Jameis Winston = “Rock Star”

April 6th, 2015
"I'm the only rock star around these parts, pal."

“I’m the only rock star around these parts, pal.”

Regular readers know Joe coined the phrase “rock star general manager” to describe former Bucs GM Mark Dominik.

He got that moniker for two reasons: When the Bucs were winning and pushing for the playoffs in 2010, virtually every national media outlet wanted to talk to Dominik. And he obliged. It was as if he was the rock star of the NFL the way folks wanted to rub elbows with him.

Joe also tagged Dominik with this moniker because of the way he handled himself on radio and TV. Joe thought he was a natural for network TV at some point because he had smooth answers, anchorman looks and properly coiffed hair.

Well, a little over a year after Dominik took his talents to BSPN, it seems another rock star is on his way to Tampa Bay, specifically, One Buc Palace. Per Woody Cummings of the Tampa Tribune, that next rock star is Jameis Winston.

“I will tell you this guys: Jameis Winston is one entertaining kid,” Cummings told Tom Veit of WHBO-AM 1040. “He has got rock star characteristics. This kid is going to be a star in this league. He is going to be a rock star in this league. He is already a rock star. He knows how to play the media. He knows how to play the fans. He knows how to play the situation. This kid was on it.”

Joe can’t disagree with anything Cummings said. Winston, both on the field and off, has “it.” Charisma just oozes from the guy.

Winston reminds Joe a lot of Magic Johnson. Just a bubbling, over-the-top personality that is nothing but positive and encouraging. He’s like a combination of Chucky (confidence galore and hardly a wallflower) and Gerald McCoy (type-A personality who always has a smile on his face).

Joe is going to enjoy the ride.

55 Responses to “Jameis Winston = “Rock Star””

  1. BucTrooper Says:

    I thought Joe called Mark “rockstar” in the same vein as calling the bald stooge “Curly.”

  2. WalkdaPlank Says:

    I’ll credit Dom with only two things.

    1. Unlike Licht, he was at least decent at trades.

    2. He was good at negotiating contracts, while he had a nasty having of overpaying EVERYBODY, he was good with guaranteed money and clauses.

  3. StPeteBucsFan Says:

    I know I have presented as the old school over the hill guy who doesn’t particularly enjoy trash talking.

    But I don’t mind having fun if it’s not at anybody else’s expense. IE I HATE players standing over another player they’ve just planted. As Paul Brown used to say…act like you’ve been there before.

    But if you’re really just having some fun then I’m down.

    Here is a one of the tracks on my MP 3 that blasts in my ears when I pump iron.
    Bruno Mars and Uptown Funk! And yes I like the lyrics as well as the great rhythm. For those who are unaware….

    Got kiss myself, I’m so pretty
    I’m too hot (hot damn)
    Called a police and a fireman
    I’m too hot (hot damn)
    Make a dragon wanna retire man
    I’m too hot (hot damn)
    Say my name you know who I am
    I’m too hot (hot damn)

    So if he’s having fun I’m with him. If he takes himself too seriously all I can say is he’s wrong! I’m the one who is too hot!!!

  4. 87SizeXLCreamsicle! Says:

    This is something us Noles fans have known for 2 years now. Now it’s time for my Buc brothers to enjoy what we’ve enjoyed.

    Buc fans everywhere will soon realize what all the hype is about. It won’t take all that long either.

    Some may bicker and moan right now, but that will end real soon.

  5. WS99 Says:

    Winner reminds me of Will Smith the actor. Back in the day, early 90s the hip-hop community used to hate on his bubble gum raps. He didn’t fit the mold of what a hip hop artist should be. Today he is one of the top 3 wealthiest hip hop artists of all time. I think Dre and jay have him beat, maybe just Dre.

    Point is you never know what these over-achieving narcissists can accomplish.

  6. MM Says:

    Yawn. If they draft MM, then they will have the real rockstar on the field and not off. JW may be a rockstar in your mind but I see an immature kid who doesn’t get it and is/acts entitled. I have seen it first hand myself as I grew up with an NFL HOF’er and those issues dated all the way back to HS when we played together.

