Todd Bowles Has A Timetable For Naming A Starting Quarterback

June 15th, 2023

Has a QB timeline.

Today is the final day of minicamp. The next time the Bucs are seen on the practice fields of One Buc Palace will be in six weeks for training camp.

Training camp is more of a theory in the 21st century. No two-a-days, no camping at a college campus, it’s roughly 17 practices, maybe lasting through just before the second worthless preseason game.

So when will Baker Mayfield or Kyle Trask be named the starting quarterback for the season-opener at Minneapolis? Bucs coach Todd Bowles has an idea, so he explained yesterday after underwear football practice.

“Some time during camp or right after camp, there will be a decision made,” Bowles said. “It’s still a quarterback competition right now.

“I’m not going to award [anybody] in shorts and t-shirts.”

Joe isn’t sure if anyone else is catching it, but Bowles has let frustration show from time to time during underwear football season. He clearly has a strong desire to see his team begin hitting people. Joe finds it amusing.

There is only so much coaches can get out of underwear football before it starts annoying them.

Joe sure is ready for the pads to come on. Will Mayfield or Trask be?

23 Responses to “Todd Bowles Has A Timetable For Naming A Starting Quarterback”

  1. D-Rome Says:

    Six weeks? Sheesh, I don’t like this time of year for sports. No NHL, NBA, NFL. MLB I suppose if I want to hear about launch angle and exit velocity. Might be time for me to become a fan of Major League Soccer since there’s no Premier League.

  2. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I will pull for whoever is named the starter because they are a Buccaneer. If I could pull for Jameis, either of these guys will be easy. I hope.

  3. Lt. Dan Says:

    Happy to hear that Coach Bowles is showing frustration. Maybe he’s not a flat liner after all.?

  4. Adam’s Angry Says:

    “If you have 2 quarterbacks, you have no quarterbacks.”

  5. Bucswin Says:

    The eagles had two qbs. It got them a ring.

  6. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    ““Some time during camp or right after camp, there will be a decision made,” Bowles said. “It’s still a quarterback competition right now.”

    He’s a LIAR.


    Bucswin Says
    “The eagles had two qbs. It got them a ring.”

    And it is unlikely to work again.

  7. John Sinclear Says:

    “The second worthless preseason game”

    Huh! They may be worthless to you, Joe, but to a bunch of players trying to make the roster, and to a couple of guys wanting to be QB-1, those games are PRICELESS!

  8. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    tHIS WORRIES ME BECAUSE cANALES SHOULD make the decision not Bowles.

  9. DoooshLaRue Says:


    I’m sure Canales will have a big part in the decision.
    It’s the HC’s job to make that announcement.

  10. micanopy Says:

    “I’m not going to award anybody in shorts and t-shirts.”

    Said Joe never.

  11. micanopy Says:

    “If you have 2 quarterbacks, you have no quarterbacks.”

    That’s cute but stupid. NFL teams without an obvious starter have quarterback competitions all the time. Especially with new OC and an entirely new offense coming in. In fact, many positions on an NFL football team have annual competitions to determine the starter.

  12. micanopy Says:

    Is Joe down on the preseason games – “worthless” – because they might be an avenue for Trask to shine? Hmm.

  13. Hodad Says:

    Underwear football is worthless to Joe. When training camp begins it isn’t tough enough for Joe, he played with a leather helmet. Of course Joe would say preseason is worthless, the games don’t count. Wish Joe would enlighten us all as to how you get ready for the real games if you don’t do the OTA’s, training camp, and preseason?

  14. Joe Says:

    When training camp begins it isn’t tough enough for Joe

    That’s not true. Why make things up?

    Wish Joe would enlighten us all as to how you get ready for the real games if you don’t do the OTA’s, training camp, and preseason?

    When exactly did Joe write that? Joe didn’t say OTAs or underwear football or training camp were worthless.

    So go ahead and explain in detail how important underwear football is for linemen when they can’t even touch anyone? Hell, even Todd Bowles has said this. Sure, linemen can work on fundamentals of footwork and hand placement but explain to Joe how you can judge an offensive lineman when he’s not allowed to block? Or a defensive lineman when he’s not allowed to shed a block or tackle? Does a batter in baseball get better if he just stands at the plate in batting practice because he’s not allowed to swing a bat? Or a basketball player improving his shot by just standing on the floor because he’s not allowed to shoot? Don’t be silly.

    Preseason games *are* worthless unless you think needless injuries are somehow cool and a good thing.

  15. Tye Says:

    This is humorous!
    They chose the starter when they signed Baker….
    NO confidence in Trask…

  16. Dooley Says:

    “So go ahead and explain in detail how important underwear football is for linemen when they can’t even touch anyone?”

    I mean, pretty useful for a team who’s best OLmen is switching sides and has to polish his technique all while learning an entirely new blocking scheme in a relatively short amount of time. Repetition is key for anything worth learning with the goal of getting good at it, but apparently that doesn’t matter to you which is kind of weird considering you’ve got access to practices. Preseason may not mean much to spectators/sports writers, but to guys looking to fulfill that dream of being in the NFL it’s an opportunity to showcase whether they belong or not. Don’t have to like the process, but at least respect the players who bust their butts to entertain us.

  17. Jagerbombz69 Says:

    Preseason games *are* worthless unless you think needless injuries are somehow cool and a good thing.

    That’s funny, last time I checked, your offense playing against your defense is just another way of staying one dimensional. if you take away the opportunity of playing against other teams and their formations, you’re setting everyone up for more failures.

  18. Joe Says:

    That’s funny, last time I checked, your offense playing against your defense is just another way of staying one dimensional. if you take away the opportunity of playing against other teams and their formations, you’re setting everyone up for more failures.

    That’s why teams hold scrimmages against other teams (unless you are Lovie Smith). Coaches regularly say they get much more out of those than preseason games.

  19. Jagerbombz69 Says:

    That’s why teams hold scrimmages against other teams (unless you are Lovie Smith). Coaches regularly say they get much more out of those than preseason

    then cut those preseason games to say, halftime of one solid quarter.
    but don’t totally get rid of them. and it also helps with useless injuries.

  20. Curse of Gruden Says:

    After the bye?

  21. Cover deuce Says:

    Sometime during or after camp so the normal time you’d expect. Really illuminating stuff

  22. garro Says:

    JoeI disagree with your stance on preseason games. To some degree they help the coaches and staff determine depth players and borderline roster guys many of whom go to the practice squad and later are moved to the active roster. Some guys every year show that they have no shot during preseason games, others show promise. Scotty Miller comes to mind. If they can’t perform well enough for the Bucs under the lights, they at least have some tape for another team to look at.

  23. garro Says:

    I agree with you Joe
    Training camp has become a joke.
    Limited practice time.
    Limited live hitting.
    Limited live tackling.
    Limited live blocking.
    Limtied live special teams.
    Early in recent NFL seasons we have looked sloppy because of it. I think this is one reason BA had our guys on two fields at the same time.
    Thank you NFLPA.