Shaq Takes A New Twist On Homeschooling

July 21st, 2020

Shaq Barrett is hiring!

It seems the Bucs sackmaster desires to use some of his nearly $16 million salary for this season to keep his kids out of traditional classrooms.

Maybe Shaq doesn’t like the odds of his kids bringing home The Sickness, potentially hurting his market value in a contract year?

Or maybe Shaq is leery of public school education or saw the eye-popping tuition at Berkeley Prep? Regardless, Shaq took to Instagram today to let the world know he’s hiring and paying well — for a teacher to come to his house.

Shaq shared the following post from his wife.

No, there’s no truth to the rumor that Donovan Smith sent in his application.

Joe wonders whether Team Glazer might find a niche here that interests other players, and set up a mini-school/daycare situation inside hopefully sterile One Buc Palace.

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22 Responses to “Shaq Takes A New Twist On Homeschooling”

  1. gp Says:

    Based on how well home schooled kids do as opposed to the public school product…
    Money well spent!

  2. bucsfaninoregon Says:

    GP…”Based on how well home schooled kids do as opposed to the public school product…
    Money well spent!”

    It figures.

  3. Jean Lafitte Says:

    At least in the home school environment these teachers are surely less likely to try to indoctrinate the children. Nothing worse than a militant politically biased public school teacher teaching our kids. If you can afford private tutoring, I’m all for it. They will be better adults in the future.

  4. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    gp Says:
    “Based on how well home schooled kids do as opposed to the public school product…
    Money well spent!”
    To get the 3 Rs without the sex and race indoctrination is worth it.

  5. Roy T. Buford Says:

    The Barretts would do well to find a recently retired teacher who doesn’t have to stay “in the system” to earn retirement anymore. If they are serious, I’d bet they get some bites on that offer.

  6. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I home schooled my sons 1-7th grade. It really isn’t that hard.

    Off topic, I just read that the Eskimos in Canada are changing their name because it is considered offensive. That’s just stupid, but it got me to thinking.

    With all of this political correctness, what if one day society claims that ‘Buccaneers’ glorifies pirates who raped and pillaged and insists we change the team name? Sound’s stupid, but it could happen in 10-20 years.

  7. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Home schooled students usually do extremely well in college as well…often better than other teaching methods.

  8. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Roy T. Buford, the teacher would still have to re-certify annually. Otherwise, in Florida only the parents can home school their kids, and then get a certified teacher to verify each year.

    Really, hiring a teacher to work with them at home is not considered traditional home schooling by Florida students. A hired teacher makes private teaching.

  9. Cobraboy Says:

    gp Says:

    Based on how well home schooled kids do as opposed to the public school product…
    Money well spent!

    Not if the teacher thinks The Woke is more I’mportant than The Three R’s.

    Let’s hope those kids learn about Dick, Jane, Sally and Spot, and not “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

  10. mark2001 Says:

    59 NFL players testing positive for Covid, per NFLPA website. And they haven’t even really gotten camp rolling yet.

    Probably see alot more home schooling this coming year.

    BTW…Thanks Trump..for finally telling Americans today to wear masks in social situations where social distancing isn’t possible. About time. Of course, he also calls it the plague, but I don’t think it is THAT bad…instead a world wide pandemic.

  11. gp Says:


    Now *that* depends entirely on who Shaq hires.
    And how closely he and his wife monitor the progress of their children.
    Hopefully he’s more concerned with their education than their indoctrination.

    Parents need to be involved for the benefit of their children.

  12. Stanglassman Says:

    And people wonder why so many more people with less means are dying from this disproportionately.

  13. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
    “With all of this political correctness, what if one day society claims that ‘Buccaneers’ glorifies pirates who raped and pillaged and insists we change the team name? Sound’s stupid, but it could happen in 10-20 years.”

    If we keep rolling over to the marxists, it is coming. I figure Seagulls or Fiddler Crabs is in our future. It has to be something that isn’t too masculine. Maybe the Mangos. Oh, I’ve got it. The Tampa Bay Flan. That is asexual enough, I think.

  14. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    mark2001 Says:
    “Of course, he also calls it the plague, but I don’t think it is THAT bad…instead a world wide pandemic.”

    Define pandemic.

  15. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    Stanglassman Says:
    “And people wonder why so many more people with less means are dying from this disproportionately.!”

    Probably because they eat the spit that their corporate masters advertise to them as a healthy meal. Why don’t you try educating people about nutrition and corporate food industry lies, instead of playing politics, Schlemeil.

  16. Stanglassman Says:

    Pointing out the obvious is political now. Talk about ridiculous political correctness some more.

  17. Coburn Says:

    I mean if I made as much as he did I’d probably try to do something similar. Makes me uneasy that I’m forced to seen my kids to school/daycare for no better option while I work

  18. mark2001 Says:

    Wow Bush…you mean you can’t google to find the definition in a dictionary? You mean you think it is the plague? Were you home schooled? Well at least you didn’t disagree that those arguing no masking the last months were wrong, and this is a serious disease.

  19. mark2001 Says:

    Do what the President said is your patriotic duty…wear a mask.

  20. Bradinator Says:

    He’ll have some takers. He lives in Denver and so far, no one knows what is going to happen for the new school year. There is no doubt some these teachers are going to “opt out”. I wish I was teacher and could get that gig!

  21. unbelievable Says:

    LOFL the right in this country has become so brainwashed they now think kids are being ‘indoctrinated’ in grade school.

    Do you guys even realize how absolutely dumb you sound?

  22. unbelievable Says:

    Bush’s Coke Spoon Says:
    July 21st, 2020 at 9:00 pm
    Probably because they eat the spit that their corporate masters advertise to them as a healthy meal. Why don’t you try educating people about nutrition and corporate food industry lies, instead of playing politics, Schlemeil.


    Gee, I seem to remember a certain First Lady who spent 8 years trying to promote healthy eating and lifestyles for kids, bringing healthier food choices into schools, and advocating for healthier lifestyles for Americans.

    But she was called a traitor and a commie and Un-American for daring to take away much freedoms to be a fat POS.

    Member that?