  7. WS99 Says:

    Key words : HOF’er.

  8. Keepitreal Says:

    My cousins a HOF’R. and he said MM can’t hold Jw’s jock.

  9. Tom Edrington Says:

    Might want to rethink calling Jameis a “rock star” after all, consider where Dominik is today…..

  10. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    “WS99 Says:
    April 6th, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    Key words : HOF’er.”

    No doubt! I was like…and?

  11. gotbbucs Says:

    Lord help us if they draft Mariota (wont happen) and we have to endure his press conferences. Kid wouldn’t say sh!t if he had a mouth full of it, kind of like Freeman.

  12. BoJim Says:

    MM. Give up.

  13. BFFL Says:

    I find Winston’s character to not be charismatic but rather irritating similar to Terrell Owens.

  14. Luther Says:

    He does remind me of Magic. I have thought that for some time because he’s such an infectious personality. Magic also lit it up on the court in college and went to so many NBA finals that I laugh when I hear Kobe being compared to him. Obviously, Winston won’t have that kind of impact on a football field but I love guys that keep it positive and matches that with film study and hard work.

    By the way Magic is my favorite athlete of all time.

  15. CalBucsFan Says:

    The Magic Johnson comparison is right on Joe. My wife and I run in to MJ on occasion going to the local Cinepolis Cinema theater here in SoCal and his charisma and smile are as genuine as ever and Jameis certainly seems to have the same kind of persona. Let’s just hope he can have as much of an impact on the Bucs as Magic had for the Lakers!

  16. MM Says:

    BoJim Says:
    April 6th, 2015 at 8:23 pm
    MM. Give up.

    Never. My initials are not JW. Anyone want to talk about that Oregon game again? Mr Fumblrooski….

    The better QB and team won.

  17. The Buc Realist Says:

    Joe, Why no nickname for the way Dominick would fall off the face of the earth during a 3 game losing streak. And with the team he put together, there were losing streaks!!!!!

  18. Keepitreal Says:

    Mm—- that’s why MM had a 23% sack when pressured to JW. And 3 times more fumbles… Lol. Give up MM!

  19. Keepitreal Says:

    JW 11% sack vs pressure.

  20. Iknowmorethanlovie Says:

    At least Winston will be deserving of the nickname

  21. drdneast Says:

    I don’t like to be played and if the Dummy was a Rock Star, he was a one season wonder against the weakest schedule of any NFL team that year.
    Hooo Rah.
    You can’t be great at contracts and overpay players like Quincy Black, Michael Clayton and Mike Williams.
    As far as great at trades, it took a magician to get rid of dead wood like Mike Williams, Dashon Goldson and Mark Barron and get more than a water cooler in return.
    The cap numbers on two of those three players was staggering. The “Rock Star,’ was responsible for both of them.
    The reason he stlll hasn’t gotten a front office job in the NFL is because owners and GM’s look at his body of work over five years and it stinks like Robert 9’s opinions.

  22. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I just hope we realize that Winston will be a rookie on a very bad team….sure, we have Evans, Jackson and Koetter….but lets not set ourselves up for disappointment.
    How ’bout we just stick to all of the other nicknames like “Famous” etc…instead of adding “rock star”….
    After all, many rock stars crashed & burned….Elvis….Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendricks, Janis Joplin….the list goes on an on.
    How about Jameis Christ?…..isn’t that good enough?

  23. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    That’s real talk 87SizeXLcreamsicle,just a matter of time before they all notice for themselves.

  24. Eric Says:

    Jameis became a rock star at FSU at the spring game in 2013.

    He looked like he had been quarterbacking the Noles his whole life.

    Will it all translate to the pros? Who the heck knows. The aforepictured Mr. Dominik can attest there are no guarantees.

    Dang sure looks the part to me. Throw the rock effectively in NFL games snd Tampa will treat him like Pattons army during the liberation of France.

  25. ok Says:

    Dom does not work for BSPN he works espn. unless you are trying to be funny again.

