn’t that they thought the Bucs’ roster was that awful, it was that Traskfield dragged the Bucs down so much. After all, it is a quarterback league.

Many of Joe’s readers were appalled. Well, brace yourself, it gets worse.

Over at Sharp Football Analysis, Raymond Summerlin is so triggered by Traskfield, he ranked the Bucs roster third-worst in the NFL. And Summerlin confessed the roster as a whole isn’t that bad. But Traskfield is so lousy the Bucs ought to be in the Caleb Williams sweepstakes come January (#CollaspseForCaleb).

30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa’s roster is better than this ranking, but the quarterback situation is impossible to overlook. Baker Mayfield was one of the worst quarterbacks in the league last season, even in his “better” run with the Rams. Maybe Kyle Trask steps up and seizes the opportunity, but that feels like more of a wish than an expectation.

It seems the statheads are indirectly planning a vigil to witness Todd Bowles’ final weeks as an NFL head coach.

53 Responses to “Bucs Roster Gets Ugly Ranking”

  1. Buc4evr Says:

    Sad really because this team is talented with the exception of the QB. Wonder what The Bucs saw in Mayfield? His stats are horrible. Trask doesn’t seem to be the future from everything I’ve read? They could have signed Ryan , kept Gabbert or even signed Wentz as a bridge QB to get them through this year.
    Should be an interesting season, and not in a good way.

  2. JoeP Says:

    Surprised they’re even that high. QB room is absolute trash.

  3. Beej Says:

    I don’t think they’re any stats that can predict the outcome of this season: QB play might be GOOD, might be horrible. O-line changed might result in a GREAT line, or a horrible line. Edge rushers might be GOOD, might be horrible

  4. Bucsfan13 Says:

    @Beej. I agree it’s too early to make any proclamations. I’m dreading a huge injury before the season. You also have to take the schedule into account. Our schedule isn’t as bad as last year. I’m not a fan of Baker, but we most definitely have a better QB room than the Panthers, Falcons, and Commodores

  5. Bucsfan13 Says:

    I actually thought we should’ve kept Gabbert. He’s a great locker room guy. Bowles said he was one of his favorite players. Is Mayfield any better than Gabbert? I don’t think so. He has a strong arm and functional mobility like Mayfield. He already has the “aura and moxie.” Gabbert also makes boneheaded decisions…just like Baker.

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Low expectations set a low bar for our Bucs…….not always a bad thing to be an underdog.

  7. Bucnjim Says:

    Not sure why fans continue on this QB argument. This is the price you pay for winning a Super Bowl and I’m more than OK with that. It’s like saying why didn’t you get the prime steak for the 4th of July. Well, I only have $6 so hot dogs it is. It will be the best damn hotdog ever.

  8. Voice of Truth Says:

    Maybe it’s not just the qb – maybe it’s a reshuffled O line with a new coordinator, no depth at TE, #3 WR that’s injury prone, paper thin at RB

    On D we are counting on like 4 rookies and a DLine that is woefully small- no depth at S and the diva question at ILB – BTW we lost to the panthers, falcons and commodores with their weak QBs

    Let’s not forget the worst special teams coach in the nfl

    And the HC with 4 straight losing seasons

    So true, We should be ranked top 15? 20? LOL

    Six wins max

  9. Cobraboy Says:

    Life sucks when you’re still on the books for $35 million for a QB that took the team to a Lombardi.

    I, for one, do not have low expectations. I have no expectations. This is a season of just sucking it up to move forward out of cap hell next season.

    We knew this day was coming, so no one should complain.

  10. NCBucfan Says:

    Mayfield is who he is. An average at best QB. Don’t we want to see what we have in Trask? Bakers best season was 2020, and he couldn’t even beat a Mahomes less chiefs team(2nd half),in the divisional rd. Mayfield has shown, even with a good to great team around him, his ceiling is still relatively low. Give Trask a shot.

  11. gp Says:

    An excellent O-line can make a so-so QB look good
    An excellent QB can make a so-so line look good

    So-so for both is a recipe for a below average season

    The talent build this season leans to the O-line supporting the QB
    Still too many question marks there to say they will be able to carry whichever QB wins the ‘competition’ though

  12. shankasorous Says:

    Oh, look, Joe gracing us with more opinions in 2023 from guys who opined in 2022 that the Bucs would be in the Super Bowl. Where does one apply for these jobs?

