Jackson Signing Opened Door For Nicks, Wright

March 14th, 2012

Two things struck Joe about the introduction of Vincent Jackson, Carl Nicks and Eric Wright as new Bucs players Wednesday:

Both rockstar general manager Mark Dominik and Jackson couldn’t stop smiling.

Dominik sat to his far right at the table. Whenever Jackson spoke, Dominik beamed liked a proud father. That could beĀ because it was Jackson’s signing which opened the door for Wright and Nicks.

When Nicks learned of Jackson’s signing, he admitted it meant the Bucs were serious in trying to turn around the recent (mis)fortunes of the team.

Wright, who Dominik courted last offseason as a free agent, also confessed it helped motivate him to sign. A midnight ride to Tampa to sign his contract and meet his new teammates and the Tampa Bay press aboard a private jet, courtesy of Team Glazer, didn’t dissuade him from signing either.

The barrel-chested Nicks stated he had a nice offer to return to the Saints but the Jackson contract made him stop and think.

In short, Dominik’s sale pitch with Nicks and Wright worked. A thick check from Team Glazer helped.

But it was Jackson’s signature on a Bucs contract that indirectly landed Nicks and Wright.

14 Responses to “Jackson Signing Opened Door For Nicks, Wright”

  1. Brown Bag Says:

    We can thank Rah for something: sloganeering. Dominick is certainly adhering to the philosophy: Next Free Agent Up!

  2. Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Nicks may have also realized the Saints are falling apart with the Bounty Scandal, and decided to get out.
    Plus, he likes Davin Joseph, and the idea of a running back like Legarrett Blount who will punish the other team.

  3. canadianbuc Says:

    No that we have all 3 of these guys maybe that sends a message to Lofton that were serious about winning and we can Sign either him or Tulluch.

  4. Drew Says:

    I woke this morning and thought it was Christmas Day. Thank You to the organization for all the wonderful presents.

  5. Lion Says:

    Not just the bounty scandal, Saints are also in salary cap hell right now and that’s without a long term deal with Brees. Things are looking very nice for the Buc’s in the NFC South.

  6. Lion Says:

    Joe, any word yet on if Faine is going to be cut? I would assume he would after the Nicks signing.

  7. Lion Says:

    These signing also tell a lot about the way players around the league view Freeman as a future star.

  8. Bucsfan47 Says:

    So now all we need is a middle linebacker and move Foster to outside LB. Help at RB either through draft (T. Richardson) or Tolbert or Michael Robinson and then top it off with a Safety (LaRon Landry reuniting with LSU coach?). If we get Tolbert or Robinson, that almost guarantees Mo Claiborne in Pewter and Red.

  9. Bobby Says:

    I remember some people talking about how V-Jax wouldn’t want to come and play for the Bucs because of P.J. Fleck. I still have to chuckle when I think about that. LOL! Money talks in this league and if there was ever any doubt I think Dominik just put that to rest. Schiano represented himself well as a serious coach with serious plans and to land players the caliber of Jackson and Nicks shows me that he has the respect he will need to lead this team. I’m very excited for the future of this franchise in the next few years. We just shortened our turn around time immensely.

  10. Dave Says:

    Yes they need a MLB, but if they don’t get one, I am not dissappointed. It was a great free agency haul and I ma sure there will be a 2-3 more lower level signings for depth.

    If Lofton does not get a 10 million per year deal, the Bucs may not be out of it yet, but it deos not appear to be good.

    Hopefully these signings do make him take a second look.

    Eitehr way: Claiborne, a LB, and a RB in the first 3 rounds of the draft are what is needed next month

  11. K1ngAdroc Says:

    Great job Mark Dominick!!! Jackson signing was the statement the organization needed to make to pull other talent. Now go get us a proven leader on D and we are set for the next 4-5 yrs. GO BUCS!

  12. 941-Bucs Says:

    Where is Thomas and his Domink/Glazer bashing ?

    Maybe he is trying to remove his foot from his mouth so he can talk šŸ™‚ lols j/k Thomas 2.

    I am happy about this. Wright isn’t exactly Carr/Rogers/or Finnegan but he is a quality starter. Mix that with Claiborne, Barber, and Talib ( if he doesn’t get sentenced) That is one hell of a CB group!

    All we really need now is a Veteran MLB. We can get the RB, Safety, and other outside LBer in the Draft.

    Exciting times for Tampa, I also believe after these kind of signings Barber will give it one more go. Who knows anything can happen in the NFL. Tampa very well could position themselves for a Super Bowl run this year! Crazier things have happened. Either way it’s obvious the Glazer are finally serious about winning again!

  13. flmike Says:

    One day we will hopefully look back and saying how VJax was our Reggie White, b/c without Reggie signing in Green Bay they never win a SB.

  14. holymoly Says:

    Good job by the Bucs , Definitely puts a spring in my step .