  26. Luther Says:

    @ok…where have you been? You must be new

  27. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    Not just your typical rookie Tampabaybucfan,this young man is special. He has all the tools you guys refer to when referencing what I’m starting think y’all feel like is the god of the QB position Andrew Luck. I also greatly disagree the Bucs are a bad team. Even you can’t help pointing out the many weapons this young man will have at his disposal the minute he walks thru the door. WINSton is lethal accurate couple that with size of his targets no way we don’t put up many points weekend week out. I know I know you’ll talk about the O line,but I’m confident the organization will address that by ensuring the young man has the best line possible inn front of him prior to week one.

  28. Newbucsfan!!! Says:

    The old guard Manning,Brees, and brady are on their way out the door and if this dude can become what a lot of folks think he’ll become. Then the Bucs just won’t have the best QB in their division but the 2nd best QB in the league behind Rodgers.

  29. MM Says:

    Keepitreal Says:
    April 6th, 2015 at 8:52 pm
    Mm—- that’s why MM had a 23% sack when pressured to JW. And 3 times more fumbles… Lol. Give up MM!

    This isnt college son. All those COLLEGE stats dont matter one bit in NFL. Go back to the tape of that Oregon game and let me know who the better QB was that night. Ball control is probably the #1 thing for a rookie NFL QB. The answer lies right there.

  30. Keepitreal Says:

    MM.. Winston was better that game… So said the vast majority of nfl insiders. He’s the pick, get used to it

  31. lurker Says:

    jameis christ rock star

  32. tgreg Says:

    And last year it was oozing from Johnny! Geez How has that worked out?

  33. Brandon Says:

    WalkdaPlank Says:
    April 6th, 2015 at 7:24 pm
    I’ll credit Dom with only two things.

    1. Unlike Licht, he was at least decent at trades.


    Ha ha, you’ve got to be kidding. Kellen WInslow for a 2nd and then paid him top of the line free agent money…despite him being damaged goods? Then a 1st and a 3rd for damaged good Revis…. then paid him more than anybody has paid a CB in the history of the league? Even two years later, nobody not even a healthy Revis can make $16 mil a season. Dominik’s trades were horrible only made to look not as bad by his terrible drafting.

  34. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    @Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun.

    I’d far rather be pleasantly surprised that a rookie could take a 2-14 (bad team)…..to great heights….than to have unmet expectations….
    I simply feel that we have to be realistic with what we are facing….if he excels and the Bucs have an immediate turnaround…..great…..if not, and you are right that he is different & special and we are not a bad team…then another year should do it.

    I’m willing to give him and the team a chance to reasonablly improve…..lets say 7-9 or 8-8…..if you are expecting better than that, you wll likely be disappointed.

  35. Andrew 1 Says:

    The thing is he’s good, and he knows it. It allows him to come off as bubbly and charismatic. I dont know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but the only thing that matters is if he can be a franchise QB. And I think he can.

  36. WalkdaPlank Says:


    I said he was DECENT, not great.

    With Winslow, for all we know Dom would’ve blown that 2nd round pick. Winslow was a ball hog and skipped out on practice, but if not for him we might’ve not had a good season in 2010 and if not for a bad call on WINSLOW the Bucs would’ve made the playoffs.

    The Revis trade was fine! Only 1 high round pick for a future HoF corner? Yeah, he gave him $16 mil, but with NO GUARANTEED MONEY. We took no hit on our cap at all for releasing him (which is what LICHT DID!).

    How about trading back and up and up for Barron, Martin, and especially LAVONTE DAVID?

    Licht has been horrible with trades. I just said Dom was DECENT.

  37. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    He was way too busy trying to be the NFLs version of the New York Yankees Brian Cashman.

  38. I know why Says:

    Hey Buc Realist. When’s the last time Jason “fired” Licht stood up during the season last year in the worst season in over 25 years? He didn’t. GMs try not to talk during the season, that’s the norm. Look around the league, didn’t they teach you anything in “law” or whatever school you went? You continue to amuse me talking past instead of how bad things are now. Goldson probably goes back to the pro bowl and that will be Dominic’s fault just like the stud Revis. So glad we cut him and signed Johnson, Collins and mccown…

  39. Rob Says:

    This is absurd. No one other than Joe refers to Dominik as a rock star.