  13. Bucnjim Says:

    Cobraboy, I don’t see any reason we can’t be like the Steelers and Ravens. Stay competitive while rebuilding I’ll take that. 9-8 would be great with me!

  14. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Are qb of the future isn’t in the roster

  15. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    2024 qb that is

  16. Bucnjim Says:

    Also happy 4th how many years is it now? I’ve been around this site since Barrett Ruud was LB. Man, I’m getting OLD!

  17. shankasorous Says:

    Joe keeps presenting opinions that Traskfield sucks. OK. So why is Moxie Mayfield even here? What’s the upside? I see none.

  18. gp Says:

    ******I, for one, do not have low expectations. I have no expectations. ***************************************************************

    I’m in the same camp
    Not expecting the worst case scenario
    Hoping for the best case, but not expecting that either
    Waiting to see what we will see

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    @Bucnjim: the difference is the Stillers and Crows have Tomlin and Harbaugh…and the Bucs are stuck with Bowles in 2023.

    Massive difference.

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    Summerlin … ‘Maybe Kyle Trask steps up and seizes the opportunity, but that feels like more of a wish than an expectation.’

    Based on that ONE statement about Trask, Kyle gets his photo right under the ‘Bucs Roster Gets Ugly Ranking’ title as the poster child for this article. Rather than Baker Mayfield earning Joe’s ‘face of the article’ prize based on Summerlin’s comment about Mayfield being ‘one of the worst quarterbacks in the league last season, even in his “better” run with the Rams.’ Tell us again Joe why it’s so obvious that Mayfield gets the starting nod to begin the season.

    I can understand their low ranking based on the huge number of questions surrounding this roster right now … ‘not just the QBs’ like Voice of Truth wrote. We’re paying the price for several years of spending like crazy to stock the roster for our SB runs, and agree with Cobraboy that ‘We knew this day was coming, so no one should complain.’

    I for one choose to believe that we’ll be better than their #27 ranking, but probably still only end up ranking in the ‘middle third’. Still guessing somewhere between 10-7 and 7-10. Our schedule isn’t super-tough & we do have some pretty decent starting talent in many positions. A LOT of questions remain to be answered, but hey, it’s just early July. We haven’t even started preseason yet. We’ve got a LOT of young unproven players, and this is a great opportunity for at least some of them to shine.

  21. FrontFour Says:

    What’s funny is everyone acknowledges we’re in cap hell, inexperienced/weak roster with no money and if we don’t win Bowles has to go. He got dumped on by the BA-TB-BL Triad and an old, slow D line and no O line. And yeah, he screwed the pooch not letting TB take a shot end of the Cleveland game, but with that offensive braintrust I’m faulting him less in hindsight than I did during the game.

  22. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Joe is a real Debbie downer this year.

  23. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    I don’t think it’s Joe’s job to hype up the fans. That’s on us. I’d rather have what’s being said by the “experts” than a bunch of homer BS.

  24. CrackWise Says:

    DR, Thanks for busting Joes Footballs

    You have article that say Baker is the reason this Roster is Ugly. So, let’s use a Kyle pic so that the reading challenged this the Roster is Ugly because of Kyle.

    Someone at JBF is taking notes from the Brandon Admin.

    Anyways, IF you put a picture of Kyle and Baker side by side. Kyle wins the eyeball test for NATURAL Leader.

  25. Buc4evr Says:

    Just hope that Canales can work magic with Baker and install an offense that limits his mistakes. I hate to watch little QBs with happy feet. Lol.

  26. sasquatch Says:

    Ranking wanking… it’s that season where people have nothing better to do than make lists… absolutely worthless information.

  27. Defense Rules Says:

    BTW Bleacher Report ran an interesting article yesterday titled ‘NFL Teams That Are Failing Their Rebuild Plans in 2023’. Would you believe that our Bucs came in at #5 on their list, right behind the Packers, Rams, Jets & Titans?

