Arians: The Socks Stay

January 14th, 2019

New Bucs head coach Bucco Bruce Arians says he doesn’t care how darn hot it is Tampa; he’ll stick with his trademark high socks for practice, he told SiriusXM NFL Radio last week.

Apparently, his philosophy of “No Risk It, No Biscuit,” doesn’t apply to hosiery.

18 Responses to “Arians: The Socks Stay”

  1. TexBuc Says:

    Nice socks Bruce

  2. Bruce Blahak Says:

    He’ll have calves like a chicken 🙂 …drives me crazy how many guys play with the long hair in that heat. Wouldn’t a hair cut help to be cooler and quicker?? Just common sense, Cappa, Marpet, etc…

  3. AKickInTheBucNuts Says:

    Probably compression socks to help with his blood flow.

  4. 813bucboi Says:

    and this is news worthy….lol…

    is he going to wear pewter boxers with his high socks?….


  5. Ray Rice Says:

    That’s just old school pimp $hiit!

  6. Darin Says:

    Not sure if youve ever been to that part of Arizona but I prefer this heat. 115 when i was there. No thanks. Jack em up Bruce

  7. jerseybuc Says:

    Back in the day we wore two pair that high playing basketball. Rockin the 70s Bruce, Love it!

  8. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Just made a good guess. I’ll add…After 60 I developed a condition called DSAP. Basically it’s a genetic disorder that only manifests itself if you get too much sun. I started early…lifeguard…sunbathing in Thailand in the Army but what really finished me off was being single in my 40’s and feeling the need for a tan to chase the skirts.

    Now I NEVER wear shorts or short sleeve shirts. Keep everything covered. Of course I also had a malignant melanoma removed in 2002 which upped the ante from a merely physically unattractive (lots of red splotches) disorder like DSAP which is not life threatening to life threatening.

    Perhaps BA is just obsessed with protecting his skin. I call that really smart and advise all of you to pay attention down here in the Sunshine state. Get that SPF 45 and slather it on. If you already have a great woman then you’re set…still chasing skirts…not so much.

  9. Loyaltotheend Says:

    Posts like this means it’s time to check out of this site until after the draft

  10. Hodad Says:

    Those aren’t socks, they’re support hose, all old people wear them!

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    StPete … Sunbathing as an Army lifeguard in Thailand? Now THAT’S tough duty StPete. I’ll assume that it was at Pattaya Beach?

  12. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Sometime we’ll have to get together for a beer. I’d share with a vet like you but I’ll confess this much. My Army career was only two years long but very complicated with moves.

    In Thailand I was a supply sergeant until another E-5 who was in charge of the base swimming pool…Korat Thailand….left and I immediately applied for that job. And you’re right it was a very cush job which I hung on to for six months before Vietnam.

    I think you said you were a fighter jock…my Army base was connected to the air base where they were flying the F-105’s everyday. I gotta be honest…maybe I’m a sucker or actually have a conscience but it was a little disturbing to watch those guys fly out everyday headed to ‘Nam while I was a lifeguard.

    I certainly appreciate your service and guts. When people thank me for my service I get very embarrassed because I didn’t do what others did…never pounded the ground in Vietnam..again stationed at Bien Hoah which ironically like my Thai situations was an Army base connected to an Air base for protection.

    We didn’t see much although during Tet it was incredibly exciting for a lot of guys…Charlie all hung up in the barbed wire around the base…when you’re only 20 years old it’s amazing what excites you. LOL

    BTW for all the cushy duty I never made it to Pattya my loss.
    Did you get there for R&R?

  13. Old School Athlete Says:

    I hope I’m half as cool as Bruce when I’m 66!

  14. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    @Blahak… I used to be a long haired guy myself playing in high school and college. It actually helps keep you cooler once it’s soaked. I used to douse it with water and feel it run down my neck and back. Once I cut it I was actually hotter. Coaches hated but I didn’t care.

  15. down in the dirt Doug Says:

    Knock off all this old age crap–bet he can out think most of you 30 year olds and probably kick your asses across the practice field.

  16. WutdaBucisthis Says:

    @down in the dirt…
    C’mon man lmao. You a fool for that! In a good way.

  17. DILLIGAF Says:

    Wow man. I asked for Hawaii, McDill, or Vandenburg for my first base. I got orders to Keflavik, Iceland instead. LOL. That’s ole Uncle Sam for ya.

  18. Jean Lafitte Says:

    long socks help with the diabetic edema