Interior Letdown

December 12th, 2021

Ndamukong Suh

Joe is not urinating on the ecstasy of tonight’s thrilling win. The Bucs are 10-3, a franchise-best start.

However, it’s worth exploring what went so wrong for the Bucs defense in the second half.

Joe hasn’t watched film or a game replay yet, but Joe’s game notes sure are littered with comments about the interior of the Buccaneers’ defensive line having a rough day. A week after Ndamukong Suh and Vita Vea combined for four sacks in Atlanta, today they combined for one tackle and one quarterback hit. Vea also was credited for a pass defense on a ball Bills QB Josh Allen threw into his chest.

Yes, Allen is an unpredictable handful in the run game, but running backs Matt Breida and Devin Singletary quietly combined for 64 yards on just 7 carries.

Also, Joe saw several times when Vea and Suh got 1-on-1 pass rush opportunities and didn’t do anything with them.

Could it have been the heat? Joe is being serious. Joe wagged a finger at those who even thought the overblown heat index collectively would affect the Bills (it obviously didn’t), but what about the manbeast Bucs in the middle of the defense?

Joe is eager to see the film — and eager for Suh and Vea to shake off this game and get after New Orleans on Sunday night.

45 Responses to “Interior Letdown”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    However, it’s worth exploring what went so wrong for the Bucs defense in the second half.


    3rd quarter = 0 points
    4th quarter = 3 points

    That’s what went wrong. Stupid Leftwich doing his weekly shell game… here the Bucs get out to a big lead and that idiot goes into a shell, tries running out the clock with 13 mins left in the 3rd quarter.

  2. Zzbuc Says:

    I agree Joe!
    Happy for the win!!
    But there are some things Bucs should correct
    Bad coverage and Bad tackling.

  3. Dking Says:

    Maybe we should sign America’s quarterback to play defense because this page thinks he can do no wrong

  4. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I’m praying for a complete game by the Bucs. What an amazing sight that will be.

  5. Leighroy Says:

    The heat?! And you’re being serious? So it’s that, for a game 70% played at night time, and not a mobile qb… okay. You had me until that paragraph

  6. Bucfan Says:

    Munch –
    So you don’t think that the Bills didn’t come out with more intensity in the 2nd half knowing that their season was teetering on the brink if they lost?

    Sometimes we just have to give the other teams some credit as it isn’t always on the Bucs. To me it looked like our Defense was exhausted, especially in the 4th quarter.

  7. PassingThru Says:

    I don’t know, Joe. Some if it in the second half was the defense being clearly gassed, they were on the field too long. Part of it was containment, you want to rush the QB but not create running lanes for Josh Allen.

  8. Ben green Says:

    Ben still sees effort issues along the defensive front. With a chance to repeat for the first time since 03-04, it’s really embarrassing. And if y’all expect NO to roll over, think again. For some strange reason, division games at the end of the year are always dogfights. It’s not a familiarity thing either, which is the common nomenclature

  9. JimmyJack Says:

    Rod Munch. The Bucs were pass heavy in the second half. Your comment is just plain ignorant. And we even took 2 shots downfield. Tom missed em both, one to Gronk one to Godwin.

    Oh and we also went for it on a 4th down with a 3 TD lead. I really think you have brain damage to call that running out the clock.

  10. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Rod Muncher, you stupid, idiotic, dope. Think you can do better? You’re so full of yourself. A lot of that was on Brady. He gets bored after a big lead and needs some adversity in order to focus. He took a few gambles instead of simply getting 1st downs and he was off in the second half. Did you even watch the game?

  11. JimmyJack Says:

    By my count nearly 2 to 1 pass ratio in the second half. 19 passes 10 runs.

    I know some of yall hate Byron but lets not manufacture lies and try to spread them within the fanbase.

  12. Leighroy Says:

    I see effort issues by pats fans posting on Bucs blogs. Go away Ben. Not a single Bucs fan has ever (literally ever) expected New Orleans to roll over for us.

  13. ModHairKen Says:

    Munch is right. But Brady also had some bad throws, some of which were caused by blocked passing lanes and some were just bad. That led to drive stops.

    This was inches away from wing a loss. But it wasn’t. Win was won. Fix stuff and beat NO next week and take the division.

  14. Irishmist Says:

    I think some Patriots fans are secretly afraid they’re going to meet up with Brady in the Super Bowl… and get their butts kicked.

  15. steele Says:

    Looking forward to more analysis, Joe. Things went very ugly at around 10 min. into the 3Q. Defense clearly, but offense as well. This game should have been over and done with. But a win is a win. Let’s hope they peak and are healthy for the stretch.

  16. Bojim Says:

    Dking. Jameis is gone. Quit bringing him up.