    Here’s what I thought was the most interesting part of their analysis on the Bucs … Quote –

    ‘By retaining players like Dean, Nelson and David—not to mention impending 2024 free agents and potential trade chips Mike Evans and Devin White—Licht is trying to remain relevant in 2023. That’s perhaps good for his immediate job security but not for the long-term health of the franchise.

    The Buccaneers could win the NFC South again this season, but they’re not going to challenge for a Super Bowl. That will leave them without a shot at a blue-chip quarterback prospect and with a very sticky financial situation next offseason.

    Players like Evans, White, Mayfield, David, Antoine Winfield Jr. and Ryan Neal will be free agents in 2024. The Buccaneers, meanwhile, are projected to have just $12.1 million in cap space next year.

    Faced with a choice between tearing it down and trying to reload, Licht picked the middle road. As noted earlier, being in the middle is not where a franchise should hope to be.’ Unquote

    So according to BR, Bucs chose a middle-of-the-road approach that’ll end up relegating us to mediocrity for years to come. Personally I think that’s an unnecessarily negative viewpoint. No question in my mind that we’re just now entering the heart of the storm, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t weather it successfully and come out stronger on the other side.

  28. Beej Says:

    The absolute stupidity of the endless statements that we may not give Trask “a chance” is hurting my head. WHY WOULD BOWLES PUT THE BETTER QB ON THE BENCH? If we suck this year it will likely be his last. Trask is #2 now, and we’ll finally get to see him in preseason games.

  29. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Who the hell is Raymond Summerlin?

  30. Joe Says:

    ‘By retaining players like Dean, Nelson and David—not to mention impending 2024 free agents and potential trade chips Mike Evans and Devin White—Licht is trying to remain relevant in 2023. That’s perhaps good for his immediate job security but not for the long-term health of the franchise.

    Been over this many, many times. Unless Todd Bowles has written assurance from Team Glazer, does anyone really think he wants to be fired and to never be a head coach again in the NFL? Sure, the big picture is the Bucs should be tanking for a quarterback (only alleged by one Joe). Unfortunately, the head coach needs wins. And that’s likely why Devin White is safe (for now).

  31. JD Still Says:

    I hold these prognosticators,( scribes who talk among themselves and magically come to the same baseless conclusions),in the same low esteem I hold the baseball scribes , who picked the Yankees to win the AL East and the Rays to finish last, there are just too many variables and unknowns in a roster composed of dozens of individuals , and as far as picking the success of quarterbacks We all have our favorites and can argue the merits of each ,but did any of these learned scribes pick the rookie Purdy to lead SanFrancisco into the Super Bowl or Gino Smith to play so well in Seattle? I don’t think so, ( and let’s not even talk about quarterbacks who failed to meet expectations), It might be better just to wait until after a few weeks in pads ,and a few preseason and regular season games to make any long term guesses about the success or failure of teams.

  32. Eric Says:

    Why every time it’s a negative national story Joe always show a picture of Trask? Inaccurate. –Joe
    It’s a team sport we get it Joe think all of sudden Baker is going to become a top 5 QB lol! But to continue to use your platform to make the fan base feel like Trask is just horrible is pretty classless!

  33. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Bucs won’t admit it, but they are in a rebuild year. They got rid of most of their old players and working through dead cap money this year. Licht knows the only way to fix the QB position is to draft one in next’ year’s first round. The only reason Mayfield was picked up was to give Tod Bowles a fighting chance to keep his job as HC. I am guessing Bucs will fire him unless he his north of 9 wins.

    Mayfield can pretend to a leader but once the Bucs start losing, he’ll be in the doghouse. Trask has yet to show anything but a 3rd string QB. Highly doubt he becomes a starter in the NFL.

  34. Caleb M Says:

    At first it all bothered me. Now I think every one of these negative articles chucks another piece of wood on the motivation fire for these boys.

    They will definitely be looking to make a few statements on the field.

  35. Oneilbuc Says:

    Alabamabuc. And guess what it will be another 10 year rebuild just like last time. I hope they don’t draft a quarterback next year especially in the first round. Again what give you any indication that they are going to develop that quarterback? The only thing the bucs has been doing is ruining the careers of those young quarterbacks. We have to face the facts bro we are the worst franchise in NFL history when it comes to quarterbacks. We are worst than Cleavand and The Jets because at least they can go back to at least one quarterback in their franchise history we can’t even do that!!

