Injuries Mounting For Cowboys

July 29th, 2021

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones may have to stop partying

Enough chatter about underwear football! What’s going on with the Bucs’ season-opening opponent, the Cowboys? A lot on the injury, front it seems.

Yesterday, Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott was put on ice with a sore throwing arm. After an MRI showed he had a muscle strain, the Cowboys decided Prescott shouldn’t throw for at least two weeks. This after he missed most of last season with a severely broken ankle.

Is Prescott now damaged goods? The Gravediggers are eager to find out.

Then there is Amari Cooper. The stud receiver has a bum ankle and Jerry Jones this week claims he won’t begin practicing until mid-August. The Bucs host the Cowboys Sept. 9.

Pass rusher DeMarcus Lawrence has a back issue and he’s not expected to begin practicing until mid-August as well.

So preseason games have yet to start and three critical pieces of the Cowboys are already banged up.

Could be a fun Opening Night for Bucs fans.

31 Responses to “Injuries Mounting For Cowboys”

  1. PSL Bob Says:

    I hate to get to excited about injuries to Buc’s opponents. Karma can be nasty. Let’s just take the best every team has to throw at us and roll with it.

  2. Steven007 Says:

    Would much prefer a fully healthy Cowboys squad but we’ll take what we can get. Not scared of them one way or the other. Respect them, but not scared.

  3. Buczilla Says:

    The cowboys are trash and a perfect example of how a franchise should not be run. Overpaying for good, not great players like Dak, Elliott, and Amari have doomed this team for the next three years at best.

  4. Medicated Pete Says:

    Pete thinks Dak will be molested all game long

  5. John Sinclear Says:

    Grandma used to say “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” Sept. 9 is a month and a half away.

  6. PassingThru Says:

    That’s no way to hold your granddaughter, Jerry.

  7. JimmyJack Says:

    If you follow the NFL it means you know at least a little bit about the Cowboys…..The talking heads make sure of that.

    From what I can tell the Cowboys dont have many players with a very high give-a-spit meter as Bruce would say. If we come well prepared and focused in week one I could see us greeting the country with a lousy blowout to open the season.

    GO BUCS!!!!

  8. AtlBuc Says:

    MY BOLD PREDICTION: Bucs will have 3, maybe 4 1000 yard receivers BOLD PREDICTION 2: Darden will have a 20+ YPC and a 20+ YAC

  9. Chesapeake Bay Bucco Says:

    Dallas is only good for their cheerleaders, all of which are welcome to “injure” me!

  10. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Joe couldn’t resist putting this picture of Jerry Jones. LOL

  11. AKicknTheBucNuts Says:

    From that photo, I’d say a fourth critical piece of the Cowboys is getting banged-up.

  12. SlyPirate Says:

    The league is more interesting when the stars play.

    Dak will have 3 weeks to prepare for the Bucs. He’s a vet. He’ll play.

  13. mark2001 Says:

    I’m pretty sure that babe in the picture loves Jerry for his charming personality. LOL.

  14. mark2001 Says:

    Dak playing or not…the Bucs should win this one easily…as long as we are ready to play.

  15. BuccaneerScotty Says:

    I wish everyone we played was %100 to get everyone’s best!

  16. Pewter Power Says:

    Cowboys were going to suck anyway regardless of not a single player got injured. They are third in their division. We’ve seen a good offense with a horrible defense right here in tampa before BA arrived.

  17. John Dixon Says:

    Lot of slow witted people on here. Dallas BTW do not have any serious injuries and I am close enough to know. The Defense however is going to be a big surprise to most of the NFL and anyone who thinks they will not win their division is ridiculous. They should challenge for the NFC title this year with the way things are looking and going in house. Enjoy your over confidence.

  18. John Dixon Says:

    BTW Have to love how a team has a stop gap great Qb come in and bail them out for one year and now they are the greatest thing to exist. What you are seeing Bucs fans is your version of the Eagles from a couple of years ago. Always be humble as victory is fleeting. You are not the new Patriots or even the Chiefs who also are already starting to come to reality.

  19. John Dixon Says:

    Well it is funny that I made 2 comments and neither was posted. Explains why every comment posted is only positive about the Bucs. I guess my perfectly normal comment not agreeing with the Bucs being great is not allowed.

  20. D-Rome Says:

    I agree with you Buczilla.

  21. Fu Says:

    The bucs have been trash for years. Got lucky playing against the raiders, got lucky last year.

  22. Bird Says:

    Reverse jink on talking about other teams injuries when we have not had many to date

  23. Denny Gay Says:

    I just want the Bucs to beat the pants off of the Cowboys. The NFL TV network has turned into the Cowboy Channel. XM NFL Radio, not so much. But the TV can’t get off the Cowboys.

  24. Rwayn. Says:

    Cowboys are gonna kick there Bucs

  25. Pewter Power Says:

    This is not a cowboys thread and don’t know you get lucky winning two Super Bowls. That cowboys defense hasn’t been relevant in forever and the theory of challenging for the nfc title is clearly not rooted in reality. You’ve done nothing in years to even make such an idiotic claim.

    Lucky is cowboys vs falcons last year. Cowboys are always trash. Jimmy Johnson is retired let it go

  26. Buczilla Says:

    LOL, I was wondering how long it would take for cowboy’s fans to start defending their pathetic team. I loved watching Emmitt and Irvin (two of my favorite non Bucs ever) tear teams up, but that was ages ago. The cowboys are going nowhere soon or for the foreseeable future since they overpay for their wannabe star players.

    Enjoy your upcoming butt whooping cowboy’s fans and getting rolled by the giants and skins this year. 🙂

  27. Infomeplease Says:

    JD, you are entitled to your opinion for sure! Reality will set in on September 9th. This Bucs team is very talented and very real!!! Not a one and done!! Two maybe three times…not unlike myself in my younger days!!

  28. gp Says:

    I remember , once, at a theater, after the show, the lines for the bathrooms were so long that a few ‘ladies’ decided to use the men’s room rather than waiting…
    This kinda reminds me of that event oh so long ago.

  29. gp Says:

    As is their nature…
    The cowgirls are going down!

  30. PassingThru Says:

    Cowboys will be as exposed as their former star, “No Pants” Lance Rentzel.

  31. Joe in Michigan Says:

    John Dixon: You do realize the Bucs have won 2 Super Bowls in the 25 years since the Cowboys won their last, right? I’m not talking trash, just giving a fact that that you seem oblivious to.