  17. Brandon Says:


    Leftwich and Brady’s problem is they didn’t run. And Brady snapped the ball with 20 seconds left on the play clock. Poor play calling by pass happy BL, terrible audibles by Brady and worse execution. The Golden Boy is far from perfect and played terribly in the 2nd half.

  18. Will Says:

    I’m not blaming the defense THIS TIME they gave the offense 2 shorts fields and got nothing in return. Brady was a bit off in the 2nd half and it almost bit us in the butt but he got it together in OT and brought it home after the defense made a stop. I didn’t like how close it was but I’ll take an ugly win any day.

  19. Mike Johnson Says:

    Lookahere Joe, The Bucs did not play slouches today. The Bills showed guts coming back. The O line for them Bills are tough. They have good players. But the best given just a little time. Our Defense held their own. Did not look like it at times but they did. Yes, There is such a thing as an ugly win. But I’ll take it every Sunday.

  20. firethecannons Says:

    different offensive lines give different challenges–some times it works for us sometimes not so much 2nd half the bills got the ball out fast and made adjustments

  21. DavidBigBucFan99 Says:

    The boys have proven that even when they are struggling and down a lot of players that they can still win. Don’t count them out no matter what it looks like. They bounce back when they look on the way out

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Here’s the 2nd half brilliance of Leftwich…

    4 PLAYS, 8 YARDS, 1:19

    5 PLAYS, 13 YARDS, 2:36

    11 PLAYS, 84 YARDS, 5:51

    3 PLAYS, 1 YARD, 0:59

    5 PLAYS, 10 YARDS, 1:48

    1 PLAY, -1 YARD, 0:22

    Going into a shell doesn’t only mean running it up the middle, it also means calling plays that you know only give Brady a limited area to throw to, because the last thing you want is the GOAT freelancing and showing you up.

    If you don’t think Leftwich is a problem, then maybe watch Brady always having a complete look of disgust on his face when stupid Leftwich is calling in plays. Leftwich has zero feel for the game, he gets bailed out by his QB play, be it Brady or Winston. When Leftwich goes and gets a job somewhere else, his offenses are going to always be in the late 20s, early 30s, because he stinks. Just like when he was OC in Arizona and they had the worst offense in football. God, what I’d give to have Arians actually call the plays instead of just helping with the first few series — you know, like early in the game when the Bucs often mix things up, have a variety of plays, and generally move the ball. Then, once they get past that, and it’s all on Leftwich, you get what you see today. We saw the same thing last week at Atlanta.

  23. Izod Says:

    Had the Bills not come out flat in the first half, undoubtedly a hangover from the New England embarrassment, this might’ve been a VERY different outcome… more like the Rams game.

  24. SB Says:

    What Went Wrong??????????????
    Are you kidding me here?
    The offense went How many 3 and outs???
    The D was gassed.
    MORE important by FAR is what happened to the Offense in the second half

  25. Defense Rules Says:

    This was the whole team … offense, defense & S/Ts … having brain farts at some of the worst times. Bucs’ offense was totally in control in the 1st half, in every conceivable stat. That allowed our beat-up, middle-of-the-pack #16 defense to pace themselves, and they did very well I thought keeping Buffalo’s #5 offense in check.

    Then came the 2nd half, and instead of going for the throat, the Bucs rolled over & played dead-bug. Total Dr Jekyll-Mr Hyde act. Sorry, but that’s on coaching … offense, defense & S/Ts. Thankfully we didn’t manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in this one like we’ve done so many times in the past. But it was uncomfortably close. One DPI call on that 3rd-down play before the game-tying FG & Bucs’ fans would all be crying in their beers.

  26. SB Says:

    Whoever was in charge of Second half adjustments Phocked up.
    It wasn’t broke and they tried to fix it.

  27. unbelievable Says:

    Here what went wrong:

    The offense mustered 3 points, even with super short fields. Defense was out there the entire half. That’s no good.

  28. Craig Says:

    The game reminded me too much of the Lost Decade, except we won.

    The Bills have a helluva team, and good coaching. That coaching did their job and found a few lanes for runners.

    Our interior D-line guys cannot make quick direction changes, too much weight heading in one direction. The Bills exploited that, cut backs right after getting past that immovable object and before the outside linebacker perimeter, needed because Josh Allen is Josh Allen.

    The inside backers, especially White, were out of position. It is their faults, not the interior line.

  29. HC Grover Says:

    Watch what happens when Tryon is in the game. That is THE problem.

