Marpet Will Test Ankle At Practice Today

November 18th, 2015
Ali Marpet

Ali Marpet

The mauling manbeast rookie guard from Hobart College, Ali Marpet, will strap on the pads and practice today.

The ankle he sprained against the Giants is feeling strong, Marpet said in the locker room moments ago. Today will serve as a test to see if he can back on the field against the Eagles in Philadelphia.

Joe asked Marpet how the rest of him feels after getting a rare midseason day off to heal from the hard life of an offensive lineman.

“Awesome!” Marpet said with a smile lighting up his face.

Marpet said the week off has him energized and eager to play before about 35 friends and family making the tripĀ from New York.

9 Responses to “Marpet Will Test Ankle At Practice Today”

  1. OneLove Says:

    Excited to watch him MAUL that PHI D LINE!!!

  2. Patrick in VA Says:

    Glad to see the kid is on the mend. It’ll be nice to get him back in there and get our running game rolling again.

  3. MadMax Says:

    Take your time Ali. I want 100% healing…’re our FUTURE!

    I just cant get enough of the success our O line is having after drafting him. Plus the additions of Hawley and Cherilus…..Im pretty sure we wont be addressing the O line in the 2016 draft now.

  4. Pawl Says:

    Young man, his bones heal quicker.

  5. bucsFanLA Says:

    Joe, you pick the worst pictures of players lol.

  6. Buccfan37 Says:

    Marpet is a fan favorite, this guy just radiates confidence in much the way Jameis does.

  7. SCBucsFan Says:

    Hopefully our run game improves with him back in.

  8. cmurda Says:

    It will SC.

  9. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    Miss you Mongo..