  36. David Says:

    There is no hope with Baker but Trask have a year or two to show what they have in him. He might shock these NFL critics.

  37. Destinjohnny Says:

    The free agent parade is over
    We get one player every third draft.
    Maybe we can get another Brady?

  38. Crickett Baker Says:

    We have a new guy who has a LOT of successful experience coaching QBs. Why not give him a chance?? Why not give him some positivity??

    I can see “numbers guys” saying Kyle is awful. He is in his third year. How many touchdowns has he thrown? How many completions has he had? lol

  39. Destinjohnny Says:

    It’s not that
    We don’t have the team talent

  40. westernbuc Says:

    It’s apparent to me that Baker Mayfield is triggering to certain types of men and this is how they retaliate against their own insecurities

  41. Craig Says:

    Sad that everyone is down on Trask because he sat behind Brady and football politics put Gabbert ahead of him.

    They, like us, have nothing to base those bad connotations on. Maybe Trask is trash, but we need to see him play before we can find anything to prove it on.

  42. Craig Says:

    The rest of the team is as big of a ?mark as Trask is; and has less chance of having a strong season.

    The O-line might be okay, but has little chance of being great because we have super young or super old guys there. Maybe next year the young guys will be strong enough for the job, but the old guys will be gone by then.

    The D-line has only one guy with a nationally known name and he is rehabbing a bad knee. The rest are just potential.

    The LBs still have a detriment in their midst, Devin White. He can’t be trusted to tackle someone so cannot be the last line to stop big gains.

    The D-backs and safeties are the best part of the team, but the special teams have never been very special.

  43. Defense Rules Says:

    DestinJohnny … ‘We don’t have the team talent’.

    I can partially agree with that Johnny (especially when it comes to our DEPTH), but it certainly doesn’t apply across the board. Just look at our defense. Starting Secondary and starting ILBs look to be pretty strong. The center of our DLine (Vea & Gaines) can surely hold their own. We may have some question-marks at the DE/OLB positions, but there is talent there. Whether or not they get the job done is anyone’s guess at this point.

    Our OLine has several starters (Wirfs, Jensen & Feiler) who could surely start for virtually any NFL team. Yes we’ve got several youngsters on our OLine who need to step up, but so does every NFL team. I’m enthusiastic about our WR group, but admittedly our TE, RB & QB groups concern me. But at the same time, there’s talent there & all we need is for several to step up & have a good year.

    I admit that I’m less than enthusiastic about our DEPTH at virtually every position group, but given our salary CAP situation I doubt anyone could’ve done better than JL has done. All we can do is just let it play out now & hope for the best.

  44. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Defense Rules on Bleacher Report yeah they have a point.

    Would they do this in effort to save HC’s job? Do you buy that? Not sure I do 100%.

    To me it smells like a gamble on the QB room. They think they have something where as everyone else thinks they don’t.

    “Players like Evans, White, Mayfield, David, Antoine Winfield Jr. and Ryan Neal will be free agents in 2024. The Buccaneers, meanwhile, are projected to have just $12.1 million in cap space next year.”

    They’ll restructure and do some things. Not everyone is going to be back. Also makes me believe they don’t see Mayfield as the long term solution. If I didn’t know any better I’d say it looks like they’re all in on Trask.

    Of course thing may always change depending on performance on the field.

    Trask plays well a lot of pieces fall into place. If it craters they’ll unload and rebuild in 2024. If Mayfield has a renaissance he’s going to sign elsewhere for big money. To me that’s the worst case scenario – bad draft pick and no QB.

    Don’t think it won’t happen – Baker will go with the big money and the big market 10 out of 10 times.

  45. Defense Rules Says:

    Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan … ‘Trask plays well a lot of pieces fall into place. If it craters they’ll unload and rebuild in 2024. If Mayfield has a renaissance he’s going to sign elsewhere for big money. To me that’s the worst case scenario – bad draft pick and no QB.’

    That’s exactly the options that I see, and why I’m admittedly HOPING that Trask gets the starting nod from the git-go AND plays well. Every other scenario appears to be far less desirable.

  46. Defense Rules Says:

    Oh and BTW, I’m a believer that ALL HCs want to win and will make the best choices that they feel will help them to win. Bowles is no exception & will pick the QB who he believes will help the team win.

    Some have said that the Panthers were trying to tank at the start of last year but IMO that’s BS. They were trying to win but just didn’t have the horses (with Mayfield leading them to a 1-5 record). Once he was shipped out after Game 9, the Panthers went 5-3 the rest of the way. Terrible job of tanking if that was their goal.

  47. Scott Says:

    Trask may be the next Kirk Cousins in my opinion

  48. Rod Munch Says:

    If you don’t have a QB, you don’t have a chance.

    And the Bucs don’t have a QB.

    This is easily the worst QB situation this team has had since 2014, when they last got the #1 pick.

  49. garro Says:

    Regurgitated national media BS.
    Trolling for clicks Joe?

    Go Bucs!

  50. garro Says:

    @Rod Munch

    “This is easily the worst QB situation this team has had since 2014, when they last got the #1 pick.”

    Sad but have to agree.
    Pre 2014 just for kicks.

    1976 Steve Spurrier (12) / Parnell Dickinson (1) / Terry Hanratty (1)
    1977 Randy Hedberg (4) / Gary Huff (6) / Jeb Blount (4)
    1978 Doug Williams (10) / Mike Boryla (1) / Mike Rae (5)
    1983 Jerry Golsteyn (3) / Jack Thompson (13)
    1984 Jack Thompson (3) / Steve DeBerg (13)
    1987 Steve DeBerg (8) / John Reaves (2) / Jim Zorn (1) / Vinny Test
    1991 Vinny Testaverde (12) / Chris Chandler (3) / Jeff Carlson (1)
    1993 Steve DeBerg (1) / Craig Erickson (15)
    1994 Craig Erickson (14) / Trent Dilfer (2)
    1999 Trent Dilfer (10) / Shaun King (5) / Eric Zeier (1)
    2005 Brian Griese (6) / Chris Simms (10)
    2006 Chris Simms (3) / Bruce Gradkowski (11) / Tim Rattay (2)
    2009 Byron Leftwich (3) / Josh Johnson (4) / Josh Freeman (9)
    2013 Josh Freeman (3) / Mike Glennon (13)
    2014 Josh McCown (11) / Mike Glennon (5)

    Go Bucs!

  51. garro Says:

    @Rod Munch

    “This is easily the worst QB situation this team has had since 2014, when they last got the #1 pick.”

    Sad but have to agree.
    Pre 2014 just for kicks.

    1976 Steve Spurrier / Parnell Dickinson / Terry Hanratty
    1977 Randy Hedberg / Gary Huff / Jeb Blount
    1978 Doug Williams / Mike Boryla / Mike Rae
    1983 Jerry Golsteyn / Jack Thompson
    1984 Jack Thompson / Steve DeBerg
    1987 Steve DeBerg / John Reaves / Jim Zorn / Vinny Testaverde
    1991 Vinny Testaverde / Chris Chandler / Jeff Carlson
    1993 Steve DeBerg / Craig Erickson
    1994 Craig Erickson / Trent Dilfer
    1999 Trent Dilfer / Shaun King / Eric Zeier
    2005 Brian Griese / Chris Simms
    2006 Chris Simms / Bruce Gradkowski / Tim Rattay
    2009 Byron Leftwich / Josh Johnson / Josh Freeman
    2013 Josh Freeman / Mike Glennon
    2014 Josh McCown / Mike Glennon

    Go Bucs!

  52. TB2023 Says:

    Oh look a bunch of Baker haters. Y’all sound like teenagers still trying to figure out what emotions are… Pessimistic and depressed like goth kids. To see grown men cry all at once like this, it’s like a beautiful symphony, or the exact opposite still working through that one…

    Dear Baby Jesus, help us.

  53. Buc4Life Says:

    They not a good team. See what Trask can do for a couple seasons and build around him. Yeah Bowles is not going to be that patient, which makes him a bad coach.