  30. webster Says:

    Rod you are an idiot. You are the same idiot who says brady disregard bl play calls and call his own plays when things go good. Yet today you are blaming bl when the plays go wrong. Why didnt the goat disregard bl and “call his own plays” in the second half today? Oh thats right cause that s#!+$ on your narrative. its a TEAM game moron and the other team is paid millions too. The bucs is 1st in scoring and 1st in offense but you want to call bl an idiot. I guess its because bl is black. Thats why it is said a black man has to do 10 times better than a white man just to get the same credit as a white a man that does 10 times less than a black. So having the best offense is not good enough for you

  31. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Bengreen calls the d-front “embarrassing”…coming from a tulip who has a millenial daughter/single mom still living in his basement and using him as daycare? That’s rich…and outstanding!

    The problem as I see is it that The Bucs didn’t finish them off ( another chance before half after Sherman’s pick ) and every single team makes a run in the NFL these days. The line was likely gassed pash rushing on each and every play. They also had to chase Josh Allen all over the field as well.

    Escaping with a win will serve them better than a low effort win in my opinion.

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    webster Says:
    December 12th, 2021 at 10:35 pm
    Rod you are an idiot. You are the same idiot who says brady disregard bl play calls and call his own plays when things go good.


    Dope, do you watch the games? Brady literally audibles out of Leftwich’s plays all the time. It’s Brady that looks at stupid Leftwich with complete disgust when he calls a TO with 50 seconds left in the 1st half when Brady wanted to hurry up get to the LOS while the Bills didn’t have their 3rd down defense on the field.

    You’re a complete moron if you watch the games and never see any of that. But wait, you ARE a complete moron, so it makes sense. LOL!

  33. Coburn Says:

    Completely agree rod. The eyeball test was that they were playing it way too safe in second half and let their foot off the gas aside from a couple missed shots. Swear they barely even looked Evans way after doing so well in Frist half. Not the first time. Sometimes the Bucs are the only ones that take Evans out. Think he has that nice slant in 3rd quarter but that last crucial drive before they gave it back in 4th would have been perfect place to try it again. Never looked his way

  34. bucschamp Says:

    there was no doubt bucs D gonna stop that OT drive by bills and were gonna score next.

  35. Sorryjackchuckiesback Says:

    They were trying to contain more than get after the QB (although they didn’t contain very well) … It’s the white blitzes (who is OBVIOUSLY playing REALLY hurt! You can even see him limp as he runs) and corner blitzes that were supposed to get there

  36. Stone crab sam Says:

    People have their ups and downs Joe, they’re not machines my man.

  37. adam from ny Says:


    rod munch is pretty much correct with most stuff he said….

    i guess some people don’t really see what’s going on and aren’t really watching the game intently

  38. LakelandSteve Says:

    Let’s put on the brakes here. Blaming Leftwich is stupid. We had plays to be made and we didn’t make them. Brady missed some wide open receivers in the second half that would have been first downs. The defense really got gashed with the run. Granted we were in all out pass rush mode but we did not adjust to the run in the second half. It seems like Bowles is great at making second half adjustments when the D isn’t playing well in the first half but he sucks at in game adjustments. We did not adjust at all to the little pulling guard play they ran in the second half. The defensive end was turning the ball back inside but their absolutely was no inside pursuit to the ball.

  39. T REX Says:

    Devin white is Charmin soft

  40. orlbucfan Says:

    I said it yesterday, and I’ll say it again: the Bills are NOT cupcakes! Thank every football god and law of nature that 44 y. o. Brady did not throw a pick 6! That would have sunk the Bucs. I’m glad they won but Brady looked his age at times.

  41. Steve fan Says:

    The Bucs secondary is the worst. How do opposing receivers make receptions with no Buc in sight within 5 yards? Sometimes you see three Bucs within 5 yards of a receiver after a reception. Someone has to close cover and someone should tell the Bucs secondary their job is to block passes. Todd Bowles could blame the injuries early in the season but his secondary is like a seive with the starters also. They have to make changes in their system before playoffs.

  42. Steve fan Says:

    I think the Bucs need to go to man coverage in the secondary. Zone defense is not working for the Bucs. Their secondary looked this way last year also until the Super Bowl game.

  43. Shane Says:

    Bucs continue to let the foot off the gas pedal after they get a large early lead; teams are just too good, in today’s NFL, to not score at will, and Bucs’ secondary can’t really shut anyone down anyway, so just attack & attack relentlessly. Stop thinking about establishing the run game to control the games. Just allow Brady to dictate the tempo through the air & just use the running game as audible “red alert” last second play changes at the line when Brady see an opening for the runner. When the Bucs run on first & second downs it just gives the opposing teams hope that Brady can’t succeed 3rd & long all the time down the field…so just throw the damn ball!

  44. buxxWun Says:

    2wo words.goodbye sukk dude.oh I don’t know. . .FLEA FLIKKER END AROUND, DOUBLE REVERSE, EMPTY BACKFEILD !!!!!!!!go coach your kids man.not here dude. later… much

  45. E.Vi. Says: