“He’s Cussing Out Guys”
June 11th, 2021
Pulls back Tom Brady curtain.
So, about Tom Brady being quiet…
Earlier this week, Bucs linebacker Devin White said that when it comes to barking at the defense for foul-ups in practice it’s been quiet during minicamp from park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting, handshake-stiffing, jet-ski-losing, biscuit-baking, tequila-shooting, smartphone-phobic, waffle-grilling, trophy-throwing, roller-coaster-scared, numbers-rules-peeved, Bucs-Super Bowl-winning quarterback Tom Brady.
That doesn’t mean Brady has been entirely quiet.
Appearing on “The Blitz” with co-hosts Bruce Murray and Bruce Gradkowski yesterday, heard exclusively on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Cameron Brate said Brady has been his usual self, chewing the tails off teammates on offense who screw up.
When answering a question from Murray about if Brady, nearing age 44, still has a burning desire to play in the NFL, Brate said at least in relation to the offense, Brady has been as passionate and demanding as ever.
Bruce Murray: You are about to turn 30, which is that point in time we start asking most football players, “Are you considering the future?” And here is a guy [Brady] that is a decade older and still has that verve and vigor and desire to go through the offseason. Do you marvel at that? And does that change how you may embrace that near-term future for you?
Cam Brate: I mean, even this week during minicamp, Tom was so fired up. He wasn’t getting all the reps he typically would coming off his offseason surgery. But, just his passion — he’s cussing out guys. He’s fired up after an incompletion or a guy missing his assignment. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter, obviously, how every single repetition goes at this stage of the offseason. It’s all about getting guys in shape. Just his passion and excitement for the game, that he can’t help himself. So yeah, I mean all of us marvel at him and his longevity and his approach to take care of his body. We definitely all utilize the TB12 method as much as we can. Hopefully, that magic rubs off on us. Man, even coming off surgery in the offseason, he’s 43, however old he is, he looks even better these three practices than he did pretty much all of last year. So, we kind of sit back and marvel at what he does.
Sadly, the Bucs mostly kept players far enough away from reporters during minicamp so that one couldn’t easily hear chatter from the field.
With one play, distance didn’t matter. Center Ryan Jensen rolled a snap to Brady that blew up the play. Brady got bounced around a little bit trying to dodge would-be tacklers after recovering the ball. Afterwards, Brady screamed a foul, four-letter word that you almost could hear from the not-too-distant Hooters.
The word rhymed with “truck.”
So, yeah, Brady is still a red arse when it comes to his offensive teammates making errors.
The defense? Maybe Brady feels they are in good hands with defensive coordinator Todd Bowles?
June 11th, 2021 at 12:23 pm
He is staying in his lane (on offense)
Plus he knows devin white and lavonte hollering on defensive side.
June 11th, 2021 at 12:30 pm
Love these articles. To all the fans that think that every play, every snap should work … these articles show you how nothing is perfect … how skill and working hard together actually are a continuing process at the highest level.
I am waiting till your open thread of the 1st regular season game when someone is complaining about a bad call or bad play… a bad coaching decision …
It is tough to excel at this level. So glad we have Brady and Arians and other pro’s both coaching and playing.
June 11th, 2021 at 12:51 pm
Geno, on the open game threads last year up until just past mid-season, the troll known as Anthem was still calling Brady weenie arm at every opportunity. So yeah, a troll is going to troll. Anything less than perfection and they’ll be out of the woodwork. Count on it.
June 11th, 2021 at 1:11 pm
Interviewer: “Are you considering the future?”
Brate: I’m good looking, athletic, white, male, multimillionaire, with a Harvard degree. I got this s**t figured out.
June 11th, 2021 at 1:17 pm
You can’t say those things on JBF? I watched an unrated version of “Friday” on USA right after that national big scoring game Bolts against Canes on a Saturday afternoon. My mom cut the cable when she heard Beavis and Butthead. Kids being born with the iPad in their hands. Sad.
June 11th, 2021 at 1:19 pm
>>> I’m good looking, athletic, white, male, multimillionaire, with a Harvard degree. I got this s**t figured out. <<<
You should see his fiancé!
June 11th, 2021 at 2:15 pm
What does white have to do with it? There’s no end to ignorance!
June 11th, 2021 at 2:26 pm
Eddie because he knows the benefits of being white in America !
June 11th, 2021 at 2:40 pm
O’neil because he thinks everyone is a racist.
June 11th, 2021 at 2:53 pm
Oneilbuc … Last year some exceptional black QBs started in the NFL: Patrick Mahomes, Russell Wilson, Lamar Jackson, Dak Prescott among them. Tom Brady isn’t called The GOAT because he’s white, but rather because of his accomplishments over 21 seasons in the NFL.
The definition of racism is ‘a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group’. It works in more than one direction unfortunately. You’ve introduced race & color into your comments before, and it’s unnecessary. Evaluate folks on who they are, and what they bring to the table.
June 11th, 2021 at 4:06 pm
When I read the headline I thought Joe did a story about me and my 2 sons. Jimmy & Jack
June 11th, 2021 at 4:10 pm
Awww poor little Eddie and Defense Rules! Someone brings up color or race and they and many others get so upset about it even though they know that Doug Williams was denied a $600,000 contract by their beloved Bucs because the color of his skin! You all spout your political propaganda up here all the time and don’t say jack but color or race is brought up and you all go into a rage. The 2nd Amendment ain’t the only unalienable right we have, freedom of speech is also one so stop telling people what they or shouldn’t say. Facsism is as bad as communism! Stop acting like racism began with people like OniellBucs and others when it began here in 1492. Wake up! 🤣😅🤣😅
June 11th, 2021 at 5:06 pm
Umm,ahh nevermind
June 11th, 2021 at 6:04 pm
hmmm…..rhymes with “truck.” I’m gonna go with “shucks.”
June 11th, 2021 at 6:32 pm
Racism rhymes with Fascisms and Communism… Hmmm
Racism is only affecting a SMALL minority. As a white man. I have no issue recognizing its a problem. Just as I have no problem recognizing Fascisms, Communism, Marxism ETC. is an issue.
Thats why I LOVE BEING AN AMERICAN. Cause IN THIS COUNTRY, we THE PEOPLE will “Truck” you up for bring that Sh!t here.
Keep watching bro, the best is yet to come. Get on the bandwagon now, cause unlike sports. There will be no room for the wicked
June 11th, 2021 at 6:33 pm
June 11th, 2021 at 7:14 pm
For anyone interested in TRUTH. Go watch Lt Governor of NC Mark Robinson deliver (the MOST AMERICAN) fiery speech (to date).
I will wait for your feed back
June 11th, 2021 at 8:40 pm
David is so full of spit, his eyes are brown. Doug Williams was not offered ‘legitimate’ compensation because Hugh Culverhouse was a cheap, stingy, tightwad… period. I worked for him. I am white, and I walked away from his organization for the same reason.
Racist see ‘color’ when they look inward, instead of outward.
June 11th, 2021 at 9:03 pm
I’m with you Geno, love these articles.
June 11th, 2021 at 11:13 pm
Hawk go home man to your white picket fence. My skin is a white as yours but all people like you see is the shape of my eyes. You being white in the 80s is why you don’t see Hugh Culverhouse as being racist, but it’s well known didn’t want to pay a black qb that much. No NFL team wanted to. So of course a racist will never admit one of his own kind was racist. Why do you think his son came out and apologized for his mess? Oh that’s right you think because he was so stingy. I’m not racist just because I bring up color or race, I simply stated what actually happened in the NFL all the way into 2000. You’re the racist for ignoring actual American history because you don’t want to accept it. The biggest reason I bring it up is guys like you are allowed to keep bringing up their neo nahtzee conservative republican rhetoric/propaganda up here. It’s called freedom of speech. Ever heard of that??? You guys stop I will. Simple and plain.
June 12th, 2021 at 8:48 am
LOL. I will not enter an intellectual debate with an unarmed opponent.
June 12th, 2021 at 9:30 am
Why is it that every time I turn any liberal news station on I feel like I did something wrong and I am being called a racist for no reason? I have to believe the majority of Americans recognize the injustices the Black community have endured for decades and cannot fathom how tough must feel and it also sad for those who are homosexual, transgender, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim etc. But why so much reverse hate? Not all caucasians and police are racist, not all priest and school teachers are pedifiles etc. Get my drift? It’s much easier to defend the cause when you’re not being ridiculed for causing the problem that was initiated by our ignorant ancestors. All I can say is you can’t hate me if you want my support, division doesn’t help the cause.
June 12th, 2021 at 11:11 am
I do not know if Hugh Culverhouse was a racist. If someone has certainty, I will not debate that.
I see evidence of racism especially in today’s blog world.
I say Black Lives Matter and someone else says All Lives Matter. Both can be acceptable. Neither are wrong.
However, the minute I say Black Lives Matter and some immediately says “no” All Lives Matter; That is cancel culture at it’s finest. You are minimizing my thought that Black Lives Matter.
I have watched Doug Williams speak proudly of how John McKay was truly comfortable of having him as a quarterback of the Buc’s and did not see his skin color as an issue. That is part of a great culture between Doug Williams and the Buc’s and should not be forgotten.
I see the Buc’s history of acceptance of diversity/avoidance of racist and misogynist views as excellent within their field overall.
Love my current Buc’s right now – even in the front office!
June 12th, 2021 at 10:14 pm
Hawk what are you talking about? You’re that crazy guy people see walking around yelling and screaming at yourself! You’re unarmed the moment you wake up every day!
June 13th, 2021 at 8:51 am
Geno711 . Racism will always be in this country and it’s not because of ignorance because people know it’s wrong . People on here call me a racist all the time. Yall think that I think believe yall hate Jamies because he’s black. It’s just I know some people do because just like Doug Williams back then I grew up watching Warren Moon. I remember some of the comments that was said about Moon. I grew up a Oilers fan my whole life until they left . I remember when people would say we don’t want no more black quarterbacks on our team. When Bud Adams drafted Steve McNair that was the last draw with the Oilers staying in Houston.
June 13th, 2021 at 9:27 am
It was a billionaire about 2 years ago who came out and said that he does not like Watson because he don’t believe that a black quarterback can win . He was just honest on how a lot of older white people feel. But I will say this when the oilers left Houston I became a Bucs fan because of the Glazers brought in a all black coaching staff at the time that was unheard of even Minnesota didn’t do that and the Glazers don’t even get recognized for making history in the NFL for doing that and I think they should be recognized for it . And I’ve been a bucs fan since 1995 ever since the Glazers done that and I do believe the Glazers believes in equal opportunity because they have proven that over the years. But what’s crazy is this when Houston came back with a team you had people still calling in the radio saying they don’t want to draft a black quarterback in Houston and we talking about in the 2000s until they drafted Watson a few years ago and the GM retired right after the draft. So when I hear some of yall that don’t like Jamies I know for some it’s because he’s black. Some of the comments I’ve heard about Jamies reminds me of the same things that was said about Moon. And when I hear about what he was accused of and it’s stuff that happened over 9 years ago are even 7 years ago and you keep bringing that up for Jamies but big Ben and others are never looked at the same way Jamies is looked at that can be driven by race. You let white quarterbacks move on with their life but for black quarterbacks if they get in trouble they have to be constantly reminded about what they did . The media constantly reminds us what they did regardless how long it’s been. They just can’t move on with their lives like white quarterbacks can move on and it’s never talked about again.
June 13th, 2021 at 5:10 pm
Oneilbuc, that’s my point, you switched to Bucs because ALL the coaches were black. You don’t see something wrong with that? There have been many black QB’s in the past, Randle Cunningham, McNab, Brooks, Cordell, Vick etc. Yes in the earlier years they were probably treated differently but this is no longer the 60’s & 70’s, things do change, Wilson, Mahomes, Jackson are looked at like Gods in this league and most likely more respected by their organizations than most white QB’s. I hear bitching about head coaching jobs are not diverse enough, there are only 32 positions and there have been many black head coaches, why do ALL the positions need to be black individuals? It has to be a two way street not the same one way with a name change.
June 13th, 2021 at 5:37 pm
Listnfrmafar I don’t see anything wrong with me choosing a team after my team left . If the oilers were still in Houston I would still be a oilers fan. I love the bucs the same way I loved the oilers. I just don’t have to bash or hate a farmer player . The problem I have with yall is because I don’t bash Jamies or constantly talk down on Jamies yall gets mad and call me a Jamies fan. Just like all the love yall give to Fitzpatrick I don’t care about that . And you right I will always support any one or organizations that for equality regardless of the race. But it’s one thing I will never do is turn a blind eye to it and act like it don’t exist.
June 13th, 2021 at 5:39 pm
Listnfrmafar you forgot about the 80s the 90s and yes even the 2000s. Have it gotten better yes it has.