  40. Pickgrin Says:

    Dominik was never a rock star – just a wanna be GM with a bad eye for talent.

    Winston is the real deal. ‘Famous Jameis’ is perfect. No other nickname required.

    Joe – you’re welcome for the last sentence. Been saying “Draft Winston and enjoy the ride” for awhile now….

  41. Luther Says:

    @Pickgrin I think you got that from me…you’re welcome “Draft Winston and enjoy the ride”

  42. 87SizeXLCreamsicle! Says:

    This is the one we’ve been waiting for all these years.

    Embrace it.

  43. Luther Says:

    @87 I bet you never see that jersey. These guys will slither away and become Jets fans.

  44. I know why Says:

    I can’t wait to see Winston wearing #5….lol

  45. Clint Says:

    Per Peter King MMQB:

    Mariota took more sacks than he should. Mariota was sacked 23 percent of the time he was pressured, the sixth-highest rate among quarterbacks in the draft class. Florida State’s Jameis Winston was sacked only 11.5 percent of his pressured dropbacks, second-best in the class.

  46. Joe Says:


    Sure glad you read Joe. smh

  47. Legarrettes Blunt Says:

    All I have to say is I am so happy “Pop Star” Mark Dominik isn’t our GM now because he has gone on record saying he would pick Mariota. Which would make us stay irrelevant for years to come because of a blown #1 pick. If smiling Licht picks Winston, we are a competitor for the next decade. Not just a regular season competitor too, I mean a post season threat every year. To all those bucs fans moaning that we need MM, please stop that non sense talk. If you know anything about football you would know that JW is a way better quarterback, you can say MM is a better athlete I’ll give you that. But how far does being a good athlete get you in the NFL at qb… (Talking about you RG3). Not to mention everyone knows RG3 was a better prospect than MM. Watch what you wish for buc nation, also realize Winston is the right pick. And get used to it!

  48. OneBuC55 Says:

    @ Legarrettes Blunt

    Preach my brother!

  49. YoungBuc Says:


    get your facts straight, I don’t care for sacks. if you’re worried about that then Big Ben hits the green more than snoop dogg does and he’s won super bowls

    I care more about his interception rating which is what will really lose us the game, He’s not a “rock star” by any means, if he was so good then why was FSU the only undefeated team and barely got into the College playoffs? I mean come on, he threw for 3 TDs and 3 Interceptions against Louisville, if he does the same in the NFL then those 3 TDs wouldn’t have been there.

    Don’t believe the hype, believe in talent. It’s easy for a person to look like a rock star playing against High School teams

  50. JoeLikeToBloeBigBlackMenToe Says:

    Am I the only one that thinks joes porn collection consists of big black men and Marky mark?

    Sad mo fo

  51. JoeLikeToBloeBigBlackMenToe Says:

    Joes a cock star lol little ballz

  52. pick6 Says:

    can we stop using the moniker for Dom now? it lost all relevance within a year of him getting the nickname as the schiano era descended into the 7th ring of hell and took all us fans with it

  53. 87SizeXLCreamsicle! Says:

    Joe’s called him rock star for 2 reasons. Nither of them had to do with talent evaluation or drafting.

    I can’t see why people just can’t except his reasons and move on, but they can’t.

  54. Johnny Dejay Says:

    Dominick is a Pop Star, not a Rock Star. Rock Star is an adjective that means somebody is excellent at their job, and Dominick’s job was to build a lasting contender football team. I don’t think anyone on earth thinks he did anything other than a miserable job of building a football team.

    Pop Stars don’t have to be good singers, they can use lip sync and auto-tune, they just have to look good on stage and on camera. As Joe pointed out, Dominick is good on camera. Ergo, he is a Pop Star, not a Rock Star.

  55. Luther Says:

    @Johnny Dejay some of the worst singers ever were Rock Stars ad some of the best singers ever were Pop Stars…I wouldn’t use singing as a criteria although lots of modern so called stars lip sink and use autotune.