“Got His Swagger Back; Got His Swagger Rollin'”

September 28th, 2017

Right after Sunday’s loss, Joe wrote about the chemistry troubles between DeSean Jackson and America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston.

They’re understandable, and Jameis touched on them today.

Jameis underthrew speedster Jackson in the end zone and was picked off in Minnesota. Jackson was open, and underthrowing him feels like a crime against the football gods.

But Jackson did catch a TD pass, and Jameis thought that was a bit of a breakthrough.

“It’s gettin’ there,” Jameis said of their chemistry. “I’m happy we were able to get him one.”

Jameis went on to say sometimes a guy like Jackson just needs a little success in a game to fire up. Sunday’s TD “got his swagger back, got his swagger rollin’,” Jameis said of Jackson.

The Franchise also talked about how winning head coach Dirk Koetter does a masterful job of spreading the ball around and keeping everyone happy, and Jameis loves sharing the rock, though he admitted Mike Evans is the top dog.

Joe has no doubt Jameis and Jackson will click better with time. Will it take four games, eight games, a full season? That’s the mystery.

In the meantime, Bucs fans just have to hope their misfirings remain incompletions versus interceptions.

10 Responses to ““Got His Swagger Back; Got His Swagger Rollin'””

  1. AlteredEgo Says:

    The only chemistry I am concerned about is Jameis getting the ball placed where the WR/TE/RB can do something with it ….there should be a category for completed pass …but ball placement almost ended the players career and then had no chance of finishing the YAC as designed…

  2. unbelievable Says:

    @AlteredEgo the YAC problem has been bugging me too.

    I’d say half the time it’s on Jameis, half of it is on Koetter’s playcalling. We still see times where Jameis is not leading his receivers. We also see a lot of routes that leave the receiver smack the middle of multiple defenders with nowhere to run after the catch.

  3. 813bucboi Says:

    stop forcing the ball…if it aint there throw it out of bounds…I personally would like to see him run a bit more…take what they give you and slide….we have to have them respect the run game some how since dirk refuses to run the ball….GO BUCS!!!

  4. sorryitriggeredyou Says:

    I almost had a heart attack. All pre-season and first 2 games really, for unknown reasons, they didn’t even try to get that chemistry going, then out of the blue in Mini they went deep to DJAX TWICE, BACK TO BACK! 1st throw a PI then second… FAKING TD. They started running DJAX deep after that, Hump was cleaning up in his wake, TONS OF SPACE. Look for OJ to start exploiting that next week. It’s not rocket surgery. You don’t need to disguise DJAX speed with trickey. Just run him deep till he gets a one one one then make the faking throw. I really question Monkin and his game planning. Not very good right now. He’s on the hot seat for sure.

  5. Buc4lyfe79 Says:

    “Evans is the top dog” roflmao….Only kind of “dog” evans reminded anyone of last sunday was the female kind. Especially his little blow up b!tch fit, er ah, show of leadership from a team captain that was televised for all to see. Thats what happens when a so called man breaks his word. #theydontstandonthefieldWewontsitinthestands

  6. Greg J Says:

    I think it safe to say that if DJax drops some passes early in the game…the boobirds will make him feel like he is back in Phily. With about 70 percent of the Bucs fans already pissed he kneeled…he will be on a short leash

  7. 813bucboi Says:


    those who support mike will….good riddance!!…GO BUCS!!!

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    It’s getting there – on the 1st INT that was on Winston for not putting enough air under it, but on the TD pass Winston put the ball right where it needed to be. There is a reason you play preseason football – and the Bucs didn’t play much preseason football.

  9. RayJameisStadium Says:


    I know you are busy following Sweezy and gathering information to focus on our devastating run game, but what are the stats of DJax vs Giants?

    You know if you have the time some true fans would like to here about that too.

    But I understand your eagerness to be right about Sweezy.

  10. darin Says:

    The vikes were getting pressure. Winston needs more time or he will always make a few mistakes. Lets hope we can contain the giants dline, or max protect. He doesnt throw open receivers yet, often enough. Waits until theyre open. Any semblance of a running game will help. N cmon run 3-5 draw plays a game to keep em honest. At least 1 would be a start. Go Bucs