The Biggest (Potential) Obstacle

June 20th, 2021

The following hit home for Joe last week when Hall of Fame general manager Bill Polian was talking about the Bucs and Tom Brady.

Speaking exclusively on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Polian said two things are unpredictable in football and either could trip up the Bucs in their quest to defend their Super Bowl championship: when does Father Time come knocking on Brady’s door, and the Bucs’ ability to keep the injury bug away.

The Bucs in recent years have been extraordinarily lucky when it comes to major injuries, specifically on the offensive line. Can that continue?

Joe is not a fantasy guy but if he were, Joe would listen and read everything smart Evan Silva pumps out. The co-founder of “Establish the Run,” Silva pointed out a lack of Bucs injuries last season and the impact.

Remember, this also factors the loss of former first-round picks O.J. Howard and Vita Vea for most of the season with injuries.

Thank goodness Vea was able to return for the NFC Championship and the Super Bowl.

If Carlton Davis is lost for the most of thi season, or Jason Pierre-Paul or Ryan Jensen or, of course, Brady, Joe isn’t sure the Bucs could repeat.

19 Responses to “The Biggest (Potential) Obstacle”

  1. Swampbuc Says:

    Keep Brady upright, keep Chrissy Simms’ burble about standing in and taking hits away from our GOAT!

  2. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Yeah, and if a meteor comes crashing down on One Buc Place the whole team might be taken out. Every team has to worry about injuries and, so far, Father Time is having trouble keeping up with Tom.

  3. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    It is not just us. Most teams are one player loss away from a losing or average season.
    We were very fortunate to have gotten Vita Vea back when we did.
    We can lose first-round pick O.J. Howard, and overcome it.
    He has never done much anyway, and is looking more and more like a wasted pick.
    But the loss of Vita Vea was HUGE!

  4. TOM Says:

    They could survive Jensen, Davis & even JPP. But never Brady. He’s not only the GOAT but the heart & soul of the team. Saying the Bucs lost Howard to injuries is a joke. Brate more than made up for his absence. Howard a 1st rd bust.

  5. mg Says:

    Someone will be injured. Next man up.

  6. Iamabuc Says:

    I don’t know about you guys. I haven’t giving up on O.J. just yet, and it seems that the coaching staff haven’t neither. I’m expecting a great season out of him. Go Bucs!!

  7. #1bucsfan Says:

    Injuries are apart of the game n life. Next man up mentality

  8. Beeej Says:

    How many teams (besides the Slimy Saints) COULD lose their starting QB and not become a dumpster fire?

  9. Medicated Pete Says:

    The idiots who don’t get vaccinated will cost this team a Superbowl

  10. SB Says:

    Just a guess Pete but after seeing Joe take down TWO articles in less than a month due to Vax talk in the comments section, I don’t think he is a big fan of it.

  11. All lives matter Says:

    With the way the salary cap keeps things pretty much equal between teams as far as talent then wouldn’t most NFL teams suffer losing their #1’s? I guess what really makes a team great are the quality of the backups which we seem to be deep in many areas with some young Bucs looking to step up and show their wares.

  12. Infomeplease Says:

    To their credit, the Bucs are pretty deep at most positions. Sure you can’t replace guys like Brady, Godwin, or Davis, but the Bucs have a lot of talented players waiting for a chance to prove themselves! It wouldn’t be easy for them to repeat, but nothing good comes easy! The coaches and players would have to step it up!!! GO BUCS!!!

  13. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    How many teams win a Super Bowl with a backup QB? It’s happened, but it’s very rare. I don’t see this team winning the Super Bowl if Brady goes down for the season. However, it’s rare Tom ever takes a big hit. If he feels any pressure, he goes down on his own or chucks the ball away to live for the next play. He doesn’t carelessly throw the ball to the other team like “you know who.” That’s just another part of his greatness.

  14. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    This is the potential problem for every team every year. We have some depth and all our starters back so less of a problem for our Bucs.

  15. DoooshLaRue Says:

    No Brady = No Super Bowl

    I know some people think Blaine “he knows the system” Gabbert would do ok if it came to that, but I don’t think reality.

    Hope for the best.

    Go Bucs!

  16. Alanbucsfan Says:

    “You pays your money and you takes your chances”

  17. Colin in Canada Says:

    Joes, I just read that Cole Beasley from the Bills may retire because of the vaccine related rules.

    Id love to know if any Bucs players are anti-vax (or whatever you want to call them). Its relevant because if a player doesnt get vaccinated they may cut them.

  18. Darin Says:

    There’s only one team who can win it all if their starting QB goes down for the season. Well assuming he does win the job in new orleans.

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    It is not the injury that is critical, it is the lack of depth that will be the problem that most affects the team.

    Fortunately, this team is deep.