June 14th, 2021 at 4:24 pm
Oneilbuc, your statement was you switched because all the coaches were black. How is that not a.form of prejudice? That makes you and others that think like you part of the problem. Many on this site bust your balls with Jamais because you discount Brady and I believe in part because in your mind a white QB replaced a black QB. 75% of the NFL are black, why, because they earned their position and undoubtedly Brady earned his. Of course racism still exists so do other prejudices. It’s generational and over time will substantially diminish but I doubt if a person is a true racist that protests will enlighten them and change their mind in fact it probably enhances their hate especially when they become violent. Screw them their not worth your time. So lighten up we’re not all haters.
June 14th, 2021 at 10:44 pm
Listnfrmafar I have nothing against Brady I think and believe that Brady is a all time great. And again just like MLK some people like him because of what he did for equality. I like JFK and he was white. And yes I did pick the bucs because of what the Glazers done. And it ain’t nothing wrong with that I think people like you are the problem. You knock me because I stand for equality but but I don’t turn my head from truth. I will love to see white coner backs in the NFL. I think they are being discriminate because of their race . I believe McCaffrey is a top 3 runningback in the NFL. I love the Kyle Trask pick even though a lot of yall hated the pick. The problem I really have with yall on this site is you are making our superbowl about one guy just like they do the Patriots. They ignore all those great players and great defenses that Brady played with. Most of all those superbowl Brady wasn’t even on the field when it came down to game winning situations. He was apart of only one or you can say the last one but he didn’t even throw 1 touchdown and he had a pick . It was a good catch by Gronk and they ran the ball in for the touchdown. Sony Mitchell ran them to the superbowl. That’s not a opinion that’s a fact. It’s not Brady fault that yall worship him . Brady don’t even carry his self like that. I grew up watching Warren Moon so I know hidden racist comments and I’m not saying that every one hate Jamies because he’s black. I just know one thing this is a franchise that never developed a quarterback and you can’t keep blaming the quarterbacks. And yes I chose the bucs because of the Glazers and if the oilers were still in Houston I would still be a oilers fan. I actually go to the games in Tampa sometimes. So I know I will always be a bucs fan until the Lord calls me home. And I’m done arguing with yall about Brady are the bucs if yall want to make the superbowl all about Brady and give Brady all the credit like the national media does go ahead bro . I stop watching the national shows because I even heard that Brady stopped Rogers from running the touchdown in the championship game. So it’s been about 2 months since I watched those shows. So I guess yall believe what Skip Bayless says about the bucs by calling us the suckanerres. I just don’t believe that about the bucs!!!
June 15th, 2021 at 8:59 am
WOW did you read any of my last post? If you did all you got was Brady won the SB all by himself. Obviously that is not the case but he was the reason Bucs got there. Brady has been in 10 and won 7 SB’s and all the teams were different. HE is the common denominator. I will say you and Brady have something in common, a HUGE chip on your shoulder only it works for him, yours just promotes bitterness and hate. Good luck with that.
June 15th, 2021 at 10:10 am
Listnfrmafar I have nothing to be bitter about bro . I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If the bucs go 0 and 17 is will sleep good , if the bucs go 17 and 0 I will sleep good. I don’t hate nobody especially a guy I have never met. The hate yall have for Jamies looks like bitterness. You guys bash the brother every day even when we won games. And you are the one who gets mad because I don’t bash Jamies are feel the same way about Jamies like most of yall do . Just like I think Fitzpatrick is trash and never will win anything but yall seems to love him so much. And don’t give me that he’s a nice guy because he’s don’t know him . Kyle Trask is my guy for the future. Brady is my quarterback right now and I will stand behind him just like the rest of the quarterbacks. But I will never make him are Trask bigger than the team. Did Brady help us win the championship yes he did I agree with that. But you can’t ignore what Rojo , Evans, AB, and others even the coaches. But I get it I grew up watching football when it was about the team. The media push the quarterback narrative and it started with Brady vs Manning that’s when they started saying this quarterback vs this quarterback and that is the dumbest thing you say . Even Sharman said how can 2 players battle up against each other and both of them is not on the field at the same time. If quarterback A defense is better than quarterback B then quarterback a will play better and his team will more likely to win. That’s why it is a stupid narrative that the media got you to believe.
June 15th, 2021 at 6:39 pm
Really, did you every hear of Joe Namoth, Johnny Unitas, Ken Stabler, Roger Staubach, Dan Fouts, Joe Montana, Randle Cunningham, Brett Fave, Michael Vick, Dan Marino, Dante Culpepper, Aikman, Thisman, Elway, Moon etc. ALL known as the reason teams succeeded, same as Brady and Manning.